Blue and White Society

Chapter 774

Chapter 774 – A Universe That Fascinates The Ancient Gods

Chapter 774 The universe that fascinated the ancient gods

“Mo Poor, what are you thinking?” Adams said.

Everyone is busy with their work, but Mo Poor is always standing in front of the sealed ball, staring at it.

Mo Poor said: “I was thinking, what if she comes out?”

Adams thought: “Do you think she can crack it?”

Mo Poor said: “There is no unbreakable method. I used the combination of several major characteristics to seal her. This is fundamentally different from the Velcro seal.”

Adams nodded, the seal of directness is the most stable.

The magic sticker is like this, it directly makes Gaia’s thinking go to zero, OK, it’s over. As long as it is not uncovered, Gaia will never wake up.

How to crack? The most direct absolute characteristic seal cannot be cracked.

I don’t even have a mind. I close my eyes and it’s the end of the 19th century. When I open my eyes, more than a hundred years have passed. This is Gaia’s previous experience.

“So what’s the solution to the theory?” Adams said.

Mo Poor said: “The ball that wraps Gaia is the size of a football, and it is hollow inside. Because Gaia is 170 meters high, not only is the hollow completely filled, but the remaining space is negative number!”

“However, what if Gaia can become smaller? My method of sealing her is based on the fact that Gaia’s volume is larger than the ball. If she is smaller than the space inside the ball, there will be no space-time shrinkage.”

“As for the best metal, there is room for it to bend inwards, exposing a slit. As long as there is a slit, the mental power can connect to the outer layer of metal balls, and then unfold it!”

Adams said: “Her body is indestructible, how can she become smaller?”

Mo Poor said: “Don’t forget, when she gave birth just now, the rock in that part of her stomach bulged, cracked, and squeezed out a series of changes such as Little Gaia.”

“In other words, Gaia’s ‘absolute firmness’ is for external forces, and she herself will not be affected by the ‘absolute firmness’. Otherwise, wouldn’t she not be able to do extended movements?”

Adams nodded, which at least shows that Gaia’s body can indeed be changed by itself under the premise of being indestructible.

“If she comes out, we will use another method.” Adams said.

Mo Poor asked: “What did you think of?”

“I…” Before Adams could say anything, the best ball next to him suddenly bloomed!

“Be careful!”

Mo Poor’s roar resounded throughout the audience, quickly pushing the best ball away.

During the running of the Best Ball, it bloomed like a cycad tree, violent energy spurted out, and a small stone escaped from the trap.

That’s a miniature Gaia, she’s only 1.7 centimeters tall, like a Thumbelina.

“What… is your name?” Gaia was originally very angry, but when she came out and saw Mo Poor, she suddenly calmed down and asked complicatedly.

”Hei Di.” Mo Poor didn’t say his real name, what if someone hides it and uses his real name to kill someone?

It can be seen from Gaia’s escape that this guy has many methods, and he can really compress himself! Suddenly, he compressed himself from 170 meters to 1.7 centimeters.

Gaia sneered, and suddenly swelled up again, returning to a body size of 170 meters.

This is obviously unreasonable. It is obviously smaller in size and more flexible and difficult to defend against. Why should it return to a large size?

There is only one reason, compressed so small, Gaia has a heavy load to carry, and probably consumes most of her energy or something.

Gaia is a life, any movement and change needs energy, and it is not a perpetual motion machine.

Otherwise, Thor wouldn’t have been drained and died.

“Hei Emperor… Are you the Hei Emperor of this generation?” Gaia actually knew this title.

Mo Qiongxin said that it seems that there really was a black emperor Zhuanxu in ancient times, and he might be one of the rebels.

Gaia doesn’t know that time has passed and the situation has changed. All the history of ancient times has long been submerged in time. She also doesn’t know the current world structure, and she thinks that the name of the Black Emperor has been passed down from generation to generation.

Regarding this, Mo Qiong was noncommittal.

“In this universe, you can’t use extraordinary means, how do you compress yourself?”

Mo Poor immediately evacuated the non-combatants and confronted Gaia at the same time.

Maybe it’s because of Mo Poor’s strength, or Gaia also needs to breathe a sigh of relief.

She looked deeply at Mo Poor, and she didn’t say arrogantly that the weak can only cry out, but recognized that Mo Poor had the right to have an equal dialogue with her.

“This world allows evolution… I optimized my body shape and temporarily turned myself into a high-quality dense life form.” Gaia said.

Mo Poor frowned, it turned out to be evolution.

Gaia, a rocky life, is inherently peculiar. Since she exists, it means that she is a life form allowed by the universe.

The path of species evolution may be bigger or smaller, depending on environmental pressure or survival needs.

Gaia, or the gods may have mastered the shortcut of evolution, as long as there is enough energy, they can speed up evolution. Temporarily put yourself in a critical moment and evolve into something more needed.

It’s a bit like Zerg, but Zerg is a characteristic-level adaptation, while Gaia is a kind of technology, or a special talent of their kind of life.

Although it has evolved at an extremely fast speed, this acceleration seems to be unstable, more like an ‘experimental version’.

It seems that fish expended a huge amount of energy and suddenly evolved into dinosaurs, experiencing an evolutionary trend of vertebrates, and then degenerated back into fish.

“I’m curious, how did you become stronger? The original you can be cut.” Mo Poor asked again.

The ancient gods are also constantly cracking the means of human beings.

First use the split self and go around the corner to avoid the characteristics of the Velcro.

This kind of self-splitting can be regarded as the unique reproduction method of her special life, which is actually similar to asexual reproduction.

Now it is another explosive evolution, breaking Mo Poor’s reverse nesting doll seal.

However, these are only ‘gods’, the racial talents of this strange species. Even in this universe, Transcendental systems are banned, they have a higher level of life than human beings, which is normal.

What really makes Mo Poor and many members of the club particularly concerned is not this… As early as the last resurrection, Gaia did an even more unbelievable thing.

She immediately made up for her physical weakness. Once Gaia, the body can be cut open.

As a result of the last resurrection, she changed from a super-hard rock body to an indestructible rock body in a short period of time, which made up for the disadvantage that her body would be cut and sealed with coordinate gloves, which forced the Lanbai Club to use the sealing magic sticker.

This change is not simple, it is completely changed from a natural substance to a containment object.

Lanbai Club has not understood that change until now.

Gaia laughed and said: “Is this difficult to understand? I was divided into three thousand parts and sealed for six thousand years! During those six thousand years, I could always think, day and night, I was alone underground, and finally got a feature.”

“Originally, I wanted to transfer the effect of the glove that prevented me from moving to other stones, and break out by myself.”

“As a result, I didn’t do this, but I inadvertently realized the characteristic of ‘not being destroyed by external basic forces’ from my fluctuating heart.”

“It’s a pity, I have to let those idiots use stones with side effects to revive me.”

Mo Qiong was startled, and said in astonishment: “You said that you can comprehend the absolute characteristics subjectively?”

Gaia was also stunned, and said strangely: “Eh? Don’t you know the root perception?”

Mo Poor said in horror: “You ate the golden apple? Are there other golden apples?”

Isn’t root perception the state after eating the golden apple? Could it be that there were many golden apples in ancient times, and the ancient gods also overcame their side effects and lived to achieve the state of eternal perception?

More critically, is it really possible to directly obtain characteristics through perception?

Isn’t that the realm of heavenly ghosts?

No, it is an incomplete sky ghost. The imaginary sky ghost can create, tamper with, and transfer characteristics.

“And that characteristic is obtained from the so-called fluctuating heart. That fluctuating heart is the containment that allows her to emit strong longitudinal waves, right? That is probably the only containment that has not been confiscated after she was sealed. It should be It is completely integrated with its body.”

“So, in fact, she can only transfer the characteristics? Transfer the characteristics from the existing containment to other objects or herself. This is not a ghost, a little ghost…”

Mo Poor quickly sorted out the information revealed in Gaia’s words. Even if it could only be transferred, it took Gaia more than six thousand years to get one, and the result seemed random.

Its original purpose was just to transfer the characteristics that imprisoned itself, to be borne by other rocks, so as to get out of trouble. As a result, after 6,000 years, this was not achieved, and instead it got the attribute of ‘indestructible’.

Obviously wanted to go fishing, but ended up catching a hairy crab. If you plant flowers deliberately, the flowers will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will make shade.

Mo Poor let out a sigh of relief and was very excited at the same time.

It has been confirmed that the root perception can really obtain absolute characteristics, and Kelong’s sacrifice will not be in vain!

“Golden apple? What is that?” Gaia didn’t know what Mo Poor was talking about.

Mo Poor was shocked: “You don’t know the golden apple? Then where does your root perception come from?”

Gaia stared at Mo Poor and said: “You are not the Black Emperor… no… you are the Black Emperor of this generation, have you forgotten the true greatness of the gods?”

“In this universe, when the level of life reaches the peak, you can directly perceive the root information. You don’t even know… This path is the most essential truth in the world. There is a dead person. This path is called the root algorithm.”

“This is the only difference between this universe and other universes. In other universes, the root information refuses to be understood by consciousness. But here, it is allowed!”

“Everything…everything is it…including itself…”

Gaia showed an obsessed look, it seems that under that kind of exploration, their so-called divine power and extraordinary energy are meaningless.

They would rather abandon everything and stay in this dangerous universe.

“…” Mo Poor gasped.

Catherine and the others suddenly realized.

“So that’s the reason. This is why the gods would rather give up the supernatural system, give up their invincible status in other universes, and stay in this universe… It’s just the thing called the root algorithm.”

Everyone was shocked by this ancient secret that everyone knew.

But only Mo Qiong burst into tears like rain.

“No…” Mo Poor’s tears couldn’t stop falling, and he realized an extremely terrible fact.

When the level of life reaches its peak, you can automatically feel the root information in this universe. The reason why humans can’t do it is because humans are too weak.

Gods can do it all, but in Uncanny Valley, more than five ancient gods have been sealed for 10,000 years.

That is to say, the ancient gods in the Uncanny Valley have actually perceived the roots for 30 trillion years…

And then… none of them came out!

Will Kelong be better than Old God? Even… thirty trillion years is too long…

Regardless of whether Kelong can comprehend the “Ultimate Containment Procedure”, at least leaving the Uncanny Valley and becoming a ghost is something that cannot be done in 30 trillion years!

p.s: Sorry. I had a serious illness before and felt like I was going to die.

(end of this chapter)

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