Blue and White Society

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 – Cube World Knowledge

Chapter 75 Knowledge of Cube World

Farol is a shrewd person, thinking that this is the God of Creation testing them, and the mage in front of him is the incarnation of God of Creation.

Thinking about it carefully, Mo Poor completely fits all his fantasies about the Creator God.

Resurrect the dead, dominate gods and demons, create the world, use rules, create things out of thin air, and be immune to all damage…

These are beyond common sense.

As the sanctuary, the top human beings chose to enter the portal without hesitation.

Before entering, he asked the people of the Magic Legion to take the flying NPCs back to the capital immediately, tell the king these things, and send the puppets to human countries.

Everyone has tried it and is completely horrified with this magical creation.

Just talk and tell where you want to go, and immediately a griffin will appear out of thin air and carry them to the place where this puppet is.

These griffins seem to be endless, unlimited creation, as many people use it, as many griffins can fly with them.

Moreover…it is invincible, the people riding on these griffins seem to be sheltered by some unimaginable power, and cannot be harmed at all…

It’s not magic at all! It’s all about playing with the rules of the world.

But once you accept this setting, it feels quite exciting.

Riding on a griffin, overlooking the earth, you don’t have to worry about someone sneaking up on you, the God of Creation is protecting them.

Farol, with the eighteen commanders of the Magic Legion, entered the portal first.

Mrs. Sean also brought the whole family and even the whole village to follow.

Their village is too close to the forest. Three days later, the natural disaster invaded, and this place bears the brunt. Naturally, the whole village will go to the new world together.

Mo Poor designated a location, and these people came to the world of MC.


“My God, this world… so easy…”

Everyone opened their mouths wide, looking at the world of MC in horror. They couldn’t help rubbing their eyes, wondering if their eyes were separated by a layer of broken crystals, why the whole world is so… so… indescribable.

The sun, which is not round at all, is shining on the green grassland, and the sharp-edged cattle and sheep are looking for food on the grass, swallowing a piece of turf directly.

That missing divot, boxy, so precise.

After observing the surroundings for a while, it is completely natural scenery, without any trace of civilization.

Except for some common animals and plants, there are only landscapes.

Walking to the beach, you can still see the vast sea, the sea without many waves…

The land is full of jungles and hills.

Walking along, you can also find natural mines, which contain a small amount of various ores.

“Pure world, there seems to be no dangerous creatures here, our family can live and build freely here…”

“It’s just that there are a few animals. If there are too many of us, we will eat them all soon.”

Not far away, there are dozens of puppets like the griffins created before. In the past dialogue, you can buy all kinds of potions, food, clothes, equipment…

Just like the puppet that created the griffin, a small amount of gold and silver is required to create these equipment potions.

As if to create things, these gold and silver will disappear from them out of thin air, and then become what they buy.

“Oops, we didn’t bring much money.”

“These should be needed when there are too many people in the future. We all have the equipment, and we can be self-sufficient by directly developing here.”

“But these majors seem to be very useful…”

Trainer NPCs have various life skills such as alchemy, mining, skinning, cooking, and enchanting.

Spend a sum of money, you can learn immediately.

“I don’t know when the experience will start, Mrs. Sean, do we want it too?” Some villagers asked nervously.

They know that training is very dangerous. As ordinary people, they never thought about the way to become a god, but the gods and demons not far away are too terrifying, so they follow Mrs. Sean regardless.

Ms. Sean said: “Everyone who lives here must have at least one person in their family to participate in the experience of becoming a god…”

“Although I don’t know when it will start, I think about it quickly. After all, natural disasters will invade in three days. You must choose who will go to the family as soon as possible, otherwise you will definitely be expelled from this world.”

“Now…don’t be idle, everyone, immediately cut down trees to build houses and prepare food.”

As the wife of the lord of the villagers and the first person to contact the Creator God, what she said at this moment is extremely important.

Even Farol and other members of the Magic Legion did not object to her giving orders at this moment.

As the number of people here increases in the future, resource allocation will definitely be tense, and they, the first batch of residents, will naturally have to gain a firm foothold in advance.

As expected, if Sean is not dead, Mrs. Sean will have more and more right to speak in the future.

Soon, the warriors took their weapons to cut down the trees, and the mages surrounded the puppets to study those things.

“My God! What’s wrong with this tree?”

After cutting down a tree easily, the trunk was broken into several pieces and fell to the ground, while the branches and leaves were still floating in the air…as if the trunk had not been cut down.

This supernatural scene made the mages look sideways and rushed over to check it out.

“Why is this? Master Mage? Could it be that magical power is lifting these square leaves?” the warrior asked.

The mage studied for a while, the creases on his face trembling.

“Uh… this… magic illusion? Actually the trunk was not cut down, these pieces of wood are fake…” a mage tried to explain.

However, Farroll picked up a wooden block and said: “Don’t explain indiscriminately! This is not magic, this is the rule of another world!”

The mage next to him was ashamed immediately, he was indeed explaining forcibly.

Farol floated up and hit the branches a few times, knocking them out immediately, but some of them fell out of the tree species.

“Some rules in this world are different from ours. Don’t look at it with old eyes. Here, the trunk is the trunk, the branches are the branches, and the branches grow in the air. Cutting the trunk doesn’t make the branches fall. You have to remember this!”

“Yes…” the mages said in a daze.

As a sanctuary, Farol’s ability to accept is much higher. He looked at the world with bright eyes, and said: “Continue, our ancestors learned and summed up magic from nature. There is a completely different nature here. We have to learn to use them…”

Everyone said they were educated and continued to work.

They burn wood to get some charcoal, and they chip wood to get various wooden tools.

Including wooden barrels, wood can be used to hold water, and small pieces can be made into jars and bowls.

There are no wooden barrels in the MC world, but they are made as living people, which is equivalent to adding a ‘new item’ to the world.

Everyone was busy building the camp, some locked up pigs, cattle and sheep, and some went to the sea to fish.

There are only so many animals for the time being, what will people eat after eating them? So they hope to catch fish.

However, after searching in the water for a long time, I couldn’t find a single fish, only various cuttlefish and other animals.

“Let’s catch this cuttlefish!” A villager made a fishing net and caught fish by the sea.

But the cuttlefish soon became alarmed and dived so deep that it was out of sight.

The villagers did not dare to swim into the deep sea, so they had no choice but to close the net.

”The ship must be built first, but if it is at the seaside, it is impossible to salvage there…”

“Uh… what’s this?”

Several villagers were startled, only to see a salmon in the fishing net.

“Wait a minute! Where did this fish come from?” A few villagers were not blind. They saw that there were no fish at all on the beach, and the fishing net just fished around in the clear water, and unexpectedly caught a fish?

They hurriedly reported the matter to the mages, and Farol hurriedly led the crowd here again.

“Continue to salvage!” Farrell said.

The villagers hurriedly followed suit, but this time there were no fish again.

A mage said coldly: “Do you know the price of deceiving a mage?”

“Really! We didn’t lie, this fish was really fished out of clear water!” The villagers said nervously.

“Stupid, how can fish appear in clear water?” said the mage.

However, Farroll said: “Try again, using the way you salvaged before.”

The villagers continued to do the same, completely copying the way of casting the net before, thinking about fishing. After a while, the net seemed to sink, and they hurriedly pulled it out.

I saw a fish in the net…

“Hiss…” The mage’s eyes almost popped out.

Fishing fish in clear water, you can actually fish in clear water!

“How is it possible!” The mage flew up under the control of a piece of sea water, and checked carefully, there was no fish in it at all.

At this time, Farroll said: “Go on! Just fish from this piece of water!”

The small lake controlled by the mage was floating in the air. The villagers obeyed and threw the net into the water in the air. After a while, a fish was pulled out.

“…” In front of the mages, this fish simply appeared out of thin air.

“This, this, this…” The mage was shaken, staggered a few steps, and lost control of his spells. The piece of sea water fell on the grass, and immediately formed a small arched pond.

It spreads out small streams in four directions.

The stream is endless, no matter how it flows, the pool of water in the center shows no signs of drying up.

“No…infinite elements?” The mages knelt directly on the ground, tremblingly looking at the water that didn’t flow dry.

Farol also took a breath, and immediately fished another piece of water from the sea and placed it on land.

After the water pool is formed, the same is true. The four-square spring in the center is like an infinite water element gem, which is continuously producing water in four directions.

“This is the creation element! This is definitely the creation element! This is the water in the creation element! My God, this entire sea is the creation element sea!”

“Where there is water, there is fire. Maybe there are four infinite elements here…”

“There is also this fishing out of thin air, all kinds of strange things, this world is simply playing with the rules!” The mages went crazy.

Farroll said: “No, this is not playing with the rules, this is creating the rules. Our world is only one form of creation, and here is another form. If we were born from the beginning Here, then we will regard the rules of this world as normal, and be amazed at the previous world, why is it so strange…”

“As expected of the world created by the God of Creation, there are world rules beyond our imagination.”

“Our ancestors learned magic from nature.”

“If you can make use of the rules here, you may be able to summarize a completely different system. Calling it magic is no longer appropriate. Perhaps, it can be called ‘fangxue’.”

“The person who masters the science of this cube world and uses the power of nature is an alchemist.”

p.s: Sorry, the editor explained to me that it will be on the shelves tomorrow, and I was stunned. I plan to use two days to transfer the plot back to the main line. I will definitely write it for Lanbai Society. If it is still blocked, then this book may be useless. You should be mentally prepared, I have already prepared for the worst , but it should be possible to downplay the domestic drama, and it may hardly write domestic plots in the future.

(end of this chapter)

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