Blue and White Society

Chapter 890

Chapter 890 – Go To War Openly

Chapter 890 Public participation in war

Mo Poor will constantly update the information of the five major civilizations to the whole society in real time.

Then he said in the combat command channel: “The representatives of the United States, India, Russia, Australia, and Japan are all lurkers, which means that their top military leaders have been infiltrated.”

“I can foresee that one day later, millions of troops will descend on the earth and launch a full-scale attack.”

Adams said: “Koron also foresees it, and he has sent special personnel to track down the lurkers everywhere.”

“Using random drawers, they can’t hide at all. They lose their hearts all the time. Among them, the **** people don’t die when they lose their hearts, and they make a lot of troubles everywhere.”

Mo Poor said: “In this way, it will not be within a day, but within an hour, and the enemy will frantically move troops here.”

“Their main lurkers are all in the capitals of the five countries. We must do our best to make the teleportation points only concentrate on the borders of the capitals when the opponent increases troops.”

“In this way, there are only five main battlefields, instead of all over the world. This also makes it convenient for us to seal off the scene and conduct difficult duels.”

The so-called predicament duel is just like the situation just now, everyone is confined to one place, like a fight between trapped animals.

Only the one who survived can go out.

At this moment, David said: “Find a way to make their landing point be at sea, or in no man’s land. After all, if the battlefield is in the capital of each country, there is no way to evacuate…”

Mo Poor said sternly: “Then forcibly evacuate, do you think we can still hide the news?”

“The world will be in panic!” David said.

Mo Poor said: “There is no way around this. They can send people here continuously. Every outsider is a positioning teleportation point. We try to reduce the battlefield to five to six places as much as possible. It is already very difficult.” You still think they only come to no-man’s land?”

“Don’t be too ambitious. If you have the time, it’s better to start deployment directly in the capitals of various countries. This way we still have enough time.”

David said: “In the end, it is very likely that there will be many civilians who cannot be evacuated.”

“David, be decisive. There is no perfect plan. The lesser of two evils is the lesser of two evils. We can only choose one decision and make it. We will do it without looking back and do it with all our strength. This is still the same thing you did back then. Taught me.” Mo Poor said.

David remembered that when Mo Poor was not a member of the club when he was in Mengdao, he asked Mo Poor to guard a few items outside the door and come in if there was any change.

After the result changed, Mo Poor asked how to suppress it, thinking of a better result.

So David frightened him directly at that time: “Which one do you choose to express emotions with tears forever, or with only seven seconds of memory forever?”

Finally, Mo Poor was forced to escape into the house. Although it was just a scare, David told him at the time: There may be a better solution, but at that time, you often only had one way.

David laughed in the channel: “You are right, we can only minimize the loss as much as possible, and the premise is to accept the loss.”

Controlling the battlefield to five or six places is already the best result. There is no perfect war, and it is unknown how many people will die in this battle.

Kaimen sighed: “I can already imagine the messy scene after the war, we must be devastated…”

Mo Poor said: “This is not the first time that a national event has occurred. Don’t think about what will happen after victory before the war. Listen to me and let it go! We must win first.”

“This is not a containment operation. This is a war that is likely to sweep the world. Before the war is over, we don’t need to clean up the ground at all. Let’s say that aliens are coming, and the armies of all countries can openly participate in the war. All members of the club, too. Features are available for public use!”

“The characteristics don’t need to be explained! Let them be regarded as high-tech. The first goal of everything is to win the war! Fight the war, don’t be tied.”

David said: “I agree.”

Kamen said: “Second.”

Everyone hurriedly said: “Understood.”

Kelong previously gave Mo Poor the authority second only to arbitration and higher than everyone else. He is the seventh authority of Lanbai Club.

He and Chimu are in the Sirius galaxy, and besides David, Kaimen, Barr, Xu Yin, and Musk, Moqiong is the one with the highest authority on Earth.

Among them, Barr and Xu Yin are unable to command because of their characteristics, and Musk is responsible for coordinating the countries.

So now the three major commanders of the Lanbai Society on Earth are David, Kaimen and Moqiong.

“Canberra, Australia, will be the arrival point of the Papal Kingdom of Lieyang. Their weapons are the strongest. Floating islands, magnetic storm towers, etc. are too destructive. This is most suitable for Barr to eliminate!” Mo Poor deployed.

Regardless of the fact that the strongest individuals are the giants of the rune civilization and the warriors of the **** empire, but because they are flesh and blood, members of the club can still fight twice.

The attack of the Papal State will destroy the world, and the weak will be killed by terrifying weapons without even seeing a person.

So precisely, the enemy of the Papal State is the most suitable for Barr to deal with.

The weapons used by humans can’t hurt the murderer, unless the weapon has automatic judgment and automatic attack by AI.

But it is a pity that the various war vehicles of the Papal State are all powered by the human body, so no matter how powerful their weapons are, they are all defeated by Baltyn.

“Block Canberra with the Yunjie flag, basically Barr can sweep it by himself, and give as much as you come.” Kaimen said.

Mo Poor continued: “Then there is Washington, where the arcane oligarchy is coming. Kaimen, I leave it to you. You can decide how many people you bring. Even if they have millions of troops, you have to kill all the enemies.” suppressed there.”

“Although the invaders of arcane civilization can disintegrate everything they touch, their bodies are very fragile, and ordinary troops can also play a huge role.”

Kaimen said: “Okay, you don’t have to worry about it, leave America to me, I won’t let an enemy go.”

Mo Poor nodded, Kaimen’s authority is higher than his, and he can call some containment items.

So Mo Poor continued: “Moscow is the landing point of the **** empire, their strength lies in…”

“Needless to say, leave this to me.” Adams volunteered.

Mo Poor said: “They punch like a meteorite, their fighting experience is MAX, and they are extremely strong in close combat. How many people do you need to deal with them?”

“Not many, just give me a stigmata unit, one hundred people will do. In addition, I ask to use Guo Ji…” Adams laughed.

Mo Poor thought for a while and said, “Yes, Guo Ji is indeed very suitable for dealing with the **** empire.”

Guo Ji’s close combat is really fierce, and it’s the kind of unobtrusive fierceness… A light punch contains the power of the whole country.

When fighting, lift your weight lightly, do no harm to the environment, and all the power is concentrated on the enemy.

Send Yu Ji, Yao Ji, and Xiao Ji, who are playing video games in another world, to head-to-head with the bloodthirsty man, and won’t they smash the enemy’s head?

Not only against bloodthirsty people, but also miraculously effective for other civilizations to send Guo Ji.

Adams continued: “I think it is possible to expand the number of princesses, such as the birth of princesses from the Alchemy Civilization of Aswa. The princesses are not supernatural systems, but derivatives, so they will not be suppressed by the mother universe. But she, but It will contain the combat power of an extraordinary civilization.”

Mo Poor turned his head, and told Evan about Guoji’s characteristics.

“How about two quotas of conferring gods, plus fifty tons of ancestor blood?”

“Okay!” Evan readily agreed.

Guo Ji seems to be a symbol of their country, but in fact they are not controlled.

Injured, all Chinese people have to share. These are disasters.

But Guo Ji is also considered a containment object, at least it has absolute characteristics.

A little girl, inexplicably representing their entire civilization, she was injured, and the cities of the whole country were devastated, and she bleeds, and the people of the whole country suffered. Anyway, the Lanbai Society has blood-enriching measures, and they can experience the feeling of being resurrected by the way.

Thinking of this, Evan felt a little itchy. What kind of experience is it to have a princess?

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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