Blue and White Society

Chapter 760

Chapter 760 – Strongest Physical Cut

Chapter 760 The strongest physical cut

Mo Qiong just hugged another large bundle of javelins when he suddenly felt the temperature around him rise sharply.

The sonar detectors at the base showed that the crust ten kilometers to the left of the prison was cracked, and countless magma erupted, emitting a large amount of gas.

A huge oval-shaped rock emerges from the turbidity.

“Changed location?” Mo Poor was thinking about the other party’s intention.

Suddenly, the temperature of the high-temperature seawater dropped sharply, and after a while, the icy seawater froze into solid ice, freezing Moqiong and even the entire prison in the trench.

“Mo Poor!”

Seeing this, Che Yun quickly put on earrings to merge with Mo Poor.

But then, the ice started to spin!

The deep sea prison that was frozen in the ice was also broken from the building wood.

The high-speed spinning ice, although it shaved itself more and more like grinding shaved ice, it also threw the entire prison out and slammed into a rock wall of the trench.

“The residential area is severely damaged!”

“The energy tank is flooded!”

“The power system collapsed, and the external warehouse disintegrated!”

A series of bad news came, and the prison was plunged into darkness.

Obviously, the other party also expected that they could monitor the situation underground, moved the breakthrough location, surfaced from ten kilometers away, and then used the huge power of faith to directly freeze a large area of the sea!

A large vortex formed at the bottom of the trench, and solid ice was mixed in the vortex. Mo Poor was quickly sucked into the depths of the mud and buried deeply.

Fortunately, Che Yun put on the earrings in the chaos, and pulled them back into her body to complete the fusion.

But after such a toss, the various detection methods, production methods, and weapon power systems in the prison were all scrapped.

As a result, the Lanbai Society has no technical assistance other than relying on personal force.

Sea water and solid ice are poured into the prison, thanks to the fact that most of you have deep diving skills. Even if you don’t, the prison also has constant pressure bubbles. As long as you wear this thing, you can resist the huge pressure of the deep sea.

“Spot the enemy!”

Lord Gou wrapped his body in an air wall, and held up the lamp **** statue to illuminate it, instantly lighting up the deep sea.

With the lighting, everyone saw a granite giant ten kilometers away rushing towards the disintegrated prison.

Although it is in human form, it does not run like a human being. Instead, its lower body is rooted in the ground, advancing like a tiller, and moving like a plate.

Mo Poor threw out the javelin all at once, attracting Best Metal, forming a huge windmill, spinning at high speed and tangential to the target.

Ziy, Catherine and others have been sent back by him before, and Best Metal has also been recovered.

Combine Best’s control with the electric fan god, plus his absolute hit.

This high-speed spiral windmill shuriken, but in terms of physical cutting, there is no rival on earth.

The granite giant looked mighty, but it was actually vulnerable and was cut in half in an instant.

In order to prevent it from closing, Mo Poor didn’t let the windmill shuriken pass through, but stayed between the giant’s chest and abdomen.

Then slowly push upwards and continue to grind, making it like entering a meat grinder, being strangled little by little into mud powder!

This is the magical function of the windmill shuriken. If it is just cutting, Mo Poor doesn’t need to rotate it at all, just cut it directly.

Rotate, you can also grind it, from head to toe, and stir it to a pulp!

The church personnel who were hiding in secret felt their scalps go numb when they saw this.

Using Gaia’s Ark to create rock giants is actually their trick.

This granite is not even afraid of nuclear bombs. Most of the thick rocks are crystallized by nuclear explosions on the surface, but this will not prevent the giant from moving.

Even with the high-speed rotating best metal, it is impossible to easily cut the granite giant.

Because the giant’s mass is too large, a little bit of grinding is fine, but if you want to cut through it in an instant, it is known that no human being has such a strong mental power, which can make Best Metal have such a strong thrust.

“That guy! It’s that guy again!”

“Sleep him! Sleep him!”

“No, he has stigmata, we should seek to sleep more enemies…Damn it, you have wasted so much faith in front of you! Otherwise, we members, we can all sleep!”

In the dark mud, there was a quarrel.

Then there was a sudden noise.


A statue of a **** stood up from the prison, and then a sense of drowsiness struck, and dozens of members fell asleep on the spot.

It is worth mentioning that the members who had implanted stigmata, such as Lord Gou and Mo Poor, easily relieved this sleepiness.

That is to say, the enemy doesn’t use much power of faith, Lord Gou will be able to wake up his teammates soon after spending a little time.

However, the purpose of the other party is to control most people for a second or two.

After the sleep attack, the mud below the prison collapsed, revealing a huge, dark, deep sinkhole!

The tiankeng has a diameter of more than 500 meters, enough to fit the cube cabin where Gaia is held.

I saw a giant rock palm growing out of the pit that day, grabbing the holding room of the Gaia Colossus.

Although Best’s metal protection on the bottom of the containment room was not crushed, the strength of the giant palm was too great, and Best and the Gaia Colossus had to be pulled down together.

The connection between the containment room and the base burst apart, and the 1,800-meter-long containment room was directly dragged into the tiankeng, and continued to sink downward like a coffin trapped in quicksand.

Best metal can’t cover the entire containment room, after all, Gaia is so big, its body is 1,750 meters high.

So when the ‘giant coffin’ sank more than 300 meters, the special steel part was squeezed and ruptured, and the seawater rushed in crazily.

Another giant rock claw stretched out from the side and pulled it, just like pulling a packaging bag, and it lifted Gaia’s closed coffin!

In this coffin, there is one Gamma personnel plus five Beta personnel, guarding them fiercely.

The gamma personnel is called Simba, and his characteristic is that he can have absolute friction when he contacts with external substances.

Simba is the last line of defense to protect the thinking magic sticker.

At this moment, he has already jumped on Gaia’s face, facing the magic sticker that can be peeled off casually, he directly hugged it against his chest.

The spell will only work on one target, so he won’t lose consciousness because of it.

I saw Simba sticking himself to Gaia’s face in a large font, activating the absolute friction force, and firmly adsorbing it.

Then five Beta personnel jointly manipulated a piece of best metal, surrounded Gaia’s face, as if masked, and buried Simba and themselves under the metal.

So, the magic sticker has double protection.

Simba himself, with Best Metal.

No matter how much it is bumped or rubbed, the magic sticker will stick to Gaia’s face well and will not fall off.


The giant rock palm hit Gaia’s face, Gaia was unscathed, and Best Metal was also stable.

“Get out!”

Mo Poor turned his spear in time, and the huge windmill shuriken flew back, smashing the giant rock palm.

But for the enemy, the earth is the best weapon. In an instant, another huge arm grew out, wrapped in mud and rocks, and slammed down hard, pressing on the top of Gaia’s forehead.

With a poof, Gaia was savagely stuffed into the sinkhole.

Obviously, the enemy wants to send Gaia underground.

However, Mo Poor could not do what he wished. While crushing the giant hand, he also reversed the flying direction of the windmill shuriken, and chopped down vertically.

Puff puff puff plunged into the ground like a cutting machine, then deflected slightly, and found an angle to cut Gaia’s body!

Early after the last recovery, Gaia’s body has become indestructible. Maybe it is not as absolute as Best Metal, but it is also stronger than any natural substance.

Gaia’s body and Best Metal are both invincible, and the electric fan feature forces rotation.

Under the persecution of these three bosses, there is only one choice for the rules of the universe.

Let Gaia get stuck in the fan blades and spin along…


Don’t forget, half of Gaia’s body is stuck in the sinkhole, and it is pushed around by the invincible fan blade, which is equivalent to a plow extending vertically downward from the fan blade.

This windmill shuriken is like a compass, pushing Gaia from the tiankeng as the starting point, and plowing the earth into a circular ravine!

No way, the fan blades are invincible, the obstacles are also invincible, and they are forced to rotate, and Mo Poor forces it to hit Gaia.

Compared, the blocking of the rock is the same as nothing.

It’s a pity that Mo Poor doesn’t dare to get close to the vortex area that is currently spiraling violently, and he will lose consciousness if he bumps it casually.

Without being able to touch his own windmill, he cannot make Gaiad into an arrow.

But deflecting the windmill shuriken again, Gaia can be thrown out normally.


Gaia, who was almost stuffed into the ground, suddenly broke away from the fan blades and was thrown out by whirling.

However, Catherine opened her eagle eyes and said, “There is someone up there!”

Mo Poor also had eagle eyes open, but he couldn’t see clearly, but this did not prevent him from trusting the great arbitrator.

“Chasing!” Everyone hurriedly chased the Gaia Colossus.

Gaia was heavy, but was not thrown very far.

It fell into the silt like an onion upside down, and the silt layered on top of each other, quickly wrapping Gaia tightly.

Then another layer of rock spread up, covering Gaia, and pressing it down into the ground.

Mo Poor reshaped the shuriken, turning it into a thin black thread, pierced into the ground from Gaia’s left armpit, circled around again, and passed out from the right armpit.

Then Mo Poor flicked Best’s black line and shot it into the sea.

Mo Poor can’t shoot Gaia, but he can shoot Best Metal. Gaia is just a resistance in the flight path of the black line at this moment.

Because it passes through the underarms on both sides and cannot cut through Gaia’s solid body, even if Gaia weighs a million tons, she is still firmly and slowly dragged to the sea surface by the rising black line!

If you want to pull Gaia into the ground, stop thinking about it.

“Fly to the sky for me!”

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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