Blue and White Society

Chapter 752

Chapter 752 – Survival

Chapter 752 Desperate Survival

“He still has a way out, only one.”

Kelong closed his eyes and said, “But even I thought about that chance for a while before thinking about it.”

“It’s difficult for Mo Poor to choose the landing point at the moment of life and death. It can even be said to be negligible. It requires the amazing ability to grasp vitality when he is dying.”

Che Yun’s eyes trembled slightly, she hadn’t thought of it until now…

If it were her position in Mo Poor, she would be dead.

What is the ability to grasp vitality when dying? When some people are dying, their brains go blank, or they are very flustered.

And some people, the closer they are to death, the stronger their terrifying survival instinct, the more they can instantly see the only bright spot of life in the endless darkness.

Most of the Lanbai Society is the latter, but there are also differences in degree. The more remote the situation, the stronger the instinct can only survive.

“Wade, have you thought about it?” Kelong said.

Wade still stood by, and Kelon trusted him.

However, Wade shook his head and said: “No… teleportation is not possible, and it is not possible without teleportation. What should I do?”

Kelong smiled weakly: “There is no one in a million people who can think of it.”

Wade scratched his head, obviously he wasn’t one in a million. As for Che Yun, there is no need to ask, even Kelong told her the theoretical method.

The so-called theoretical fastest way to get out of the mantle is of course teleportation.

As long as Mo Poor remembers a certain eligible place in his past life experience, such as in a small jar in Diaoyu City.

Then at the critical moment, Mo Poor could shoot blood into it.

But who knows about this kind of place except him? Is it necessary to break all the small seals? Some are loaded with very important things.

Wait for the Lanbai Society to find all of them, and the corpse can be collected directly. When the lid is opened, a ball of natural gas swells out, which is part of Mo Poor’s corpse.

One minute, there is no news of Mo Poor within one minute, and he can be declared dead.

Kelong unfolded the best room in his thoughts, and then said: “Polo is probably the only person I know who can find the only way to survive at the moment of life and death.”


Wade and Che Yun stared wide-eyed, this is the name of the fifth generation president.

Undoubtedly, he was the most talented president in history, a legend of the era. Although he died within a year of his reign, he housed countless terrifying creatures, including Zerg, and led mankind through the most difficult time. a period of time.

Could it be said that if Mo Poor can survive this life-and-death situation, his ability to survive in a desperate situation is comparable to that of the fifth-generation president?

Wisdom, perseverance, trust, luck and other potentials are all at the same level as Polo?


The longitudinal waves of the earthquake have already shaken the deep sea prison.

Kelong opened his eyes and said: “Che Yun, you can almost feel that Mo Qiong is gone, if he chooses the right one.”

Che Yun hurriedly tried her best to feel the soul mate who was born the same as her thinking channel.

“Mo Qiong! Mo Qiong! You must survive!”

Che Yun is both looking forward to and worried.

After all, the way out is too slim. After thinking about it so much, I finally realized that it is actually a dead end. True survival is no fluke.

Delta-level Wade couldn’t think of it, Che Yun couldn’t think of it, and even Kelong thought about it for more than ten seconds before thinking about it.

One can imagine how difficult it would be to realize the real way out at that moment.

“Mo Qiong! Mo Qiong! Mo Qiong!” Che Yun called eagerly.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling appeared in consciousness.


Che Yun was shocked all over, the feeling as if she had been connected to something, it was true, Mo Poor’s consciousness recovered!


Che Yun almost jumped up, but wanted to laugh and tell everyone, but soon a kind of extremely depressive pain hit.

Not high pressure, but low pressure!

It seems that the body is about to expand, and at the same time there is a sense of suffocation!

Mo Poor’s environment is not good!

“Mo Poor! That’s great, you’re still alive!” Of course Che Yun could bear this level of pain, she cried with joy.

Then, the suffocation disappeared first. Obviously, Mo Poor managed to trigger the deep diver effect after waking up, eliminating the need for oxygen.

Mo Poor thought: “Well, I’m still alive.”

Che Yun felt that he was a little cold, obviously consumed too much happiness, and was a little depressed.

“How are you doing now? Where are you? My God! How did you survive!” Che Yun said excitedly.

Mo Poor said: “I’m in space…I’m at the end, shooting myself into the sun.”

“Sun?” Che Yun opened his mouth wide, thinking how he survived.

There is no teleportation point for Mo Poor to survive teleportation, so he can only choose to shoot directly.

And the direct shot was too slow. At that time, Mo Poor had no chance to accelerate the blood, and could only rely on the speed at which the blood sprayed out by itself.

With this speed, if the landing point is anywhere on the surface, he will be dead, the funeral is over, and the blood may not even come up.

So, Mo Poor can only rely on another kind of acceleration: inertial system migration.

Under different inertial systems, the observed relative speeds are different.

Maybe the speed of the arrow has not increased, but the launch point is rapidly moving away from it.

He knew this method, but he rarely used it, almost never used it.

But at the moment of life and death, when he was supposed to be dying of despair, he thought of this method.

I thought of it instinctively, because it was the first time in his life that he used his own characteristics, and it was so accelerated…

Shoot the sun!

“The reason why my Arrow of the Sun was still following the inertial revolution of the earth in the early days of discovery was because it was September, and the orbit of the earth was relatively stable, and it was even getting closer to the sun, so it would stay there for a long time. In the atmosphere.”

“Fortunately, it is now May, and the earth is at the peak stage of expanding to the aphelion, and its speed away from the sun is the greatest. In this case, my arrow will ignore the earth, because the earth is either gravitational or inertial, are dragging it to the sun.”

“So when the landing point was set on the sun, my blood directly rushed out of the earth…at least at a speed of 30 kilometers per second, and now…maybe tens of thousands of kilometers away…”

After hearing Mo Poor’s words, Che Yun was dumbfounded.

It can still accelerate so much… Mo Poor’s blood didn’t fly faster, it just abandoned the earth under the inertial system targeting the sun.

The speed at which the earth moves away from the arrow is at least the revolution speed, at least!

Because the earth is still moving away from the sun at the same time.

In May, the earth is sliding towards the aphelion of the arc peak of the elliptical orbit, so if we only compare the earth and Qi and blood, the speed of Qi and blood moving away from the earth is faster than the revolution speed of the earth.

Under desperation, Mo Poor took advantage of the opportunity when the earth was running towards the aphelion, and quickly threw his blood out of the earth!

Because the sun is too far away, it will take a long time to fly, and it will not automatically disperse after hitting.

Che Yun was stunned, and said in horror: “Did you think it was May?”

Mo Poor chuckled, his depressed mood improved, and he said, “Where is the time? I made a choice almost instinctively. I will die if I teleport, and my blood will swell. So I can only shoot directly, and I tried my best.” A way to get the blood gas away from the mantle faster.”

“So I instinctively chose the sun, to be precise, the blue and white satellite near the sun.”

“Because I don’t remember what the sun looks like now, lol.”

“It was only after I recovered that I realized that it was May. Now that I think about it, I’m still scared. If it’s not May, but early July, I’m dead. Even July, August, and September , October, November, and December, I will die!”

Che Yun gasped. Calmness, wit, perseverance and luck are indispensable.

Earth reaches the aphelion at the beginning of July, after that it is impossible to move away from the sun, and it will only get closer and closer.

So the Arrow of the Sun will not abandon the inertia of the earth, because the inertia of the earth is helping it approach the sun.

At that time, the blood that Mo Poor shoots out will stay in the mantle until he dies.

This trick is useless in the second half of the year. It only works between January and July, and May and June are the best months.

Even if all this is exhausted, if Kelong didn’t assume that he found a way to survive, and then used nuclear bombs to bomb most of the molecules in the mantle that were trying to aggregate into biomass.

Then all the tenacity and hard work above are in vain.

Kelong sat weakly on the chair, closed Best’s room with thoughts, and said, “Mo Poor, come back, I have something to tell you.”

Although Mo Poor survived, the time for this great arbitrator is running out.

p.s: Sorry, don’t blame me for writing so detailed.

(end of this chapter)

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