Blue and White Society

Chapter 879

Chapter 879 – Shadow Invincible

Chapter 879 Shadow Invincible

“Hehehe… I am not the only one here who covets this world.”

Thoreau, who was captured, lay calmly on the ruins, looking at the delegation pointedly.

He doesn’t want his own civilization to be at the forefront, confronting the people on Earth head-on, while other civilizations stand on the dry shore and enjoy the benefits.

This early bird, he is confused, and at the moment he just wants to drag other civilizations into the water.

“I know…” Mo Poor smiled and said, “Anyway, with this drawer, no one can escape.”

“Come one by one. Since you are an invader, you must have the awareness to resist being invaded. Your civilization, I will go as soon as I want.”

“For all the civilizations present today, I don’t care if you dare to stand up now. When you are here, it already means killing our people.”

“For this, we will go directly to the civilization behind you to settle the account.”

His confident words made many representatives sink in their hearts.

This is not a civilization that is passively beaten, he can still fight back, and he can also kill to his own land.

The Lanbai Society not only has containment objects that catch lurkers, but also containment objects that can span the universe.

The former has been confirmed, but the latter is a one-sided statement.

Whether the Lanbai Society has the ability to project troops across the universe to fight remains to be seen.

Seeing that the delegation is still looking at each other, there is no response.

Mo Poor smiled, it seems that he has to cross the universe and compete with the strong in the Alchemy World of Aswa.

There are not many top-level civilizations that can span the universe, and there is a circle among them.

Each other also has spies, if one is severely damaged, other civilizations will know.

The Blue and White Society must make a name for the multiverse civilization group, take Aswa as a knife, and deter other civilizations.

So, when other civilizations see Lanbaishe being so ruthless, there are only two reactions.

One is to be frightened, immediately withdraw the staff, and dare not covet the mother universe again.

The other is to unite and launch a war directly, destroying the earth first.

No matter which one it is, it is better than lurkers assassinating the top leaders of various countries and infiltrating the earth society into a sieve.

“Idiots! If you haven’t done it yet, when will you wait!”

“Do you really want to be broken by everyone?”

Thoreau kept encouraging the people in the delegation, hoping that other civilizations would also stand up generously at this time.

But people are clearly using the Aswan civilization as a sharpening stone to try the details of the Blue and White Society, but Thoreau can’t do anything.

“You Aswa people, you don’t seem to give up, do you like war so much?” Mo Poor suddenly held the air in his hand, and made a bow and arrow posture.

“The root product, let all civilizations be kept together, and we can be peaceful.” Thoreau said.

Mo Qiong sighed: “Hey, once we kill you in your universe, we will not just teach you a lesson, but make you completely surrender.”

What he said is true. After all, the Blue and White Society has killed it, and there will be a containment universe. It is impossible for the Blue and White Society to ignore it, and it must subdue that civilization, and then establish a containment order like here on Earth.

“You think too much, do you think we only have this strength? If you dare to come to our chassis, you will appreciate the true power of an alchemist!” Thoreau said.

“Is it stronger than a god?” Mo Poor asked.

“A top alchemist is no less than a god! And we also have demigods!” Thoreau said loudly.

“Hmm.” Mo Poor raised his eyebrows, let go of his hand at the same time, pointed directly at Thoreau and Ai Boli, and made two archery movements in turn.

Thoreau and Aibo Li don’t know why, they are childish or not, what’s the difference between this and a child playing the game of ‘Air Archery’?

“What are you doing?” Thoreau asked blankly.

“It’s nothing, just in case, I’ll kill you two first.” Mo Qiong laughed.

“Huh?” Thoreau was taken aback, completely ignorant of what Mo Qiong meant.

At this moment, Mo Poor, Lord Gou and others suddenly raised their heads.

They all felt a powerful energy appearing out of nowhere in the atmosphere.

It was a huge asteroid with a diameter of about 500 kilometers!

It was burning with raging flames, turning the clouds into red, as if it were a star from hell.

“Hahaha! It’s here! It’s finally here!” Thoreau laughed.

“Your civilization is defenseless in our eyes, and the astral bombardment will spread all over the surface of your planet!”

The asteroid seemed to be an attack by the Aswas.

Once it appeared, it was already in the atmosphere. Looking up, it was a giant, blocking the sunlight, but it didn’t make the field of vision full of shadows.

Because the flame burning on the surface of the asteroid is not fire, but some kind of extraordinary magic energy.

When this magic energy arrived in the mother universe, it was immediately adapted to ordinary light and heat, radiating blazing light.

This makes the asteroid look like a small sun, the surface even exploded, and the high-temperature torrent spread like an explosion.

It only takes a second, and the energy will completely wipe out the city below, and all living things will evaporate.

“Sure enough, this kind of high-energy and massive celestial body was launched to carry out the most simple and direct brutal attack on the earth.”

Mo Poor frowned slightly. Although he expected such an attack, he didn’t expect it to be so big.

A huge celestial body with a diameter of 500 kilometers, less than one kilometer from the surface! It also carries powerful fusion energy.

Looking at the next second, everything below will be wiped out.

Mo Poor kicked the air fiercely, hitting the bottom of the asteroid like a cannonball.

“You’re not dead yet!” Thoreau yelled, his eyes fixed on Mo Poor, who looked extremely small under the asteroid.

Mo Poor is a body of flesh and blood, how can he not die when he hits it like this and resists the bombing of the astral body?

But the fact is, Mo Poor is unscathed!

“What!” Thoreau trembled, unable to believe his eyes.

Mo Poor actually just stood under the asteroid, countless violent energies washed over his body.

In the temperature like the center of a nuclear explosion, he didn’t even burn a root hair, let alone burn it, not even curl it!

Even, Mo Poor looks a little cold! His skin seemed to be in an extremely cold environment, unnaturally pale, and at the same time bruised.

Of course, Mo Poor blocked the asteroid, but he couldn’t stop the fusion energy slanting down.

Adams leaped high, unfolding the best metal to the maximum, with a diameter of about a thousand kilometers.

“Boom!” Best Metal blocked the white flame.

But these energies are not so easy to disappear, they spread along the surface of Best Metal, sweeping towards all directions.

At the same time, Best Metal also quickly changed from a flat surface to a spherical shape, with the flat edges curved upwards, embracing the diffused energy.

Although Adams has tried his best to wrap the asteroid, after all, the top cannot be completely closed, and it is still inevitably overflowing with blazing white flames that have no place to rest.

The black giant ball is like a crater, and energy is continuously ejected from above, and the roar is continuous.

These fish that slipped through the net still have terrifying destructive power. They shoot into the sky like a fountain, and then fall down. Once they hit the ground, they will fall into the lawn like magma.

At the critical moment, it was Gou Ye who made up the leak.

He has already transferred his consciousness into the body of a baby girl who is less than half a year old.

This is his European incarnation. Although he has no power to restrain chickens, the air wall is surprisingly powerful.

He has a piece of candy in his mouth, and the nuke is hiding it in his hand.

Master Gou imitated Adams and made a huge air costume.

At the center of the 100-meter-high air giant is a baby that is less than the length of an adult’s arm.

The baby girl raised her arm slightly, and suddenly, her thick and firm arms stretched out a huge air shield towards the sky.

The energy impacted in, and all of it was solidified in the air wall.

At this point, in less than ten seconds, the astral bombardment was frozen in the air.

A huge black giant ball with a diameter of 500 kilometers is suspended in the air, and its bottom is less than one kilometer from the ground.

Below it, there are countless or car, or ship-sized high-energy fragments shining.

These white blazing light clusters are sealed in an air wall that is tougher than alloys, as if solidified in the air, like small nuclear light bulbs, shining there.

The movement of the astral bombardment is really too big, and almost all the countries in northern Australia and Southeast Asia can see it appear.

Including the black sphere that wrapped it afterwards, it was so huge that it broke through the sky, and it can be seen thousands of miles away.

Not to mention the people of East Timor. The black giant ball is above their heads, which looks bigger than the islands they have survived for generations under their feet.

Although sufficient preparations have been made, there is no way to cover up the movement of the battle to such an extent.

There is no point in covering it up. The war is not over yet. God knows how far it will go if this war is not over.

Simply, announced to the public, saying that aliens have invaded.

In this way, the Blue and White Society and the governments of various countries do not need to think about how to cover up the facts, but only need to maintain order and stabilize social security.


Che Yun put on earrings and merged Mo Poor back.

As soon as he came back, the giant black ball immediately began to fall!

Obviously, he was really the only one who supported the free fall of the asteroid before.

“It’s unbelievable, the mother universe can be so strong?” The spy hidden in the delegation sank.

Mo Poor is really intact, not hurt at all, thanks to the shadow characteristic.

While rushing towards the asteroid, Mo Poor cut himself open and shot into the shadow earth.

There is no doubt that there is no such asteroid in the sky above the shadow earth.

The reason is simple, because Thoreau and Able from Shadow Earth are dead…

Before this, Mo Poor’s false shooting with both hands was actually shooting and killing these two people in the shadow world!

Once the two of them die, the Aswa people will have no positioning under the shadow world view, because the time-space structure of the entire earth has been changed by Mo Poor. If you want to project something here, you can only locate the Aswa people.

Thoreau and Ai Boli, as the last two Aswa people on earth, died, and their bodies were completely vaporized by time and space distortion.

So, under the shadow world view, this so-called astral bombing was not sent at all…

When Mo Poor smuggled to the Shadow Earth, in reality his body collided with an asteroid, ignoring its power at all.

He is equivalent to that asteroid, that is, invincible, flying in the air, the asteroid can’t even make him take a step back, so he alone resisted the asteroid.

This is also the reason why Mo Poor sighed before that he finally has the characteristics of indirect physical immunity. As long as he operates well, he can ignore some attacks.

If it is said that before, Mo Poor was so powerful that it made other civilizations feel acceptable.

Then it is too tricky to directly ignore attacks and have physical immunity like an ancient god.

“I didn’t suffer any injuries. Is this the legendary physical immunity characteristic?”

The latent civilization in the delegation re-estimated the strength of Hei Di again.

They don’t know what the price is, and they don’t know what the preconditions are. Let’s assume that Mo Poor is immune to most situations.

In this way, a strong man who can only hit others, but others can’t hurt him, is no longer a simple broken star, but a god.

is an existence that can overthrow a civilization by one person.

Lanbai Society, if there are five such powerhouses…

In an instant, some weaker civilizations that had barely crossed the universe retreated, planning to withdraw first, and if they were pulled out by the ‘drawer’, they would not be able to withdraw even if they wanted to.

The water on the earth is a bit deep, it seems that they can’t swim.

(end of this chapter)

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