Blue and White Society

Chapter 792

Chapter 792 – Nostalgia

Chapter 792 Love

Looking at the satellite map, there are not many signals returned.

Mo Poor put in a total of sixteen locators, but only eight locators had signals…

Aside from Gaia, there are seven members who cannot be located, or who have died.

is already dead, then the soul will dissipate, without a target, the arrow will shoot to the closest target, and the basic landing point is not in this universe.

It is known that Gaia has the characteristics of reincarnation, and the places of reincarnation are all on the earth. After all, the few of them who have returned, plus the eight with signals, are all on the earth.

The fact that no signal can be received can only mean that the target’s soul has been annihilated.

That is to say, add the robbers who were found dead before and the members whose numbers end in 1. Did this forced reincarnation kill nine elite members?

“It may also be that my brain made up something wrong, I will try a few more times!”

Mo Poor didn’t want to give up. When he was rushing to a place with a signal, he kept throwing a locator along the way.

He tried his best to brainstorm, hoping that there would be a few more return signals suddenly.

But no, he dropped hundreds of locators repeatedly, and there were only seven locators with signals.

“Let’s focus on what we can find first! Some of them will be collected later if we arrive later.” Gongsun You said.

Mo Poor said: “Send it, I am the fastest.”

Suddenly, Mo Qiong merged with Che Yun, and then continued to cooperate to send everyone to various places.

And he himself came to Antarctica, the breeding area of emperor penguins.

Three months ago, it was the end of May, which happened to be the time when emperor penguins laid eggs and hatched.

The little penguins are hatched under the condition of minus 40 degrees, and are protected on the insteps and wrapped in the abdomen, which is the way penguins raise their young.

Looking at the emperor penguins huddled together in the cold storm, forming circle after circle to resist the severe cold, Mo Poor had a headache.

It’s too cold here, and the penguins are almost facing the harshest environment on earth.

After a few months, they spent most of their time in the cold wind.

They must come to the hinterland of the Antarctic land to breed their offspring at the most severe time. On the one hand, they don’t need to worry about the attack of natural enemies when they breed their offspring here. Usher in the most abundant season of food.

“Zi is among the emperor penguins. There will be no other animals in the hinterland of Antarctica at this time of year.” Che Yun said.

Mo Qiong is wearing a custom-made nano-membrane, making him the only African cheetah in history that can walk around the southern lights.

The same goes for Che Yun, the first foxhound to walk in Antarctica…

Their approach did not cause any waves in the penguin colony. The penguins did not want to disperse at will and let the cold wind blow away the heat.

But Ziy must be in the arms of one of the penguins, and he has to peel them apart to find him.

“Our weather stations say this hurricane is at least three days away.”

“Then build a wall!”

In addition to Mo Qiong and Che Yun, he also sent Mihir and several peripheral personnel.

They quickly fashioned an ice wall to block the cold wind, and then separated the penguin group to find Ziy.

The one with the locator sticking to his body, and the one who is particularly smart is Ziy.

When I found him, I found that he had a very good life.

After all, the emperor penguin cubs stay in the arms of their parents before they grow up, eating the residue stored in the stomach of their parents.

The hard work is the two emperor penguins who are parents. They take turns to be hungry and shelter their cubs in the cold wind. The father or mother who can’t bear the hunger travels more than 100 kilometers to the coast to look for food.

After eating, you must rush back to the breeding ground immediately. If you return late, or if there is an accident in the middle, you can’t go home in time to replace the big penguins waiting for their cubs to starve.

Then the big penguins staying in the breeding ground want to survive, they can only give their cubs to other penguins when they are about to starve to death, and go to the seaside to look for food before their partners go home.

There is no doubt that the little penguins that were left behind are no longer theirs, but other penguin chicks.

Of course, if the big penguin who stays to see the cubs is not raising cubs for the first time, then the persistence time will be longer.

But this also often misses the opportunity to give up the cub and save herself. She will not be able to cross a distance of more than 100 kilometers to the seaside because she has exhausted even the last bit of physical strength. In the end, she chooses to give up and live on her own, until her partner comes back, and she starves to death, or her partner never comes back, and the mother and child who are waiting at home starve to death.

Zi Yi, it is precisely because he cannot be separated from his parents that he has not been able to awaken more memories and contact the Blue and White Society.

In the vast Antarctic, except for the wind and snow, he is nestled in his mother’s arms every day, and he can’t go anywhere. It’s not that he has never tried to forcefully climb out to seek freedom, but that is undoubtedly courting death. When the wind blows, he can’t bear to shrink back when he just shows his head.

Awakened knowledge told him: the young self could not resist the severe cold alone.

“I thought I had to stay here until November before I could go fishing at the beach.” Ziy said after fully awakening.

“I see that you are in good spirits. I remember that the little penguin didn’t have enough to eat during this time.” Mo Poor said.

Zi Yi said: “It’s okay, when I was born, all the emperor penguins in the entire Landauson habitat were watching me!”

“This makes me the most special one, being taken care of by almost all emperor penguins. Some emperor penguins who are single or have lost their cubs will also feed me the food in their stomachs.”

Emperor penguins love their children like their fate. Some emperor penguins who failed to find a mate this year will even jealously fight for the cubs of other penguins.

It makes many little penguins not follow their biological parents when they grow up.

When Ziy was born, it caused a huge commotion, and all the single or childless penguins scrambled for him and regarded him as their own child.

Once Ziy feels that he can’t get enough to eat, he will crawl out immediately and change his mother… Some penguins are willing to raise him…

At this time, because humans took Ziy away, a group of emperor penguins followed all the way to the nearby Antarctic station. They stand in the cold wind, watching over human buildings for no apparent reason.

These are Ziy’s adoptive parents… As for which pair of penguins are their biological parents, it is difficult to verify.

“I know, that pair is… I remember the smell very clearly. I was born in their arms, and I smelled of them on my body. And every penguin I lived in, I also recognized the body odor. Clearly, this is my talent.” Ziy said.

Mihir said: “Senior, how are you going to arrange them?”

Zi Yi hesitated, he knew that he did not belong to this group. But in his human life, since he was one year old, he was abandoned in the trash can because of a congenital heart disease.

Later, an old peripheral security guard picked him up, and he didn’t choose to look for the couple, but decided to raise him himself.

He even used his contacts to invite a doctor from the club to help him cure the disease.

It can be said that Ziy is the child who was really picked up from the trash can.

However, when he was four years old and just sensible, the old security guard died in an abnormal incident, and he witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

In the jurisdiction where the stepfather retreated to the second line, a containment object appeared. A steel halberd selects civilians and turns them into a man who calls himself Lu Bu. He is tyrannical and selfish, and kills wantonly in the city to show his bravery.

That is a demonic halberd, which will erase people’s thoughts, transform them into ‘Lu Bu’, and strengthen their physical fitness by three times.

If ‘Lu Bu’ dies, it will pick a new Lu Bu. Strictly speaking, this is a mind-distorting container, because no matter who it is, once selected by it, their thoughts, memories, and personality will all be changed into ‘Lu Bu’.

In a sense, it can be considered that the chosen one is dead, replaced by a puppet named ‘Lu Bu’ with a specific personality memory.

His stepfather was not killed by ‘Lu Bu’, but after ‘Lu Bu’ was killed by the rushed members, he was randomly selected by the magic halberd to become the new Lu Bu.

A thug who has the face of a stepfather, but is no longer himself at all.

In order to prevent the magic halberd from harming more people randomly, Lanbaishe captured Lu Bu alive, and kept him well fed to prevent him from dying.

Because of that incident and Qi Yi’s strong request, he was allowed to join the Lanbai club, grew up in the foster home in Xuzhou, and chose to become a club member unconsciously, and passed the training and assessment. It became a secret weapon in a mission.

It can be said that he has not experienced the care of his parents since he was born. Maybe his stepfather once gave it, but his memory before the age of four has been blurred.

Now it was a group of penguins that made him feel this deep emotion.

“I don’t know what to do. Emperor penguins are animals that love their cubs extremely. I am very important to these emperor penguins who hatched and raised me…” Ziy found himself reluctant to part with these penguins who loved him.

In these penguins, he experienced a kind of love that he had never experienced before.

“How did you deal with it? Mo Poor.” Ziy asked.

Mo Poor said: “I am a cheetah. Cheetah mothers raise their children alone, and when they are mature enough to hunt alone, they will leave silently.”

“Even if I’m not a human being, tomorrow my cheetah mother will never get in touch with me. So my departure is only equivalent to one of her children growing up early. After all, the mortality rate of cheetah cubs is already as high as Ninety percent. The mother cheetah is used to the cubs leaving.”

Zi Yi said distressedly: “But penguins are different.”

Emperor penguins are very dedicated. They hardly change their partners in their lives, and they spend almost all of the year protecting their cubs.

It can be seen from the fact that all the penguins came after Ziy was taken away.

They don’t dare and don’t know how to invade human buildings, they don’t even know what happened, they just watch out dully, wanting to get back their children.

But because Ziy must return to human society, it would be too much to take them away and raise them in captivity.

“As for the method of returning to human form, I already have an idea. The most feasible is to cut the half of the human being and inject it into your well-preserved body to resurrect.”

“If you really succeed, you will have an emperor penguin clone. Humans and emperor penguins are both your bodies.” Mo Poor thought for a while and said.

Zi Yi’s eyes lit up and said: “So that’s it, is there an extra clone…”

Mo Poor said: “The high probability is like this. I haven’t tried it yet, but it should be feasible. Anyway, Antarctica needs members to guard it. Your clone can live in the group for a long time. It’s an alternative kind of lurking…”

“Thank you.” Ziy smiled.

Mo Poor shrugged his shoulders and said, “I still have to go find David, you stay here for now, and I’ll come back to pick you up when you return to your body.”

As he spoke, he and Che Yun disappeared into the Antarctic stronghold.

(end of this chapter)

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