Blue and White Society

Chapter 954

Chapter 954 – Hostage Human

Chapter 954 Hostage of Human Beings

No one expected that a handful of beta-level containment objects, separated by hundreds of millions of miles, would suddenly kill the chief arbitrator of the Blue and White Society.

If it weren’t for the fact that the president system of this generation is a bit special, and Kelon handed over higher powers to Qimu, then this time, the president Kelong will be killed!

Kill the leader of the Lanbai Society in seconds! This is something that many Delta and Omega containment objects have failed to do.

This is the case with the contained objects, isn’t it also the case with the extermination scissors back then?

Formalin never expected that he was fine when he was attacked by the scissors, but the whole family died cleanly!

The same is true of the current Demon Halberd, they are not on the same planet, and Lu Bu has never seen Qimu, but it was Lu Bu who defected to Gaia, which led to the fall of the supreme leader of the Lanbai Society!

This is simply impossible to guard against, it’s a dog.

And Gaia is the same dog.

If Lu Bu leaves his power now, Gaia will be wiped out by this little magic halberd!

A dog like an ant! He actually decides the life and death of a **** like me?

Gaia was so angry that she wished she could kill Lu Bu right now.

However, it is useless to kill Lu Bu, the other party has defected to her, and it is the magic halberd that triggers this feature.

Kill Lu Bu, there are thousands of candidates for Lu Bu, whoever the devil wants to be Lu Bu will be Lu Bu.

Gaia was angry, but he didn’t dare to kill him.

Lanbaishe provided delicious food and drink, and took him to study, but he didn’t reuse it, so Lu Bu abandoned it without nostalgia.

If Gaia treats Lu Bu badly and has resentment accumulated in her heart, wouldn’t she be more likely to be betrayed.

For the time being, she felt that Lu Bu still admired her, and wanted to fight for her, like the former believers, willing to die for her.

Gaia thought to himself: As long as I don’t squeeze him out on purpose, treat him better, and use him more, he probably won’t betray me.

At this time, both Gaia herself are free. The thousand-meter-high rocky body stands like a mountain, and on its surface, there is a giant snake wrapped around it!

The omnic took away her magic seal, causing her to wake up, only she found herself in the snake body again, awakening her dream.

Under the catalysis of energy, the snake shed its skin repeatedly, and it has grown to six hundred meters long.

The rock giant is entwined with a snake, with two hearts and two selves, which is the state of Gaia at this moment.

Snake-shaped Gaia said: “You have to be a **** to subdue such a troublesome thing!”

“I didn’t know it would be so hot. Anyway, he must not abandon me, otherwise we will die.” Rock Gaia said.

“No, you are dead, I am your vassal now.” Serpentine Gaia said.

“Anyway, you are me, and I am you, why don’t I listen to you now, what do you say we should do now?” Rock Gaia said.

“No, no, no, I’m just an ordinary snake body, my combat power is weak, of course I still listen to you.” Serpentine Gaia said.

“Huh! You were forced to be like this by the Black Emperor, stop talking nonsense, I’m dead, and you are just a plaything of human beings!” Rock Gaia said.

Serpentine Gaia said: “I think as long as you treat this person well, he will definitely not betray you. The Blue and White Society doesn’t understand the characteristics of the magic halberd, suppressing him and making him feel that he is not being reused, so he betrayed you.” .”

“Didn’t you see that when you said you let him be the archbishop, did you feel grateful? Why don’t you give him some power, give him some rewards, and win his heart.”

Rock Gaia nodded and said: “It’s better to give her the status of Gaia’s son. I said a few words about those ants in Gaia’s church, and they were all deeply moved.”

“Very well, let’s do this.” Serpentine Gaia said.

“Then spit out the creation stone pillar!” Rock Gaia said.

She has found the Stone Pillar of Creation, and it is now in the belly of the giant snake.

The serpentine Gaia vomited out the stone pillar, and after a while, he compiled the life sequence himself, creating the dragons and horses that were everywhere on the earth back then.

This kind of horse has a dragon template, with extremely strong endurance, can obtain energy from the ancient gods, and can go without food or drink for ten years.

Running like flying, the fastest speed can reach 300 meters per second.

“Lu Bu, this horse is given to you, and you will be my child from now on!” Rock Gaia laughed.

Lu Bu was really moved, he stroked the dragon horse, and said with red eyes: “Since I was born, I have been just a wild child, and I was regarded as a poodle by the blue and white dog thieves!”

”You have been the master of the earth since ancient times, and you never abandoned my humble status. You treat Bu like a son and love you so much. Bu is so grateful that it is hard to repay you. You will conquer the world for your righteous father.”

Gaia couldn’t help correcting: “I’m a female… Forget it, just remember my kindness.”

“Mother God’s grace, I will never forget it.” Lu Bu said excitedly.

His eyes are extremely sincere, and his blood seems to burst out of his body, as if he has finally found the direction of life!

Looking at Lu Bu’s resolute spirit, Gaia nodded secretly.

Snake-shaped Gaia said: “I don’t think people can be wrong, his heart is completely inclined to you, and it is impossible to betray.”

“Human beings are like this. They can believe in fictional beliefs and die for them.” Rock Gaia said softly.

The characteristics of the magic halberd have both disadvantages and advantages.

Once he masters Lu Bu’s heart, he is equivalent to having an immortal chess piece.

Lu Bu is easy to die, but the magic halberd is immortal. If you kill this person physically, the magic halberd will forcefully transform into another Lu Bu in an instant, and continue to fight.

Ruo Ruo was in a battle with Hei Di, but Hei Di was unlucky and was chosen by the Demon Halberd.

Then no matter how firm Hei Di’s belief is, he will all twist his mind into Lu Bu and serve her Gaia!

Gaia couldn’t help laughing when he thought of the Black Emperor holding a magic halberd and serving under his command with a moved face.

Blessings come from misfortunes, and misfortunes depend on blessings. Containment is a double-edged sword, and Gaia is also an experienced user, so she naturally understands this truth.

With Lu Bu, Gaia continues to wreak havoc on the earth.

She wants to find the rice cooker and release the three thousand ancient gods!

And if there is a rice cooker in hand, Hei Di is not worried! And to ensure that the rice cooker can seal Hei Di, the user must be stronger than the other party, such as possessing many absolute characteristics.

The final decisive battle of the rebellious war was to gather all the characteristics of human beings in one person, and then seal three thousand ancient gods in one fell swoop. So Gaia also wants to collect as much content as possible at this moment.

Gaia said in his heart that if he had a rice cooker, no one in Lanbaishe would be vulnerable.

And such a powerful artifact, Lanbaishe didn’t use it because they didn’t want to release the ancient gods. What a waste of money!


The snake-shaped Gaia wrapped around the rock Gaia, shouting to create a stone pillar, and kept creating the god-created creatures that bloomed on the earth in the past.

Kublai Khan looked in horror at the countless monsters rolling in from afar, his face pale.

“Khan, go away! I’m here to break the queen!”

Brother Ali, the commander of the Dayuan Horse Army, said loudly, and even led an iron cavalry to recoil at the monster.

Kublai Khan took the opportunity to continue to escape with his family and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

Among the monsters chasing, there is a strong giant ape with scarlet eyes and a sharp mouth like a thunder, exuding frightening hormones from his body. He has seen Shan Hai Jing and thought, isn’t this Yong He?

I also saw a fat beast with a thick long tail and a leopard pattern all over its body. It was nimble and fast with its own tail in its mouth. It was Zhu Jian.

There are also huge wild boars, grouped in groups, with tusks like giant ivory, which are seal dolphins.

and countless snakes circling each other, the body fluids they secreted eroded the surrounding land, like a venom swamp, named Xiangliu.

“What’s going on! What’s going on!” Countless courtiers were about to collapse.

On the contrary, Kublai Khan was very calm, and murmured: “Is this a containment disaster?”

After experiencing the collapse of the sky, the ascension of the whole people, and the rampage of monsters, he has already fully realized what the group of people in the Blue and White Club have been suppressing.


Lü Bu holds halberds in both hands, and the dragon horse under his crotch gallops like flying. He takes the lead in charging thousands of Mongolian cavalry, and smashes dozens of Mongolian cavalry into a **** mess with a big halberd.

He shouted loudly: “Lü Bu is here, don’t dismount and accept surrender!”

The commander-in-chief of the Dayuan horse army, Brother Ali, had a red face in the battle, and quickly ordered the whole army to surrender.

“Don’t kill! Don’t kill!”

“Great God, spare me!”

It was obvious that he wanted to die for the Khan just now, because of his courage, but only dozens of people died, and Brother Ali collapsed, and the iron army under his command had no intention of fighting.

They were not afraid of Lu Bu. Although Lu Bu was brave, Gaia behind him was even more terrifying.

The fear of the ancient gods from the depths of the ancestors’ genes made these ancient people lose their courage when they looked up at Gaia.

“Boom! Boom!”

Behind the hustle and bustle of the dust and fog, Gaia, who is extremely tall, crushes everything and steps forward, every step is shaking the sky and the earth.

“What’s the use of these humans? Just jump out of the earth and destroy them.” Rock Gaia said.

However, the serpentine Gaia said: “The earth explodes, and the Black Emperor will definitely come! Those machines took away the magic seal, and if the Black Emperor gets it again, they can kill you immediately.”

“Don’t disturb Hei Di, and collect artifacts as soon as possible while human beings are busy. Have you sensed the rice cooker?”

Rock Gaia said angrily: “No! I don’t know where to hide it!”

“Then you can’t destroy the earth, arrest people! I have fought Hei Di more times than you, listen to me, these human beings like ants are more useful alive and can threaten Hei Di.” Serpentine Gaia said.

“Really? By the way, there is a president of Lanbai Society who has succeeded, is he the Black Emperor?” Rock Gaia said.

Snake-shaped Gaia said: “It must be him. The magic halberd killed the president and supervisor. Now the president should be the same.”

“Before he comes, hold all the humans on the ground hostage!”

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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