Blue and White Society

Chapter 794

Chapter 794 – The Original Form Of Gaia

Chapter 794 The original image of Gaia

David was in the North Pole, and Mo Poor led a group of people to find him quickly.

He turned into a polar bear.

Luckily, they are at the top of the food chain, but what is more miserable is that the life of polar bears is very hard.

In this season, they have to store a lot of fat for hibernation and need to hunt continuously.

At this time of year, seals come to breed, and they are the staple food of polar bears.

However, this year, the ice floes that should have arrived did not come. Because of the greenhouse effect, this year was much hotter than previous years, and the ice floes failed to form.

Without the ice floes, the seals lost their breeding areas, and were forced to travel across the ocean to farther places in search of suitable breeding areas.

This indirectly leads to the fact that when the polar bear wakes up and is hungry, there is no seal in the vast snowy world…

Of course, David’s mama bear can also travel far and further afield to find something to eat. Bears eat just about anything and don’t mind eating grass when they’re so hungry!

So if you are lucky, you won’t starve to death, maybe you can survive it.

But David is miserable, he is just a polar bear cub…he can almost only rely on the mother bear.

Even if he can persevere and overcome other things, and use his wisdom to get it done, there is only one thing he can’t do: sleep.

Even if he turned into a polar bear, he couldn’t fall asleep. And this is the most important skill for polar bears to survive. They use dormancy to reduce their own metabolism, and do not eat or drink for several months with the lowest energy consumption.

This is not only possible during hibernation, even normal sleep is a state of reducing consumption.

David who cannot sleep means that this function in the gene cannot be activated.

While Mama Bear was resting, he stared blankly at the starry sky, maintaining the same consumption as during the day.

Fortunately, when David was skinny and about to starve to death, Mo Poor arrived.

He directly brought a rich meat meal, so that David could feast on it and add fat crazily… He was starving and bald.

“I ate grass for three weeks in a row!” David smiled wryly.

If Mo Poor hadn’t found him, he would have died. Polar bears that can’t hibernate? Can’t survive in the wild.

Unless he can have food to eat every day.

But in that ghostly place in the North Pole, he and Mama Xiong even found the roots of plants after swimming 50 kilometers and changing islands.

“Now the food control is enough, congratulations, David, you have been kept in captivity!” Mo Qiong laughed.

David ignored him at all, bowed his head and ate wildly.

Mo Poor didn’t bother him, and quickly went to various places to gather everyone in the headquarters. So far, the survivors of the Gaia War are here.

Domestic dogs, hogs, iguanas, springbok, voles, praying mantises, emperor penguins… Europeans…

Including his own cheetah, and the orca that was churning in the waters of the headquarters, there were a total of ten survivors.

As for the victims, there were nine.

Among them are the Grand Arbiter Catherine, the Delta-level O’Brien, the preacher Ridian, and many outstanding members of the Gamma Society.

The loss is not insignificant!

Many don’t even know where they died!

“Mo Poor, can you clone so soon?” Qi Yi asked.

“What avatar?” Gou Ye asked.

Mo Poor immediately stated his conjecture. If the souls are separated, they are likely to have two bodies.

However, Adams shook his head and said: “Consciousness cannot be differentiated at the same time, because the subject is the only one. I can split my personality, but the one that is classified is actually not me, but a brand new consciousness. Just like me and Xiuer! “

In terms of personality awareness, Adams is undoubtedly a master.

“What will happen then?” Mo Poor asked.

“One should be normal and the other a vegetable, right? But I can let Xiuer control one…” Adams said.

Mo Poor said: “If the consciousness is transmitted fast enough, it can be cut into the cheetah in one fell swoop, and then cut back into the human body in one fell swoop?”

Adams said: “In theory, the transmission is fast enough, so it can be like this. Where is the subjective, then there is your real body, and the other is unconscious.”

“Let’s begin then.” Ziy said.

“Wait a moment!”

Suddenly, David looked up after eating.

He looked at Mo Poor: “You used our soul as the landing point to launch the locator?”

Mo Poor nodded and said, “That’s right, our souls are in a twin state…”

He said what he already knew.

David frowned and said: “I stayed awake the whole time, saw everyone’s souls, and flew to all parts of the world.”

Mo Qiong was taken aback for a moment, and then was pleasantly surprised.

When forced to reincarnate, all people lost consciousness. When he opened his eyes, he had turned into an animal.

However, only David will not!

He is an existence in the world that will never lose consciousness. Sleep, coma and other states that make him stop thinking and lose consciousness are impossible.

David didn’t even understand what a dream was in his whole life.

Since he was conscious, he was in the mother’s womb.

Until today, he has never been ‘fragmented’.

Including this time of forced reincarnation, he has always remained awake, and saw himself and everyone’s souls escape to all parts of the world with his own eyes.

Everyone was very pleasantly surprised! The surprise is not that David knows where everyone’s souls have gone.

After all, in the process of an instant, he can at most remember that everyone’s soul flies to some general direction, which is fleeting, which is of no use.

What surprised everyone was that among the souls that flew away that day, there was also Gaia!

“You saw Gaia’s soul! What does she look like?” Mo Poor didn’t expect such a windfall!

Knowing Gaia’s soul image, Mo Poor can lock her current location!

David recalled: “Everyone’s soul is their own, but at that time there was a particularly strange…”

“It has a snake tail, long claws on its limbs, a thin tongue, an oval protruding head, and a scale-like structure on its chest… Well, it looks like a reptile, let’s call it a lizardman.”

Everyone was taken aback, Lizardman? Gaia?

These two are not next to each other! It’s too close to get hungry!

If it is some kind of cube soul, or even describe a kind of godhead, everyone can accept it.

But how could Gaia’s soul be reptilian?

“Share it for me!” Mo Poor said.

David immediately shared the picture he had recorded. Everyone was amazed when they saw it. It really looks like a reptile. Of course, it is not any known one, but a very advanced structure. The whole looks very harmonious.

It can be judged as a very advanced reptile that is not known on the earth.

“This is not on the earth, so it is not the reincarnated body, but her body, the original image!” Adams said.

Mo Poor said: “This is her original imagination. The current rock life form was only modified later, or obtained in some way.”

“Her soul exposed her most essential species.”

“So that’s the case, this is the match.” Everyone was confused, but suddenly saw the Chimu Arbitration.

Everyone looked at him quickly, and now the big arbitrator is in charge of the executive.

And as a big arbitrator, he knows more than everyone else.

I saw Qimu said: “The stone pillar of creation, after Mo Qiong got it back from Gaia Church, we have done a detailed research.”

“It can create not only humans, but almost any viable species, given the templates and materials.”

He took out a piece of information and handed it to everyone: “To generate a species, the template required must be very detailed, whether it is DNA or other life sequence systems, in short, a species can be fully understood in a way that the user can fully understand. If one hundred percent of it is expressed in a genetic model, then the Creation Stone Pillar can be used as a template for mass production.”

“Of course, it’s not copying. The created individuals are each different, with slightly different genes, but they are just the same species.”

“It’s like doing random homogeneous generation on a basis.”

Mo Poor read the information in detail, and it only needs powerful life analysis technology or ability to generate known species.

But creating an unknown species, the imagination is greatly limited.

Some species can exist in the dark, but they have never existed, so it is impossible to imagine.

This is not just ambiguous, but also requires a very detailed data template.

The permutations of genes are endless, not to mention that there are other life sequence forms beyond genes.

God knows which one is correct? It’s almost impossible to figure it out blindly. After three months, some of the species designed by the research department of the Blue and White Society were all wrong.

According to their estimates, the creation of new species is pure luck, and it is very likely that they will be imported continuously for a hundred years, and they will not be able to lose even one species that does not exist on the earth.

I have to say that nature is the strongest designer.

However, if you use the Creation Stone Pillar, there is a shortcut, that is synthesis.

Putting together the templates of several known species, it is possible to directly synthesize a correct new species. This is the function of the Creation Stone Pillar, which is much simpler than completely designing it yourself.

And human beings are created in this way.

“On the Creation Stone Pillar, more than a dozen human templates are recorded. One of them is Homo sapiens.”

“The church of Gaia often uses this kind of template. They haven’t produced any useful species for a thousand years. After all the calculations… it’s still the most useful to create humans! The most cost-effective! Humans are the best to domesticate, or It is said to be one of the best animals for brainwashing, and having an extra human hand is more useful than creating other animals. So Gaia Church only uses it to create humans.” Chimu said.

Mo Poor said: “The dozen or so templates recorded above were all designed by Gaia and other gods?”

Chimu said: “It’s synthetic… If you design it yourself, how much knowledge and computing power will be required, it’s unimaginable. This containment has such a fool-like synthesis feature, why not use it? God thinks so too.”

Mo Poor turned to the back of the information and saw more than a dozen images of human beings, and he was shocked immediately.

There are craftsman, Homo erectus, Heidelberger, Neanderthal, Denisovan, Flores, Homo sapiens…

That’s all. Human beings are created by the gods with the contained objects. They have long accepted this fact, because in the last words of Lingdao, the ancient rebels themselves admitted it.

However, Mo Poor saw a few particularly weird ones among the dozen or so human templates!

Most of them have reptilian features.

One of them has pupils like cold-blooded animals, horns on its head, and a big snake tail on its lower body.

The image of a human head and a snake body shocked Mo Poor, “Is this Nuwa?”

p.s: Sorry. Is it something like cleaning the Internet recently? Even the violation reminders in the background are marked in red. Can’t change it, can’t change it, the harmonious chapters of this book, it’s useless to change it, otherwise just block it like this. I’ll talk about it later.

(end of this chapter)

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