Blue and White Society

Chapter 864

Chapter 864 – Soul Saver

Chapter 864 Soul Rescuer

Zhao Tengkong’s father was once ambitious and harmed countless people.

In the end, he absconded in fear of crime and took his family with him, including his wife and children. The youngest son Zhao Tengkong lived in the cave since he was born.

He can be said to have been selfish all his life, but in the end, he still chose to leave hope to his son.

Qingdi’s characteristics are in him, and only after he dies will his youngest son inherit it.

For this reason, he gave up becoming a D-level personnel, because even if he activates the characteristics of Qingdi, he is still a D-level personnel.

In comparison, Zhao Tengkong is innocent and can have a broader future.

At the end of his life, he chose to point Zhao Tengkong to the right path, and after that, he only wanted to die quickly.

As a shadow walker, suicide is actually very simple, just take off your clothes.

In the open areas of the Shadow Earth, the average temperature is only ninety to one hundred degrees Celsius, and ordinary people die within seconds.

When    died, Mo Poor took Zhao Tengkong to watch.

Zhao Tengkong cried a lot, but he didn’t go crazy or anything, because his father was smiling when he died.

“In the past, he was most afraid of death. He always said that it was dangerous outside, and he would die if he was discovered…Why is he not afraid now?” Zhao Tengkong asked puzzled.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “Because he has hope, that’s all.”

“Father, tell me what to do.” Zhao Tengkong said seriously.

“follow me.”

Mo Poor pushed Zhao Tengkong to the headquarters, and then he followed.

Zhao Tengkong looked at the sea in amazement, and then looked left and right at the Lanbai headquarters. There were novelties everywhere.

“The first thing is to activate your characteristics. The blood of Qing Emperor flows in your body. Qing Emperor has a characteristic that can save people. It will be inherited by the youngest son, and then passed on to the youngest son of the youngest son. To this day, It was your father, and your father passed it to you when he died just now.” Mo Poor said.

“Are you afraid of pain?”

Zhao Tengkong shook his head and said, “I’m not afraid.”

Mo Poor took out nine locust tree branches and said, “Then insert these nine branches into the meat.”

Zhao Tengkong immediately followed suit, he was not stupid, he chose to stick it on his thigh.

However, he had never been injured, and he screamed in pain at the first blow.

“Ah! Hiss…” Zhao Tengkong looked at Mo Poor helplessly, and stopped breathing.

The best metal on Mo Qiong’s waist rose from the air and turned into a sharp blade.

“Pfft!” He stabbed hard into Mo Poor’s left rib.

Zuo Li sneered, Mo Qiong smiled and said, “What’s wrong?”

Zhao Tengkong hesitated to speak, and then became cruel, and inserted two more. His hands were so painful that they were weak, and he stopped again.

Three sticks were inserted into the thigh, dripping with blood.

And Zhao Tengkong stabbed three times, and Mo Qiong also stabbed himself three times.

Of course, Mo Poor’s injury will heal soon. Zhao Tengkong saw him and said, “Your ability is so powerful, can I have it?”

“This ability needs to experience the pain beyond the limit…” Said, using spiritual sensing, Mo Poor sent him the initial pain when he merged with the lotus of life.

In an instant, Zhao Tengkong was numb from the pain, and fell to the ground, trembling with babbling.

It took a long time to get up.

“This… is this pain beyond the limit?” Zhao Tengkong murmured.

Mo Poor shook his head and said, “No, this kind of pain can be alleviated by anesthesia, and it is still pain at the level of flesh and blood. If it is magnified another ten thousand times, it will be almost beyond the limit pain. After that, it will increase every minute and break out every hour. The qualitative change, until four hours, has already completely exceeded the limit of imagination.”

“Do you still want this ability?”

Zhao Tengkong quickly shook his head, bowed his head and said, “I’m sorry, I’m actually afraid of pain. I said I’m not afraid of pain because I didn’t know it would be so painful…”

“It’s okay, how is it? Are your thighs feeling better now?” Mo Poor asked.

Zhao Tengkong was taken aback for a moment. After experiencing the pain conveyed by Mo Poor, he really felt the pain on his thigh, which seemed to be less painful.

Of course, it still hurts, but the psychological expectation is different, so he can restrain himself from crying.

“This is the simplest kind of training, because your brain’s judgment standard for pain has been raised, so you don’t feel so painful when the branch is inserted into the flesh.” Mo Poor said.

Zhao Tengkong nodded, and took advantage of the situation to insert the remaining six sticks on his body.

A fifteen-year-old boy, he stuck nine branches into his body, which was enough to make him cry for his father and mother, but he persisted.

Mo Poor helped him pull out the branches, apply medicine, and treat the wound.

At this time, his characteristics have been activated, but he doesn’t feel anything about it.

Absolute characteristics are like this. After Mo Poor inexplicably had an absolute hit back then, he didn’t feel much.

But Zhao Tengkong now only needs to think about helping others to transfer their mental state, and it can be achieved.

Mo Poor soon took him to meet the resurrected Wu Yunmo.

Bring a sheep and ask Zhao Tengkong to transfer Wu Yunmo’s mental state to the sheep.

Zhao Tengkong didn’t know, so he did so, just thinking about it.

In an instant, the sheep fell down with a thump, twitched meaninglessly, and his mind had collapsed.

Looking at Wu Yunmo again, he suddenly sat up from the bed, frowning, as if he was still in pain.

“How are you?” Mo Poor said quickly, and a group of medical staff stepped forward to check.

Wu Yunmo waved his hand, jumped off the bed and said, “It’s nothing, why am I here?”

“How much do you remember before waking up?” Mo Poor asked.

Wu Yunmo thought for a while and said, “I was caught by the sun in the uncanny valley. They sucked away my soul. By the way, it was the gods. Those gods tortured my soul. For a long time, I felt I’m going crazy, and after that… I don’t remember.”

Mo Poor nodded and looked at Zhao Tengkong in surprise.

Qingdi’s feature is really easy to use, the state of mind collapse has been transferred, although the memory of the period is gone, only know the things before the collapse, but this is already perfect.

After learning how he was rescued, Wu Yunmo asked in surprise: “Can any state be transferred?”

“Yes, the absolute level depends on the situation, but the natural law level can be transferred at will. The price is that you have to plant nine locust tree branches on your body, and you have to perform such a ceremony every time you transfer.” Mo Poor said.

Wu Yunmo laughed and said, “What a price this is!”

Compared with this easy-to-use effect, this price is the same as nothing.

“He’s still a child.” Mo Poor laughed.

Zhao Tengkong said: “It’s okay! Dad, I will definitely become as strong as you.”

Wu Yunmo was stunned when he heard this address, and asked in a daze, “How many years is it now?”

“September 2024. Don’t think about it, he is my godson.” Mo Poor said.

Wu Yunmo was stunned, and then said: “Do you want to train him to become a member?”

“Look, temporarily prepare for the peripheral.” Mo Poor said, let him understand the current situation of the Lanbai Society first, and then he took Wu Yunmo to rescue the collapsed rebels.

The souls of Empress Sang, Chisong and several rebels have been placed back into their bodies, and relevant blood and flesh samples are available at Taifeng.

It’s just that although he was resurrected, his mind collapsed, just like a vegetable. Even worse than vegetative people, vegetative people have calm minds, while collapsed people’s minds are logic-shattered chaos.

Even with the so-called mind-reading skills now, it is impossible to read something reasonable for such a completely collapsed person.

However, with the efforts of Zhao Tengkong, the rebels were restored to their senses one by one, and from the information level, this garbled state of collapse was stripped off and transferred to the animals as a whole.

The price she paid was nothing more than holding nine locust tree branches and piercing her thighs cruelly.

This kind of injury is nothing to Lanbai Club, and what Zhao Tengkong has to bear is just pain.

Mo Poor did not give him any anesthesia measures, but deliberately let him insist on inserting himself, so as to get used to himself wanting to be able to trigger the feature in the fastest and simplest form under any circumstances.

After saving the rebel, Mo Poor took him to the Olivia mental hospital again.

There are still a large number of mentally distorted club members here, many of whom should be rescued by Zhao Tengkong.

As for how much you can save, it depends on how high the absoluteness is.

So next, Zhao Tengkong stabbed his thigh again and again, the left leg was broken, the right leg was pierced, and the buttocks were pierced before the right leg grew well.

In the end, it was full of scars, and successfully saved 90% of the mind-distorting club members.

The remaining 10% cannot transfer the state, there are two main types, one is that the absoluteness is too high, and Zhao Tengkong’s characteristics do not work.

The other is a non-sustained state, usually like a normal person, going crazy when seeing something. In madness, the state shifts away, but seeing the trigger triggers the madness.

That is, it is impossible to cure this latent mind distortion.

All living beings are afraid, it can be said that both are accounted for, the absoluteness is extremely high, and it is also this kind of triggering fear, Zhao Tengkong’s characteristics are completely useless.

But no matter what, Zhao Tengkong became the precious soul savior of Lanbai Club.

“How is it? Did you ask anything?” Mo Poor took Zhao Tengkong back to the research department.

Canaan said: “The rebels are very wary of us. David took them out for a stroll, and wanted them to experience the new era first. They don’t understand the current situation of human beings, and they won’t tell us anything. .”

Mo Poor nodded. Thinking about it, he guessed that Empress Sang and the others thought they were imprisoned by the ancient gods. Although the members of the club are human, they will not be so easily biased. If they don’t see and experience the present In the human age, they might have thought that the members of the commune were created by the ancient gods to deceive them.

“It’s not that troublesome…” Mo Poor laughed.

He quickly went to pick up Taifeng and Nemean, took these two ancient gods, and caught up with David and the rebels.

“In front of the rebels, wouldn’t it be over if you beat up the ancient god?”

As he said that, Mo Poor looked at Tai Feng and said, “You have tortured our people to the point of collapse. Don’t you mind if I vent my anger on them?”

“Um… ah…” Taifeng’s 100 heads were filled with mixed feelings and complex expressions.

p.s: Sorry. Good morning.

(end of this chapter)

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