Blue and White Society

Chapter 755

Chapter 755 – Ultimate Containment Procedures

Chapter 755 Ultimate Containment Procedures

The fifth element has already been stripped from the captive ether’s head, which is actually his pineal gland, and the two are integrated into one.

Eating the pineal gland is equivalent to the fusion of the fifth element, and the soul is immortal immediately.

If there is no child, this kind of immortality is extremely terrifying and cannot be reincarnated, which means that the mind will experience endless suffering beyond the limits of the senses in the ultimate sobriety.

The corpse is completely decomposed by bacteria colonies and maggots, digested by insects, and even swallowed by higher predators, until the extinction of human beings, until the destruction of the earth, until the disappearance of the sun, until the death of the universe.

The particles from the dead body of the immortal will forever convey to the immortal all the experiences of thousands of years, ten thousand years, and hundreds of millions of years.

Eternal is a terrible word. Once any state is called eternal, it is an unimaginable experience.

Just trying to figure out that kind of despair in the imaginable field is enough to crush the strongest human beings.

Kelong mentioned several times that he wanted to try to become an immortal.

Of course it’s not that he’s crazy, and it’s not that he wants to live forever. Kelong, who has already used the golden apple, will definitely die. Even if he becomes an immortal, it is impossible to still live in the material world.

It can be said that becoming an immortal when the golden apple is about to obliterate him is tantamount to directly experiencing the most terrible consequences of an immortal.

However, by doing this, he just wanted to continue the root perception state forever and attack the realm of heavenly ghosts.

This possibility is too illusory, and other major arbitrations do not agree at all.

But Kelong was not reconciled. At this moment, he proposed to ask Mo Poor to help him steal it. In the last time of his life, he would directly transform himself into an immortal.

“Why bother? Once you become an immortal, there is no medicine for regret.” Mo Poor said sadly.

Kelong smiled and said: “But if we become a sky ghost, maybe we can end the era of containment.”

Mo Poor said solemnly: “I have never believed in ghosts. This is simply a level conceived by Mozi. The rules and settings of everything can be tampered with just by thinking. How is this possible?”

“Ten thousand steps back, even if there is a ghost, I don’t believe that the root perception can make people reach that level. The root perception has always been to let people know some silent messages. Why can the perception break through the limit? Can you directly observe and distort the root of the universe?”

Kelong said: “Actually, I don’t believe it…well, I believe it a little bit.”

“Then you still…” Mo Poor said puzzled.

Kelong smiled and said: “The sky ghost is just the highest pursuit, and I’m already mentally prepared that I won’t be able to become a sky ghost. But besides that, I have the second best goal.”

“The second best goal?” Mo Qiong was stunned, if not for the ghost, what else?

Kelong said seriously: “Listen, what I’m going to say next is top secret.”

Mo Poor’s expression froze, he didn’t know why Kelong told him this, just listen carefully.

Ke Long said with a smile: “The period of the second-generation president was the most difficult period for the Blue and White Club. In the case of the world’s enemies, even if you have the consciousness to become the biggest criminal in the history of mankind, it is impossible to say that you can rise up .”

Mo Poor nodded, and he always wanted to ask, even in such a desperate situation, how did the second-generation president with only a dozen people revitalize the Blue and White Club?

Kelong recalled: “My teacher once told me that the second-generation president inadvertently came into contact with an almost omniscient contained object. Every once in a while, he can communicate with it for a while, only for a short period of time. And often ignore people for a year or two. But once it answers the user, it can answer almost any question.”

“Most of what he said has been proven to be completely correct. Including the characteristics of the Omega-level containment, everything he said was accurate. Later, the second generation even directly asked the containment measures of a containment. What it is, has been answered.”

“It’s almost like God.”

Mo Poor was stunned, knowing directly the weakness of the contained object, or the possible containment method, this is great!

Even if it can only be used once for a long time, as long as it is used on the blade to suppress one or two Delta and Omega-level containment objects, it will be of infinite merit and the effect will be against the sky.

Even that thing should be able to answer, at this moment, where is an undiscovered, extremely dangerous containment.

Then the second-generation president was able to rush over to solve it.

All of these, it can be said that after suppressing or destroying several powerful containment objects, the desperate situation of the Lanbai Society was immediately reversed, not only the promotion of reputation.

Because of the world-destroying containment, countries no longer dare to directly bomb the Blue and White Society with weapons of mass destruction.

In this way, there is a lot of room for relaxation, and the situation that the society may be destroyed at any time is freed, and this is the capital that will be slowly revitalized later.

Otherwise, once the base of the Lanbai Society is discovered, the army will directly drive over and destroy it as a terrorist organization. He wanted to take him in to save people, but he was regarded as having bad intentions and was hunted down by the authorities everywhere. That was a dead end.

Mo Poor said in shock: “There is still this kind of containment? This is more powerful than a golden apple. What is the price? What is it like?”

Kelong smiled bitterly: “I don’t know… The second-generation president is very afraid of that contained object, and keeps secrets about many things about it, and we don’t even know what it looks like.”

“We only know that after the death of the second generation, it was hidden in the office, and we were told not to look for it unless we were in desperate situation, and we were only allowed to ask for information that would help the current containment crisis. If it says something that is not related to the current crisis about it, don’t believe it.”

“That is to say, let us only use that thing as a containment property detector, and don’t ask or believe any other questions. After the death of the second generation, the later great arbitrator and interpreter immediately went to the office to look for it, but failed several times. Nothing, no containment found at all.”

Mo Poor was speechless, and said not to use it unless it was in a desperate situation, but in the blink of an eye, the big arbitrators went to find it…

He said: “The person looking for it is not qualified to use it at all, right? Even if it is in the office, everyone will not know which one it is.”

“That’s right, later we found out that the condition was ‘Blue and White President’, because the third-generation president later found the storage object in the office. But the strange thing is that after the third generation used it twice, he also chose not to tell We are what it is, and say that the second generation is right, that may be an extremely clever liar, the truth is often mixed with words that cannot be falsified, and later users must have their own ability to distinguish, and they cannot say anything about the contained object Believe in anything,” Kelong said.

Mo Poor immediately said: “I believe in the two presidents, they are both people with the ability to distinguish themselves. You also said that as presidents, their decisions are often extremely important, involving the fate of mankind and the world. Either heroes The savior, or the original sin of the heinous. Since two presidents have said this in a row, it must make sense.”

Kelong said: “Of course I understand, but before the death of the three generations of presidents, all future presidents are required not to be allowed to ask a single question.”

Mo Poor tilted his head and said, “What’s the problem…”

Kelong’s eyes were deep and he said: “The ultimate containment measures for all absolute characteristics…”

(end of this chapter)

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