Blue and White Society

Chapter 893

Chapter 893 – Patron Saint Of Mankind

Chapter 893 Human Patronus


A young man was lying in the mouth of a giant snake. The giant snake had been corroded to death. He was struggling to open the heavy snake mouth and climb out.

However, before being swallowed by the giant snake, he had glimpsed the nameless tentacles dancing in the night.

The deep color and breath made him extremely depressed.

Although he is one of the best quality rookies in this class, he is still extremely powerless in the face of mental distortion.

As time went by, he felt that his vision became blurred, as if something was covering his pupils.

He gradually coveted the stale rusty smell and damp and sticky feeling in the snake’s mouth.

After being in contact for a long time, rust began to spread on his body, and his skin became smoother and more moist.

In desperation, he had no choice but to choose to believe in polo songs.

Arbitrator David has already entrusted him with his spiritual power. If he can’t hold on anymore, he would rather believe in polo songs than be transformed by Cthulhu.

The former can still withdraw, while the latter is a lifelong belief.

At a critical juncture, the young man opened his heart and called out the name of polo song.

“The body of radiance… Polo song. I pray and believe in you, and I am eager to follow your will. Please redeem me with your brilliance.”

This set was taught to them by David.

The identity recognition of Poluoge is said to be very large. Even in the Evil Mystery Book, only five identities are mentioned. They are Lord of Locks, Chaos Splitter, Body of Radiance, Absolute Eternity, and Final Will.

The text used is very complicated, the amount of data is huge, and a lot of graphics are used to express it sideways.

And if you want to take the initiative to believe in an evil god, you need to visualize these words in your heart, and pray wholeheartedly to become the other party’s believer.

Of course, among the five identities recorded in the Evil Mystery Book, you can choose any one to pray, and Mengser chose the ‘radiant body’.

Because it was the simplest of the five identities, David only selected this one and sent the relevant description to them.

In an instant, white light instantly filled Mengser’s heart.

It was a dreamy scene like an aurora, soft as silk and smooth as water. In this radiance, he seemed to return to his mother’s belly.

The body of the dreamy aurora, with indescribable connotations, shocked his fragile mind.

But there is no pain and damage, but warm, full, and full.

“Polo song!”

Mengser excitedly looked up at the brilliance blooming in his heart, a strong sense of happiness filled him, as if his body was about to undergo some kind of transformation.

However, he finally remembered that he only did this to resist the impact of Cthulhu, and he didn’t really want to pray for the salvation of the gods. The call just now was just a ceremony.

So that brilliance was fleeting, and some kind of transformation disappeared like an illusion.

The disappearance of the white light made him feel a little lost, and brought Mengser back to reality: he was still trapped in the snake’s mouth.

Dampness, stench and darkness made him feel uncomfortable all over. After he believed in polo songs, he could no longer bear such an environment.

And Crusu’s aesthetics and logic, which were almost transformed before, were also dispelled by the white brilliance.

He felt better than ever, and his heart was clear, as if he had been washed away. Cthulhu’s shock could no longer affect him.

“Let’s go out first.”


Mengser tried his best to open the snake kiss. At the front of the snake kiss, there was a small passage, which was for the letter.

He widened the exit and finally climbed out.

At this moment, the battle of Limit Island has come to an end.

Millions of strange beasts vanished into nothingness, and only a few dozen of the hundred thousand immortals remained.

And the madness in the deep sea finally broke through the water.

Behind the misty water mist, a tall, dark, indescribable phantom is getting closer.

He has already landed, and thousands of twisted black lines form a terrifying outline.

The only remaining immortals curled up under the cliff, watching the madness behind the fog gradually expand, their eyes could not help but despair.

“This is the craziest god!”

“How could the Lanbai Society control him! Haha! You will also be killed by him!”

“In order to defeat us, you summoned an uncontrollable existence! You are finished! It is all finished!”

The surviving immortals, desperate, cursed.

They were hysterical and knew that they must die. Rather than being transformed into monsters, they would rather commit suicide.

But before committing suicide, they wanted to see the existence that defeated them, so they waited for the evil **** behind the fog to reveal his true colors.

And this extremely depressing waiting process is like a trial.

Not only them, even thousands of newcomers all focused their attention in that direction.

Finally, the fog cleared, and the crazy existence revealed its appearance.

“Lululu…” A girl who raised her hands high, swayed from side to side, her hair was flying up and waving, and her tongue was sticking out while shouting, was approaching!


The immortals couldn’t accept this result. They watched in horror at the crazy scene in front of them, which was completely beyond their imagination.

They laughed and shouted maniacally, and finally drew a knife and cut themselves in the neck suddenly.



The last dozens of immortals drew their swords and killed themselves, blood spattered on the cliff, and their bodies fell to the ground, with puzzled and broken eyes still in their eyes.

One hundred thousand immortals, so far the whole army was wiped out.

“Cthulhu is like a quantum cloud. When we don’t observe him directly, he is huge and terrifying, like octopuses and bats. However, when we actually observe him, he is what we see. “

“For some reason, he was forcibly shaped like this. The countless tentacles before were actually born from time and space.”

David explained plainly, then drew a card from the secret tome, and sealed Cthulhu back.

“However, this caused him to be strongest when he hadn’t really shown his face. Once he appeared in front of others, his strength would be greatly reduced.”

Mo Poor didn’t care why Cthulhu was like this. He glanced at the people who had calmed down, and couldn’t help asking: “What are the followers of Poluoge like? Why do I feel that our people have not changed?”

David removed the air costume, landed on the mountain and said: “It is impossible that there will be no change. They must not have believed in Polo Song yet.”

“No! I am the Lord of the Great Lock, a believer in the Body of Radiance!” Immediately, hundreds of people stood up and declared proudly.

David was taken aback, showing an incredulous expression.

“This is impossible! How could this be? Could it be that Pologo allows human dependents?” This is obviously something that David did not expect.

He is ready for these people to be distorted in their three views because of their belief in evil gods, and to become something like Hydra.

Unexpectedly, these people believed in the Polo song, but there was no change at all.

“That is to say, the last time you believed in Boluoge, even if there was no spiritual resistance, there would be no transformation. Because the dependents of Boluoge are human beings.” Mo Poor said.

David looked at Mo Poor and said: “There is absolutely no old ruler who stands on the side of human beings in the world, is willing to protect human beings, and accept human beings as his followers. There is no… There has never been one!”

“Although all the evil gods recorded in this book have no concept of good and evil, they are evil to human beings.”

“It’s like in the eyes of antelopes, cheetahs are evil. This is the reason why evil gods are evil gods. Their existence is the greatest unfriendliness to human beings. If there is an evil **** who protects and blesses human beings, then he is not An evil god, but a protector of mankind.”

Mo Poor said: “Does it record the Polo song?”

David was stunned and said, “No, only a small part is mentioned, and he cannot be summoned at all.”

“So Boluoge is not an evil **** in the first place.” Mo Poor said.

“But the basic world view of the game in the Containment Void Server is the old evil **** system, and its other characteristics fully comply with the rules of the evil **** system.” David said.

Mo Poor said: “It doesn’t matter, what matters is whether they can give up their faith.”

“It’s difficult for ordinary people to give up voluntarily, look at me.” David murmured suddenly, and quickly created a hazy light and shadow in everyone’s eyes.

Not long after, they forgot the memory not long ago.

“Will you pray for the redemption of the polo song?” David asked.

Monser and others habitually said: “Humanity has unfolded…”

“Huh?” Meng Se said in a daze, “Who is Poluo Song?”

Mo Poor showed a smile, he really can prostitute for nothing.

If you believe in an evil god, such as Cthulhu, you will never forget the other party, because the other party is the master of your own spiritual world.

But David managed to make them forget about the polo song, which means that their seemingly pious beliefs in front of them are all **** and can be given up. This is no different from normal religious beliefs, except, of course, for the fact that it is under the protection of the pologo.

Ordinary beliefs can be blessed by the Polo song and immune to the impact of other evil gods.

After using it up, it is okay to turn around and forget about the polo song.

“Perfect, I like this evil god.” Mo Qiong smiled.

David said: “It’s really perfect, why do I feel a little unreal, I’m afraid it’s fraudulent!”

“Mo Poor, send me and them to Chuangjie Mountain. I will train them myself and study this evil **** along the way. If you want to do the same to civilians in the future, you have to make sure there are no hidden dangers.”

Mo Poor readily agreed, and soon sent a group of good-performing newcomers selected by David to Chuangjie Mountain.

Afterwards, he immediately brought them back.

A total of only one-tenth of a second, they have experienced more than nine years of baptism, David’s personal training.

(end of this chapter)

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