Blue and White Society

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 – Blue And White Society

Chapter 54 Lanbai Club

In addition to their guests, there are also opera singers, bands, a large number of service personnel and staff on this ship.

Many of the guests were like the actresses just now. Although they were also invited on the surface, they were actually just decorations, in order to prevent the sun from rising and falling on the ship.

There were less than sixty real guests.

Most of them are familiar with each other, and there will be new faces, but not many.

Ever since boarding the boat, Mo Poor has been following Zhang He to identify people.

But secretly, he was also searching for Che Yun with small water droplets.

After eating, chatting, swimming, and playing several places with Zhang He, Mo Poor also passed the direction instructions step by step, getting closer to Che Yun.

“What is this floor for?” Mo Qiong and Zhang He came to the third floor, and he was sure that Che Yun was here.

Zhang He said: “The fitness and bathing center has all the facilities and functions. Do you want to try it?”

“Okay.” Mo Qiong and Zhang He walked into the fitness center.

Sure enough, Che Yun was inside. She was wearing a close-fitting sportswear, doing sit-ups on a handstand.

The exposed arms and lower abdomen show graceful muscle curves, which are not like the muscles of men, but hidden lines, and the abdominal muscles can be seen particularly clearly when exerting force.

A few men next to her were stunned. It seemed that no one thought that her muscles were so well-proportioned, as if she had been exercising regularly.

“Hi! Che Yun.” Zhang He shouted.

Che Yun flipped over from the handstand and jumped down, flicking her high ponytail, her demeanor was a little more refreshing than when she was in the club.

She took the towel handed over by the sparring partner, wiped off her sweat, rubbed her belly, and massaged herself.

“Are you here to exercise too?” Che Yun said, looking behind the two of them, she thought to herself: Fortunately, Lin Yan didn’t come, this guy is too annoying.

Mo Poor smiled slightly. There are not many people in the gym at the moment, so it’s a good time for clichés.

“Yeah, life lies in exercise. Didn’t you bring a bodyguard today?” Mo Poor walked to her side, saw a pusher beside her, so he sat on it and played with it a few times. He couldn’t just stand and talk to her.

When he first pulled hard, he suddenly felt that the weight was too strenuous.

Mo Poor has never had a serious fitness experience. He has muscles from climbing trees, swimming and running since he was a child. Now that he can’t pull the equipment, he thinks his strength is too weak.

So I exerted force suddenly, then quickly let go and held it again, and saw the handle of the equipment slowly moving forward to the point I designated.

“Dang!” The components hanging from behind fell heavily, and were slowly pulled up again.

A sparring partner at the back originally saw that he was going to do this, and wanted to help him reduce the weight, but who knew that Mo Qiong would do it all at once.

While doing it, he was chatting with the beautiful woman next to him in a steady breath.

“This…” The sparring partner looked at the total weight of the components and felt ashamed.

One hundred and twenty kilograms.

Not everyone who has been exercising all the year round can pull this weight, most people only weigh 50 to 60 kilograms.

Looking at Mo Poor’s muscles, it wasn’t surprising that he could pull them, but he was able to talk while pulling them, which really shocked the sparring partner.

Che Yun was drinking water, but she didn’t pay attention to the weight of Mo Poor’s pull. Seeing that he was pulling so easily, she thought that only a few dozen kilograms were hanging behind.

“Bodyguards? I don’t always bring them with me. This cruise ship is very safe, so I won’t take them with me.” Che Yun said, thinking to herself: Most people can’t beat me, so what kind of bodyguard do I need?

Mo Poor smiled and said, “Haha, actually, I don’t think you need bodyguards, most people can’t get close to you, right?”

Che Yun blinked, and said with a smile: “It’s okay, you don’t have to flatter me, I have learned fighting, and you don’t have to be afraid of a few hooligans.”

At the same time, she thought to herself: I can hit ten, will I tell you?

Mo Poor frowned, and said, “Ordinary girls are not so good. A real master can hit ten at a time, and you can hit a few is already very good.”

“Hahaha, maybe, I haven’t played before.” Che Yun covered her mouth and smiled, while thinking to herself: what kind of master is ten, a real master can fight a hundred.

Mo Poor took a deep breath, and asked again: “I don’t know what else do you usually do besides exercising and participating in social activities?”

Che Yun thought for a while and said, “It’s mainly social activities, and I don’t seem to have done anything.”

What she thought in her heart was: always playing with those idlers, collecting abnormal information all day long, and squeezing out time for exercise, so how can there be time for other things?

Mo Poor nodded, secretly thinking that it was so.

For Che Yun, life is work, go out to drink tea and eat, play ball and ride horses, parachute shooting, dance parties and dinners, attend various activities, seemingly leisurely play, but in fact when it is work, most of the fun is deprived.

On the one hand, she maintains the relationship with several circles, and on the other hand, she grasps the news in this circle.

If she sincerely accepts this kind of life, she can still live happily, but unfortunately her heart is not here, she seems to have been trying hard to chase another life but can’t get it.

Mo Poor said: “If you spend most of your time socializing, it’s really tiring. Apart from these, you didn’t do anything else?”

“If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to bear it. I would definitely turn down all activities and do something I want to do quietly. Of course, this is my personal idea. If this is the life you want to live , then pretend I didn’t say it.”

After hearing this, Che Yun stared at Mo Poor in a daze, feeling that what Mo Poor said touched her heart.

No one has ever told her such a thing. All her friends in foreign affairs are trying their best to invite her to participate in this and that.

Where would a young master say like Mo Poor: You shouldn’t accept so many invitations from us, you should go out alone and do something you want to do.

Mo Poor’s words, can you not speak to her heart? Che Yun’s heart is open to Mo Poor. It can be said that no one in this world understands her better than Mo Poor, and understands her thoughts better.

“It’s okay, occasionally I will give myself some time.” Che Yun smiled.

She said in her heart: If you work hard enough now, you will complete the indicators sooner and participate in the regularization assessment…it is worth it.

Mo Qiong understood, and thought to herself that she didn’t have to work so hard. The reason why she didn’t leave herself too much time to frantically collect information was just to become a regular as soon as possible. In fact, this is no different from those office workers who work hard.

“Really? People always have to give themselves a goal, otherwise they will be depressed if they are too idle. Do you have any goals?” Mo Poor asked.

“Is there a goal…not yet.” Che Yun said, but thought in her heart: I will be satisfied if I can become an inmate of the Lanbai Society in this life and carry out truly dangerous containment operations.

As Che Yun’s confidant, Mo Poor chatted with her in a controlled pace.

Talk about what Che Yun likes for a while, and for a while lead the topic to seemingly no problem, but in fact it will cause Che Yun to unconsciously think about the behind-the-scenes organization.

Mo Qiong has a certain degree of relaxation and relaxation, and often makes Che Yun laugh, or expresses the same opinion as Che Yun to the point.

Unknowingly, Che Yun leaked many things.

Che Yun is an intelligence officer of a peripheral organization of the Blue and White Society. The World Environmental Protection Fund managed by her father is one of the invisible capitals of the Blue and White Society.

Her identity is real, and her life is also real, but at the same time she has to shoulder the task of collecting intelligence from various wealthy circles.

There are many peripheral personnel like her, who collect all kinds of information to keep the top informed.

If there are unusual incidents, they must be reported emphatically without delay.

At that time, there will naturally be official personnel to deal with it.

This is the case with Master Yan, but it was not she who reported the abnormality to Master Yan at the beginning, but some other peripheral personnel from Xiagang. When she reported, the Lanbai Society had already controlled the boss.

But because Che Yun has a particularly positive attitude towards participating in such events, she applied to participate.

How many peripheral personnel like this are there. Che Yun herself didn’t know, she didn’t have such a list, and she didn’t even know many official staff.

I only know that many of the people who work for the Blue and White Society do not know that they are working for the Blue and White Society. All walks of life have the tentacles of Lanbai Club, extending to all parts of the world.

There are even two peripheral personnel who have been friends for decades, but they don’t know each other is also a peripheral personnel.

People like Che Yun who clearly know the existence of Lanbai Club and know that it is an organization dealing with supernatural things are already special peripheral personnel, and they belong to one of the reserves who can be promoted and become regulars.

Unfortunately, Che Yun doesn’t know much about this organization. She only knows that it handles a lot of supernatural things. Once she becomes a regular employee, she can often come into contact with supernatural things.

In the unknown corners of the world, facing dangers beyond what ordinary people can accept, and blocking all abnormal influences on human society in the dark, they are the inmates of Lanbai Club as understood by Che Yun.

In this regard, the police, military and other public officials will also participate and cooperate according to the actual situation.

Che Yun longed for that kind of thrilling and mysterious life, so she worked so hard to become a regular, and aimed to join the most exciting containment department.

“Is it really a state agency? The police and the army are sometimes peripheral personnel, but some people know it, and some people don’t know it.”

“Like the police who arrested Master Yan, they only knew that this was an ordinary civil case.”

“However, why is it called the Lanbai Society? Is there any connotation? Maybe this organization is not accessible to ordinary people, so it doesn’t matter what it is called.”

p.s: Sorry, three more tomorrow,

(end of this chapter)

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