Blue and White Society

Chapter 861

Chapter 861 – Shadow Walker

Chapter 861 Shadow Walker

“Then do these five people have inherited traits?” Mo Poor asked.

“We don’t know yet. We must first find the inheritor of the Qing Emperor, and then use locust tree branches to help him activate, and rely on him to restore the collapsed thinking of Emperor Daughter Sang and Chi Song.” Canaan said.

Mo Poor nodded, and harvested many rebels who had completely collapsed from Aton’s sun disc.

Once they recover, the Lanbai Society will know how many unactivated humanoid derivatives are contained in modern humans.

“Theoretically, as long as Emperor Qing has sons in each generation, this characteristic will be passed down?” Mo Poor said.

Even if Emperor Qing had only one child, this child would be both the eldest son and the youngest son.

In the inheritance, if the youngest son dies, the second-to-last youngest son will automatically become the youngest son, and will gain characteristics.

Unless there are no sons, or all sons are dead, this characteristic can definitely be passed down.

“That’s right, the Qingdi we are looking for is the fourth generation Qingdi. There are only five generations of Qingdi. The first three generations are Fuxi’s, and the fourth and fifth generations are Homo sapiens. Now the most favorable clue is the fourth generation Qingdi.” Has a third eye,” Canaan said.

Hearing this, Mo Poor immediately touched the vertical pupil on his forehead, of course, it was closed.

This is the microscopic sense, and it is the easiest to degenerate into a recessive gene.

Qingdi has a third eye, but it does not mean that the descendants have it. But this gene must have been left behind, and his descendants will be particularly prone to microscopic vision.

In other words, there will be a special organ in the forehead, which is rich in a kind of quantum perception cells.

People who have this kind of cells sleeping in their bodies are the descendants of Emperor Qing.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be the youngest son’s lineage, but as long as one traces back to the source, it is not difficult to find the latest heir of the youngest son’s lineage.

“This kind of person is probably very rare, but you can find it.” Mo Poor said.

Canaan said: “In fact, we have locked a group of people, but unfortunately, the youngest among them…is a member of a small organization.”

“Huh?” Mo Qiong said in surprise, “Xiao Organization?”

Canaan curled his lips and said: “It’s the ‘Shadow Society’. This group has about two containment objects. The one that can be confirmed is the sun shield. As the name suggests, that thing can make the sun not exist relative to you.”

“Once someone is blocked, he will find that the sun is gone. Strictly speaking, the stars in the star system are gone. The earth seems to be wandering in the vast deep space, and only twinkling stars can be seen at night.”

“For ordinary people, the sun rises as usual, but for those who are shielded, the world is dark. Without the sunshine, the whole world will quickly turn cold within a few days.”

“The sea will be frozen, and the vegetation will die because they cannot photosynthesize. The vast majority of people in the world will freeze to death and starve to death…”

Mo Poor scratched his head and said, “Wait a minute, doesn’t it only exist for the shielded? Why are other people frozen to death?”

Canaan said: “From the perspective of the screener, this is the case. After a person has been “shadowed” for a long time, he will find that the streets of the city are full of people who are clearly frozen and walking as usual, like the sun. No more, what should I do?”

“Some normal plants in our eyes are dead branches and leaves in his eyes.”

”We forced him to eat it, but he couldn’t get enough nutrition, and he starved to death over time, even though these plants are very normal in our eyes.”

“Some people who are still alive in our eyes may be frozen to death in his eyes one day. After this person, even if he stands in front of him, he can’t see it, because in ‘his world’, this person The man is dead, and there is no way to come to him.”

Mo Poor immediately understood, and then said: “In other words, he obviously lives in a normal world like us, but in fact, he interacts with another set of causes and effects, a world of ‘if there is no sun in the sky’. “

“You said that if a person dies in his causal system, even if he walks in front of him, he can’t see it… can he be touched?”

Canaan shook his head and said: “No, that person will be exempted from all interactions with the screener. He does not accept the cause and effect that you are still alive.”

Mo Poor was shocked, which meant that he was immune to contact with all dead creatures in the ‘Shadow World’.

Canaan said: “That’s it. As time goes by, if the shielded person lingers on and tries his best to survive for a few years, then for him, there may not be many living people on earth!”

“Most of the high-ranking members of the Shadow Society shield themselves and are called Shadowwalkers. Many of them have been shielded for more than ten years. For them, the world is doomsday, and they are the survivors of the world.”

Mo Poor grinned, this is the so-called living in his own world.

I don’t live in the same channel as others.

They are invincible to most people.

“In the world of Shadowwalker, the world is doomsday, what about the containment?” Mo Poor asked.

“There is no containment.” Canaan said.

Mo Poor said in shock: “That means they are exempt from all the effects of containment?”

Canaan said: “No, they can only be exempted from the effect of the containment that needs to be seen and touched by them. For example, the statue of Venus, even if they look directly at the statue, it will not have any effect, because they The statues are not seen at all … and the procreative wax figures, they can’t touch the wax figures, so we see them touching, and they don’t get waxed.”

“As for the characteristics of fear of all beings and words of spontaneous combustion, which can be triggered without touching or seeing them, they will also be affected. In addition, some containment objects with particularly strong characteristic judgments can also be triggered. The same will take effect, such as the inextinguishable black flame, it can burn the shadow walker.”

Mo Poor said: “This society is easy to eliminate, right? They can’t see us at all, so they can’t avoid us.”

Canaan shook his head and said: “It’s not that simple, because there is another group of worshipers who are responsible for supporting and covering them.”

“In order to communicate and interact with the shadow walker, although the worshipers are not shielded, they still wear thick clothes day and night, stay in the warm room for a long time, eat vegetables grown in warm caves, and vegetables raised in captivity. Insects and fish. The cave relies on electric lights to provide photosynthesis, and the electricity for the lights is all generated by burning coal in the power plant we built.”

“Only by doing this, can worshipers live in the world of Shadow Walker. In this way, Shadow Walker can indirectly grasp the status of the normal world through worshipers who are not shielded.”

Mo Poor asked: “What is their purpose?”

“Rule the world…” Canaan laughed.

“…” Mo Qiong was dumbfounded.

Canaan said: “In the early days, the members of this organization were from all walks of life, and many social elites were their admirers. There is only one condition to become their admirers, and that is to live in their dark shadows. .That is, if there is no sun, the survivors who can survive on the earth.”

“Later, because of their characteristics, they were too obvious. They ate vegetables grown in a specific environment and suffered from heatstroke for a long time. We easily picked them out and wiped them all out.”

“However, there is still a group of shadow walkers, together with their admirers, who hid in seclusion and hid in a corner of the world, and they have not been found so far.”

Mo Poor said: “Understood, I need to find them, right?”

Canaan nodded and said: “There is a Zhao family in Donglai, and their genes are a bit special. The normal medical community only thinks that there is a little genetic variation, but by comparing with your genes, it can be confirmed that this is a special quantum perception cell. .”

“We have invited this family over, but after inserting the branches of the locust tree, they have not activated the mental state transfer feature. And their smallest branch has been lost, and it disappeared more than ten years ago.”

“After we investigated, we found that the missing family was also an admirer of the Shadow Society.”

“To be honest, I almost scared me to death. I thought that the descendants of the Qing Emperor were consumed by our D-class… But after checking the list of admirers arrested at the beginning, there was no such family. That is to say, they are most likely to be the heirs of the Qing Emperor’s traits. People… are the shadowy remnants of worshipers lingering in hiding in the Shadow Society.”

As he spoke, Canaan handed Mo Poor a stack of copies of his ID card.

As a former social person, they must have social information, although at the moment they follow the shadow walkers to find a place to hide and isolate themselves from the world.

But to Mo Poor, having photos is the same as not hiding.

The Shadow Society has been hiding for so many years, and finally they can’t hide.

p.s: Sorry. One chapter will be released first, and there is still one chapter to be coded.

(end of this chapter)

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