Blue and White Society

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 – Sword Forging Hammer

Chapter 132 Sword Forging Hammer

202 fully accepts the status of D-class personnel, but the others find it difficult to accept traveling with a containment item.

It’s too scary to think about the head of a containment object who was tyrannical and brutal just now, mixing with their team to join the main force.

“D-202, you just stay here and don’t move around. After we deliver the feed and everything is over, someone will come to inform you to participate in the test.” Mo Poor said, winking at the other two, everyone Withdrew out together.

“Feed? What’s going on?” 202 asked.

Mo Poor briefly explained his mission to show that they had a mission and were temporarily recruited by the Blue and White Society, so they could move freely.

Other D-class personnel are idlers, etc. During the containment breach, don’t run around, just stay in your cell.

If it is really obedient, it should be treated well, like a lawful D-class personnel.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, 202 volunteered and said: “I see, let me help you too.”

Mo Poor hurriedly said: “No need, the rest of the journey is not far away, we can deliver it soon.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the old ghost in the headset say: “Mo Poor, take it! That’s not its cell. If it knows that it’s a containment object, it will go berserk.”

Mo Poor was taken aback for a moment, looked at the cell and thought that was indeed the case.

The entire cell is not a place to live in at all, it is empty, only a few things that look like containment measures, such as the headband on the top of the head that uses the head as a light.

When I edited the data, it didn’t say that it was hung on the roof as a lamp.

That’s all, it’s easy to fool the past, but more importantly, the number of this cell is β-202, and it has already seen it.

If it realizes that this is where it is held, it will immediately feel that it is not a D-class personnel.

“We have a special room for D-202, which is reserved for it. It doesn’t matter if you bring it here, all of us know how to lie to it. Don’t be afraid of it, Moqiong, it is very helpful and even It can help, as long as you really treat it as a D-level personnel, it will not be easy to reveal.” The old ghost said.

“…” Mo Poor understood.

He can’t say that this is the containment room of 202, and if he wants it to stay in one place obediently, he has to take it to the dormitory area of the real D-class personnel, and bring it into the room that has already been prepared for it, not this .

After Mo Qiong said that the journey is not far away, it will be delivered soon.

202 made an opinion: “Don’t underestimate the contents. Listen, based on my experience, first of all, you must restore the power to all the rooms in this corridor, and walk through it section by section. If you rush there rashly, you are likely to be wiped out in an instant. .”

Mo Poor heard this, and immediately went down the steps and said, “You seem to be very experienced, anyway, come with us, I’ll ask the higher-ups.”

As he spoke, he pretended to ask the old ghost, and then said: “Okay, okay…understood.”

“D-202, you also need to participate in the **** mission now, but I am the commander of the temporary team, you have to obey the order, understand?”

202 immediately said: “Yes! I know what to do.”

The four of them had an extra teammate in this way, and they still wanted to kill them on the front foot, and help their containment on the back foot.

Blonde covered his fingers with lingering fear, but he didn’t dare to get angry with the contents. If he said something wrong again, everyone would be ruined.

“Uh…” Xiao Feng hesitated to speak.

Mo Poor knew what he was worried about. Of course it was awkward, but in fact, it was safer to bring 202.

He said: “202 is a veteran D-class personnel, don’t look at it to infiltrate people, but it’s all caused by the containment, isn’t it the same for you?”

Xiao Feng understood what he meant, and knew that the big guys should lie to 202 together, so he also said: “Now restore the power first.”

202’s proposal was adopted by everyone. After all, the power outage has a great impact on the containment measures. It is better to restore it as soon as possible, so as to avoid the chaos of demons.

Otherwise, walking in this passage is dangerous both front and back, and no one can guarantee whether the containment will suddenly fail on the path he walked before.

Still walking over one by one, each one recovering its power, and step by step, so that even if it encounters a contained object, at least it will not be attacked.

I saw the head of 202 floating, opened the closet next to the room, and took out the generator to supply power to the passage and the room.

Without a body, without arms, it uses its teeth, and with only one head, it operates with incomparable flexibility.

Watching a head go up and down, helping everyone restore power to the corridors, everyone realized that as long as it firmly believes that it is an old D-class personnel, then it is safe.

I have to say that this head is too flexible, it can fly at the fastest speed and can even be invisible, like a bullet.

202’s D-class personnel information, it is written that due to the containment, it gradually changed into the current flying headman’s appearance during the experiment. It can fly, penetrate walls, never get tired, and can regenerate at a super speed. It even has an amazing sense of smell, can remember the smell of any creature, and perceive it accordingly.

In other words, the D-class personnel 202 is completely referring to the ability of the containment 202 after going berserk.

It’s just the source, from being a containment object itself, to being affected and distorted by the containment object test.

At the moment it is quite ‘brave’, standing at the front of the team alongside the blonde, who makes it the least likely to die among the crowd.

Fear of death does not mean shrinking, but bravery is brave, let it explore the way and restore the power by itself, but it refuses.

Because it feels that this is no different from sending it to death, it went to do the work alone, what if it died?

I have to say that it really looks like a human being. Aside from this weird shape, it is both brave and life-threatening. Being the first does not mean that it is willing to die. It is a typical contradiction.

You can’t force it, after all, it was threatened by Mo Poor with a gun, not because he was afraid of Mo Poor’s gun, but because he was intimidated by Mo Poor’s righteous aura.

“Boom!” Everyone was walking, seeing that everything was peaceful, when they suddenly heard a muffled sound.

202 immediately said: “Everyone be careful…something is hitting the wall in the room.”

“Come back quickly, I’ll ask what it is!” Mo Poor hurriedly said, glanced at the room number: β-300, and immediately contacted the old ghost.


The blond shot himself without saying a word.

After all, there are lessons learned from before. At that time, Fei Touman wanted to kill him. If Mo Poor hadn’t reacted quickly, he would not have survived so easily.

Raised his hand and collapsed himself, the blond backed away while eating.

At the same time, 202 was also retreating, but its speed surprised everyone, because it retreated tens of meters violently.

“Depend on…”

Seeing 202 hiding far away in one breath, everyone was speechless. They didn’t have the speed to cross tens of meters in an instant.

Obviously a containment is about to break through, and it is only instinctive to take a few steps back. They don’t think they can escape, so it is right to ask the strategy immediately.

But for 202, it can run extremely fast, so there is no need to wait here.

By restoring the power step by step, it is precisely to have a way out, to ensure that no new contents will come out of the back way, so it retreated several corridors in one breath.

“This guy is really fast…” Xiao Feng said softly, but he couldn’t say it was wrong, if he had this speed, he would definitely run away first.

It’s just that he will pull everyone to run together, but 202 can’t. If 202 grabs them with its teeth, they will definitely die. Its teeth have a certain lethality, and 202 knows this.


Suddenly, everyone heard a loud noise.

I saw the wall of the room in front of me suddenly shattered, shattered into… shattered into swords.

The entire wall just disappeared, turning into swords all over the floor. Those swords are of various shapes and sizes, and they are silver-white, as if they were forged from the alloy of the wall.

Just when everyone was astonished, a big black-gray hammer flew out, spun a few times in mid-air, oscillated many sword-shaped airflow fluctuations, and hit the blond-haired sky spirit cap with a whimper.


There was a huge metal impact sound, like the sound of iron forging.

The sound echoed in the corridor, and there were many piercing air currents that sting their skin, shaking everyone’s body. They inhaled those fine sword-shaped air currents in one breath, piercing their respiratory tracts with tingling pain.

The blond hair was hit directly, but nothing happened. This means that it suffered fatal damage. If it hadn’t shot itself down in advance, it might have exploded by now.

Fortunately, Mo Poor’s ability has greatly weakened the shock wave itself, because he can shoot away the air, so that the wave can be offset and disturbed in the convection in the air, but nothing happens.

“It’s staring at me…” Mo Poor’s expression froze, and he saw the big hammer pause for a moment, and then rushed towards him again with a sudden cry.

Mo Poor didn’t have time to think about it, so he raised his gun and shot.

But I saw countless sparks popping out from the hammer. The bullets didn’t hurt the hammer at all, but were bounced away by the hammer instead.

became the small copper swords with many finger lengths flying all over the sky.

(end of this chapter)

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