Blue and White Society

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 – Dream Breaker

Chapter 49 Dream Breaker

The wooden carving is only one palm high, swarthy, and depicts a man with nine snakes growing out of his chin.

The craftsmanship is not refined, many details are blurred, and there is no artistic creativity. It is really not a valuable thing.

If you know its origin, or express a typical artistic style, then it can still fetch 10,000 yuan.

But if you only know that it is an old object hundreds of years ago, but that’s all, maybe it can only sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Appraisal is very important for an antique. If there is no master who can tell its ugly face, there is no place for this thing to be worth a lot of money.

Mo Poor put down the wood carvings, and instead chose among the jewels.

Except for Zhang He and Xiao Kun, the others are not very knowledgeable. When they choose things, they all rely on their eyes and guesses.

For example, some people choose a pearl necklace, thinking that such a large string of pearls, with the same size and bright white color, the price of pearls alone is not cheap.

Some people pay more attention to things like the Jade Buddha. After all, the higher the artistic value of antiques, the more valuable they are. I think this Buddha carving is so good, highlighting the crystallization of ancient art, it must be good.

Some people are interested in royal items such as paperweights, thinking that they must have been used by a certain king, and when they are identified, such things that have been used by famous people will be more valuable.

In short, everyone has their own ideas, and everyone shares them with great interest.

Even if people are all interested in the same item, they will discuss with each other about what to do, give this item to you, and give me that item.

No one would think of taking advantage, everyone is a decent person, and everyone in the family knows each other well.

It’s not interesting to take advantage of this little bit, unless you can take it all by yourself.

But is that possible? What Zhang He discovered, given the distribution as equal as possible, is already very interesting.

Mo Poor is not very good at picking these things, but Zhang He couldn’t bear to pick a few that no one would grab.

Personally went out to help Mo Qiong choose, and asked for two nice jade pendants to stuff in Mo Qiong’s hands.

“You need to choose more of these kinds of inscriptions and patterns, otherwise how will the appraiser judge? The jadeite finger ring without even a seal is basically sold at the price of jadeite.” Zhang He said.

Mo Qiong smiled, not taking it seriously.

“I have made such a trip to the sea, and I have already made a lot of money. These things plus the gold and silver share and the previous 7 million, I can get almost 30 million, right? It is enough for me for a long time, so much How about a few million?”

Zhang He shook his head and said: “With so many millions more, there are naturally millions of uses, and you are too easy to be content.”

Mo Poor said with a smile: “I didn’t have much appetite at first, and it’s not enough to pick up 30 million for nothing, so how can I be satisfied?”

“Yeah, we’re just picking up money this time. The few of us still have to mess with each other, you’re just picking up for nothing.” Zhang He pointed at Mo Qiong and smiled.

Xiao Kun smiled and said: “No, I feel that I have lost too much money. I will auction these things for you, and you all have to give me a commission.”

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, just raise as much as you want.”

“Think about it carefully, you are really the emperor of Europe. Since you got on the ship, our luck has been so good that we have encountered surprises frequently. We have never had such a good thing when we go to sea before. The biggest thing is that we can find pearls in the sea. I’ll give you one. It’s you and Zhang He who found the treasure now, and you’re also lucky in playing cards.” Xiao Kun said.

Mo Poor hurriedly said: “The luckiest thing is to survive, okay, if you didn’t hit me, how could I get on your boat?”

As he said that, he looked at Zhang He and said, “By the way, Zhang He, it’s fine that you discovered these things alone, and everyone just collects the money. You found so many valuable things this time, and in the future, you will find them in the nautical circle.” Here, who doesn’t know you?”

Zhang He was taken aback and said, “This…isn’t it good?”

Mo Qiong said to everyone: “What do you think?”

Everyone looked at each other and said, “It doesn’t matter, we don’t have deep knowledge in the sailing circle, and he is the only one who is a second-year student.”

Xiao Kun also said: “I don’t care about the rest, anyway, my family bought this crown from someone else.”

In the end, everyone unified the caliber and distributed the benefits.

Zhang He earns the most, earns about the same as everyone else, and also earns fame.

Xiao Kun also has a lot. Although he just picked two of the jewelry at random, he got the most precious and priceless treasure.

Among the remaining people, the distribution is basically equal, and it seems that the distribution is almost the same.

However, it was later identified that there must be fewer people and more people, and among them, Mo Qiong must have received the least money.

Except for Zhang He forcing him to give him two nice pieces of jewelry, he picked out the rest.

Including the wood carving, no one bothered to ask for it, and in the end he consciously took it into his pocket.

Everyone saw this, and on the way back, they fully approved his integration into this circle.

In the evening, Mo Poor returned to his guest room, put the wood carving on the head of the bed, and lay down to sleep.

Everyone took note of what they shared, and they all went through Xiaokun’s channel for auction.

As for the wood carving, Xiao Kun said that he didn’t even have the qualifications to enter the auction house, so he could just find an antique shop and sell it.

During his deep sleep, Mo Poong had a rare dream.

He hadn’t had a dream for several days, and this night, he suddenly had a nightmare.

It was on a dark sea, and Mo Poor was immersed in the sea, sinking continuously.

Dreams have no beginning, Mo Poor doesn’t know, and doesn’t think about why he sank in the sea.

He just wants to surface, he just wants to breathe freely, but no, he just keeps sinking.

It seems that a person who cannot extricate himself from the maelstrom is forced to sink into the dark abyss.

Mo Poor struggled desperately, trying to launch something, but he had nothing, only sea water around him.

Even if he controlled the surge of the surrounding sea water, he couldn’t resist this dark force that insisted on dragging him into the abyss.

The depths of the dark seabed are like a huge dark mouth, constantly swallowing Moqiong.

Mo Poor choked on water in pain, mouthful after mouthful, until the last trace of air in his lungs was expelled, filled with seawater, and he was still falling.

He struggled harder and harder, because the pain did not ease at all, but because the deeper he sank, the more terrifying the water pressure became.

The musculoskeletal and internal organs are being crushed forcefully, and fear and despair are tormenting him crazily.

What kind of suffering is it to suffocate for a long time without dying? What kind of torture is it that is enough to crush the iron to exert pressure on the human body, and it will only get worse?

In the dark, he couldn’t see the sea surface at all, and felt that he had fallen to a thousand meters deep in the sea.

He sank so quickly that he couldn’t even sink to the bottom. The deep sea was like an endless abyss, not to mention the bottom of the sea, there wasn’t even a stone.

There are no fish, some seem to be just sea water.

It can only get deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper.

Mo Poor was in so much pain that he couldn’t get any worse, but he couldn’t wish for death. He was struggling frantically, all he wanted was to relieve the pain a little.

Suddenly, a wisp of air suddenly appeared in the deep sea.

The air that suddenly appeared did not exist in the form of bubbles in the sea, but was like a blank space erased with an eraser in the dark background.


Almost at the same time, the entire endless sea shattered.

Mo Poor can be sure that it is a kind of disillusionment, as if the earth fell into a black hole and perished.

Everything suddenly seemed to turn off the screen, fell into a line, and disappeared in an instant.


Mo Poor suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

He breathed in the air greedily, feeling exhausted all over.

Looking at the time, it was still midnight.

“So it was a dream…” Mo Poor lay relaxed on the bed.

“By the way, if I’m dreaming, is there a designated landing point? And I also breathe when I sleep, will the air be shot into the dream?”

Just waking up was still a little dazed, but thinking of this, Mo Poor was completely awake.

He frantically recalled the details of the dream, although everything became blurred, but he still remembered the general things.

“In the illusory dream, real matter appeared, so the whole dream… collapsed?”

“But why do I feel like I’ve been drowning for a long time… Yes, maybe my long time of drowning is just because my brain thinks too fast. In fact, I just had this dream for less than a few seconds.”

Thinking of this, Mo Poor scratched his head, and he realized that he might not have long-term dreams in the future.

Basically, after dreaming for a second or two, the dream will be directly destroyed by exhaling.

Even if you have a long dream, the dream content itself has a long time span.

“Tsk tsk, so that no matter what dream you have in the future, it will be interrupted by yourself.”

“I can’t finish any more dreams…”

(end of this chapter)

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