Blue and White Society

Chapter 215

Chapter 215 – Looking For Chris

Chapter 215 Looking for Chris

Reversing his identity, Chris changed from a containment officer to a passerby who got the containment in a city.

Besides, this passer-by is still ambitious, and the society will give Chris several ambitious goals to accomplish.

Chris must respect his own “personality”, find a way to use the containment to achieve those goals, and truly, selfishly plan for himself.

He will use his ingenuity to study the contents in his hands step by step, and achieve his goal through methods including crime.

Whether this process is carried out directly and arrogantly, or concealed, it is up to Chris to decide how to do it, based on the storage items given to him by the agency.

There is no doubt that even if he respects the character design, Chris must know to keep a low profile.

So on the other hand, what Mo Poor and the others have to face is not a reckless man, but a containment holder who knows how powerful the “special department” is.

If Chris is careful enough, the Darwin team may not even be able to find him at all, not even knowing which city he is doing this mission in.

This kind of situation is not unheard of, Alexander said: “I heard from Chris that when he was still a rookie, the first captain graduation task he experienced was extremely hidden. It took more than a month before they found the captain. , and finally killed him at the cost of three sacrifices…”

Mo Poor asked: “Is the score based on performance?”

Alexander Road: “Yes, no one’s success is the key, so it’s meaningless for us to release water. Instead, we let ourselves lower our evaluation with the instructor. We must go all out to find him, and he must go all out to replace him. In the role of the holder of the containment, to complete his ambitious goal! This confrontation is a training for all of us.”

“For Chris, this training is to let him take the place of our hostile role, think from another standpoint and experience the thinking mode of containing crimes.”

Mo Qiong knows that some of their enemies in the future will be people who commit crimes with contained objects. After experiencing the religious order, he realized more deeply how useful some containment objects are in the hands of humans.

Characteristics are multi-faceted, so human wisdom to use it is often infinitely useful. Just like himself…

The cases of supernatural criminal psychology, they have learned some in the past two years, and now, Chris is going to practice.

Personally substituted into a similar environment, as a person who picked up the containment, to personally think about how to achieve your goals.

“Understood, then you assign tasks, Alexander.” Mo Poor smiled.

Alexander grinned and said, “Okay, I will act as the captain temporarily. Everyone will go back to their respective cities, screen more clues provided by the intelligence department, and exchange more information.”

He can’t have any special arrangements, after all, knowing that the next task will be to find Chris, this is already extra information.

Everyone knows in their hearts that they are looking for someone. Before they really find the clues, they can’t make targeted arrangements.

Mo Poor is in charge of Nairobi and its surrounding towns. For five days in a row, he has been investigating the truth of those abnormal events as usual.

It’s just that he has one more thing to do than others, and that is to throw a hair or kick a pebble when he has nothing to do.

The target is Chris!

When it comes to looking for someone, no matter where Chris goes, Mo Poor can shoot him.

Including makeup disguise, or bionic mask and so on.

Even if Chris is wearing the legendary human skin mask, Mo Poor can still shoot him accurately, because he hits Chris himself, no matter what is covered by the surface is meaningless.

However, there is one exception, that is, Chris’ appearance itself has changed. Whether it is a large-scale disfigurement, a plastic surgery that changes the musculoskeletal structure, or simply using the containment to completely change the image.

This kind of situation will make it impossible for Mo Poor to locate Chris himself.

Because there is no such Chris in the world, only another Chris.

There is no doubt that in this mission, Chris’s gender, race, appearance, and body shape may all be changed…

Some may not have changed, and some may have changed. This is completely unknown.

So when Chris completes his transformation, and Mo Poor shoots him again, there will be…

“The arrow disappeared.”

Mo Poor looked at the pebbles he threw and disappeared out of thin air, and immediately knew that Chris had changed into another look.

“It’s started…”

“Then these incidents have nothing to do with Chris…”

Mo Poor looked at the abnormal event information updated by the intelligence department, and determined Chris’s admission time.

At least every half hour, Mo Poor tracked him down, so Chris completed his transformation within the last half hour.

Then these incidents before the transformation can be ruled out directly, and left to the peripheral personnel to deal with. He only needs to focus on the new abnormal incidents that have appeared from this moment on.

“However, with Chris’ caution, unless the containment is something that makes a lot of noise, it is very likely that he will use it once or twice without leaving any traces at all.”

Mo Poor knew that there was a captain whose mission was so hidden that the team members couldn’t find him for a whole month because the team members of that class trusted the intelligence department too much.

I feel that the captain used the containment, and there must be relevant clues in the abnormal event data updated by the intelligence department.

In fact, it is not the case. There are many peripheral personnel, but not many. Not all intelligence departments in this world will know.

The information in hand is just that the Kenyan intelligence department summarized the abnormal events that were contacted by peripheral personnel or contacted by the police.

It is impossible for the intelligence department to know about the truly hidden incident, otherwise Mo Poor himself would have been discovered long ago.

Chris got the containment in his hand, and he is not familiar with it himself, so he will definitely find a place to test his ability secretly.

This place may be so secret that no second person can see it.

The experiment process may not leave any traces, and will not cause any big movements.

“It would be nice to know how much he’s changed…maybe some traits stayed.”

Mo Poor is still very familiar with Chris in the past three months. We have fought and practiced three missions side by side, and he knows the characteristics of Chris clearly.

Face…has undoubtedly changed, tried just now.

What about the body?

“I remember he was injured on his left shoulder, and there was a purple scar there, which was left by the containment during the previous two exercises.” Mo Poor thought about the details of the scar, completely discarding Chris’s appearance, and only positioned the scar, exhale.

disappeared, and the exhaled breath disappeared in an instant. He put his hand not far from his mouth, and he didn’t feel the breath he exhaled at all.

“Well… the scar is gone, what about the tattoo?” Mo Poor thought about Chris’ tattoo again.

He remembers that tattoo very clearly. It is on the arm and on the back of the waist, especially the one on the back of the waist.

The handwriting is very ugly, but it was a sentence he liked when he was learning Chinese characters, and then he wrote it himself and asked someone to tattoo it on his body.

However, the air that was positioned on this basis still disappeared.

“Ah! Even this is gone. He loves his tattoo so much. This tattoo is on the back of the waist. As long as you don’t take off your shirt, it’s very concealed. Why did you remove it?” Mo Poor pondered.

After thinking for a while, he called the medical team and asked for the medical records of everyone in the previous yarn ball mission.

Chris also entered the field of forced sneezing after being attacked, his throat was injured, and the medical team has a slice of his thyroid cartilage, which is his Adam’s apple.

Because of the last injury, the thyroid cartilage still has traces of film repair after healing, and everyone is different.

Mo Poor directly located Chris’s thyroid cartilage, and he couldn’t believe that he couldn’t be found here.

“Hmm…huh? Where’s the Adam’s apple?”

Mo Poor looked at the palm in front of him, he couldn’t feel the air he exhaled.

“This…he chose the one with the most thorough change…”

Mo Poor was speechless, realizing that Chris may have changed from skin color to race, and even gender, but completely changed his entire body.

That being the case, he’s probably not a black man…nor a man…

p.s: Sorry, I’m so sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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