Blue and White Society

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 – No Way No Money

Chapter 209 Dead End

“There are still snipers.”

There are too few snipers, they don’t attack Mo Poor, Mo Poor is not very good at finding them from the crowd.

However, after practicing for so long, his shooting ability no longer depends solely on characteristics.

As long as he is shot by a sniper, he can immediately judge the position of the sniper from the direction of the bullet, and then counterattack, pulling out those nails that are slightly threatening to him.

In order to guard against these snipers, Mo Poor consumes a lot of sugar. If there is no air wall to deviate from the trajectory of the bullet, he will definitely be killed by the sniper rifle.

As for jumping around, that’s just misleading.

Occasionally stopped, there were really hidden snipers shooting.

Needless to say, he directly responded with a shot, instantly killing the opponent.

“Pfft!” The bullet pierced through the observation window of the explosion-proof shield in an instant, and the speed did not decrease, and it directly bleeds on the back of the sniper’s neck, instantly ending his life.

“What!” The rebels holding up their shields were frightened, and hurriedly lay down on the ground, trembling.

What kind of marksmanship is this? The bullet just hit the most fragile fiberglass, and after piercing through, it hit the sniper’s neck.

Obviously the observation window and the back of the sniper’s neck are not in a straight line, which means that the bullet slammed after breaking the shield!

Just as he was in a daze, there was a sudden explosion.

The anti-explosion shield was directly hit with a fist-sized explosion opening, and the upper body of the rebel holding the shield was directly blasted, and he was killed by a powerful shot.

I have to say that the tactical eyepiece is quite easy to use and has a certain degree of perspective.

Generally, things that are hot are red, things that are slightly colder are green, and things that are colder are blue. Depending on the heat, the color of the spectrum is also different.

Even if there is a wall, as long as there is a heat source behind the wall, and the wall is not thick enough, or not hot enough, the heat source behind the wall can be seen clearly.

Although he doesn’t know what the opponent looks like, as long as he locks on the heat source and shoots, he will definitely penetrate the barrier in the middle and hit the heat source itself.

“Recently, these six snipers are all hiding under the explosion-proof shields. I don’t know if there are any snipers, um… let’s pierce all the shields.”

Mo Poor held Hei Di in his hand, and fired sniper rifles and pistols at the same time, shooting at all the explosion-proof shields.

There are only so many explosion-proof shields, about 20 sets, and even if they are not snipers, they are also the enemy’s leader.

I saw that the person protected under the explosion-proof shield was killed by a pistol bullet, and at the same time the person holding the shield was shot by a powerful sniper rifle.

Under the terrifying power of Hei Di, the explosion-proof shield often leaves a huge gap, and that position is the place where the pistol bullet forcibly penetrated. With the superposition of these two bullet marks, it looks like there is only one bullet hole from the sniper rifle.

“Good job! Mo Poor.” You Xin’s voice suddenly came from behind.

Mo Poor turned his head, and saw You Xin bringing a large amount of ammunition supplies to him in a circle.

Alexander, You Xin and others, while fighting, searched for the enemy’s corpse on the ground and sent him a lot of ammunition.

With a lot of ammunition, Mo Poor doesn’t need to use a pistol, and only kills some enemies that threaten him and his friendly forces.

Instead, the real siege can begin.

You Xin said: “Mo Poor, the situation has completely turned around. You have involved most of their energy, and their command has become more and more chaotic. Chris and the others are completely left alone.”

“I know, I can see it…” Mo Poor looked down at the ground, so he could naturally see the instructor’s situation.

It can be seen that the instructors smashed and tore the wool monster over and over again, but they always fell short because of the interference of sneezing.

As long as the woolly monster is not taken out of its containment, it can still act with all its strength.

Even if you are beaten out of shape at this moment, you can still walk around freely, pick up the wool residues that have been beaten, torn off, or even destroyed, and wrap them around your body to make a knot…

At this moment, it is really a monster, its body is in disarray, twisted and deformed, like a suture monster.

You Xin said: “The instructor is almost there, and the wool monsters can be cleaned up immediately. He also said that you’d better keep most of them, regardless of life or death.”

“Keep most of it? What if we keep all of it?” Mo Poor said.

“Of course it’s better to keep them all. By the way, it’s even better if there are people alive. You destroy them, and I will go with Alexander to capture the prisoners.” You Xin said.

“No problem!” Mo Poor calculated the sugar pill, and it was enough to keep him fighting in the sky for about five minutes.

You Xin handed the ammunition bag to Mo Poor, looked down at the ground and said, “Eh? Why didn’t they shoot you?”

“Whoever shoots will die. They don’t dare to shoot anymore.” Mo Poor said.

“Really? I’ll try…” You Xin was holding an assault rifle. Seeing that Mo Poor was fighting so hard, he couldn’t help but want to try it too.

I saw that he fired a few shots seriously, most of those shots were by a hair’s breadth, he passed by several enemies and hit the ground, only one shot hit a certain enemy, but only hit the other enemy. on the arm.

Watching Mo Poor, after blowing up all the explosion-proof shields with a sniper rifle, he started to shoot at the ground with an automatic rifle.

Counting the gunshots silently, You Xin saw that Mo Poor almost hit one person with every shot, even if he missed a vital point, he at least injured him.

“Damn it…”

You Xin put down the gun and sighed: “It’s really difficult, forget it, I’ll go down and shoot. If you lack bullets, I’ll pick them up for you.”

“Boss, the snipers died after shooting…” Someone reported.

The tattoo leader was quite depressed when he learned that all the snipers were dead.

He knows that the general situation is over, and the remaining group of rotten fish and shrimps can’t do anything to that evildoer in the sky.

However, he seems to be used to this kind of frustration. Anyway, the most important thing for the religious order is people. As long as they are not wiped out all at once, their people will never die. With the Blue and White Society…they can afford it!

Fail a hundred times, as long as you succeed once, you will earn. Under the mighty power of the Creator, people… are the least valuable.

“Don’t shoot him! He will kill the counterattack first, let’s withdraw!” The tattoo leader had given up hope for the mission and immediately ordered to evacuate.

All the snipers were dead, and the others just counterattacked Mo Poor with their rifles symbolically, but when the bullets reached Mo Poor’s side, they couldn’t even penetrate the air armor, and they were all blocked by the air wall.

Hearing the order at this moment, he immediately ignored Mo Qiong, and while exchanging fire with You Xin and others with all his strength, he withdrew towards the mountain wall.

However, at this moment, powerful bullets continued to rain down from the sky, and the people he brought with him continued to die.

“This is… the latest sniper rifle? Has their weapon power improved again?”

“It’s so powerful. Sure enough, facing the best sniper rifle of the Lanbai Society, our special explosion-proof shield is still too weak. We will never be able to catch up with the Lanbai Society in terms of technology.”

“God, why don’t you give us some knowledge, although you have told us the truth, but the vulgar and shallow truth of science and technology is also of great help to our career…”

Although the tattoo leader doesn’t have a sniper rifle, it doesn’t prevent him from seeing Mo Poor with a scope.

He found that Mo Poor switched to a sniper rifle and fired, and kept shooting at the shield-raisers.

So he hurriedly yelled in Mic: “Throw away the shield quickly! He is only picking on those who raise the shield, run away!”

After shouting this sentence, there were loud noises all around. It was the sound of the rebels holding their shields being directly bombarded.

The head of the tattoo was sweating profusely, looking at the rebels who foolishly raised their shields and followed him to protect him, it was like seeing a ghost.

“Don’t come here!” The tattoo leader rolled over immediately, dodging like a gourd.

Immediately after that, there was a bang, and the rebel who raised the shield was directly bombarded and killed by breaking the shield.

“Follow me, run, only running can save lives!” The tattooed leader shouted, now it is not a question of counterattack, nor a question of missions, but a question of how many can survive.

Because the firepower in the sky has obviously strengthened at this moment, it was still a pistol before, and the sniper rifle only broke the shield.

But now the automatic rifles are firing continuously, and the people around them are constantly falling down, much faster than before!

He looked around and found that the guy in the sky had a very obvious tendency. Before that, he was close to the containment position, then he shot at him, and then he raised his shield.

Now, shoot the helmeted ones first!

Not everyone in a thousand people wears a helmet. Except for the members of their sect, every third person in the rebel army wears a helmet.

I saw that many rebels wearing helmets had their hands and feet broken, and they were lying on the ground struggling and crying.

“Want to catch someone alive? Think wearing a helmet has a higher status?”

The tattoo leader thought to himself, immediately threw away his helmet, and ran with his hair loose.

“Throw away the helmet quickly! Quick!” He reminded several other cult brothers.

For a while, all of them were bareheaded and randomly shot in the rain of bullets.

Random is better than being killed with a tendency.

“No!” The tattooed leader with strong observation ability found that the people who kept falling were all wearing bulletproof combat uniforms.

“Quick! Take off your combat uniform!”

cried the tattooed leader, and stripped off his clothes again, leaving him bare-chested like the lowest rank of young rebels.

But soon, he stopped and stayed where he was with a pale face.

Because the fastest runners were killed right in front of his eyes.

p.s: Sorry. Tomorrow is my birthday and there may only be one chapter. I wish you all a happy Tanabata in advance.

(end of this chapter)

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