Blue and White Society

Chapter 205

Chapter 205 – A Thousand Enemy Troops

Chapter 205 A Thousand Enemies

The sudden attack caught them off guard.

But when they heard the instructor growl that this was not an exercise, the well-trained people immediately took up weapons in the plane and prepared to fight.

“Fly over there!” Alexander roared, and at the same time put on his helmet and weapon.

And Mo Poor even jumped out of the plane after getting dressed, grabbed the door with his hands, and hung himself outside the cabin of the plane.

The strong night wind blew his face, leaving ripples, and his hair was tied back by the wind.

Mo Poor leaned against the outer armor of the helicopter, held a huge sniper rifle in his hand, and directly opened the eagle eye to scan the night sky.

At this time, gunshots were heard from all over the Great Duanjian Valley. In the forest under the dark night, behind the rocks, there were flashes of fire.

Undoubtedly, several peripheral personnel who have been following the team, plus the instructors, and others in the Darwin team are all exchanging fire with the enemy army ambushing in the dark.

This sudden change directly destroyed one of their planes, Mike’s life and death were unknown, and the contents fell into a deep valley.

Mo Poor could vaguely see a group of people rushing out of the darkness and heading straight for the containment.

“The people who attacked us were just to grab the containment… and they had been in ambush for a long time.” Mo Poor immediately thought of what happened on the cruise ship on the high seas.


It seems that the helicopter attached to the rear was discovered, and the secret enemy directly sent two rockets towards them.

Different from the performance in the movie, the real rocket is so fast that most people can’t react at all, and they are basically blown up when they hear the sound.

Fortunately, they were far enough away, and Mo Poor was no longer what he used to be.

“Boom! Boom!”

Mo Poor swung his sniper and hit one of them directly, but the other was too late to hit. He raised his palm and propped up the air wall.

That bang sound was the air wall obliquely blocking the rocket.

Being supported by the air wall, the rocket did not hit the plane directly, but turned upwards and missed the plane.

It’s as if… It’s like the football was hit by the goalkeeper and stretched out of the goal crossbar!

Goal line rush!

In the biological field, the air wall is Mo Poor’s hand! It was Mo Poor’s bow, and it was Mo Poor’s tennis racket.

As long as the sugar tube is enough, as long as he can react, this air wall is an absolute defense.

If he wasn’t afraid of shocking the world, he would let the rocket go back and forth.

“Awesome, Mo Poor!” You Xin roared.

Everyone on the helicopter broke out in a cold sweat, they were too nervous just now. They were able to react, but it was difficult to stop the two rockets.

It is the same operation to replace them, but even if the rocket is hit, it must be detonated at a very short distance.

And Mo Poor, he shot the rocket!

The use of the air wall is also extremely subtle. Although they have all trained in the same way, it is not easy to use it to such an extreme in actual combat. In the end, it is very likely that they just used the air wall to resist. It is not like Mo Poor who perfectly made him miss the plane.

If it is a hard resistance, like Mike, at most it will reduce the impact of the explosion. After all, the air wall can’t even block a more powerful bullet, let alone a rocket explosion.

“Stop talking nonsense, our goal is too big, let’s land!” Mo Poor roared, stuffing two sugar pills into his mouth at the same time.

He almost used up the sugar in that blow just now, and he didn’t have time to save at the critical moment. The air wall directly filled more than two feet, which consumed a lot.


During the landing, Mo Qiong Youxin and others were covering with sniper rifles, shooting and killing the enemies they could see.

Especially the place where the rockets were fired before, he paid more attention to it. You Xin even shot two blind shots at the dark place there.

When the helicopter landed beside a river at the bottom of the rift valley, Yi Bo’s voice sounded from Mali: “Everyone, turn on the tactical eyepieces! Everyone discloses their coordinates, fire freely, and don’t hurt your own people.”

The tactical eyepiece is the mask on their helmets. This mask can not only have night vision, but also show the position of their own people.

Within a distance of one kilometer, the friendly person will be displayed on the mask in the form of small green dots. If the distance is close, the friendly person will be surrounded by a green border.

This allows them to completely disperse their operations and involve the enemy in the distribution.

“There are two of us in the high forest, are they the instructors? The five on the front right are Chris and the others…the six next to it are the peripheral personnel.” Mo Poor counted his own people one by one.

You Xin pointed to the side and rear again and said: “There are two other people on the left back, they should also be members of the instructor team, and they are responsible for serving as secret whistle nearby.”

Two chief officers, two teaching assistants, plus their ten interns, and six peripheral personnel. There were 20 of them in total, and among them, Mike didn’t know whether he was alive or dead.

And the enemy they need to face is…

“Hiss! I’m going to Te Niang’s… a division of troops was dispatched to attack us!” You Xin roared and cursed at the street.

“What?” Mo Poor was startled.

His tactical eyepiece is activated, immediately turning on thermal detection.

I saw the mask in front of him, showing another scene, and the heat source of a kilometer nearby appeared.

The obvious human-shaped heat sources are densely packed!

At this moment, in the dark, you can see scarlet at the crash site! And the number is still increasing rapidly, as if people are constantly emerging from the mountain wall.

The wide rift valley is flanked by towering cliffs, the forest is on the cliffs, and there is almost no shelter at the bottom of the rift except for the jagged rocks that can be used as shelters.

“One teacher is an exaggeration, maybe a thousand people.” Mo Poor made a rough estimate.

About 1,000 people is also a lot, and there is a huge gap between them and the number.

“There is no such armed force in Kenya, did they come across the border from Ethiopia?” Yi Bo said in Maili. At this time, he was rushing down from the cliff to support Chris and others who were fighting fiercely at the crash site.

Regarding Yi Bo’s question, everyone could hear a deep voice saying: “Yes, and it is an irregular entry, avoiding our intelligence department. I have been keeping a close eye on them, and noticed that their heat source comes from the mountain. Yes, this is a typical ambush method of the Creator Mission, and the use of non-government forces is also a common method.”

Yi Bo said: “I just discovered their stronghold in Ethiopia yesterday, I haven’t gone to suppress them yet, but they came to rob us first…”

“I only dared to rob us. It should be discovered by our people when they rented Nakuru Park.” That thick voice said.

“It’s okay, Arnold, I’ve already reported it. The superiors are taking the opportunity to raid their stronghold. They have no way to retreat. Here, let’s control the contents first, and then look for opportunities to use missiles to clean up the ground.” Yi Bo calmly said.

Hearing this, Mo Poor was ashamed, no wonder they had to dispatch thousands of people to attack a small team like them.

Think about it carefully, as a designated shelter by the Global Council, military capabilities are supported by countries all over the world, and you can get missile support in any country. If you are too poor to have missiles, air force support is also available.

Unless it is in a busy city, like in this wilderness, air support and satellite strikes from various countries are enough to make any unofficial organization dare not confront the Blue and White Society head-on.

The more uninhabited the place is, the stronger the support from the Lanbai Society will be.

“Instructor! Acho…Acho…” Chris’s voice was heard from Merry, but soon he sneezed too much to speak.

“Hold on, I’ll be there soon…Ah!” Yi Bo said hastily, but he suddenly sneezed as he was talking, obviously also entered the range of effect.

The most anxious battlefield is undoubtedly the plane crash site, and five people including Chris and six peripheral personnel are fighting the enemy in that area.

But there, the danger is not only the enemy, but also a containment object!

Soon about to leave the range, Chris said: “Instructor! One of them saw the characteristics of the containment through our containment measures, rushed into the range and ate the containment!”

“Now he…is invulnerable! Wherever people charge, the domain will be taken! And his other accomplices have dispersed, Mo Poor…headed towards you!”

“Invulnerability?” Mo Qiong said yes, after eating the ball of wool, the body is no longer biomass, but an inexplicable mixture of wool and resin.

Being into this form of life will not be affected by the forced sneezing effect, which means that the effect does not treat the woolly monster as a living thing at all, but in fact it still seems to be alive.

Once a person becomes that kind of thing, it is equivalent to an immortal body, a dead thing, but able to move and think. As long as the ball of yarn is not taken away, even if a lump of dead matter is smashed by bullets, it can still move, just like the catfish whose strength is not reduced at all when it is pierced by two spear guns.

The relationship between the woolly monster and the fur ball it contains is like the Autobot and the fire source. As long as the wool ball is in the body, the wooly monster is immortal, and there is no physical vital point at all. On the other hand, once the ball of yarn is completely separated from that person, that person will undoubtedly die, and instantly change from a ‘living dead thing’ to a normal dead thing.

“Darwin team, you don’t need to worry about this, go and deal with those non-government armed forces, and just stick to it… Besides, Arnold, what the **** are you? Follow me to deal with this guy! It must be reset by force!” Yi Bo roared.

You Xin said in surprise: “Damn, when will the missile support arrive? We have a thousand people here! How can we persist?”

Mo Poor also frowned and said, “Is there not enough bullets…”

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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