Blue and White Society

Chapter 941

Chapter 941 – Support The Sky

Chapter 941 Support the sky

Kublai Khan was lying on the couch, watching the report of the prime minister Boyan expressionlessly.

In recent months, his support for the cause of containment has increased.

The Fanzi under his command is very powerful. He really contained two strange things in a place that the ‘Mohist’ didn’t notice.

Being able to not be noticed by the Mohist itself also means that its harm and influence are not great.

And this kind of containment is not difficult to contain, and it is basically some daily things.

One of the items that Kublai Khan obtained was particularly useful, and it was a red silk scarf, the kind that was tied around the neck or around the arm.

At first, the containment object appeared on a soldier of the Song Dynasty, who was just a small Han Chinese cavalry under the account of the Prime Minister of the Yuan Dynasty, Boyan.

When the rebels besieged the city. This cavalryman, relying solely on the characteristics of the red scarf, sneaked into the rebel camp alone, assassinated the rebel king, and killed seven in and seven out of the enemy camp, causing chaos in the enemy camp, but he had no choice but to lead the rebel Wang Shoulevel retreated completely. But the enemy army rushed to the camp, killing each other, and was rushed to by Prime Minister Boyan’s troops, and they were defeated in one fell swoop.

The cavalryman took advantage of this great achievement, rose to the top of the sky, and rose directly to the commander of the horse army Qianhu.

He also said that he could continue to control the contained object, but unexpectedly, the Emperor Dayuan set up a special investigation team for this kind of strange people and strange things.

After this person was scrutinized, he finally couldn’t hide the secret of the red scarf.

It turns out that this containment does not make people become champions, but makes people suffer from ‘absolute face blindness’.

First of all, the wearer will suffer from face blindness, and then everyone who sees him will suffer from face blindness.

But as long as he takes off the red scarf, the face blindness will be lifted, and all the existence of face blindness will be restored.

It is such a simple containment object, but it shines brilliantly in war.

Because when everyone is human, if you put on the enemy’s clothes and sneak into the enemy camp, others will not be able to distinguish him from the crowd.

This person sneaked into the enemy camp and killed the rebel king in front of people. Even though he was seen by others, after he wandered around the camp, no one knew that he killed the rebel king.

He pretended to be a rebel and searched for the assassin with the enemy, but no one suspected him.

Not only that, because too many people saw him, and they all suffered from face blindness, so that the enemy’s camp was in chaos.

Everyone is familiar to everyone, but unfamiliar to everyone.

In the eyes of patients with absolute face blindness, it seems that all human beings look the same.

In this case, although the wearer of the red scarf is also blind, he has an advantage, that is, he sneaked into the enemy camp alone, so he knows that ‘everyone is an enemy’.

He had no teammates, and as an orphan, he didn’t need to distinguish between the enemy and himself, so he killed seven in and seven out of the enemy camp, making the enemy soldiers feel insecure, and finally believed no one, and killed each other.

The mighty rebel army collapsed, was disrupted by him alone, and suffered a disastrous defeat.

After Kublai Khan understood the situation, he decisively collected the red scarf himself. This is a strategic weapon!

Morale and order are extremely important in war. If the enemies are blind to each other and rely on tokens and other anti-counterfeiting items to distinguish the enemy from the first time, then the battle will be lost.

Even if the enemy has millions of troops, it only takes one person wearing a red scarf to sneak into the camp to cause confusion and panic.

If you can’t recognize people, your soldiers will have no fighting spirit, and you will definitely lose. For Kublai Khan, this is really a treasure.

Besides the red scarf, the other storage item is not known to be useful.

It is just a board of unknown material, say it is metal, and it is soft and foldable, like paper.

It can be said that it is paper, and it is indestructible. Kublai Khan’s people tried their best, but they failed to leave a trace of it.

Every day, strange writing appears on it. It’s like an inscription, but the writing is very strange.

Just like yesterday, it displayed words that I didn’t understand well.

【Six Nightmare Mirror 2019-10-2000:16:11】

【Wandering Earth Project (Lanbaishe version): No planetary engine is needed, no Jupiter is needed to ignite, as long as Mo Poor shoots, the little broken ball can go wherever it wants】

For such a passage of text, Kublai Khan specially recruited literati to interpret it. It can be seen that some characters are obviously wrong Chinese characters, but some characters are not recognized.

And put these words together, you probably know what you are talking about, but you don’t quite understand what you are talking about…

Wandering can be understood, what is the earth?

Kublai Khan felt that there was a mystery in it, and ordered people to interpret it day and night, but there was little gain. Fanzi call it the Book of Heaven.

But no matter what, Kublai Khan got two containment items, and he was in a great mood.

With this sweetness, Kublai Khan paid more attention to containment, and he vigorously rewarded and reused those responsible for containment.

And handed them over to Boyan who is stable, loyal and most trustworthy to lead.

“Khan, the Mo family is more terrifying than we imagined. Our spies saw with their own eyes some fairy birds secretly entering and leaving Diaoyu City.” Boyan said.

Kublai Khan said in disbelief: “There have never been gods! Boyan, the Mo family is not a fairy bird, but their mechanism.”

“As I get more and more familiar with the ‘containment’, in fact, when I think about it carefully, the Mohists are nothing more than that.”

“The previous Excalibur must have a fatal weakness, otherwise why do you think they didn’t use it to dominate the world?”

Bo Yan said calmly: “The Mohists’ threat to the Great Yuan is not insignificant. Maybe they are accumulating strength…profusely, they have to guard against it.”

Khubilai nodded and said: “It seems that there is no desire and no desire, but the plan is really big!”

“There is no one in the world who has no desires and desires. They say that they have no interest in the vast country of the Yuan Dynasty, which is really a joke in the world.”

Adams told him at the beginning, “Mohism”, that is, the Lanbai Society doesn’t want anything, it only wants the stability of the world, and don’t be affected by the contained objects.

Regarding this, although Kublai Khan agreed with his lips, in fact, he was always uneasy. He really didn’t believe that this group of people

While talking, suddenly there was a commotion outside the hall.

Disturbed by the noise, Kublai Khan frowned, and Boyan immediately asked, “Why the noise!”

Two eunuchs ran in with pale faces, stumbling and trembling.

Bo Yan even smelled a smell of urine, his eyes sharpened, and he was about to attack.

But heard the eunuchs crying: “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”

“Khan! The sky is falling!”

Kublai Khan was furious, and shouted, “Presumptuous!”

Inside the imperial palace, shouting at the emperor that the sky is falling, is simply audacious.

What sky is falling? Hinting me that Dayuan is about to end? Even in the last dynasty, when the rebel army besieged the city, the eunuchs in the palace would never dare to speak like that.

However, the anger is the anger, Kublai Khan thought about it calmly, if something serious hadn’t happened, no one would have dared to make such a noise in the deep palace.

At this moment, there was a lot of crying and shouting outside, as if something terrible had happened.

“Who is making trouble outside?” Kublai Khan asked.

The two eunuchs tremblingly said: “My God! The innocence has really collapsed!”

“Go away!” Kublai Khan kicked the **** away, and stepped out of the palace gate in a hurry.

Bo Yan took the first step out and stood in front of Kublai Khan.

Kublai Khan saw that the guards he had carefully selected were in disarray. Some had weak legs and leaned against the wall, while some simply sat on the ground.

They all coincidentally looked up at the sky.

At this time, it was approaching dusk, and the sunset was setting in the west.

The earth is darker than usual, as if entering the night earlier.

A huge blue planet appeared above the sky. In the field of vision, it occupied almost half of the sky, and it was still growing slowly, as if it was approaching the earth.

Lands, islands, forests, oceans, cascading and rugged mountains, everything seems to be looking up at another world beyond the sky.

Vaguely, it seems that there are many fast-moving small black spots on the other end, as well as strange objects that are getting bigger and bigger, as if falling towards the ground at a faster speed.

Kublai Khan raised his head, and when he saw all this, he was stunned on the spot.

Really, the sky is falling.

No allusions, no hints. This situation, in their cognition, is a catastrophe.

He does not know that the earth above the sky is the twin brother of the earth under his feet.

At this moment, the two earths are closer than the earth and the moon.

And because of mutual attraction, they are still approaching, and it is expected that the two earths will collide soon.

Looking up from the earth, it is extremely huge.

So much so that in the eyes of people on Earth in the Southern Song Dynasty, it seemed as if the sky had fallen.

They don’t know the concept of a planet. The earth and oceans appear in the sky, and the dark clouds are pressing down like a city, so they can only think so.

Not only that, they can also feel that they are light and light all over.

This is another earth’s gravity affecting them, which in turn weakens the gravity that everyone on the surface will bear.

“How to do how to do!”

Up to the palace and down to the people at dawn, all panicked.

This is much more terrifying than a solar eclipse. The earth, mountains, and oceans that cover the sky and the sun are hanging in the sky, falling continuously. This is an impact that they have never imagined.

However, at this moment, a huge black figure appeared on the zenith.

He pushed in the direction of ‘Heaven and Heaven’ with one hand, and the overwhelming unknown sky seemed to stop its momentum, and not only that, it flew back backwards, getting farther and farther away.

“Someone held the sky back!”

“Oh my God! It turns out that the sky can really be pushed away, and the Jue Tian Di Tong is true!”

The people on the ground cheered endlessly, and Kublai Khan broke out in a cold sweat.

Bo Yan’s eyes widened even more, because the strange objects that fell were nothing but space stations and the low-earth orbit aerospace fighters of the Blue and White Society.

Although all of them were damaged, as if they had been brutally attacked, the image was probably very familiar to Boyan.

“It’s a fairy bird!” Boyan exclaimed.

Kublai Khan asked: “What?”

“It’s something I’ve seen in Diaoyu City… er, Mohism!” Boyan said.

Kublai Khan was shocked, what? Is that the guy?

He looked at the sky in horror, thinking of what Adams said: We are not interested in your country. Someone should take it up when the sky falls. This is the meaning of our existence.

Isn’t it just that you have no interest? The sky is falling, and people can really go to the top?

Kublai Khan is dumb, isn’t co-authoring a metaphor?

p.s: Sorry. I was dragged by my father-in-law to eat, drank, and wrote a chapter when I came back. I originally planned to make up the update, trouble, just pretend that I haven’t updated it, I’ll get up and edit again. Regarding the “Book of Heaven”, this is probably the highest-level containment in history. Mo Poor is not in the same category as it, and there is nothing comparable to it. Only with contradictory characteristics can there be deep comparability. In short, this contained object is the projection of your individual chapter comments…Whether it is to cheat Moqiong, lie to Moqiong, or help Moqiong, you can decide.

(end of this chapter)

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