Blue and White Society

Chapter 805

Chapter 805 – Unbelievable Answer

Chapter 805 Untrustworthy Answers

Entering the Uncanny Valley is very simple.

Mo Poor and the others came to the entrance. They held hands and rushed into the mist at the same time.

He was ready to die instantly, so what he always visualized was the square banner of the headquarters.

There, at any time, someone will receive the things Mo Poor sends out.

However, when he rushed in, he intuitively felt that the scene in front of him switched instantly, and with a light touch of his hands, he came to a place of great pressure.

However, he can survive. The pressure here is equivalent to about four thousand meters under the sea. This pressure can be resisted by Mo Poor with molecular-level regeneration, not to mention he has the deep diver effect.

He immediately smeared a layer of seawater on his mouth and nose, and looked around.

“What about people?”

In a desolate desert, there is only Mo Qiong alone.

There are nine luminous bodies suspended in the sky, but they are definitely not the sun.

He was the only one left among the four who rushed in together. Mo Poor wondered if he accidentally shot the brothers back to the headquarters just now?

He didn’t have time to think about it. In this strange place, he immediately tried to contact the outside world.

Mo Qiong’s mental power cooperates with the absolute hit, and quickly forcibly connects everyone.

The first one to connect was Che Yun. After all, she was at the Earth headquarters, but he didn’t know if he was connected or not, because Che Yun didn’t reply at all, and the other end of the entire mental channel was dead silent.

Mo Poor has never experienced such a deadly feeling, even if the other party is in a deep coma, the feeling after the spiritual connection is not like this.

This made it impossible for Mo Poor to confirm whether he was really connected, or maybe it was because of some kind of barrier.

The second connection is the soul of the regular dodecahedron.

Deadly silence, the mental power left the body, and there was no reaction anymore. Mo Poor didn’t know where the shot went, and there was no feedback at all.

Mo Poor frowned, kicked the sand, and in an instant, he saw the sand disappear out of thin air.

That is, he actually shot the thing away, and it triggered the teleportation.

However, Mo Poor didn’t get any feedback, and he didn’t know where the shot went.

“I can’t get feedback, it should be a matter of time. This place is three billion times faster than the outside world, that is to say, the outside is almost stationary relative to the inside.”

“One second here, only 0.3 nanoseconds have passed outside, and the light has only traveled 90 millimeters.”

“Other substances, it is equivalent to not moving. The connection between me and Che Yun may have to wait for ninety-five years before she will give feedback… because then a second will pass outside.”

Mo Poor thought quickly, and took out the Pao Ding’s blade, ready to behead his head and send it.

Whether he can **** or not, he will know by trying it himself. Just being able to shoot himself now means he can shoot anything. On the contrary, his own head, as an arrow, may hit some kind of indescribable barrier.

However, Mo Poor stopped himself suddenly.

“No! Lord Gou and the others were not sent back by me, but we rushed in hand in hand, but if the time scale is enlarged, there must still be a time difference!”

“Even if the time difference is only one millisecond, that is more than a month’s difference!”

Holding hands does not guarantee that they will enter together. Whoever touches the teleportation entrance first will be teleported in first.

Even if Adams teleported one millisecond earlier, he would be more than a month ahead of everyone else!

That’s why when Mo Poor came in, he felt his hands lighten, and the partners who were holding hands with him disappeared instantly.

Maybe some people have been in for a long time, while some people are still at the entrance of the mist and have not teleported yet. There may still be a few microns away from the entrance of the touch teleportation, but these few microns are enough to wait…

“If I go out now, even if I come in immediately, at least a hundred years have passed here! Those who come in first, I am afraid they are dead…”

Mo Poor pursed his lips, he couldn’t go out by himself, unless he was sure that everyone was dead, he had to go out with everyone.

Or send everyone out first, and then go out by yourself.


Mo Poor kicked the sand, and saw the sand drifting in one direction of the desert, which was the direction of Adams.

Another kick, this is Jiang Long’s direction, in the sky… the sand is floating straight up.

As for Lord Gou, the sand disappeared… Mo Poor guessed that it was either because Lord Gou was dead, or…he hadn’t come in yet…

Mo Poor frowned, and his mental power shot to a dodecahedral soul again.

Dead silence, still dead silence.

Mo Poor knew that this might be an immortal who shot into the outside world, so it was impossible for the other party to reply to him only considering the issue of time flow.

He persevered and continued to shoot at the dodecahedron, slightly changing the lightness and darkness of its spirit body.

After about five tries, he finally shot an Immortal who could take care of him.

“I said no! No! How can infinite energy be so easy! This is simply impossible to perceive! Ahhhhh!”

Hearing this shout, Mo Qiong burst into tears.

He recognized it immediately, it was Kelong. Although he no longer has the demeanor he once had, despite the restlessness and despair, this is indeed Kelong.

I found it, and it was easy to find. After all, Kelong is the only fifth element in Uncanny Valley. Among the dodecahedral souls, he is the only one who is in the same time and space as Mo Poor.

It doesn’t even need a jump, the two sides are directly connected with each other!

“Kelong, I’m Moqiong…”

“I am coming.”

Mo Poor almost trembled, while the other party was ecstatic!

“Ink! Poor!”

“You came!”

Kelong’s mental fluctuations can no longer be described in terms of joy, it was ecstasy vented wantonly like a volcanic eruption, and it rushed towards Moqiong like an explosion.

Feeling this strong mental fluctuation, Mo Poor felt that the consciousness behind it should not be something that humans can have.

It is as heavy and thick as loess, and as blazing and violent as the sun. In a trance, Mo Poor once had the illusion that this will can reverse reality.

Will is neither energy nor matter, nor is it mental power nor soul. Spiritual power is a kind of energy of unconventional energy, and soul is a kind of substance of unconventional matter.

Will is just subjective will, which is a concept. Whether the will is tough or not depends on whether its subjective will can be firm, persistent, and firmly believe in a certain idea.

This is a unique characteristic of creatures with the concept of ‘I’.

“Kelong has suffered here for so long that his will has become extraordinary? Under the torment of helplessness and inability to break free, has he reached an incredible state?”

“So, the sky ghost is actually really possible. Perhaps with enough time to hone, the will can tamper with the information of everything from the root, and distort the objective subjectively.”

While Mo Poor’s thoughts turned sharply, his mental power said: “I should be able to send you back. The sand I shot disappeared, which means that it has undergone a leap. Unless there are different time and space divisions inside this uncanny valley, otherwise the sand should Then shoot back to the headquarters of the Blue and White Society.”

Ke Long said anxiously: “Can you really…can you really shoot things out of Chuangjie Mountain? It’s impossible! No! This is very good! You can really do it, very good! Don’t tell me anything else! It’s meaningless .You only need to do one thing! Go back now, find the doomsday chessboard, kill the chess player, and everything will be over! The era of containment will end, and I will be free!”

Mo Poor said excitedly: “This is the ultimate containment measure? The doomsday chessboard is actually the key to end the containment era? Its so-called doomsday is not the end of the universe, but the end of the contained objects?”

“…That’s right! Don’t worry about me, go back immediately and end all of this~!” Ke Long cheered.

Mo Poor asked: “Isn’t it good to let the chess player admit defeat? Why do you have to kill him?”

“It’s okay to admit defeat, it’s all the same. In short, the doomsday board will end all contained objects!” Kelong said.

Mo Poor’s eyebrows trembled slightly, and his excited heart suddenly cooled down.

It is okay to admit defeat, but Kelong blurted out that he would kill him. Although the result was the same, Mo Poor was surprised by the ruthlessness and indifference displayed by this instinct.

He didn’t forget, before Kelong came in, he said: Don’t trust me at that time.

Kelon, to Mo Poor, only separated by three months, but in fact, they have endured 750 million years of suffering, and they are no longer the Kelon they used to be.

He may not be able to believe Kelong’s words.

(end of this chapter)

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