Blue and White Society

Chapter 814

Chapter 814 – I Am Mo Poor

Chapter 814 I am Mo Poor

Although Wu Yunmo came in a month ago, to the ancient gods, no one has come here for 246 million years.

This is an extremely long time, so that the ancient gods responded so slowly.

After Mo Poor had sent a weak ancient **** away, the rest of the ancient gods realized that someone had invaded.


Mo Poor had just sent tens of thousands of people away, and was about to send Jiang Long to the above ground farm to join Adams.

Nine small artificial suns flew in one after another in the distance. As they approached, Mo Poor didn’t feel any heat, just a little warmth.

The heat of these small suns seems to be contained, and a large amount of heat is locked.

The surface temperature is only less than 1,000 degrees Celsius, and even iron cannot be melted.

In other words, this is actually a ‘cold sun’.

The nine cold suns are the residences of the nine strongest gods here, and they are also the Dao fruit that can calculate everything, and can also be called the godhead.

It can calculate complex and cumbersome data, just like a computer. It can also calculate broken and imprecise data, just like the human brain.

In fact, this is a small way of heaven, thrown into the world of cultivating immortals, this thing can nourish a group of immortals.

Initially, these cold suns were big and not even ‘cold’.

But as time goes by, the ancient gods don’t have any food left. In order to provide the super computing power to create magic tires, they are saving energy in all aspects.

Reduce size, weaken body, except for constantly observing quantum civilization and creating magic fetus, they basically do nothing else.

Of course, torturing the souls of human beings can be regarded as an adjustment in their long wait.

Today, they are torturing Kelong, urging him to realize infinite energy.

As long as Kelong has unlimited energy, they can use Kelon as a battery to provide unlimited supply for their godhead.

Of course, Kelong is Kelong, and Ancient God is Ancient God. The energy that Ancient God can obtain from Kelong is actually limited, no matter how much it is, it is limited.

Their idea is to use their own mysterious means to extract the energy of millions of stars per second. After 100 million years, the energy is actually close to the sum of the energy of the observable universe.

Then distribute half to the magic tire, in fact, the desired result can also be achieved.

How long is 100 million years? The earth is less than half a month.

It is conceivable that if they are given more time, how much energy can be absorbed, that energy can be too much to calculate.

As for when Kelong will realize infinite energy, this is completely uncertain.

May suddenly one day, Kelon will have unlimited energy.

“It broke into humans again, it doesn’t look weak.”

“Where’s Xiaoqing?”

“Can’t find him anywhere.”

The nine suns communicate with each other, and Mo Poor can feel that they are communicating, but he doesn’t know what they are talking about, because they don’t speak any language at all, it is pure energy information exchange.

This kind of energy information exchange is equivalent to the speed of light communication. Even if Mo Poor heard it, he would not be able to hear it.

But in a short time, the gods talked about so many things, and inspected Mo Poor and Jiang Long’s comments.

And soon realized that the two people in front of them seemed to have locked a **** and a group of flesh races into the containment.

“Seal their souls!”

“There must be information products on them.” A **** said.

Without any communication with Mo Poor at all, a cold sun shot out a thin sheet of colored foam-like attack.


Mo Poor stepped forward and stopped Jiang Long.

In an instant, the color film blasted Mo Qiong into nothingness, leaving only the primordial spirit.

These nine ancient gods are nothing compared to the blue lion just now. That blue lion is so poor that even the cold sun can’t create a god, and Mo Qiong still has the power to fight against it.

But the nine gods who can make small suns, although they are also very poor, but if they randomly pick out a little energy, it is also an astronomical figure for human beings.

One face-to-face, Mo Poor was annihilated. This rainbow-like arc membrane is actually a thin sheet of antiprotons.

Any positive matter that comes into contact with it will be annihilated and bloom with abundant energy.

This is much more effective than nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion can only excite about 1% of the energy of matter, while positive and antimatter are annihilated, and the energy conversion ratio is 100%.

That is to say, the ancient **** saved energy, so much that he burned Mo Poor directly as fuel, and while producing a wave of energy, he killed him, and by the way, killed Jiang Long next to him.

Of course, this is a one-sided recognition from a scientific point of view. A complete description of this trick should be the way of birth and death of all things. In fact, it is an attack in the form of mysterious side laws.


An ancient **** sprang out from the cold sun. He had a hundred heads, dozens of arms, and was six meters tall. He was Taifeng.

He grabbed the Pao Ding’s Blade floating in mid-air, intending to take it away for research.

Here it can be seen that the thinking of the ancient gods may be a bit different from that of human beings, and they are not suitable for containment personnel, because their heads are a bit iron!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the bull knife is a containment object, and they must also be able to see it, so they just went to get it directly.

However, no matter how hard he exerted himself, and even various laws fluctuated and rippled, the Pao Ding’s Blade would firmly drift in another direction.

Can’t hold it alive!


Looking at Mo Poor’s primordial spirit again, molecules continue to grow and quickly form a human body.

A simple soul will not trigger molecular regeneration, but the soul can, and the soul has matter. The ancient gods didn’t want his body and spirit to be destroyed, so he left the primordial spirit on purpose, which allowed Mo Qiong to regenerate.

It’s not a big deal, it’s just regeneration, and every **** has it.

To the surprise of the ancient gods, no energy was recovered in the wave of annihilation just now!

“What about the energy? He should have burst out with a huge amount of energy, why is it gone?”

“It seems that the moment it blooms, it’s gone!”

The ancient gods were astonished. Such a big lump of energy, how could it be gone?

They didn’t know that Mo Poor had sent him to Mars. Just like the fusion earrings with dozens of machs connected to the chest in space, even if the object smashes Mo Poor’s body, as long as it touches and then leaves, it will trigger an absolute hit.

Unless Mo Poor is not conscious, but he has already achieved Yuanshen in advance, so his head is gone, so he can still be conscious and set the landing point.

That is to say, any attack that bombards Mo Poor, unless it sticks to him, as long as it blooms, it is considered to be shot away.

In the past, this trick was hardly used, because Mo Poor did not have molecular regeneration, nor did he have a mind that was separated from the body.

And now, he has both.

“What’s going on? Human, have you absorbed the energy?” An ancient **** asked.

Mo Poor didn’t answer this question, but just said lightly…

“I am Mo Poor.”

The ancient gods were shocked when they heard this name.

“What! You are Mo Poor!”

“Ah! It’s Mo Qiong! Mo Qiong!”

The ancient gods were all crazy, yelling, they made sounds, and expressed their emotions in the form of language.

Shock, surprise and all kinds of emotions are exuded unabashedly.

Jiang Long behind Mo Poor looked confused, what’s going on? How could Mo Poor give such a big reaction to the ancient gods when he reported his name?

Regarding the performance of the ancient god, Mo Poor’s heart sank.

Mo Poor deliberately only said the name, not explaining where the energy went.

Sure enough, the ancient gods knew this name, and as soon as they heard this name, they knew what ability he had.

“Kelong…” Mo Poor sighed, there is no other possibility, this can only be what Kelong told the ancient gods.

750 million years of torture, not to mention Mo Poor’s characteristics, even all the conditions of the earth, including all the information of the Blue and White Society, Kelong probably talked about it.

All he wanted was to hope that the ancient **** would not intentionally aggravate his pain when he was ‘telling a story’.

The ancient gods knew exactly who Kelong was waiting for, and they also knew the name and characteristics of the person they were waiting for.

Knowing that Mo Poor might shoot things out of the Uncanny Valley!

So when I heard Mo Poor’s name, I was ecstatic.

“Don’t blame me, Mo Poor, 700 million years, what do you think I can hide?” Kelong said spiritually.

Mo Poor smiled and said: “You don’t need to explain, I’d be surprised if you didn’t tell me. And, it doesn’t matter.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand and sent Jiang Long to Adams.

Seeing the person disappear before their eyes, they thought Jiang Long had gone out.

Among the ancient gods, Taifeng, the only one who still maintains the form of flesh and blood, said ecstatically, “Here you are! You really came! There can be no gaps here…Xiaoqing, he…”

“The guy you talked about was sent out by me.” Mo Poor said calmly, and with just a glance, he remembered the very obvious scale on the giant’s neck that was a little stuck.

When he said this, all the ancient gods trembled with excitement.

One of the suns turned into a lizardman on the spot, shining golden all over.

He is Aton, only he said coldly: “Why? Do you dare to release the gods?”

Mo Poor said: “Because you go out, you are not my opponent.”

This means, send the ancient gods back to the mother universe, and then kill them!

“Huh?” The gods were furious.

They are all like Gaia, with pride in their hearts. Although they lost to humans, the more they are like this, the more unwilling they are in their hearts, and the harder it is to accept this fact.

On the contrary, it makes them more proud in front of human beings.

They are the first batch of intelligent beings in the universe. They exterminated all creatures in the mother universe. They are the gods of different universes. They are the first to explore the existence of root information.

The only shame is losing to his own creation.

“Ants, there is no suppression here, what right do you have to dare to look at me!” Aton’s terrifying mental power eroded into Mo Poor’s heart.

An ancient **** who is not suppressed by demons can do something to destroy his personality, pollute Mo Qiong’s soul, and brand him with the mark of submission.

Mo Qiong’s eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He flicked the Pao Ding’s blade with his hand, like playing table tennis, and slapped away the invisible imprinted touch in the air.

However, Aton sneered, and the attacks continued one after another like a violent storm.

Mo Poor’s nerve response obviously couldn’t keep up, and while most of the imprints were taken away, they were also eroded.

Seeing this, Mo Poor’s thoughts moved slightly, cutting off a trace of soul.

Discard the polluted part directly, and reflect it into the center of Aton’s eyebrows.

“Boom!” Hit like a bullet, Aton’s soul was shaken slightly by this self-destructive impact.

Of course, it’s harmless, the two are not of the same magnitude at all.

Aton laughed and said, “It’s this kind of self-mutilation defense again. I’ve seen it too much. How many souls do you have that you can give up?”

“It seems that you don’t want to go out, what about the others?” Mo Poor said.

Aton was stunned, and saw the other seven suns turned into lizard figures on the spot, and rushed towards Mo Poor.

“Send me out!”

Mo Poor sent two ancient gods away with one palm.

Aton shouted: “Idiot! He must have a conspiracy! Maybe he sent you into another sealed place!”

As a leader, he is smart, and he doesn’t have so many flukes in his heart.

From Kelong, he had already learned about Lanbai Society, so he didn’t believe that Mo Poor would kindly let them go.

But he didn’t think too much about it, he just thought that Mo Poor might have sent them from one prison to another.

So unless he can control Mo Poor, he won’t let himself be shot by Mo Poor.

But the temptation to go out is too great, even if it is another prison, Chuangjie Mountain is completely, absolutely impossible to go out. Among the known places, it is the most absolute one.

Not only can’t get out, but the time flow is very fast. If you want to wait for the outside world to change, you don’t know how long you will have to wait.

In comparison, even if it is another prison, some ancient gods recognize it, so they just want to leave this damned place!

“Aton! Don’t kill him! If you want to kill him, you wait until we are out!” An ancient **** roared.

“…” Aton was speechless.

The truth is this truth, Aton doesn’t want to believe it, but other ancient gods are willing to try it.

Aton kept bombarding like this, while Mo Poor was very staunch. Every time he was hit, he immediately cracked it by giving up his soul.

This is a kind of violent cracking, which is equivalent to a slow self-destruction of the soul.

As long as Mo Poor hesitates for a moment, his mind will be enslaved, but if his will is extremely tenacious and he resists to the end, then the result will be death with both mind and body.

Mo Poor’s willpower, they knew at a glance that he was the type who would burn everything together. They had seen this kind of person a lot, and all the rebels back then were like this.

Especially after learning about the Lanbai Society, they knew better that it was impossible for Mo Poor to be enslaved by them.

There is another similar precedent, and that is Wu Yunmo.

They couldn’t enslave Wu Yunmo no matter whether it was violence or the temptation of resurrection, so they actually knew that it was impossible to use such a simple non-specific method to get Mo Poor.

Therefore, the other ancient gods wanted to stop Aton instead, for fear of killing Mo Poor. If they wanted to die, they had to be sent out before they died.

Seeing the madness of his companions, Aton sneered and simply let them go.

Mo Poor took advantage of this to easily unseal another eleven ancient gods.

On the field, only Aton and Taifeng remained.

However, taking advantage of greed, Mo Qiong directly reduced the group of ancient gods by half. Counting the Feather God who guards the farm, there are only three ancient gods left in Chuangjie Mountain.

Actually, if Yushen was present, he would definitely take a gamble and leave here first.

It’s been closed for too long, too long, too long! Except for great gods such as Aton and Taifeng, whose energy is still a little abundant, the other gods are almost exhausted. Time is the biggest killer, and everything will be annihilated.

These little gods, if they delay for a while, they will be wiped out without being killed.

So, you have to take a gamble, there is no choice.

Betting that no matter what conspiracy Mo Poor has, they will eventually get rid of it, and they will finally be free through their own efforts.

And this is precisely what Mo Poor wants to use.

p.s: Sorry. I’m really sorry for this month’s update, it’s only 160,000 words. Recently, I have become more and more resistant to asthma medicines, and the hormones I have taken have almost no effect. This month, I have frequent attacks. When I am awake, I really don’t want to code, and the brain’s oxygen supply is insufficient, so I want to do something that doesn’t use my mind, orz. I will make it up in August, at least update normally.

(end of this chapter)

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