Blue and White Society

Chapter 830

Chapter 830 – D-Class God

Chapter 830 D-Class God

If Mo Qiong says a word, let Taifeng not know what to say.

He just killed a lot of people. In order not to let others share his origin, many meat races who were concentrating on entering the Tao died unexpectedly.

Although it was insignificant compared to the people killed by Aton, in this densely populated battlefield, tens of thousands of people died under his random attack.

Jiang Long was ordered to stop him. If Gabriel hadn’t used his power to treat him, Jiang Long would have died in his hands.

So no matter what Tai Feng said, the most, the most, are D-level personnel.

Wanting to go out and want to be free is simply wishful thinking.

“Hahaha! Taifeng, fight to the death with dignity, their so-called D-class personnel are experimental products!”

After Aton finished talking to Taifeng, he said to Mo Poor: “Human beings, that was the humble status of your ancestors. Now you want the gods to be reduced to experiments, which is the greatest humiliation to us! You want to put this humble title Inserting it on the head of a **** is wishful thinking!”

“Gods will never be slaves!”

Thai Feng said with difficulty: “D-level personnel can also…”

“What did you say!” Aton was dumbfounded.

Although Taifeng has no hatred for human beings, he is afraid of death, or cherishes life.

But as one of the once top gods, only truth and dignity cannot be lost, this is the basic principle.

Human beings were God’s test subjects in the past! How can God be reduced to a human experiment?

Any ancient **** would never accept this kind of thing. Gaia would rather risk her life and reincarnate continuously than be captured alive.

From beginning to end, Aton never gave in.

Each of them is maintaining the last remaining dignity of the ancient gods. They are gods. This is a thought that has been deeply rooted for countless years. Never compromise.

This is a kind of even if you hammer me on the ground and step on your face, I will call you the last fig leaf of a barbarian.

In Aton’s opinion, after Mo Qiong said that Taifeng could at most become a D-level personnel, Taifeng should shut up.

You should give up the embarrassing begging for a job right now, and fight Mo Poor to the death.

Unexpectedly, Taifeng actually said yes!

“No! This is absolutely not possible!” Aton stared at Taifeng ferociously, as if his eyes wanted to kill him.

Taifeng’s expression was ever-changing, and he remained silent.

“Gods become human test subjects? How can you do this! I won’t allow it! You should die!”

Thai Feng remained silent, his eyes were sometimes sharp and sometimes bitter.

“Answer me Taifeng! Look at me! You can’t surrender to humans! You can’t!” Aton was going crazy, and he shouted desperately.

Facing Aton’s madness and anger, Tai Feng suddenly broke out: “You can’t, because you can’t accept the old ants standing on your head!”

“You have ruled thousands of races for countless years, and you have demonstrated your dignity and greatness in front of them countless times. The incomparably humble appearance of countless races has been deeply imprinted in your hearts, so you cannot accept the huge contrast of today…”

“The dignity you speak of is a memory of the glory of the past. It’s a pity… When you are enjoying the gaze of all races and overlooking their humbleness, I was locked up here by you, looking at the endless yellow sand.”

Aton was dumbfounded, Taifeng’s words were right.

After creating many races that would take away their power, Taifeng was scolded as the father of all demons and sent to Chuangjie Mountain until today.

”I didn’t enjoy enslaving mankind in the most glorious time of God, but now I want to become a human experiment.”

“Not only that, you also told me that even this is not acceptable, for the sake of dignity, I should die?” Tai Feng said indifferently.

He has never experienced the humbleness of human beings, so he does not have the extremely stubborn face of the ancient gods.

“Mo Poor, I can become a D-class personnel, but I must retain the perception of root information, you can’t lower my life level.” Tai Feng stared into Mo Poor’s eyes and said.

“What is the definition of life level? Or, what are the detailed conditions for having root perception?” Mo Poor asked.

Taifeng said: “I don’t know such a basic thing. Yes, human beings have completely forgotten, and the Fuxi family that once had root perception has also been exterminated.”

“The strength of the life level is not simply the strength or the amount of energy. It is the optimization and leap of life itself.”

“It is mainly reflected in the senses. The top creatures have the ‘nine senses’.”

“Sense of sound, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of touch, sense of sight, inspiration, sense of light, sense of microcosm, sense of time and space.”

“Every sense is developed step by step in the evolution of life.”

Mo Poor nodded, the theory of Nine Senses was also mentioned in Lingdao’s last words.

Before the battle of Gaia, Catherine said that Gaia has nine senses, and pointed out that even if Gaia removes the outer ear, there are still organs with hearing.

In fact, the Blue and White Club has never known what the Nine Senses represent. Now, after hearing Taifeng’s words, they know that after the Nine Senses, they can perceive information.

“Can this evolve normally?” Mo Poor asked.

“It’s possible in theory, but it’s too difficult to have the nine senses normally. Many species are destined to be unable to evolve certain senses. This lack is determined by the evolutionary route. It’s like a maze with countless paths. It can move forward, but it is destined that some routes will lead to a dead end, and on that day, the evolution of life will come to an end, and all potential will be lost.” Taifeng said.

Mo Qiong hummed, the life evolution route is full of forks, which makes the world a variety of species, all kinds of strange things, all kinds of strange things.

Sometimes, an evolutionary selection seems to allow this species to continue, but it may secretly cancel the possibility of evolving to the nine senses.

Maybe it evolves to eight senses, or even seven senses, and it will not make any progress.

Unless they can degenerate and return to a fork in the road to re-select, it is impossible for most species to evolve to the nine senses.

“Can humans evolve to nine senses?” Mo Poor asked.

Taifeng said: “Of course, your pre-race Fuxi has nine senses. You are actually degenerated…”

“Of course, it is impossible for you to return to the level of Fuxi, because Fuxi and other early human races all have our template.”

“Your current human beings belong to another unknown evolutionary route. If you evolve in the wrong direction later, you may also lose your potential. It’s just that it hasn’t been ruined yet.”

Mo Poor asked: “Can you see how long it will take for humans to evolve to the nine senses?”

Taifeng said: “It’s hard to say, natural evolution is a process that is extremely dependent on luck and time-consuming. It can be as short as tens of millions of years or as long as tens of billions of years. If you make a wrong step in the middle, you may never be able to evolve to Jiugan.”

“However, it is also possible to use the absolute characteristics to realize the nine senses. The root perception does not need each sense to be strong, as long as there is one.”

“Root perception is not a natural path, it’s just a setting. In other universes, when the nine senses evolve, the evolution of life will come to an end. Only in our universe, with the nine senses, will we be able to perceive information inexplicably.” stuff. It is an absolute property of the universe, itself set by the information itself.”

Mo Poor asked: “What if we don’t allow you to perceive root information?”

Taifeng looked fiercely and said: “Then let’s fight to the death!”

He may not have dignity, but he must also retain the qualification to look up to the truth.

Mo Poor thought about whether to spare his life and accept him as a D-level personnel.

There is no doubt that Taifeng in front of him may just pretend to surrender to save his life.

Once they go out, they will definitely look for an opportunity to escape, or the Lanbai Society will take the opportunity to make trouble when it is in crisis.

Maybe one day he suddenly realizes something, which will bring huge troubles to the Blue and White Club.

However, sometimes it is not good to blindly seek stability.

Mo Poor has a higher ambition. He not only wants to maintain the situation, but also hopes to solve the containment in this era.

And for this, it is necessary to get in touch with the information, the root of all contained things.

Having an ancient **** as a D-level personnel, intelligence alone is not enough.

Taifeng can always perceive the root, which is what the Lanbai Society urgently needs.

If you just know to avoid it because of some dangers, then the Blue and White Society will never be able to find the ultimate containment measure.

There will not be a button falling from the sky, press it, and all the contents will disappear.

“I already know your Nilin. For me, it doesn’t matter where you hide. Do you understand? D-level God 001.” Mo Poor said.

Thai Feng said: “I understand…”

p.s: Sorry. Just one chapter.

(end of this chapter)

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