Blue and White Society

Chapter 196

Chapter 196 – Exercises With A Very High ‘Death Rate’

Chapter 196 “Death rate” extremely high exercise

Mo Qiong and You Xin rushed to the cloud over there, and saw a black shadow in the rolling cloud.

Looking carefully, you can see a big gun protruding from the lowest end of the cloud, and a small half of his head is also outside. It is Alexander.

He was holding a large sniper, prostrated in the clouds, and seemed to be aiming at somewhere on the island.


After the shot was fired, he paused for a while before jumping out from inside.

“Did you hit it?” Mo Poor asked.

“The target on the second floor of the No. 1 training ground was hit from memory. It was separated by two floors of walls. If you hit it or miss it, it’s a bit of luck.” Alexander said.

As soon as the voice fell, he heard his teammates shouting in the headset: “I got it! I got it!”

Alexander smiled and said, “Looks like luck.”

“Excellent.” Mo Poor smiled. This kind of sniping through walls is one of his best shots.

“I heard you were looking for me?” Mo Poor asked.

Alexander nodded and said, “Do you know what to train in the third year?”

“Actual combat?” Mo Poor asked.

“Yes, and it’s an actual containment battle. We directly face the contained objects.” When Alexander spoke, his tone was complicated.

Both Mo Poor and You Xin noticed that although he looked calmer, he clearly felt a heavy burden and pressure.

“Someone sacrificed?” Mo Poor asked.

“That’s not true. At critical times, the instructor and even the mobile team will take action to clear the containment, or tell me how to deal with it.” Alexander said.

Mo Poor and You Xin looked at each other. Since the instructor finally came forward to settle it, and even directly said the countermeasures, it shows that the club knows how to settle it, and the contained objects are still in the containment state.

“The initiative failed?” Mo Poor said.

“That’s right, the contained objects encountered in actual combat are of course contained in the society, but they are unknown to us.” Alexander said.

It’s easy to understand. There must be actual combat. The two years of training have given them the same physical fitness and skills as regular members. What they lack is experience.

Some experience was also taught in the cultural class of the past two years, but it was only on paper after all, and they had to be allowed to actually deal with a few containment incidents.

Otherwise, how can a group of recruits dare to use it directly?

Since it is an exercise-like actual combat, it is natural that we cannot really face the unknown contained objects, otherwise it will be the same as using it directly. The seedlings cultivated by a large amount of resources cannot die so easily in the exercise.

Carefully prepare to release the contained abnormal thing, arrange the entire area, restore the scene when it was contained as much as possible, or simply re-plan and design a scene in the society itself.

It’s like setting up a difficult problem and handing it over to the third-year prep members to deal with, so it’s unknown to them, but it’s safe for the club, they know how to re-contain, and someone can rescue the scene at any time.

“Then why are you so stressed?” Mo Poor asked.

Alexander said: “Because I sacrifice every time…”

Mo Poor was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this should be judged to be a sacrifice, that is, if the instructor did not save the scene, he would have died.

Alexander sighed: “I have experienced six containment missions in half a year, and I have ‘died’ six times. Do you know what this means? It means that if I become a real member of the society and participate in truly unknown containment missions, I’ll just die on the first mission…”

Mo Poor said in shock: “You are the number one of our class.”

This is too surprising. Except for shooting being suppressed by Mo Poong, Alexander is not weaker than him in other aspects, and even slightly stronger than him in some aspects.

He died in actual combat exercises six times in a row. Is it because the mission is too difficult, or is his luck too bad?

Alexander smiled wryly: “The ranking is meaningless. In fact, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Among the six missions, I only died by mistake once, and the remaining five times, I had to die. I will not persist until the end , the mission is likely to fail.”

“This shows that your death is meaningful. Was the mission successful?” Mo Poor asked.

“Four times were successfully contained. I was just a rookie in the team at the beginning. The two failures were due to a major change in the team. Many newcomers came due to lack of experience.” Alexander said.

“Newcomer?” Mo Qiong asked in a daze.

Alexander smiled and said: “During the third year of special training, our original groups were completely broken up, and people from different groups joined together to form actual combat teams. The captain of the team, who is about to enter the third year of actual combat stage, Newcomers’ selection of up-and-comers added.”

“Is there a lot of personnel turnover? Do you have to leave your team after being judged to be sacrificed?” Mo Poor asked.

Alexander shook his head and said, “No, no, no, I’m a ‘sacrifice’, and I will be resurrected next time to participate in a new mission. I don’t need to leave the team. The reason why there is a large turnover of personnel is that people from different groups have different graduation times.”

“However, the ‘task death rate’ of the actual combat exercise is higher than the real situation. On the one hand, we are inexperienced, and on the other hand, the containment items of the exercise are carefully selected, so that we have to sacrifice every time .In a real containment operation, there may be a situation where two members are easily resolved, or a situation where dozens of members are all hanged up and cannot be resolved.”

“The overall death rate in reality is only about half of the drill. After all, it is extremely rare to contain objects that are extremely difficult to contain. It’s just that the upper and lower limits of danger are high. In real reality, any extreme situation may happen.”

Mo Qiong understands, if a bunch of people really die every time, then they still have to use a hammer, and the Blue and White Society has no meaning to exist.

During the exercise, what is experienced is a compromise situation, neither the best nor the worst.

But even so, being judged dead six times, it really has to be stressful.

Now Alexander’s third year of training is halfway through. If it is still like this in the subsequent tasks, then after graduation, the psychological pressure will be even greater.

“Can you tell me about it? To what extent is the actual combat training simulated?” Mo Poor asked.

Alexander Road: “Of course, that’s why I came… let’s land first.”

Seeing a plane descending from a distance, he immediately took the lead and jumped towards the airport.

Why do you always train in this area? Why did Mo Poor know that Alexander must be here as soon as he heard that Alexander was looking for him?

It is precisely because the airport is in the north, and the airlines are familiar. If everyone is tired and wants to go back with less effort, just hang on the plane and catch the wind.

The three of them slanted and slid towards the ground, and the plane landed behind them. They just floated along with the trend, and were sucked on the shell with a bang through the mighty outfit.

The most difficult part is the moment of contact, sliding all the way from the nose to the tail, but it is convenient after that, just climb to a comfortable place, rely on friction to **** yourself, and just go for a ride.

The three of them were lying on one side of the wing, with their backs facing Fengliu, continuing the topic just now.

It’s noisy on the wing, but you can still hear it when you get close and talk loudly.

It’s the newcomer in the cabin, who is dumbfounded from the window: what the hell, there are still tickets for the planes on Extreme Island?

The three hung on the plane, not caring what the people in the plane thought.

I saw Alexander shouting: “In the third year of special training, each team has an average of about ten people, all of which are composed of reserve members. The team I joined was called the Darwin team. At first, the captain was the three groups of students in 2017. I graduated after one mission, and handed over the captain to a member of the fifth group, and then that person led me to four missions and graduated, and handed over the captain to a member of the seventh group.”

“In addition to the captain, everyone else will graduate or finish their studies after three years… Every time a group of people in the team leave, they need to add at least ten people. The captain asked me if I had any recommendations, and I mentioned the two of you. “

Speaking of this, how could Mo Poor not understand that he was going to be picked on.

“Mo Poor, and You Xin, after you finish the exam, you can join my team. The current captain of our Darwin team is the top seven teams in the last year, and there are six senior students in the team… In addition, from the seventy years Until now, the graduation rate of the Darwin team has always been among the top ten in the club…” Alexander said eloquently.

“You guy, I thought you came back to see us, but you were a lobbyist?” You Xin rolled his eyes lying on the plane.

Mo Poor was also a little speechless. Fortunately, he was still worried that Alexander was under too much pressure, so he suddenly gave him Amway when the topic changed.

“Do I have a choice?” Mo Poor asked.

“I’m not going to hide it from you, you two are definitely the target of every team, so you can indeed choose the team in reverse. Think about it, the two of you, plus me and our captain, the Darwin team will gather four teams. The first group is first…” Alexander said.

Mo Poor curled his lips and said, “You said earlier that rankings are meaningless…”

“It’s still… meaningful.” Alexander blinked.

“Okay, don’t talk about the graduation rate with me. There are about ten people in a team, and there are a hundred people in ten teams. What are you talking about the top ten in graduation rate? I’m afraid there are only ten teams in total?” Mo Poor said.

Alexander laughed and said, “Sure enough, I can’t lie to you. In fact, the graduation rate is almost the same for all teams. The key is performance rather than results. Even though I was killed six times, the instructor still spoke highly of me.”

“However, the stronger the teammates, the better. We know each other better, and we don’t need to pick strangers as teammates.”

Mo Qiong smiled and said, “Okay, okay, I promise you. Darwin team, where are you training?”

“Africa.” Alexander Road.

p.s: Sorry, I dreamed that I had two daughters in my dreams at night. I really want a daughter… When I woke up, I suddenly realized that I only had one son. chapter. Tomorrow I will be three more.

(end of this chapter)

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