Blue and White Society

Chapter 193

Chapter 193 – Air Prestige

Chapter 193 Air Prestige

Mo Qiong and You Xin partnered to train for more than half a year, during which Yan Wei, Du Xiaoyu and the others had already gone up the mountain.

But he did not propose to change partners, but continued to train with You Xin.

Because… the skin is strong.

Among all the students here, there is really no one who is as physically fit as You Xin.

In terms of rough skin, thick flesh, and high energy, You Xin is the best.

This allowed Mo Poor to fight, and he could display more skills, and had the most convenient partner to experiment with many inspirations for the use of the air wall.

Yes, You Xin was beaten by Mo Poor again, not to mention winning back, facing Mo Poor in mid-air, he is not as good as on the ground.

At least fight on the ground, Mo Poor was also injured by him, his physical fitness forced Mo Poor to avoid his edge.

But now, in this empty sky, there is only a defensive advantage left.

In his imagination, relying on the use of the air wall to crush the opponent, so that the opponent’s strength cannot be exerted, it is completely reversed.

You Xin was right. Among the various fighting events here, what he learned and practiced in the previous year had a very small impact on the outcome. If the use of the air wall is not as good as that of a human being, then basically you will lose.

It’s not Mo Poor who is sure to lose, but him.

Mo Poor’s use of the air wall is too profound, which in turn prevents him from fully utilizing his strength advantage.

Three-dimensional fighting is fighting in the air. Compared with ground fighting, it is more three-dimensional, because not only can you attack from all directions, but you can also move up and down in depth.

Mo Qiongling Kongxudu was stronger than him, so he was completely unable to fight back.

Facing Mo Qiong, who sometimes glides gracefully, sometimes falls at extreme speed, and sometimes lifts up on the clouds, You Xin can’t catch up at all, and can only be beaten passively in his erratic cruising.

In addition, the fight was still very painful. With the air wall, Mo Poor has more attack methods and is more powerful.

“You really don’t show any sympathy?”

“Don’t slap your face, shit!”


You Xin shouted. When he fell from the cliff, he raised his hand to block Mo Poor’s fist, but unexpectedly, Mo Poor’s punch was aimed at his face, and he changed his move instantly, bypassing the blocking arm, and directly Bang on You Xin’s cheek.

With this punch, there was a burst of air ripples on You Xin’s face instantly, making a dull sound.

“Hiss, you didn’t dodge, your costume skills are getting more and more proficient.” You Xin grinned in pain.

After more than half a year, they have already mastered the Leap of Faith, and even more in-depth usage of prestige.

The so-called prestige is to use the biological field to fix the rigid air wall on the body, or wrap the body parts.

In the Leap of Faith, the air wing is a kind of majestic outfit, but at that time their biological field was still very weak, so they could only be used for gliding.

But as they eat more and more candies, and the biofield is strong enough, there is no need for any wingsuit shape at all, and a rigid air film that covers the hands and feet can be made, relying on the super frictional force on the surface. Can slow down.

Of course, the outside air is too elastic and there is not enough pressure. No matter how strong the one-sided friction of their costumes is, the effect will be mediocre.

Only when you fall down a cliff, with your hands and feet wrapped in air and rubbing against the cliff, can you get the greatest deceleration.

If there is no such leverage point, make one. When there is nothing to rely on at high altitude, anchor the “air cliff” in advance at the passing point of the falling trajectory. It doesn’t need to be too big, just have a thin layer of contact surface. Need a short cut. In this way, they can carry out air climbing in the empty sky with everything to rely on.

And this is just the usage of adjusting body posture in aerial sports warfare. Not to mention the role of Weizhuang in protecting and enhancing the hardness of the body.

At the beginning, their biological field was still very weak, but now after more than half a year of training, the range and strength of the biological field have increased by more than 20 times, and their control has also improved by leaps and bounds.

At this moment, Mo Poor’s fist covered by the majestic costume was no different from an iron fist. When he punched hard, it was like hitting someone with a hammer.

What’s more, You Xin still couldn’t dodge, even if he blocked it, he was forced to be kicked away by Mo Poor’s fist, and he was forced to hit his face.

Just like fighting with a sword, Mo Poor’s mighty fist is a tracking type.

It wasn’t that he bombarded You Xin with a mighty outfit, but that he bombarded You Xin with a mighty outfit, and Mo Poor’s hand was fixed inside, and he was dragged over.

The prestige is driving Mo Poor, and Mo Poor decides the target of the prestige. It is the movement of the body with the breath, and the movement of the breath with the heart.

This kind of fist, as long as Mo Poor thinks about it, no one in this world can avoid it.

Unless the opponent forcibly blocks the mighty outfit until Mo Poor’s sugar is exhausted, the air wall is forcibly canceled.

But even so, the blasted air will still continue to hit the target in the form of air waves before giving up.

Mo Poor’s easy usage is beyond the reach of others, because the air wall is anchored in the biological field, so You Xin and the others usually release their prestige at the moment of contact with each other, on the one hand to save sugar, on the other hand On the one hand, if the prestige wraps the fist all the time, but the operation cannot keep up, if the prestige cannot always follow the fist, it will hinder the power of punching instead.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I lost my back molar again!” You Xin stepped on the cloud a few times, opened the distance, and spit out a tooth.

“Wait a minute, I have another useless trick!” Mo Poor suddenly opened his hands and pointed at him.

“Don’t, don’t, I’ve finished eating candy, let’s do it for today, I admit defeat, I’m going to fill my teeth!” Seeing Mo Poor’s open palm, You Xin said hastily.

He knew that this was Mo Poor’s air cannon, this move was more uncomfortable, and it was harder to dodge than any powerful attack.

Anyway, until now, he had dodged Mo Poor’s fist several times, but he had never dodged Mo Poor’s air cannon.

Mo Poor’s shooting level is well known to everyone. If his physical fitness is the strongest this year, then Mo Poor’s shooting is also of the same status.

Invisible attack, coupled with Mo Poor’s shooting ability, he had no choice but to take this move.

The air cannon was like an air pressure impact, wave after wave came down, and he could only be pressed against the cliff wall by Mo Poor.

Seeing that he gave up so easily, Mo Poor felt helpless: “Well, it doesn’t have much power anyway.”

He stepped forward and handed You Xin a candy, pedaled the air side by side with him, and ran towards the cliff.

After the two reached the top of the mountain, You Xin said: “It’s okay, it’s because you have too high requirements for the air wall. The mighty outfit is infinitely useful, but the strength is flawed. It can block cold weapons, but it can’t be shot Broken? Including the air cannon, if you use flowers, it will also have a miraculous effect in certain situations, and most of the time, it is not as good as a bullet.”

Mo Poor was noncommittal, thinking to himself: That’s because I deliberately didn’t break your defense, and only hit your surface.

But he knew that what You Xin said was right, strength was flawed. He has practiced the air wall hard for more than half a year, and he knows the shortcomings of this feature better than anyone else.

High consumption, low power. Members are more interested in its versatility, it can also fly, and it can be combined with various skills.

is an auxiliary feature, not an output feature.

Take prestige as an example, it is as hard as refined iron, which is naturally powerful, but there are many guns that can penetrate it. The air wall is still there, but the bullet rushed over with great potential energy…

Unless the construction is super thick, but that consumes too much, and it can only be used to save life in certain situations.

Because powerful guns can penetrate it, in order to save consumption, most of the time, the defensive armor is made into a form similar to chain armor, that is, mesh and porous, so that it can still defend against cold armor at a low cost. weapon.

“Although it is not strong enough, as we practice sweetness, the ability of the biological field has been increasing, right? One day it will be so hard that it can resist guns with a thin layer. Not only the surface of the body, but also It can spread out and build a giant aura.” Mo Poor said his thoughts.

Regarding this, You Xin smiled and said, “Brother…you read too many comics.”

“The instructor said that the improvement of the biological field became slower and slower. The fastest time we made progress was in the first three months. Look now, we eat a lot more sugar than before, but the progress is obviously several times slower. Many senior Members also always eat sugar, but the effect is minimal, eating sugar every day throughout the year is not much better.”

“The determination of the contents is sometimes very rigid, and it is not a coincidence. If you say that you can eat sweets and feel sweet, you must not use virtual reality stimulation.”

“And throughout the year, even if we eat every day, how much can we eat? Don’t do other things?”

Mo Poor pursed his lips and shook his head, but there was really nothing he could do.

You Xin said with a smile: “Okay, come with me to fix a tooth, and later I will go racing to the sky, start a three-kilometer air run, a three-kilometer cloud leap, and six hours of aircraft external suspension training…”

p.s: Sorry o(╥﹏╥)o.

(end of this chapter)

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