Blue and White Society

Chapter 825

Chapter 825 – Apostle

Chapter 825 Apostles

“Fortunately, you learned his trick, otherwise we really wouldn’t be able to block this blow.” Adams said mentally.

Mo Poor’s face was as dark as iron. He seemed to block it, but in fact it all depended on the cooperation with Absolute Hit!

Shooting away the contacted energy and transferring it to a certain depth in the universe is the reason why he can resist for so long.

But in this high-load state, his mental strength can’t last long.

If Aton continues to increase his strength, the winged shield wall made by Mo Poor may collapse in an instant.

This is not a problem of energy, but that he really cannot support such a large operation. He is not a Yushen practitioner, but he uses the spells of the Yushen system, which is too reluctant.

Seemingly aware of Mo Poor’s problem, Adams said, “Do you have a plan B?”

“Wait!” Mo Poor stopped talking and concentrated on resisting the violent sun.

There is only one piece of pure land in Chuangjie Mountain at this moment, and that is the hundreds of miles under the protection of Mo Poor.

This range is still being compressed, and the crowd inside is getting more and more crowded.

Mo Poor maintains such a huge operation purely by tenacious willpower.

Forcibly squeezing the mind to the limit is something only top members can do, and at this moment, Mo Poor has made it even more extreme.

Thanks to the fact that he has no physical body now, only the primordial spirit, which is actually beneficial.

The distracting thoughts and redundant feelings brought about by too much hormone are gone, so that his mind does not need to process some redundant information that should not be processed.

But even so, Mo Poor’s primordial spirit had to be burned to stimulate such a huge computing power.

“Can I help you? Mo Poor!”

Jiang Long looked anxiously at Mo Poor burning his primordial spirit.

Adams became a **** to provide him with energy, and as for himself, after merging with such a cheating god, he has more than enough protection for himself, but now he can’t do anything.

Gabriel will protect him, but he will not really do things for mankind with all his heart.

Deep in his heart, he was still full of disdain for human beings.

Seeing that Mo Poor didn’t respond, Jiang Long thought that Mo Poor might not be in the mood to answer him. He had no choice but to bite his lip and make a deal with Gabriel.

He was trying his best to negotiate with Gabriel, trying to find a way to restrain Gabriel and make him help thoroughly.

However, he and Gabriel had just spoken a few words.

Mo Poor suddenly said, “Let’s tell a joke.”

Jiang Long was taken aback.

Adams laughed loudly: “Master Gou, this B, if he comes in now, he will be burned to death.”

Jiang Long said in embarrassment: “Is this a joke? Lord Gou came in and our gods are all slaughtered, so it’s funny!”

Mo Poor twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled.

With such an interruption, Jiang Long quickly calmed down his over-eager mind.

He realized that Mo Poor was not in a mess, and it was useless to be anxious now.

Mo Poor said to wait, then wait.

Not long after, Aton came to the outside of the feather shield and suddenly tore a hole.

The berserk energy vented in from the opening, Jiang Long immediately blocked it, using his wings to protect him in front of him to block.

But the impact of energy was too strong, and other parts of his body were not invincible, and soon melted beyond recognition.

If Gabriel hadn’t been protecting him, Jiang Long would have evaporated immediately.

“Mo Poor, it’s over. I’m not like Gabriel, I don’t need you, you can die.” Aton said fiercely.

Mo Qiong said quietly: “Do you know that Kelong is waiting for this opportunity.”

Aton was taken aback for a moment, the meat tube eyeball beside him was Kelong.

During the previous battle, Aton didn’t move, so he could still be with Kelong.

However, Kelong’s moving steps have been exhausted today, and he is self-imprisoned, unable to move anymore, so he can’t take Kelong with him, so he has to come alone and tear the feather shield.

Seeing this, Mo Poor said such a sentence directly and calmly, which immediately surprised Aton.

And this is just to delay time.

“What chance?” Aton turned his head, his eyes were full of golden light, and through the violent flames, he saw Kelong who was left in place and protected under the sun roulette.

After inspecting it, there was nothing unusual, and then Aton realized that Mo Poor was just talking casually.

“Hehe, human beings just like to struggle.” Aton sneered.

“If you say that all things will be destroyed, then all things will be destroyed!”


At this moment, Adams was taken aback and suddenly felt something.

Something is being automatically understood by him.

At the same time, a figure suddenly flew into the air.

That was the 蚍炸, and the helmet on his head had changed.

The originally gorgeous golden helmet turned gray, with two towering horned pliers, the whole painting style and style became very strange.

It looks weird, but it has an indescribable arrogance.

“You don’t want to kill any more!”

Looking at the blazing energy that was constantly oppressed, Wu May stuck his two fingertips on both sides of the helmet, looking like a child.

However, this child mobilized the huge power in the helmet.

In front of the raging sun, a pair of huge gray tentacles composed of countless mysterious patterns were set up.

The pair of tentacles covered with mysterious runes are like towering giant pillars, like the pinnacles that stabilize the sea, they directly block the terrifying torrent of energy, and even stay there.

“My mother told me that the thing called a flower will not bloom again when it withers. Whether it is a person, a gnat… or the shining sun, there is only one life!” the gnat growled.

He ‘clamped’ the sun that seemed to be frozen, and pushed it back with a bang.

Not only that, the dazzling sun was also infected with countless strange runes, and then gradually dimmed.

Some substances appeared in the violent energy, and as the energy decayed, the substances precipitated out!

Under a pair of tentacles like giant pillars, a sun slowly turned into a gray monster.

No, that is a construct, not a mechanical type, nor a holy cloth type.

It looks like a mole and an ant, full of various fantastic structures. It looks like a bug, but it is not any bug. It looks like a giant beast, but there is no such beast.

Mo Poor can see the characteristics of many animals in it, as well as many organs that have never been seen before.

Oddly shaped, harmonious and full, this may be the ‘蚍乱’ in the mind of Wuyu.

Born from the sun, towering and earth-shattering, unparalleled domineering.

“This is the apostle?” Adams was amazed, this god…

Looking at Yan May, Mo Poor’s condensed face finally showed a smile.

What a genius.

Mo Poor is very clear that he, who has been restricted by too much ‘knowledge’, is not suitable to be the first pioneer of Adams’ apostolic system.

What did the first immortal cultivator think? How could he have thought of doing that?

That must have the most ridiculous ideas, and use a brand-new way to understand the world.

can do it, start a sect.

Mo Poor is suitable for this kind of situation before, when he is in a desperate situation, he can squeeze his mental strength, use a little clue to decipher the use of Yushen’s divine power, and then save the situation.

If there are clues, then the wisdom and experience he has cultivated for a long time can find out a thread.

There is no clue, it is really too difficult, it requires a truly unconstrained thinking.

Compared to Mo Poor, who chases ducks to the shelves, Mo Poor is more suitable.

蚍皍 can ascend to the immortal in one step, enough to see the vastness and magnificence of the world in his heart, which is unparalleled in splendor.

His life was extremely constrained, with no freedom at all. But his state of mind is unrestrained and carefree.

Mo Poor almost thought that he would not be able to wait, but fortunately, this fly, who can become a fairy with a single thought, did not disappoint him.

Found a way to communicate with the Saint Cloth, and awakened the power in the Saint Cloth.

He knows it, Adams knows it, Adams knows it, it is not difficult for Mo Qiong to learn.

The most difficult time is over.

Because of being discovered suddenly, the lack of preparation caused by rushing to the battle finally made up for it.

“Buzz buzz!”

Mo Poor is dressed in a gorgeous battle armor, his image changes, and he becomes ruthless in the blink of an eye.

The dazzling luster of blazing gold has also become as deep and black as the universe.

A power that is closely related to inner emotions, beliefs, love and hatred, bursts out.

p.s: Sorry. The state is really bad.

(end of this chapter)

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