Blue and White Society

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 – Pillar Of Creation

Chapter 213 The Stone Pillar of Creation

“Luck, luck… I hit him in several places, looking for a bomb…” Mo Poor said, he heard Yi Bo’s familiar panting speech, and immediately knew that the very skinny instructor had returned, which also meant With the crisis resolved.

Arnold couldn’t laugh or cry, a little confused, but very happy.

It was he who asked Mo Poor to beat him up, try his luck, and see if he could detonate the bomb in advance.

When the other party said that the bomb was specially made, he thought it must be impossible.

I didn’t know that it would be impossible to detonate the bomb, but this random lasing actually blasted the contents out…

You need to know that the ball of yarn is the size of a baby’s fist, it is hidden in a huge monster, and it can be changed at any time.

Xia Jiba was able to hit it after a random shot. This luck is simply extreme.

Everyone reacted and felt that the enemy would not die with peace.

“Luck is also very important. Members who have worked for more than a few years have no luck. If you look carefully at their containment experience, the legendary ones are all the children of destiny.” Yi Bo said with emotion: “Luck and strength are indispensable. If you don’t have enough strength, you won’t be lucky. Mo Poor, just now you hit him with dozens of bullets from such a distance. This marksmanship is absolutely perfect, which greatly increases the chance.”

“His target is so big, it is much easier to hit than before. With my marksmanship, it would be embarrassing to miss!” Mo Poor said deliberately.

Sure enough, Yi Bo laughed and said: “Little devil, don’t be too proud, do you think you are the best marksman in the world? Let me tell you, there are many masters in the club, and you are still far behind. There are people in the club who are blindfolded. Can you shoot and kill twelve mosquitoes in a room by sound?”

Mo Poor hurriedly said: “I can’t do it, I can’t do it… This is too awesome…”

He really can’t do it, blindfolded, how can the sound alone be enough? He really can’t handle hearing and arguing.

Arnold smiled and said, “What? Yi Bo, can you do it?”

“Ahem…all of them are there, immediately take away the living rebels and gather in the forest on the mountain wall within 30 seconds!” Yi Bo ordered with a cough.

Although the tattoo monster is dead, the missile support has been applied for and is on the way.

People didn’t have time to clean up the scene, so they could only retreat and watch a wave of explosions.

“Boom boom boom!”

Everyone stood on the cliff, watching the rift valley being bombarded frantically.

The bombing route starts from the side of the mountain wall, and then blows along a straight line all the way to the opposite side of the rift valley!

After that, there will be continuous bombing within a radius of three kilometers!

The whole process lasted two minutes!

“Did you see anything? Mo Poor.” Yi Bo said.

Mo Poor said: “This bombing method can guarantee that the target will never escape, because the place where the escape will be bombed first.”

Yi Bo said: “Not only that, but without you, I would have kept pestering the first woolly monster until the missile bombed down, because the mountain wall was bombed first, so I would not die. After seeing the explosion, I would still have time to throw it away.” Let him run to a safe height. The opponent will die, and can only wait to be bombed. In the end, none of the more than a thousand people can escape, and they will all be buried in this rift valley!”

Mo Poor nodded. There is only one possibility for Yi Bo to sacrifice himself for this bombing route, that is, when the first missile came down, he happened to be at the bottom of the mountain wall with the enemy, so they could only die together.

But this kind of thing, because Mo Poor has one enemy against a thousand, so that he doesn’t need missiles, it has already been solved.

“The spirit of sacrifice is right, but you have to remember that life is precious, and members should not sacrifice casually. When necessary, I will set an example for you, but never give up the pursuit of life. I don’t want to teach a group of Cowards who only know to die, sometimes the real sacrifice is to live.” Yi Bo said.

This is the end of the matter. Soon after the missile bombing, a group of reinforcements arrived.

Dozens of armed helicopters rushed to the scene, equipped with perfect containment measures for wool balls.

The ball of yarn was bombarded, and nothing happened. Obviously this is an indestructible containment.

However, because it was reset again, the scope was not large. The reinforcements wore protective clothing and entered the bombing site, quickly found it, contained it perfectly, and took it away directly.

This is no longer a drill, the drill was terminated the moment they were attacked. The rest of the work was handed over to the reinforcements, and Darwin’s team followed Yi Bo onto a plane and returned directly to Nairobi.

In this encounter, they wiped out 895 people and captured 109 people.

Our team has reduced staff…one person.

Mike, the plane he was driving was attacked first and was bombarded directly from the sky.

Fortunately, Chris caught him in time, but the explosion and fall almost killed him.

Severe burns all over the body, high paraplegia, multiple comminuted fractures in the body, and a piece of metal fragment piercing the lobe of the lung.

If it wasn’t for his strong physical fitness, and Chris’s highly skilled peripheral personnel who took first aid measures and gave him two consecutive injections of hormones, he might have died.

Although he is not dead yet, the next training can no longer be done.

“Chris, the medical team said that Mike will have to be treated for at least eight months, and it is impossible to return to his original state. In the future, his nervous response will be greatly reduced, and he will no longer be a member of the club.” Yi Bo said.

He is the instructor, so he was the first to hear the news and announced it with regret.

Everyone in the Darwin team couldn’t help sighing. The drill was going well, but suddenly they were attacked. No one expected this kind of thing. It’s fate for Mike to be alive.

Mo Poor frowned and said, “Instructor, what is going on with that religious group?”

Everyone also looked at the instructors. Obviously, it was not the first time Lanbaishe and that group had fought against each other, and the instructors were quite familiar with each other.

Yi Bo said: “Creator Mission, this is what we call them, and they can also be called Gaia Mission, because Gaia is what they call the **** they believe in. Yes, they use the mythical Mother Earth Goddess.” name.”

“They think that God is the incarnation of the earth, the existence that conceived everything, and the origin of all life. They believe that God created man, but man rejected God. Now the whole world does not believe that God created man. They feel it’s a burying of the truth.”

The crowd immediately sneered and said, “I’m really drunk. There are still people who believe in such an outdated idea. In 1859, Darwin published the origin of species, which overturned the explanations of the birth of life in various religions.”

”Bruno, Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Darwin… have already broken the myth step by step, and let human beings…open their eyes.”

Everyone has taken a lot of classes on Extreme Island, including explanations of the code words of the Lanbai Society.

Do you want to pray for God’s salvation? Humans opened their eyes.

There is no doubt that there are supernatural things in this world that cannot explain their origins. Human beings in the past were very ignorant and attributed these extraordinary things to the gods.

Worship the supernatural either passively or actively, and have abnormal beliefs. When facing them, they only know to pray for the salvation of the gods.

Like a child with closed eyes, only endless confusion about things.

In this case, until the birth of scientific values, we can truly analyze, understand and control the objective.

Human beings are the real ones. Open your eyes and look at the world with rational eyes.

This is the superficial meaning of the code word, and the reason why it is the code word of the Lanbai Society lies in the eyes, which are a metaphor for the Lanbai Society.

The logo of the Lanbai Club is the Lanbai Eye, which symbolizes rational wisdom, unremitting responsibilities, and sacrifice to the end.

Before the official establishment of the Blue and White Society, many pioneers had established its ideas. In the end, the establishment of the Blue and White Society was only a matter of course a hundred years ago.

So in the code word, the answer is that human beings opened their eyes, which means: human beings gave birth to Lanbaishe.

Combined with that question, the meaning is: Do human beings need to pray to gods? No, Blue and White Society disagrees.

Everyone knows the origin of the Blue and White Society’s ideology, and in addition to what era it is now, it is natural to sneer at the superstitious ideas of the Gaia Cult.

However, Mo Poor found that Yi Bo didn’t speak, and both he and Arnold remained silent.

“Is there any question? Instructor?” Mo Poor asked.

Yi Bo smiled and said: “It’s nothing. After you graduate and become official members, you can learn some things from your team leader. I won’t talk nonsense…”

“Huh?” Mo Poor frowned.

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, Yi Bo said again: “This sect naturally has something to contain. They have a stone pillar that can create life, and that stone pillar can create people. Provide them with a steady stream of people, because once they are born, they are adults. And the mind is blank, so they can be allowed to implant fanatical beliefs. Just like the guy just now, he may have been conceived by the creation stone pillar.”

“If this is the case, don’t they have countless people who can use them?” Everyone said one after another.

There is no doubt that if they have containment objects that can create humans, they will never lack believers. Manpower is the foundation of everything. With people, as long as we develop well, we can have everything.

“They have never been short of people, so they are always consuming us. As long as they are not completely wiped out, they will never be wiped out. But it is not as good as you think. As far as we know, they often clone people. Obviously that The contents are expensive,” Yi Bo said.

“Because there is a containment that can create humans, is it considered a god? This is too ignorant? Then what is their purpose? Let beliefs spread all over the world and overthrow the theory of evolution?” Chris laughed.

Yi Bo calmly said: “No, their purpose was very clear from the beginning…the reason why they opposed our Blue and White Society is because…they want to save their own gods.”

“What? Save your own god?” Everyone was taken aback.

Then he was surprised: “Ah? That **** really exists?”

Yi Bo said: “Yes, their **** is being taken in by our Blue and White Society… numbered δ-077.”

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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