Blue and White Society

Chapter 834

Chapter 834 – God Of Destruction Gou Ye

Chapter 834 God of Destruction Gou Ye

Before becoming a god, one must open up the world.

Mo Poor held the Pangu axe, feeling a sense of emptiness inexplicably.

It is more vacuum than a vacuum. In this nothingness, there is not even time and space, it just exists.

Space-time can also be twisted and squeezed, but the void is not, there is no motion there, and no matter can travel in it, except for singularities.

Singularity has no shape at all, it is the beginning and the end of space-time.

It contains countless possibilities for the evolution of the universe. When Mo Poor focused on a certain singularity, it burst into bloom.

It’s as if it was originally a cloud of probability, a cloud of functions. Mo Poor’s observation makes it must be a certain value, and then the function collapses.

When the universe was first born, the laws of nature were chaotic, or in other words, the universe model established in the later stable universe period, many of the laws summarized did not work in this period, just like nonsense.

It cannot be said that the physics of modern people is completely wrong, it can only be said that the laws themselves are not static.

Aside from other things, the physics of the entire universe will be different just because the curvature of space-time in the universe changes.

The natural laws of the early universe were unstable, just like an unsolvable three-body problem, establishing a model for the birth of the universe is also an unsolvable problem.

Humans do not have any kind of physical system that can describe it, and all descriptions are just inversions based on the state of the universe more than ten billion years later.

But this kind of reverse deduction is as incomplete as Galileo’s velocity superposition theory, and there are too many unknown conditions that have not been considered.

belongs to the law of the stable universe period, and cannot be used to represent the law of the early universe.

Mo Poor discovered that in the chaotic period at the beginning of the universe, the evolution rate was extremely fast, so fast that Mo Poor felt it was fast in Chuangjie Mountain.

This means that the upper limit of the speed of light at that time was very large, or the time flow velocity did not have a fixed value.

Mo Poor can feel that most of the natural laws of the universe are not stable yet,

However, this period of instability is very short. When Mo Poor came back to his senses, the universe had already determined a relatively stable evolution direction.

Although violent, restless, and chaotic, compared with before, there is more order.

Before, it was simply moving around, neither expanding nor contracting. The mechanics inside were all kinds of strange, as if multiple sets of natural laws were contradicting each other.

Now, it has become Mo Poor’s familiar feeling. Time and space generate mass, and mass brings energy, forming a manic and terrifying environment. In fact, everything is following the laws of mechanics and certain orders.

“Is it because I was born in such a universe, so my observation will definitely bring about such a universe?” Mo Poor couldn’t help thinking.

Seeing the indescribable innumerable laws that exclude each other, like the feeling of a battle between innate laws, Mo Poor realized that there are countless plans for natural laws.

The reason why the set of rules in front of him won is because he was born under this set of rules.

If this set of laws is numbered as 42, then all the creatures born in the 42-type universe, the universes born from the observed singularity are the universes whose basic disk is the number 42 law.

Mo Poor held the Pangu ax in his hand, felt it silently, and thus opened up a new universe.

After the short-lived innate law dispute ended, the basic law was determined, and soon a new war started again.

Space-time is rapidly expanding, and positive and negative particles are constantly being born and annihilated.

This is a dispute between positive and negative particles.

The positive and negative particles will definitely decide a winner, and in the end only one kind will remain in the main area.

If it happens to be completely annihilated, this universe will be reduced to the world of dark matter, and there will be no more stars and seas.

However, parity is not conserved, so it is almost impossible for them to die together. In the initial situation where the two sides are evenly matched, the density and distribution are crucial, and the position can determine the outcome.

When the local concentration of “forces” wins, the high-energy environment will give birth to more “forces”, eventually forming an overwhelming victory for one side.

“Time is stable, it’s ok, the evolution over there is almost as static…”

Mo Poor was about to throw Lord Gou in, when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

“Wait a minute…” He felt carefully, and found that the number of positive particles in the early universe was too small, right?

Most of them are antiparticles, such as positrons. Mo Qiong can feel that in this early universe, almost all electrons are positrons.

“Huh? Why are they all positrons?” Mo Poor was a little confused, this is wrong, how come antiparticles are going to win?

Is this going to form an antimatter universe?

The first creature sent in will become a **** at the same time, controlling a huge amount of energy.

This huge energy will ensure that he will not be destroyed by the harsh environment over there and reshape a body that can adapt to the current environment.

But the matter in that world collides with Gou Ye’s own body, which means Gou Ye will immediately turn into a body made of antimatter.

That’s all, anyway, Lord Gou’s soul is unchanged, so bring the soul back and return to the human body.

The problem is not the body, but the embodiment of Lord Gou’s law, which must also be made of antimatter.

The known universe is a world of positive matter, and the embodiment of Lord Gou’s laws will be constantly consumed.

“Taifeng, among the ancient gods, is there an anti-matter god?” Mo Qiong asked.

“Yes, very rare, because our parent universe is dominated by positive matter, so the universe we observe will basically evolve into a positive matter world. But this does not mean that the antimatter world will not be observed. It can only be said to evolve into an antimatter world The probability is very low, but not zero.” Taifeng said.

Mo Qiong understood. To put it bluntly, the universe created by the observer may not necessarily be the same as his own universe, and there is a slight chance of variation.

In fact, there is antimatter everywhere in the mother universe, but it is too little, and it is annihilated by the vast amount of positive matter almost at the moment of appearance.

The human body can produce antimatter, and the very small amount of potassium-40 contained in the human body will release positrons during decay.

Bananas can also be used, about every seventy-five minutes, bananas will produce a positron.

“Anti-matter God, throughout the ages, there is only one, we call him the God of Destruction, he also has his own system, but it is meaningless, because no one can practice it! So he was killed by the rebels, and there was only one trick… to create anti-matter. As for The law is manifested, just use Shenzhen Iron to isolate it, and when it unfolds, it is the time to attack.” Taifeng said.

Mo Poor nodded, the ancient gods are all positive matter gods, and almost all universes are positive matter universes.

Created creatures are all positive matter creatures, anti-matter **** system, they can’t practice… As I said before, without intelligent creatures to go this way, then the **** system can’t be developed.

The only hope of the antimatter **** is that the only antimatter universe can generate intelligent creatures by itself.

But this is too slow, so he only has the advantage of high destructive power, and there are no other mysterious side tricks with various effects.

As for what law manifestations will be consumed in the normal universe, there is no need to worry, because there is such a magical thing as best metal in the world.

“Okay, let’s just do this! It’s extremely low probability, if you run into it, let’s not waste it.” Master Gou said heartlessly.

“Are you sure you want to be the God of Destruction?” Mo Poor said.

“How wonderful, I like it.” Lord Gou laughed.

Mo Poor nodded, the antimatter universe, because of the origin of the observer, is really a small probability event.

But in terms of destructive power, it is definitely one of the best, more powerful than any energy attack.

Adams is the functional one, so I don’t expect Lord Gou’s system to be more useful. Creating more gods is just hoping to have more original energy.

The antimatter of photon is itself, so there is no pros and cons of energy.

“Let’s go! Lord Gou, I wish you good luck!” Mo Poor threw Lord Gou out.

“Fuck your sister!” Master Gou was sent away immediately.

Once Lord Gou left, only Mo Qiong was left in the entire Chuangjie Mountain. The others have all been sent back to Earth, or to Mars.

So Mo Poor immediately shot himself out.

Target, an ancient **** with physical immunity on Mars.

By the time he went out, he had spent a total of half a year in Chuangjieshan, which happened to correspond to the six milliseconds of Mars.


“I…” With a smack, the ancient **** who was hit by Mo Poor disappeared on the spot.

The other ancient gods around finished their unfinished words: “Come out!”

Unfortunately, by the time they finished saying ‘I’m coming out’, they had already lost three generals.

There are four people who are physically immune, and Mo Qiong originally planned to lock them all back.

However, when it was the fourth turn, the ancient **** unexpectedly realized that his body was anchored in time and space, and Mo Poor could not shake it.

This must be an absolute characteristic. In the mother universe, no extraordinary energy can be used. Apart from the absolute characteristic, the only thing they can rely on is the body that has been evolved and transformed over the years, using some biological functions to maintain its strength.

Seeing this, Mo Poor didn’t continue, his body recovered quickly, and he stood on Mars.

“He’s still alive!” The gods looked at Mo Poor vigilantly, and thorns began to grow all over his body, or a strange liquid oozed out.

Mo Qiong said to Taifeng: “Take out Lord Gou’s body and stay away. I’ll pick up his soul.”

Taifeng nodded, opened his huge mouth, and spit out a vegetative person, it was Lord Gou.

Moqiong Best, wrapped in metal, disappeared again.

Taifeng shouted. “Surrender! Aton has been killed by the Black Emperor. You still have a way to survive if you surrender. You can only go back to Chuangjie Mountain and wait to die!”

The gods are all confused, what the hell? Have you surrendered to humanity?

Immediately surprised, Aton was killed!

They looked at Adams, the human god, and immediately realized that Mo Poor could completely crush the property of Chuangjie Mountain that can only enter and not exit, and send people into the new universe.

Open the sky with one hand, seal the gods with the other!

The new generation of Hei Emperor is so strong, no wonder Aton will lose to humans.

Not only that, Mo Qiong can enter and exit Chuangjie Mountain wantonly, and the time flow difference of three billion times is too terrifying.

The ancient **** who disappeared just now didn’t even respond, and was sent back to prison by Mo Poor.

Only the God of Darkness, Daikas, reacted and responded.

“You don’t want to lock me back! The mucus on my body has a strong adsorption force, and it is impossible to shoot me away in an instant!” Qingshi said.

I have to say that when they decided to be sent out by Mo Poor, they thought of a way to deal with Mo Poor, which was pretty smart.

Things like mucus or barbs grew on each of them, making it difficult for Mo Poor to get away from the target in a very short time when he hit.

If you want to shoot someone away, you can’t connect the body surface to it, and you have to separate it after applying force.

And this little trick is enough to buy the ancient gods time to react and take other countermeasures.

However, they didn’t know that Mo Poor had no intention of imprisoning these ancient gods without golden bodies.

If you can’t shoot it away, kill it.


Lord Gou’s body jumped up suddenly, it was the soul that was sent back.

A huge vertical eye protruded from the top of his head, which is the embodiment of his law.

It’s just the vertical eye, which burst into bloom as soon as it came out, and the substances in the Martian atmosphere paired with it and annihilated, releasing a huge amount of energy.

Adams wrapped it with best metal, which suppressed it.

“God of Destruction!” The ancient gods were all knowledgeable, and they recognized this kind of strange **** with a godhead made of antimatter at a glance.

p.s: Sorry. I have convinced myself, and today is gone.

(end of this chapter)

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