Blue and White Society

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 – Fighting With Swords

Chapter 24: Sword and Sword

Because he was using a ballpoint pen, Mo Poor decisively chose to stab the opponent’s jaw, and even added a layer of force when he poked the opponent’s jaw.

In this way, he stabbed Zhao Mingjun’s hand and knocked down his knife.

The precision just now is naturally due to the absolute hit characteristic. No matter how Zhao Mingjun dodges his hand, he will never be able to avoid this poke.

Within a square inch, fast and accurate, and with changing moves, there is no way to hide.

This is what Mo Poor thought of as a way to cover up the ballistics of the objects he launches during close combat.

That is, after launching, if you hold it again, it will still maintain the previous strength and go to the previously specified landing point.

As long as you don’t let go, you won’t give new strength and new landing points.

When he was experimenting, Mo Poor used this method to let himself fly with an arrow.

At this moment, in this small-scale fight, using this method to lock the opponent’s attacking hand, it looks like Mo Poor is using a pen to stab the target accurately.

In fact, it is “to control people with the sword”.

It is the sword attacking the target, his hand is just a burden, if he stands still, the sword in his hand will even drag him away…

In this way, as long as Mo Poor complies with the sword in his hand a little bit, it will perfectly cover up the fact that the sword itself is chasing after the target to stab.

All bystanders will feel that it is Mo Poor who is skillfully using the weapon, rather than the weapon driving the arm, or even his whole body.

Because that’s too ridiculous, no one would think of it.

On the contrary, if Mo Poor didn’t do this, the situation just now would be extremely weird.

The ballpoint pen will fly towards the target at a constant speed. When Zhao Mingjun’s hand hides downward, the pen suddenly sinks to pursue, and then Zhao Mingjun’s hand hides upward again, and the tip of the pen will suddenly ignore gravity and fly upward.

With such a tortuous trajectory, others must look stupid?

I’m afraid a fool can see the problem, and then Mo Poor can’t explain it.

But it’s different now, no matter how the pen changes track or direction, Mo Poor’s arm is still connected to it.

In the eyes of others, all the tricks, all the ‘pointing at the vital point’ will be attributed to Mo Poor’s operation.

This method is very suitable for melee combat, where offense is used instead of defense, and the enemy must be saved when attacking.

If attacking where the enemy is most threatening, such as a weapon, or the hand holding the weapon.

Then basically one move can disarm the opponent.

If this is a kind of swordsmanship, then it has three characteristics.

First of all, the swordplay almost certainly means that he stabs the opponent first.

Because it is difficult for the opponent to bypass a stabbing attack that will not slow down no matter how he changes his moves, and will definitely hit his body, and attack his body.

Not to mention changing moves twice, even if changing moves 2,000 times, it will not slow down, it will only go faster.

Unless the opponent’s attack speed crushes Mo Poor, or the weapon advantage is too great.

Secondly, this sword technique is sure to hit, and there is no way to hide.

After all, it is an absolute hit ability, so you can only resist it, or simply destroy his sword, so that you can only be hit by the broken pieces.

Finally, it is ever-changing and flexible.

With the sword in his hand, Mo Poor can give it strength and speed at any time.

Just now, he was just striding forward with a pen in his hand, without thinking hard. Anyway, there is no need to be afraid of missing the stab, the sword will ignore the dragged strength and accept the useful strength.

In this way, it greatly made up for the shortcomings of Mo Poor’s lack of force when he first shot.

After all, it is necessary to throw it out and then hold it in an instant. The initial speed is definitely not very fast, so after holding it and applying more force, the sword can become faster and faster.

Similarly, the weakness of the sword that can only be fast but not slow can also be made up for by Mo Poor’s personal operation.

After all, the sword is in the hand, as long as Mo Poor lets go of his hand, his strength will be refreshed and the ability will be triggered a second time.

The same is true for the point of impact, the sword was still attacking the left hand one second, and the sword may attack the right hand in the next second.

As long as Mo Poor suddenly lets go of his hand and clenches it quickly, and then cooperates with the ‘mind method’, that is, to re-designate the landing point in his mind, he can change the target of the sword anytime and anywhere.

In this way, the sword can be flexible and changeable according to the actual situation.

This sword technique is ever-changing, and there are no actual moves.

Based on this point of view, simply “using the sword to control people” cannot generalize it.

The body moves with the sword, and the sword moves with the heart.

While using the sword to control people, people do not lose control of the sword.

Mo Poor prefers to call it ‘Man and Sword Fighting Together’.

Zhao Mingjun leaned his back against the door, his right hand trembled, and blood was dripping from his tiger’s mouth.

He has been good at fighting since he was a child, and he has been messing around for a long time since he grew up, and he is quite skillful with knives.

Especially, he really saw blood, someone’s life was in his hands, and he didn’t hesitate when he took the knife.

But just like this, Mo Poor was able to accurately capture the trajectory of his swinging the knife, and stab the tiger’s mouth with one stroke, quickly and accurately.

There is no hindrance when changing direction, it is done in one go, and it is natural.

“What a wonderful boy…”

Zhao Mingjun sneered, suddenly jumped up and rushed to the woman beside him, and then pushed her towards Mo Poor.

He wanted to use this to open the door and escape. Anyway, he had already got the money, and he could live anywhere with the money.

Anyway, he didn’t show his face. When the time comes, he will run all the way to the countryside, and then drive overnight to other provinces. He can live for a long time.

Only robbing 20,000 yuan, the police will not engage in card blocking or the like, and then go to other provinces, as long as they live a low-key life, no one will know who he is and what he has done.

However, when Mo Poor saw the woman staggering over, he didn’t catch her as he expected, wasting time.

Instead, he squatted down slightly and supported his stomach with his hands.

Suddenly, the woman fell back and ran into Zhao Mingjun.

Zhao Mingjun staggered, and then saw a ballpoint pen flying towards him, piercing his cheek from the side.

“Ah!” Zhao Mingjun howled.

His head was even driven by this stroke and hit the wall.

To be precise, it was the pen that sank vigorously, hit the mask, and squeezed his head against the wall.

Under this squeeze, I only felt a sharp pain. The ballpoint pen pierced the mask, crushed the skin, pierced the cheek, and finally hit a certain die on the right.

That die was exactly the target of Mo Poor’s flying shot.

Before, he noticed some details of the other party’s teeth. One tooth was particularly conspicuous. It was crooked, black and yellow, and had two cavities.

Aiming at this, the ballpoint pen continuously pierced through the mask, skin, and fascia of flesh and blood, and finally stopped when it hit the teeth.

Because the ballpoint pen is not particularly sharp and the speed is not particularly fast, this process is particularly painful. It is hard to squeeze the flesh before it touches the teeth.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…” Zhao Mingjun stuck a pen in his cheek, which caused him to hop in pain.

However, he was also ruthless. Enduring the pain decisively, he pulled out the pen, and the blood stained the ink and flowed out together.

“Wow…you…you…” Zhao Mingjun couldn’t speak clearly, and stared at Mo Poor fiercely.

After such a delay, Mo Poor had already stepped in front of him and punched hard.


The wound on the cheek was punched, and while screaming in pain, he was involuntarily knocked back.

He staggered four or five steps in a row, without losing his strength, until he hit the dining table, and there was a loud bang.

He sat on the ground, completely dazed, staring blankly at Mo Poor.

This kid is too powerful, isn’t he a martial arts student?

“Tear!” Mo Poor didn’t show any mercy, he caught up with him and stretched out his hand, tearing off his mask.

Being pulled to the wound, Zhao Mingjun grinned in pain.

I saw Mo Poor said: “Huh? You look familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere…”

Zhao Mingjun was taken aback, and thought to himself: I wouldn’t be planted here, would I? No, I can’t be caught.

Based on his past crimes, that must be the death penalty.

He was most afraid of death, no matter what, he didn’t want to be shot.

In order to survive, he roared like a wild beast, and violently slammed into Mo Poor again.

The battle of trapped beasts, this desperado burst out with astonishing power and momentum.

Seeing this, Mo Poor’s body sank slightly, and he stabilized his center of gravity. Then he grabbed Zhao Mingjun’s collar with his left hand, supported his waist with his right hand, spun half a circle, and swung it along.


Zhao Mingjun was thrown out by him in a gesture that seemed like he was pulling a thousand catties.

He bumped his head into the cabinet in the living room, and his head was broken on the spot.

Just kidding, hand to hand?

If it wasn’t for fifty thousand yuan, Mo Qiong would have kicked him into the No. 3 furnace of the crematorium long ago if he met such a heinous person in private.

“I remembered, aren’t you the murderer on the wanted warrant?” Mo Poor looked down at him and said, took out his mobile phone and called the police.

As for Zhao Mingjun, he crouched on the ground in despair, curled up with his head in his arms.

He was thrown twice in a row. He was so painful that he couldn’t stand up, and his head was still dizzy.

Seeing that Mo Poor was calling the police, he let out a roar mixed with murmurs, clamoring that he would kill his family if he dared to call the police, his eyes were still extremely fierce.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will be threatened by this look.

But Mo Poor did not hesitate to call the police and asked the police to come to ‘inspect the goods’ quickly, so that he would not be threatened by the 50,000 yuan walking. This guy should have been shot long ago.

“…yes, that’s the address.”

“Well, send someone quickly, I think he is not just a robber, he seems to be a wanted criminal…”

“I can’t remember the name, but I remember that he was an A-level wanted criminal. The crime seems to be kidnapping and killing, right? Killed six hostages and an accomplice…”

“…Oh, don’t worry about this, I have already subdued it. Yes… Anyway, hurry up, there are still people injured at the scene…”

“Okay, I’ll wait…”

After hanging up the phone, Mo Poor found a stool and sat down. While looking at the seriously injured Zhao Mingjun, he looked at the owner of the house.

“It’s so thrilling…” Mo Poor sighed.

A man and a woman stared blankly at him. The situation was reversed so quickly that they were dumbfounded.

Hearing Mo Poor’s emotion, the man said in his heart: You treat me as blind, God is so thrilling, this is simply a fighter master **** tormenting passers-by.

But he said: “Little brother is too fierce, he has real kung fu!”

Mo Poor said: “It’s okay, by the way, isn’t this really Xiaoxin’s home?”

Both couples were speechless: Who is Xiaoxin? Why do you think this is Xiaoxin’s home?

p.s: Liang Xiao is my favorite protagonist ←←.

(end of this chapter)

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