Blue and White Society

Chapter 876

Chapter 876 – Made A Star?

Chapter 876 Made a star?

Looking at nearly half of the outsiders in the screen, they settled for it.

Many representatives or members of the advisory group looked solemn.

Musk smiled: “Is there any problem?”

The representative of China and the United States hesitated for a moment and then said: “Is the power you have too much? I heard that you have taken office as the sixth-generation president? I think the recommendation of your president should consider the opinions of the Global Council.”

“The means of destroying the star last time, including the power to control nuclear weapons this time, should also be approved by the council before use. I think we should discuss the regulatory measures for this.”

Musk squinted and smiled, but didn’t speak.

Instead, it was the representatives of other countries who looked at the representative of the United States in surprise.

Representative Mei’s eyelids trembled slightly, noticing the surprise of other representatives, not knowing what was wrong with her own words.

The Lanbaishe organization has too much power, don’t you fear it?

The representative of the United Kingdom stared at the representative of the United States for a while, then scanned the audience, and finally said: “Musk, can the security of this parliament be guaranteed?”

“There is no one hundred percent safe in the world, but we are fully prepared.” Muskwin said.

Many representatives also recalled it, glanced at the representative of Mei, and remained silent thoughtfully.

The Blue and White Society has demonstrated the power of some of its powerful contained objects more than once, but so what?

Talk about the threat of the Blue and White Society, which was okay in the last century, but as time goes by, the relevant remarks have become less and less popular, and they will not even be mentioned.

In the decades since the power of containment was handed over to the Blue and White Society, the Council and the Blue and White Society have established a deep trust.

In addition, even if the power of the Blue and White Society is worthy of fear, countries will not fear them, because it is meaningless.

Instead of being afraid of the Blue and White Society, it is better to be afraid of those contained objects suppressed by the Blue and White Society.

Not to mention too much, the Zerg race was only 25 years ago, and the despair of that time is vivid in my memory.

It doesn’t get much worse than that.

So no one will be afraid of the Blue and White Society and think about limiting their power so as not to threaten the national interest.

This is extremely ridiculous, national interest? You have the guts to say this to the Zerg and see if they ignore you.

That is already the level of survival of the universe.

Even events related to human survival, I don’t know how many times I have experienced it. Not to mention restricting the Lanbai Society based on some doubts, even if it is a stone hammer, they have nothing to do with the Lanbai Society.

The provocative words of the representative of the United States sounded very harsh to the standpoint of the representatives.

Nuclear weapons are a fart. In fact, the so-called hearings are also the respect of the Blue and White Society for all countries and the maintenance of relations with them.

If you really think about it, it was not persuading the dismantling of nuclear weapons before, but directly abolishing all nuclear arsenals. The Blue and White Society definitely has this ability.

However, in the end, the Blue and White Society was only prepared for countries not to listen to their persuasion.

This is not the first time that political factors have not cooperated to clean up the mess.

The Blue and White Society needs the support of all countries, and needs a stable and harmonious society to continuously provide fresh blood. They are interdependent with other countries.

In this regard, they have always maintained an interdependent relationship with everyone.

Think the Lanbai Society is too strong? How long has it been since you heard such remarks? The last time someone said this, the queen was still an egg.

Every year now, all countries hope that the Blue and White Society will be stronger.

Everyone knows the representative of the United States. He has been a representative of the Council’s Containment Office for more than 20 years. It is impossible not to know this truth.

He is probably the one who got mixed up in the price, the person who has been replaced by spies from other worlds, right?

The astonishing silence at the scene made Representative Mei’s heart pounding. He had already realized that he had said something very strange.


Mo Qiong and Che Yun appeared out of nowhere, and nodded to everyone.

Musk waved his hand and said: “Go ahead, get rid of this group of desperate people first, and then use it to find out all the alien spies in this universe.”

“Understood.” Adams on the side continued to open the drawer.

Every time you open a drawer, there will be a hot heart lying in it.

Adams ate his heart alive in front of everyone.

Don’t start drawing the next one until you swallow it all.

This is the price of a random drawer, something drawn, that must be eaten…forever.

Back and forth, he has already eaten dozens of hearts.

His speed is getting faster and faster. After all, his body is already different from ordinary people. After 400,000 years of training, the terrible stomach acid of Adams’ new human can allow him to quickly digest food and replenish it as energy.

Many representatives or consultants felt uneasy about the behavior of the Blue and White Society, and began to secretly contact their own civilization.

The contact methods are the same, it is nothing more than a muscle adjustment, or a change in the color of the skin under the clothes.

In a special code form, people in the rear of civilization can decipher it.

Correspondingly, none of their petty actions could hide Mo Poor, who already has eight senses, and Lord Gou, who has nine senses.

The hidden spies around the world temporarily only exposed Aswa, the alchemy civilization that Mo Poor let Taifeng deliberately recruit.

But right now, in the group of the Global Council, several spies who had lurked in three months earlier have all been exposed.

“What should I do? Do you want to attack now?”

“No, I’d better be patient.” Representative Mei is a member of the strongest arcane kingdom in the multiverse.

After all, I still couldn’t stabilize my mind and said the wrong thing.

He has already realized that the Lanbai Society may have already targeted him, but he just doesn’t want to face too many enemies at the same time, so he pretends not to point out.

Simply, he was happy to pretend to be stupid, and let’s see how the Blue and White Society’s combat power is. The details of the Battle of Mars have never been made public. How did the top inmates of the Blue and White Society fight? They have been lurking for three months. He is also ignorant.

Lanbaishe didn’t point it out, so he just continued to read, wishing that the Aswa people could force out something more.

At that time, the civilization behind him will be more prepared to make a move.

At the scene, he is not the only one who thinks so.

The lurkers of various civilizations have basically recognized the Aswas. After all, there are no more than ten civilizations that can travel across the multiverse. We all know each other.

It’s just that on this earth, they all pretend to be other people, so they can’t see it.

And this kind of disguise, they can’t recognize each other, let alone the people on earth.

However, the fact is that the Blue and White Society is grandiose. During this hearing, they used that random drawer to extract hundreds of Aswa hearts!

I haven’t seen it, I don’t know it, let alone know where it is. Write a note and randomly select organs from the relevant population?

Aswa, a hundred people were killed for no reason! The heart was forcibly sent here, into Adams’ stomach.

Everyone has seen the whole process. At first they didn’t know that the Aswas had also arrived. It was because the Aswas were driven by this kind of random death, and they jumped out on their own initiative. Only then did the Blue and White Club find out: Oh, It turned out to be here.

The contents are too unreasonable.

This is still lurking, now they are sitting like “I am a person from Earth”, in the eyes of the Blue and White Society, I am afraid it is very ridiculous, right?

Lanbai Society also hopes that everyone will be exposed one by one, so that they can break down one by one!

“Containment… This thing must be mastered.” Many people gritted their teeth secretly.


Soon, there was a loud noise outside the council building.

Che Yun and Mo Qiong disappeared one by one, and appeared above the beach along the coast of East Timor Island.

The British representative directly left his seat and went to the window to watch, and other representatives also joined in.

There were only Mo Qiong and Che Yun at the beach, and it seemed that the Blue and White Society did not prepare more people.

“Bringing people over, what about your ambush? What about the others?” Representative Ying asked.

Musk smiled: “I’m sorry, this hearing, I only said so much, let’s see for yourself…”

Of course he will not expose the deployment in front of the battle, but there are still many spies mixed in the delegation.

Everyone could only stare at the seashore, where a cloud of warships that were fired like cannonballs had arrived.

The tail flames spewed from their backs, each of them looked like a ship, but they actually impacted like a rocket.

Combined with the hard anti-nuclear explosion before, the hull has no major damage. It can be seen that its material is only used for simple impact, and it is also extremely destructive.

Two thousand warships slammed into each other, covering the sky and covering the earth, like ten thousand bullets fired at once.

At this speed, if the collision is real, there may not be another building intact in this city along the coast of East Timor.

“what is that…”

I saw Mo Poor stepping on the air, and recoiled towards the warship that was coming down like a rain of meteorites.

Beside him, two huge air wings are clearly looming.

They are like big cattail fans, waving a huge amount of air.

A blazing white air mass with an obvious super high temperature appeared in front of Mo Poor.

Mo Poor pushed the air mass several hundred meters away and threw it violently.

The air mass rushed into the middle of the battleship group like a meteor, without the expected explosion, because the power of this air mass is by no means comparable to a nuclear bomb.

I don’t know what Mo Poor did. The huge air mass suddenly shrank, as if the inside had collapsed.

Its volume has been reduced to the size of a grain of rice, as if a huge attraction has been generated inside, causing everything around it to compress towards the center.

The warship that was about to fall passed by it, as if being pulled by a huge force, it turned inexplicably.

When all the warships passing by are pulled in this way, it is like thousands of meteorites attracted by celestial bodies, hitting each other and clearing the orbit in the circle.

An incandescent gas cloud, like a miniature star, captures everything that enters its gravitational field.

In the midair, two thousand solid warships and a grain of rice-like but incomparably brilliant air mass formed a complex multi-planetary system.

The warships of the alien world collided with each other around, collided and were thrown, and then pulled back after being thrown.

The complex and vast trajectory, under the light and shadow of the air mass, forms countless afterimages and lines, which are constantly intertwined in the air.

“He… he built a star?” The representatives were shocked.

There were a few representatives who were very calm, seeing that this was a strange gravitational field with a very high central curvature but a range of only two kilometers.

p.s: Sorry. Afterwards, focus on the main text, and write extra stories without affecting the update.

(end of this chapter)

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