Blue and White Society

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 – Three Thoughts On Shan Hai Jing

Chapter 84 Three Thoughts on Shan Hai Jing

I didn’t intend to write this, but I saw twice someone mentioned a UP master named Qi Tian Da Shen Yu Xiao Sa, and asked me if I wanted to explain the relationship with him.

I can only answer that it doesn’t matter. They probably belong to people who like to view Shan Hai Jing in terms of letter and history.

Like it? He mainly introduced why some of the strange beasts in the Book of Mountains and Seas are so strange. The answer is nothing more than the differences in understanding between ancient and modern people and the limitations of descriptions. It is easy to use metaphors but misunderstood.

Isn’t this common sense… At least in the eyes of those who like Shan Hai Jing, this is common sense…

Including He Luozhiyu, which he and I have introduced, as early as the Ming Dynasty, Yang Shen commented: “He Luoyu, today’s octopus.”

That is to say, the ancients hundreds of years ago knew that He Luoyu was a cephalopod such as squid and octopus.

It includes penguins, yaks, parrots, flying squirrels, and flying fish. These are no longer interpretations, but knowledge…

In addition, such strange beasts with multiple eyes and long eyes on their backs mostly describe the patterns on their bodies. Professor Yuan Ke has already said this point of view…

There are still gods, half-human, half-beast, mostly dressed up by wizards, pretending to be magical animal features, and collecting tributes, which are basically the tributes collected in the era when wizards were extremely powerful.

There is also a flood when you see it, and a drought when you see it. This is a typical inversion of cause and effect, and the interpretation has long existed.

All the views of that UP master basically come from scholars of Shan Hai Jing from all sides. This is knowledge…

In the eyes of Shan Hai Jing lovers like me and him, this is called the ‘mainstream view’.

But the hermaphrodite ‘kind’, he interpreted it as a hyena, this is very novel, awesome, I was dumbfounded, and completely agree.

Speaking of the truth, I have read the complete works of Animal World, Man and Nature, and Legends of Nature. I know hyenas very well, but I have never thought that it may be a “species”…

There used to be hyenas in my country, and the fossils of new hyenas on Perrier more than 4 million years ago were discovered in the Zanda Basin in the XCALD area of China. Unfortunately, the hyenas in our country are extinct.

Of course, I have two doubts about his statement:

First, why didn’t the author of Shan Hai Jing describe the most unique cry of the hyena? It sounded like a smirk.

Second, hyenas live in groups, which is not described in these Shan Hai Jing.

My personal understanding is that ‘genus’ is a hyena-like animal with female fallopian tubes outside the body. There were still many such animals in the Miocene, but except for the hyena family, they were basically extinct.

Based on the above, I don’t think there is any difference between us in personal opinion.

Even if this is not a free chapter, it is not plagiarism.

I tend to use the Classic of Mountains and Seas as historical materials. For people in ancient times, the records of everything in the world belong to historical materials.

Sima Qian of the Han Dynasty juxtaposed the Classic of Mountains and Seas with Yu Benji, and Wei Zheng of the Tang Dynasty liked the Classic of Mountains and Seas very much, and promoted it to the status of history books.

It has to be said that the Tang Dynasty was very open, because the country was established by force, the towns and warriors were powerful, and Confucianism was not so restrictive. Li Bai dared to directly mention in his poems that “Yao was imprisoned in seclusion, and Shun died in the wild.” ‘

The culture at that time was the real prosperity.

When I talked about alien beasts in the last chapter, I didn’t want to say more about these things that can be interpreted as animals, which are no longer novelty.

I also said that many people have made similar interpretations, and there are many opinions in the academic circle. There are so many opinions that you know and see from the Internet, 99% of which have been proposed by relevant professors.

What is not mentioned is basically very nonsense, and is considered a particularly ridiculous interpretation by modern scholars.

And the light-speed spaceship I mentioned, in the eyes of scholars, is super nonsense.

They would never think that there would be aliens and high technology in ancient times.

Because it is impossible, not even modern people, so no one thinks that taking the yellow is a spaceship at the speed of light.

Typical thinking is imprisoned. Why must the ancients have never seen something that modern people have never seen?

My personal interpretation method is to directly believe that what the author of Shan Hai Jing wrote is the truth, not making up a story, but just expressing something wrong.

Based on this, I think that even if the light speed spacecraft is impossible, it is the only explanation.

I didn’t want to write at first, but I couldn’t resist explaining this.

Since everything has been written, let’s briefly explain it a little more.

Jingwei, let me interpret this mirror of six nightmares, saying that some people in the comment area crazily dislike the three views of Jingwei… It is immoral and stupid to say that the myth of Jingwei is very immoral.

Let’s talk about the myth first, this is a typical revenge myth, which is very important, because the Confucian spring and autumn righteousness ranks first, is the great revenge!

Statement: Is it possible to avenge the hatred of the nine generations? Although it can last forever!

This is the claim of the Ram School, which is very bloody.

Confucius said: “Repay grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue? Repay grievances with honesty, and repay virtue with virtue.”

Zigong asked Confucius: “What is it like to be enmity against your parents?” The master said: “Sleeping with thatch and pillows dry, and not being an official, you can share the world. When you encounter various markets and dynasties, you don’t turn against the army and fight.”

Translating, Zi Gong asked Confucius: “If someone kills his parents, what should he do?” Confucius replied: “If you want to sleep on a straw mat, you always hold a shield and weapon. Live in the same world with the enemy, if you meet an enemy in the market, you don’t even need to go back to get a weapon, just go up and fight for your life.”

”Book of Rites · Qu Li”: “A father’s enmity cannot be shared with the heavens, a brother’s enmity does not turn against the army, and a friend’s enmity does not belong to the same country.”

Translate, it means that the hatred of killing a father is irreconcilable. No matter where the enemy is, you must find and kill him. If a brother is killed, you must always carry a weapon and prepare for revenge. You cannot let go. If a friend is killed, you must avenge your friend , or leave this country, anyway, he cannot be in the same country as him.

This is a gift! present! present! Say important things three times.

Before the appearance of law, ritual was law, and ritual was paramount.

An impolite civilization is not called a civilization, but a barbarian.

Now it seems that the three views are also wrong. If someone kills your friend, you have to kill him. It’s like teaching bad children! No individual has the power to dispose of the life and death of others, only the law can.

But in the early China, it was a matter of course.

If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to survive in that society.

So that friend is right, this is not in line with modern morality.

However, it conforms to ancient morality and has a reason for its existence.

The matter has come to this point, if the friends are smart enough, they can say: “What’s the matter with Dahai if she drowned? Why should she seek revenge from Dahai? Brainless?”

No no no, this is precisely because the ancients were not brain-dead.

From ancient times to the present, Jingwei’s tenacious and unyielding spirit has been praised. Why? Because everyone knows…she can’t fill the sea…

Those who think there are problems with reclamation, first of all think that it can really be reclamation…

But everyone knows that the sea will not be able to dry it for tens of millions or billions of years, but Jingwei still has to persevere in doing it.

What is reflected here is the moral standard of Confucianism: Although there are thousands of people, I will go.

Using the rationalist thinking of modern people, adopting the rationalistic logic of “what’s the matter of drowning the sea” to criticize the Confucian propositions of ancient philosophy and academic thought.

The act itself is quite… well, boring.

Why should I say that these are all Confucian ideas? Because Jingwei reclamation is the artistic processing of the records of Shan Hai Jing by the people of the Han Dynasty, and it is a typical myth shaped to express a spirit…

Original “Shan Hai Jing · Bei Shan Jing”: The mountain of Fajiu, there are many Zhe trees on it, and there are birds, which are shaped like crows, with a head, white beak, and bare feet. The daughter of Emperor Yan was named Nvwa. Nvwa swam in the Eastern Sea, drowned and never returned, so she became the Jingwei. He often holds wood and stones from the western mountains in his mouth, and uses them to fill the eastern sea.

According to what I said earlier, the author’s meaning is very clear with the words “youniaoyan”, which is a kind of bird.

From the first half of the passage to ‘It’s called Jingwei, its song is self-proclaimed’, it’s all describing a kind of bird. According to the analysis method I mentioned in the previous two chapters, this is the original author’s most problem-free and calm writing.

So the problem lies in the second half, and it is said that this bird is a girl.

Here, I have a variety of explanations, the most boring one is that the original author did not write about the girl at all, otherwise he would write directly from the beginning: “There is Niaoyan, the girl of Emperor Yan, named Nvwa, who turned into a bird , called Jingwei’.

However, the writing is not written like this.

If you remove the first half, you will find that from Emperor Yan to Yiyu Yudonghai, this passage can exist alone, and there is no sense of lack or lack of anything.

If you remove the second half and only look at the front, there is no sense of lack. Like other passages in Shan Hai Jing, it is just describing a kind of bird.

Compared with other animals in Shan Hai Jing, many of them also end at the place of “its sound and self-proclaimed”, at best there is a sentence of “how does it taste”…

So it is possible that it was added by people in the Han Dynasty. People of Confucianism borrowed Jingwei to create a myth of revenge.

Jingwei holds a small wood, and will fill the sea with it.

Highlighting the micro-wood, compared with the sea, the entire Jingwei mythology emphasizes Jingwei’s resentment, and also emphasizes Jingwei’s weakness and persistence, which is obviously made up.

The above is the most boring, bland, and least surprising explanation.

I have other explanations for this, which I will refute myself.

The question is simple: Why did Confucians choose Jingwei to make up this myth? There are better targets for Shan Hai Jing, which can be edited.

If the second half is removed, the first half is just the most common description of a bird. It doesn’t even mention what the bird does or what it tastes like. It’s extremely mediocre. Why make it up? Is it famous? Is it hot?

If the words of Emperor Yan are all made up, this motive will not make sense. Why don’t Confucians find someone more popular to rub against?

Unless, the Book of Mountains and Seas also wrote about the behavior of the bird and the behavior of reclamation with wood, which made them feel that they could be processed, so there was the myth of Jingwei reclamation in later generations.

Since this is the case, it shows that the feature of Jingwei holding wood to fill the sea has been recorded long ago.

That is to say, the entire passage may have been written by the original author.

Look carefully, it is very possible!

Because in the second half, I didn’t express my feelings, and didn’t directly talk about the girl’s psychology, and didn’t say that she was out for revenge.

This is not a revenge story, the text only writes: Therefore, it is Jingwei. Soon you will find that these four words are really wonderful.

Then based on this premise, we can propose a second interpretation.

The old rule, “if there is a bird”, it must be a bird, at least one that can fly. It’s not a human being. If it is a human being, it is a human being or a god. The original author made this point very clear.

Then we can look for this kind of bird, very good, this kind of bird is super easy to find, very mediocre, it is basically a migrating seabird or something like that, judging from its image characteristics, it may be a wild goose.

’Swimming in the East China Sea’ means migration. Every year, wild geese fly across the Bohai Sea to Siberia, and then return to the south.

Occasionally, wild geese will hold wood to fill the sea. On the one hand, it is for the leading geese to disturb the flow, and secondly, it is to rest on the floating branches during migration…because the leading geese are the most tired…

Now this can still be seen in the Bohai Sea.

It is well known that no matter whether an animal builds a nest or any function, it is forced out. If it can not do this, then it will not evolve this habit.

Although we have crossed the Bohai Sea, birds can rest on land along the coast. Why should they rest at sea?

From the point of view of wild geese, it is because the “service stations” and “rest areas” of wild geese along the coast for generations have been occupied by humans…

It is either cut down for farmland or reduced to a city, where a large number of humans gather, and wild geese dare not rest in groups there.

Return to Shan Hai Jing.

Why did I say that swimming in the East China Sea means migration, because the second half of the sentence is also about migration.

‘Nvwa swims in the East China Sea, drowns and never returns, so she is Jingwei’

Many people ignore the ‘no return’ when translating!

I think it’s enough to say that the girl drowned, and she didn’t come back after drowning, isn’t that nonsense?

No, how could it be nonsense? Now that the word ‘no return’ is written, it is very important…

It seems to me that the original author was writing about migration seriously.

Animal migration is a periodic migration that goes back and forth. It only goes away and does not go back. This is not called migration, but transfer.

That’s why the author emphasized ‘no return’, which means ‘should return’.

So why didn’t you return it? He wrote, “Drowning and not returning”, that is, because he drowned, he did not return.

All in all, this kind of bird, originally swimming in the East China Sea, would eventually return, but was expelled by humans when they landed and rested halfway.

This resulted in the drowning of the chief geese.

So it is Jingwei! It doesn’t mean turning into a non-human after death, but it means turning into a bird like Jingwei that I see now.

They have evolved. In order to adapt to the existence of human beings, the leading wild goose holds branches in their mouths and fills them in the sea as a foothold.

Some students may want to say: Shan Hai Jing does not write about human beings expelling wild geese. Why not write about such an important thing?

Actually wrote it, but it was very subtle, and some parts may have been deleted.

According to me, people cleared woodlands, planted crops, and expanded farming a lot, destroying the places where birds used to rest in the middle of migration.

As we all know, crops are planted in the farmland, how can it be possible for birds to approach? So when wild geese land, people will chase them away.

Who is the one who promotes farming and vigorously develops farming?

Emperor Yan!

He invented slash-and-burn farming, created two kinds of farming tools for turning the soil, taught the people to burn forests and turn them into fields, and reclaimed wasteland to grow food crops.

As a result, human farming civilization has expanded a lot, and it has expanded to coastal areas, changing the habits of birds, so it is called Jingwei.

What does the word Jingwei mean? In terms of the pictograms of oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, and seal script, ‘jing’ is a grain of rice.

Wei is a person holding a hoe. The extended meaning is to hold the **** to protect the crops from being destroyed or eaten by animals.

This is the earliest meaning of defending, and it has nothing to do with defending the country.

The ancient ancestors used agricultural tools to drive away wild beasts and birds, and protected the crops for a good harvest, so they were called Jingwei!

This actually refers to a bird that eats our crops and always wants us to drive them away.

So Nvwa is not the daughter of Emperor Yan, at least not as we understand it.

In fact, if you look at Emperor Yan’s daughter, you will find that it is all related to farming.

Emperor Sang, after death, turned into a mulberry tree. Yao Ji, after death, turned into Ganoderma lucidum. The girl, after death, turned into Jingwei.

Well, I want to tell a sad story: Emperor Yan has no daughter! woo woo woo…

His daughter is full of Nongsang herbs.

So in that era, Emperor Yan might not have a daughter, and even if he did, his status would be lowly, not worth mentioning at all.

People prefer to think that the Sangzi and Ganoderma lucidum selected by Emperor Yan, as well as the wild geese that surround the gathering places of farming tribes, are the daughters of Emperor Yan.

Actually, thinking about it this way makes sense.

It’s like people who are obsessed with clay sculptures in modern times. People will say: You simply regard these clay sculptures as your daughters, and you don’t care about your own daughter. They are your daughters!

Emperor Yan is an idiot. He is obsessed with farming and discerning vegetation.

He invented a large number of farming implements, and selected all the herbs and crops that could be grown. It’s no surprise that there are plenty of birds around.

For other mediocre people, these things are his children.

Emperor Yan is a good leader, but not a good father.

At least, he is not a daughter-in-law, his biological daughter is not as good as the herb in his hand… Alas! I really want a daughter!

That’s all for the interpretation of Jingwei.

Tut, above.

p.s: Sorry, although Houyi shot the sun and immortality have not been mentioned yet, but I really won’t write it for the time being, the text is more important. In addition, if you want to know more, you can buy “The Complete Translation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas” and “Annotation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas”, which contain many of the most popular and mainstream interpretations of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Previously, some book friends mentioned that the up master of station b, Qi Tian Da Kidney Yu Xiaosha, is also considered One. Find it yourself. But it’s hard to find ones that open your mind.

(end of this chapter)

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