Blue and White Society

Chapter 822

Chapter 822 – Inescapable Spear

Chapter 822 The Unavoidable Spear

How can you confront the ancient gods with only flesh and blood?

It is so difficult to deal with Gaia, not to mention the ancient gods who are not suppressed by demons.

If you want to deal with an enemy whose strength is far superior to your own, there are always only two ideas: weaken the enemy and improve yourself.

Mo Qiong uses a two-pronged approach, using the flesh clan to continuously weaken the ancient gods.

As for the method of strengthening one’s own side, one of them is Gabriel, the feather god.

He knew that Gabriel could be possessed and fused, so when dealing with him, he deliberately lured the other party to choose so from words.

As a result, Jiang Long’s life-saving ability was greatly improved, and the pair of King Kong’s indestructible wings could be used to resist many powerful physical attacks.

In addition, Gabriel, who said that he would not help, actually only needs Mo Poor’s side to show a situation that may really kill God.

So when Jiang Long is in danger of death, Gabriel will definitely take action, even if it is just a little bit of energy to help Jiang Long recover from his physical injuries.

This will greatly enhance Jiang Long’s combat power and life-saving ability.

”The ancient gods were all given the mysterious side origin gods because they entered the universe just opened by Pangu Axe. This is the characteristic of Chuangjie Mountain. It is only valid for the native natural life in the mother universe.”

“After I learned about this from Kelong, I asked for a scene. It was the appearance of a certain universe when it was just born. When Kelong was allowed to experience the feeling of opening up the universe with the Pangu ax more than ten days ago, he recorded it. Yes. In a certain area inside, forty-two miniature black holes are formed for a short period of time, and are restrained by each other’s gravitational force, forming a relatively stable array mechanism.”

“We are in Chuangjie Mountain, and the time is three billion times faster, so after more than ten days, the relative positions of the miniature black hole systems have not changed much. With some brain supplements, I can determine their current state.”

After listening to Mo Poor’s words, Adams asked in surprise, “Can you shoot to that place?”

Mo Qiong smiled and said: “Of course, I just shot a poor coin into it after I got that scene. It landed on the largest of the forty-two miniature black holes, a high-speed rotating Kerr black hole, that Kerr black hole There are two layers of infinite redshift surface and event horizon, when the object crosses the surface layer of infinite redshift surface, because there is a circle of negative energy bands there, poor coins will not be torn apart in a short time.”

“Before it crosses the negative energy band, I have enough time to shoot again.”

“The thing shot in the back is aimed at the thing shot in the front. Because of the time difference, I have time to do this.”

“After so many repetitions, I have always locked on that universe, and have not lost it.”

It’s a very simple operation. Because the initial poor coins are in the negative energy band, they won’t be annihilated instantly, at least they have to cross the negative energy band.

And this may take 0.1 milliseconds, which is converted to three days in Chuangjie Mountain.

Just in case, Mo Poor shoots at the object thrown in front of him every hour.

After talking to Gabriel at the end, he even threw a pair of wings over. Gabriel’s wings are physically immune, so they are the best coordinate points.

“No one has ever been to a universe without any life! Whoever enters first will immediately become a god!” Mo Poor said.

Adams’ eyes lit up: “You plan to make me a god!”


Only Mo Poor can’t leave Chuangjie Mountain casually. Once he leaves, unless he comes back in an instant, the daylily here in Chuangjie Mountain will be cold.

Among other things, three billion people are probably dead.

And if he doesn’t become a **** himself, Adams can only become a god.

Because Adams can split his mind! Directly with two souls and two hearts.

The relationship between him and Xiu’er is actually equivalent to asexual reproduction in terms of the characteristics of becoming a god.

What will happen if the ancient gods split? Energy is divided into two parts.

So as long as Adams sends Xiuer to become a god, he here will also become a **** immediately! Of course, only half the energy.

But enough!

“Hurry up!”

Mo Poor urged, while dodging Aton’s attack.

The war started in a hurry. Originally, three billion people were supposed to enter the Tao together, severely weakening Aton.

At the same time, help Adams become a god, and then Adams, the god, will bless Mo Poor with some power to improve the execution of Mo Poor’s characteristics.

One will ebb and flow, and the human side will have a very high chance of winning.

Unfortunately, none of these were ready, and Aton discovered them.

“Boom!” Jiang Long couldn’t stop the Thai wind at all.

That guy’s animal claws also seem to have the characteristics of absolute sharpness, what kind of poor alloy is like tofu.

Fortunately, Jiang Long has an extra pair of feather **** wings, so he finally has something to resist.

It just looked extremely embarrassing, and with a single claw from Tai Feng, Jiang Long could be fanned away by the light claw wind.

“Do you only have this strength? Didn’t your Blue and White Club house a lot of good things? What about things? Why didn’t you bring them in?” Gabriel snapped.

“I…cough cough…” Jiang Long vomited and donated blood: “I don’t have anything to contain.”

Gabriel said airily: “Then you die! I won’t care about you!”

“You really don’t care about me?” Jiang Long said.

“Hehe, you are just my ship, and you still want me to borrow your strength?” Gabriel said disdainfully.

On the other side, Mo Poor was entangled with Aton endlessly.

Mo Poor is very mobile, but sometimes in order to save people, he has to send them away and resist the wave himself.

In the end, his fragile body could only explode, relying on regeneration ability to survive.

Aton patted the cold sun irritably, and a bright light like the sun’s shining suddenly bloomed.

Fierce energy flooded dozens of miles around, burning everything without distinction.

“Be careful!” Mo Poor sent Adams directly to the entrance of the Uncanny Valley, causing him to be teleported to a random place in the desert.

As for the others, it’s too late.

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of the 200 million people who entered the Taoist race were melted.

Right at this moment, a young man roared, with the flames of the primordial spirit on his body, and took the initiative to meet him.

Hold your hands high, stretch out your index fingers, and put them on both sides of the top of your head, as if a child is gesturing with tentacles.

“Ah!” He seemed to be joking, but his expression was extremely serious.

Miraculously, the energy of the terrifying spread was suddenly guided by some kind of direction, from a spherical spread to a river-like linear spread.

Aton’s attack bypassed the rest of the people, destroying the thick sand along the way, forming a large river of plasma texture in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Hey!” Mo Poor looked at the boy in surprise.

Actually used some kind of magic to divert Aton’s attack away!

What kind of spell is that? Index finger on head, Teletubbies?

Aton was also very surprised. Although this was not his full strength, it was still too rare for a weak human to be led away by a non-characteristic mysterious side way.

“Demigod?” Aton looked at the boy carefully, and found that he was actually a demigod.

“Huh? Have you become a fairy?” Mo Poor also discovered that the boy’s realm was abnormal.

Although most of the meat races have entered the Tao, their state of mind is not only in the realm of Yuanshen, but some are even in the realm of Yuanying or above.

But as soon as you enter the Tao, you will be in the realm of a fairy, which is amazing!

“What is becoming a fairy?” The young man said blankly, his body was still stained with fire.

“Don’t burn the primordial spirit! Stop it!” Seeing that he was still burning the primordial spirit, Mo Qiong hurriedly reminded him.

“Oh.” The boy followed suit immediately, and then smiled at Mo Qiong: “Are my ants good at climbing trees?”

“…that trick… to make ants climb the tree?” Mo Qiong sighed, people of the meat race are simple-minded, and their thinking is unconstrained.

There is no corresponding state of mind in the world of cultivating immortals, it is completely one’s own way.

Among hundreds of millions of people, it is feasible to have a young man who is a fairy as soon as he cultivates.

However, this special state of mind is unstable and easily polluted by the world of mortals.

If he goes to the earth to increase his knowledge, not only will he not make progress, but his realm may collapse instead. As soon as the inner fantasy world becomes ‘real’, the immortal realm will disappear.

“What’s your name!” Mo Poor asked.

“Flying may.” The boy stretched out his index finger and raised his hand to heaven.

Aton sneered and said, “Isn’t it just an ant?”

The boy said angrily: “You killed the ants just now! Evil God!”

Aton was taken aback. Among the people who died just now, there were really some ants?

To deal with a demigod whose energy is still divided from him, Aton is not unable, but reluctant.

That’s all my energy, once it’s consumed, it can’t be recovered.

After thinking about it, Aton clicked on the floating cold sun, and saw a gap in the cold sun, revealing a stone spear.

Aton hesitated for a moment, a ball of light appeared in his hand, and he took out the stone spear.

“Mo Poor, you are just good at stalking…you humans like this…”

“I really don’t know why you think you can kill God. I heard that you are a new generation of Hei Di? Do you know that Hei Di and Yan Di joined forces, and they didn’t do anything to me!” Aton said.

Mo Qiong smiled and said, “Isn’t it normal for future generations to do what the predecessors failed to do?”

“The ancient gods… have no civilization?”

Aton said disdainfully: “Civilization? This kind of fictional thing to restrain oneself, Kelong said…why do you always take it out?”

Mo Poor said: “Because this is the real reason for your failure.”

“Stop talking nonsense!” Aton poked with a stone spear in his glowing arm, and the golden light on his arm instantly turned into blue light.

Where the stone spear passed, the air seemed to be stagnant and thick, forming a corridor.

The tunnel is glowing with beautiful blue light, making it extremely mysterious.

The spear passing through it was fast and anxious, but Mo Poor still avoided it, retreating hundreds of meters, but felt uncomfortable all over.

“Uh… ah!” Mo Poor’s body blurred for a moment, and suddenly collapsed directly.

The body turned into a mass of blue ion sparks, blooming instantly.

“Mo Poor!” Adams flew from a distance, and he has completed the establishment of his new self.

Combined with the method of splitting the soul, Adams is equivalent to beheading a corpse.

“I’m fine!” Although Mo Poor’s body was annihilated, his soul was unscathed and fled to Adams’ hands.

“Huh? My body can’t regenerate!” Mo Poor said solemnly.

Now Mo Poor is frozen in the state of Yuanshen, losing his physical body.

The physical body was completely annihilated into light and ion radiation. He only regenerates at the molecular level. If he is beaten so that there are no molecules, the regeneration ability will not be triggered.

“You obviously avoided it!” Adams said solemnly.

Mo Poor said: “Yes, I dodged, but this is the containment…Maybe I shouldn’t dodge.”

Aton sneered and said: “Stop running away like a rat, this ‘unavoidable spear’ will directly attack the dodging target, just stand still and don’t move!”

Inescapable spear? Specialize in dodging targets? If the enemy dodges in front of it, is it equivalent to being beaten?

Mo Poor said: “So I didn’t hide just now, so I’m fine?”

A blazing ball of light emerged from the tip of Aton’s left finger: “If you don’t hide, you will be blasted into scum by me! Even Yuanshen will not stay.”

Stone spears specialize in dodging targets, that is to say, if you don’t see the spear at all, or get hit on purpose, it’s fine.

Once the stone spear is pierced, everyone will either be poked by it obediently, or they will not see it from the beginning, so that it will not regard people’s movement as dodging.

Aton finally used his containment, and with just one shot, Mo Qiong lost his body.

“What kind of attack? It just blew up my body into atoms… not even a single molecule was left!”

“Forget it, Adams! Give me the trumpet!” Mo Poor shouted.

As soon as he stretched out his hand towards Adams, a woman’s soul popped out between Adams’ eyebrows.

It’s not Xiu’er, but another one, with a heroic face, not as charming as Xiu’er.

“What trumpet! She has a name, Naer.” Adams roared.

“Nal, become a god!”

With a flick of Mo Poor, the mutilated primordial spirit immediately disappeared and went to an early universe.

“What!” Aton looked at Adams in shock.

I saw that Adams, who was just like an ant, suddenly received a huge infusion of the original source.

Adams’ body surface was filled with a layer of fresh air, and a pair of golden armor was formed on the top of his head in an instant.

This is about the same nature as Aton’s sun roulette, a symbol that belongs exclusively to God.

Feeling the exuberant energy in Adams’ body, Aton was stunned. In the blink of an eye, the situation changed drastically!

A mortal suddenly has more energy than the three ancient gods combined!

In the past, he didn’t notice this energy! But now the situation is different, they are three poor ghosts and gods.

And Adams in front of him is a new god!

Tai Feng also looked over in horror, and Jiang Long took the opportunity to breathe.

He was so broken that he could barely move, and suddenly Gabriel helped him recover from his injuries.

Gabriel said: “Human, I will borrow your strength.”

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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