Blue and White Society

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 – Live Arrow

Chapter 26 Live Arrow

Mo Poor almost single-handedly arrested Zhao Mingjun, and it is normal to be resented.

Being remembered by a criminal with such resentment might cause a timid person to panic, but Mo Poor didn’t fluctuate in his heart.

Because he knew very well that Zhao Mingjun must be sentenced to death.

He specifically checked, and several of the accomplices who committed the crime with Zhao Mingjun before were all sentenced to death and had already been executed.

Zhao Mingjun committed a more serious crime and has no possibility of being released from prison.

The matter was finally resolved satisfactorily. After the police learned about the situation, they greatly appreciated Mo Poor.

“It’s a good job, have you learned Kung Fu?” said an elderly policeman.

“I haven’t learned it seriously. In fact, as long as I am not afraid of him, he is nothing more than that.” Mo Qiong laughed.

The older policeman nodded and said: “That’s right, criminals are also human beings. They have the courage to resist, and the masses can subdue criminals.”

The police are of course happy. Zhao Mingjun is involved in many important cases. As a person on the A-level arrest warrant, being arrested by them is a great achievement, even if they didn’t do anything, they called the police.

As for Mo Poor’s situation, they only thought that after Mo Poor was threatened by Zhao Mingjun with a knife, he fought bravely and finally subdued Zhao Mingjun.

But there is still a question, that is, why Mo Poor is here, especially after knowing that Mo Poor is studying in Yanda.

“You are not from Weifang, right? What are you doing here?” the policeman asked.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “That… I’m here to meet netizens.”

“Netizen?” The policeman was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, the man with the severed finger beside him suddenly said, “Oh! Oh! Is that Xiaoxin?”

Mo Poor smiled and said: “Yes, I met Xiaoxin on the Internet. She said she lives here, and then she hasn’t been online for a long time. I came to find her after thinking about it, but I didn’t expect the address to be wrong…”

The finger-broken man said in the same tone as before: “I’ll just say it! What Xiaoxin are you looking for here, so it’s like this… I would think Xiaoxin was my daughter-in-law’s former nickname…”

“Huh?” Mo Poor and the policeman both looked at the man with the severed finger.

The woman immediately glared at him and said, “What are you talking about?”

The man with the severed finger immediately coughed twice and stopped talking.

But he didn’t know that his reaction was within Mo Poor’s expectation.

Mo Poor has long stated that he is looking for Xiaoxin, and he came here thinking that this is Xiaoxin’s home.

For this reason, the couple were still puzzled, but Mo Poor never explained.

It was waiting for this time to reveal and let them automatically add drama.

Sure enough, after the confusion in his heart was suddenly resolved, the man with severed fingers naturally took over and accepted the answer.

After matching up, the police had no way of doubting Mo Poor’s statement.

Not to mention the fact that this couple cooperates to create an obedient atmosphere, even if the man with severed fingers doesn’t talk to him, the police will not verify whether what Mo Poor said is true.

Isn’t that a pain in the ass? He is not a criminal, and the police can’t care about any netizens.

The cases involved in Zhao Mingjun are also very clear, without any doubts.

As a fugitive, Zhao Mingjun will soon be sent to the city in the south where the crime occurred. The police in Weifang can’t even see the files, so it is impossible for them to really care about this case.

Only the older policeman said casually: “Seeing that netizens are still unreliable, look at even the address is fake.”

Mo Poor smiled and said: “Yes, some people look normal, but who knows who they are?”

Mo Poor followed the police to the police station, registered briefly and then left.

The bounty will take some time to be approved, and it will be sent directly to the Dengzhou Municipal Bureau at that time. Mo Qiong can just collect the money directly from the Dengzhou Municipal Bureau in two days.

“Fifty thousand yuan is considered to be in hand, but the arrest warrant is still not executed.”

“Look at the situation, because I am mainly in Dengzhou, so the bounties I get for the wanted criminals I captured all over the country will eventually be sent to the city bureau of Dengzhou, and then I will collect them.”

“I’ve done a lot, and when the time comes, going to the police station is like withdrawing money from a bank. Are the police crazy?”

Mo Qiong smiled, it’s not worth the money.

He found a restaurant and took out his mobile phone while eating.

Because there will be human damage factors after the GPS arrives at the destination.

So Mo Poor checks the map every once in a while and records the positions of each GPS. In order to prevent the GPS from losing contact after reaching the target point, but it is considered to be broken halfway.

“It’s all stopped…”

Mo Poor sent a total of 32 GPSs. Except for one that disappeared, 17 of the 31 GPSs lost contact.

In the end, there are only fourteen GPS that hit the target and are still ‘alive’.

After removing the four that have already been processed, there are still ten left, and they are all used to find children.

Among them, there are two wealthy families, who are the targets of his decision to receive rewards.

“Let’s deal with those who don’t plan to charge money first.”

Mo Poor changed to another card, and started dialing the numbers of his parents through the data backed up in his phone.

After working for more than half an hour, I conveyed the location clues of the four children to their parents.

“Well… the remaining six are actually in Hefei…”

On the map, there are six GPS locations in Hefei, one of which is in the urban area, and the other five are located in a county.

Comparing the numbers, we can find that the five in the county are all corresponding children, including two from wealthy families, and Mo Poor decided to accept payment.

The one in the urban area is the GPS targeting the Qinliang Changshou Lock.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Mo Poor thought of what this meant.

“These five children, haven’t they been sold…otherwise they wouldn’t be gathered like this.”

“Five children together, could this be the stronghold of a certain trafficking gang?”

Logically speaking, he could return to Dengzhou this afternoon.

However, Mo Qiong resolutely bought a plane ticket to Anhui Province, planning to rush to Hefei overnight.

This trip was not only for getting paid, but also to investigate Qin Liang’s whereabouts.

Hitting the longevity lock does not necessarily mean that Qin Liang was found. You can’t just say that Qin Liang is in a certain place in Hefei.

He had to make sure for himself.

Anyway, he was going to Hefei, so he happened to find the five children by the way, and collect payment from the parents of two of them.

If there really was a den of a trafficking gang there, maybe Qin Liang was also taken away by them.

Longevity is locked in the urban area, maybe they sold this thing and didn’t let it stay with Qin Liang around his neck.

If this is the case, then if you want to know where Qin Liang is going, you have to find this trafficking gang.

“Well… this time tracking Zhao Mingjun exposed a problem. If the target is fleeing, or the hit location is not the target’s stable residence, then the efficiency of my tracking will be very low when the target is moving fast.”

This time, it was determined that Zhao Mingjun would not dare to take the train, but as a trafficking gang, the children in the stronghold came from all over the world, so this was obviously just a transit station or something.

Such an organization must have a large-scale transportation network.

Their mobility must be much higher than that of Zhao Mingjun. If a similar situation occurs and they need to be tracked, just rely on the ‘tracker’ and then pedal a bicycle?

“There needs to be an ‘arrow’ that can move quickly and hit the target. At the same time, the arrow will not arouse suspicion when it hits the target multiple times, or it can hide the GPS.”


Speaking of unsuspected arrows, Mo Poor’s first reaction was that an animal hit a person. Most people would not doubt whether this animal has a ghost.

Crazy, hit by a pig, who would doubt the purpose of the pig?

It’s also like a wasp. After being stung by a wasp, it’s possible that some people would have a ‘surprised look’ and ‘secretly doubt’: Why did this wasp suddenly bump into me? Could it be sent by someone? There must be something strange about this matter, and there must be a big secret hidden behind it.

Mo Poor smiled, unless it was too outrageous, no one would have such suspicions about animals.

Fly a sponge ball, a stone, a log, once is okay, twice will attract attention.

Because a dead object hits the target, it will definitely be judged as man-made.

This is also the reason why he did not use GPS positioning on Zhao Mingjun twice.

But living things are different. If it is an animal that can fly, it will hit anyone it wants.

If you want to blame it, blame the animal. Who would think that it was shot out?

For example, wasps, after hitting the target, the path ends, as long as it is not dead, it can fly away freely.

I was hit by a hornet once, it was a coincidence, I was hit twice, I felt unlucky, I was hit three times, I wondered if I was too fragrant…

Unless there is a corresponding place that raises suspicion, such as smashing a window or dropping a hardtop.

But it’s not a question of whether it’s an animal or not. It’s a strange thing to replace it with anything.

This is also the reason why Mo Poor only seeks people in exchange for the first pot of gold, and does not plan to search for people for a long time.

Searching with absolute hits should be used for treasure hunting rather than people hunting. It should be on the open sea rather than on land with many buildings.

Of course, there must be a very small probability of a particularly strange wall penetration event. After all, even an abducted child cannot be depressed in a secret room.

It can be used to find people, but it is still not suitable after all, and there are potential safety hazards.

“To solve this matter, my funds should be enough…”

“Before that, let’s make do with ‘Living Arrow’.”

The biggest advantage of the live arrow is that no one will be idle to check whether the animal has a GPS, and fly in the air blatantly.

So the live arrow must be bigger than the GPS, which rules out insects in the first place.

Then it has to be an animal that most people don’t cook and eat, which again rules out many birds.

“So, are there any flying mammals left… bats?”

Thinking of this, Mo Poor was a little speechless.

Bats rely on ultrasonic waves to judge things around them. If they are disturbed, it is normal to hit buildings or humans.

From this point of view, it is very suitable for making live arrows.

“Buy a few and try them out. They can be regarded as multiple arrow types. They should be useful.”

p.s: There are many usages of the Living Arrow series, this is just an introduction

(end of this chapter)

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