Blue and White Society

Chapter 850

Chapter 850 – For One’S Own Way, For One’S Own Way

Chapter 850 In order to do one’s own way, but to abandon one’s own way

Mo Qiong never expected that Polo brought the corpse, not to negotiate terms.

There is no reason to talk to the queen, only sensibility.

Polo asked the queen to give up destroying the universe, and even proposed to the queen with a dead body with infinite energy as gift money.

“How is it possible! Isn’t the empress cold-blooded and ruthless?” Mo Poor asked puzzled.

Polo laughed and said, “Who said that?”

“…Qimu and Kelong all said that.” Mo Poor said.

Polo shook his head and said, “They are wrong. The Queen possesses advanced intelligence. As the Zerg Queen, she can have all the abilities of all creatures. She is a perfect creature. She can only have more characteristics than other species, and cannot have fewer. “

“If she has no feelings, she has regrets.”

“The reason why Kelong and the others think this way is that when the queen was fighting back then, she was too indifferent to life. In fact, Haili is a perfectly balanced existence of rationality and sensibility. When it is time to be ruthless, she can even directly degrade her feelings… and some When the time comes, she will suddenly evolve emotions, which can even be richer than humans. She will also be angry, upset, sad, excited, and give herself a sense of expectation…”

“Don’t think that these will affect rationality, she can make the two compatible to a just right degree, and bring out the positive side of sensibility.”

“She devours everything, which comes from the desire to eat. Eating is the simplest pleasure. If she is ruthless, she will not even feel the joy of eating. So when she faces food that surprises herself, she will have a lot of food. All these years, she has been lying on the corpse to absorb infinite energy, and she has always been very happy…”

“Remember, she is the strongest creature, don’t use human concepts to measure her mental state.”

Mo Poor nodded, but still couldn’t understand, even if Polo realized that the Queen had feelings, how could he make the Queen fall in love with him?

“Did you use some feature to make the queen…” Mo Poor stopped talking, after all, the queen would definitely hear it.

But Polo said generously: “It’s okay, you can just say it straight. Did I use some kind of containment to make the queen fall in love with me? Impossible, Mo Poor, if it is a forced mind distortion, she can evolve a more Strong minds resist.”

“I just moved her with my heart. I really fell in love with Hailey.”

Mo Poor is completely incomprehensible, how is it possible? Impress the Zerg Queen with a sincere heart? Are you afraid you are kidding me?

Let’s not talk about whether the queen can be hooked up so easily, but just talk about Polo’s sincerity?

Suddenly, Mo Poor realized that the queen cannot be twisted by her mind, but Polo can.

There are many containment objects about love, Venus sculpture, a containment object that Mo Poor experienced in the containment failure of Meng Island, it is the ultimate art, anyone who sees or touches or feels it will love On that sculpture, no matter what, it is not allowed to be damaged or hurt even a little bit.

There is also a dream lover pillow, lying on it to sleep, you will fall in love with whatever you dream of, even if you dream of a dead thing, it is the same, even if you dream of a stone, you will fall in love with that shape of the stone.

Polo’s situation should be the ‘love at first sight effect’. Close your eyes in front of the mirror of the containment object, and then open your eyes to see the first creature, you will fall in love with each other from the bottom of your heart.

Using this, as long as the first thing he sees after opening his eyes is the Zerg Queen, he can make himself truly fall in love with her.

And he was carrying a corpse with infinite energy at that time. For this thing, the empress would definitely taste it in person nearby, and she would also open up her sensibility to make herself happy.

In this way, Polo was given the opportunity to confess his love to the Queen.

Is this the strategy that Polo has been hiding in his heart? I’m afraid that the expounders who worked so hard and sacrificed so much to **** him to the queen didn’t even think that Polo was going to propose marriage…

“My God… how dare you… aren’t you afraid of failure?” Mo Qiong was speechless. How could Polo be so confident that he could confess his success?

Polo laughed: “Failure, isn’t the result the same as not doing it?”

“The queen destroys everything, devours everything, and continues, and in the end, the entire universe and the entire dimension will only have her alone.”

”Rationally, she doesn’t need a partner, and she doesn’t have the same kind. She is the Zerg, and the Zerg is her. All the little bugs that seem to have thoughts are just a part of her.”

“However, emotionally, she actually wants it. Note, it’s not a need, it’s just a want, and she can have it.”

“Because it doesn’t matter if she is lonely, even if she is lonely for endless years, her characteristics can make her live well.”

“But if there is an independent individual who loves her wholeheartedly and is willing to stay with her and coax her in her heart forever, so that she is not alone in her heart, then she will be very happy.”

Mo Poor said dully: “Does she not mind that you fell in love with her by distorting your own soul?”

Polo laughed and said, “I absolutely love her, and I voluntarily triggered the love at first sight effect, that’s enough, she doesn’t care if it’s a twisted personality or not. Pay attention, she doesn’t need it. As long as she wants, she can create thousands of things. an individual who loves her.”

“However, throughout the ages, I am the first and only one who took the initiative to do so.”

“So, she likes me.”

Mo Qiong said yes, who would let himself fall in love with the Zerg Queen?

As soon as she was born, she swept across the world and killed an unknown number of creatures.

The queen left the world only fear and despair, who would love her?

To this day, everyone in the Blue and White Society believes that the Queen is a destroyer without emotion.

It is true that she does not need others to love her, but if someone who loves her sincerely emerges, she will be very happy.

The Queen can certainly tell that Polo loves her from the bottom of his heart, even from the level of information. It can also be seen that Polo voluntarily used the containment to achieve this effect.

For the first time, someone took the initiative to use the containment to fall in love with himself, and then proposed to himself, which also brought infinite energy.

So, the queen agreed, it’s as simple as that.

She is a perfect creature, and she can have everything that creatures have. A partner is what humans have and she doesn’t have.

Even if it is something like a weakness, it is not a shortcoming, only if there is no one, it is a shortcoming. She likes it.

She swallowed Polo, implanted her consciousness into her soul, blocked the information, and did not allow anyone to tamper with it, unless she was stronger than her. So Lingdao can’t even erect a tomb, because Polo has fallen into the tomb of love.

Polo said: “I love the world and human beings, so I use the containment to make myself fall in love with her. All this is to make her calm down.”

“Of course, I love her the most now, but the people outside, and the beautiful world, are still my second favorite.”

“And for me, she promised to take back all the bugs and stay here quietly.”

This is a containment method that sacrifices one’s most steadfast beliefs.

Polo voluntarily was twisted by his mind, and for the sake of the world he loves the most, he downgraded this love to a level. Let the Queen become her favorite existence.

At this moment, Polo, if the queen insists on destroying the world, he can even stand on the opposite side of the Blue and White Society for the sake of the queen, destroying with his own hands what he once protected.

Because only such a Polo can make the Queen like her, and then it is possible to settle down for the thing that has become the second love in Polo’s heart.

To do one’s own way, but to abandon one’s own way.

Mo Qiong said in a daze: “That’s it…you managed to let the queen settle down forever, stay here with you, and live with that corpse?”

Polo shook his head and said, “Forever? Are you kidding me, Haili will never give up devouring everything she knows.”

“She just rested for thirty years for me.”

“You have…five years left!”

p.s: Sorry. Yesterday I went out after the update, and I planned to come back to code in the middle of the night, but I got drunk and came back… I’d better return it in batches.

(end of this chapter)

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