Blue and White Society

Chapter 967

Chapter 967 – Extermination Group

Chapter 967 World Destroyer Group

The earth is at the edge of the Sirius galaxy at this moment, and there is a satellite on a gaseous planet orbiting the main star of Sirius, which is suitable for the habitation of people on earth.

Kelong, and two hundred members, are on this satellite at the moment, guarding the dangerous containment including the queen, entropy beast, gluttony, etc.

Among them, the most threatening ones are naturally the top ten Omega.

Kelong looked at the screen in front of him, for a while there was a dark virtual island where the queen lived, for a while the virtual island crystal where the entropy beast was located, and for a while there was a photo of a woman, and beside the woman was a bald-headed young man. he.

Scene after scene, he is using his highest authority to browse through the ten Omega storages.

This is something that countless companions have sacrificed for and contained.

Top Ten Omega, the first thing he saw was the Zerg Queen, she was absolutely infinitely adaptable, and now she has been fattened to the point of incomprehensibility, and it is a catastrophe hanging over the multiverse.

The second one to look at, code-named Entropy Beast, has the characteristic of immortality, infinitely stronger. As long as the entropy of the universe exists, it will last forever. In other words, if you want to destroy it, you must let the entropy go to zero, but this is impossible. Every move of the entropy beast, or all its meritorious deeds, are increasing the entropy of the universe.

It is the whole universe and all creatures in it that provide energy for the entropy beast to fight and act. It will never stop, never get tired, and never run out of energy. If the energy of the entropy beast is exhausted, it means that the universe has completely died down, and there is no more light, no more useful energy.

It is worth mentioning that the queen has already transcended the heat system of the entropy beast.

The powerful part of the entropy beast is not here, but the entropy beast can designate and consume the energy of a certain thing. As long as the entropy beast dances a very tiring dance, the energy of the sun can be shrunk sharply until it becomes dimmed and extinguished, turning into a dark star. If this dance continues, eventually the mass of the dark star will disappear and be transformed into the overall heat in the universe.

Even the sun can do this, let alone human beings. Basically, any high-energy spit from the entropy beast can instantly squeeze a human being into ashes.

In short, the Entropy Beast can squander energy at will. Anyway, it is others, all things, and all living beings who pay the price.

It can not only bombard members to death with one mouthful of saliva, but also vaporize a member, turn it into saliva, and then bombard another member to death.

It can not only slap out the sun with one slap, but also evaporate one sun and turn it into the power of its own slap to slap another sun.

All beings and all things are its materials, its energy, and its property. The entropy beast is synonymous with the destroyer of the material world.

The third one, code-named Tranquility, is the only Omega-level containment with a clarifier, and it is fused with the enforcer Xia Heng. That is to say, the members who are still suppressing the entropy beast so far, and the reason why he can suppress the entropy beast is that the characteristic of tranquility is to make a target absolutely dead.

As a result, the mind, body, and characteristics of the entropy beast completely stagnate. It can be said that it has reached the point of stopping information, which is better than the sealed magic sticker.

But the price is much higher than that of sealing magic stickers. First of all, the user will fall into the boundless darkness, lose all perception of the outside world, and cannot control the body. It can be said that it is an absolute vegetable. If you want to get rid of this, you must lift the dead silence.

Besides that, the death silence effect consumes every gunshot, the stability of the natural rules of the universe.

Originally, if there is no containment, then the laws of nature are iron rules, and it is almost impossible to change.

But it is not an absolute characteristic after all, it has a degree of stability. The constant speed of light is a law of nature, but it is not an absolute characteristic. For example, at the beginning of the universe, the speed of light was variable, and the distribution of natural laws was uneven, and the natural laws were different in different places. It is also the same now, in another universe, the laws of nature are slightly different.

What Tranquility consumes is this stability. To put it simply, because Xia Heng keeps in a state of dead silence with the entropy beast, he also drives the entire universe crazy.

Nowadays, some galaxies have already collapsed. For example, under the same environment and conditions, nuclear fusion cannot be produced… Countless stars are like hydrogen balloons that do not emit light. There may even be other reactions.

Using Tranquility to seal the Entropy Beast is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst. Although it has not affected the earth, and may not even affect the Milky Way, but at least the physical rules are unevenly distributed, and this scientific cornerstone has been broken.

And as time goes by, it becomes more and more serious.

The fourth one, code-named Happy Days, is another Omega containment with the interpreter. Fused with it is the charmer Lilith, whose characteristic is ‘Infinite Desire’. This is unlimited desire in the true sense. Anyone who hears, sees and perceives Lilith will arouse her infinite **** for her. And this is just one of its safest modes, called the color of all beings.

The containment also has a second mode, Everything Color.

“Lilith…” Kelong stared at the document silently, and the second pattern was exactly what he perceived.

Blue and White Club originally only knew that Lilith could switch modes, but didn’t know what the other mode was, so they kept restricting Lilith to change her state.

Kelon and Lilith were originally a pair. After Kelon ate the golden apple, he wanted to know what the other mode was, perhaps freedom.

Unexpectedly, she learned the content of the more dangerous second mode, and then promoted her to the Omega level.

Under the color of everything, then the object of charm is not a living thing, but a dead thing without life.

Any matter or even fluctuation that physically interacts with Lilith will be charmed…

Even if she is allowed to live in a stomach-shaped chamber made of biomass, it is impossible for her to completely avoid contact with dead matter. She will inevitably suffer from the violations of countless molecules, radiation, gravitational waves, and quantum oceans.

If it does not stay in the living body, but is exposed to the outside. Then it’s a disaster.

With her as the center, the charm will spread at the speed of light!

First she will charm the light, even the gravitational field of the moon or the earth, then the gravitational field and light of the sun, and then the galactic center…

She would cause the invisible colossal gravitational force to warp into something strange, to violate her. And this gravitational disturbance is enough to destroy the world.

Lilith will not die from the coercive actions of the charmed.

At that time, she is equivalent to a black hole expanding at the speed of light, and all the surrounding matter rushes towards her crazily, while she is squeezed in the center, being crazily pushed and distorted by countless outside matter. And this range, expanding at the speed of light, spreads to the whole universe.

Fortunately, the condition for mode switching is Lilith’s mood. Once she feels that her current life is not fun, this mode will be switched out immediately.

Conversely, as long as she hypnotizes herself to enjoy the state of all beings at this moment, then the state of all things will not appear.

Actually, if she gets tired of the second mode, the containment has a third mode…fantasy color, or concept color.

But that’s too dangerous, all things are enough to wipe out the material world, fantasy colors don’t need to be considered, they will never be allowed to appear, even if they appear, no living person can see that scene…

Kelong looked at Lilith’s information for a long time, then called up the door monitor of Lilith’s residence, staring at the door in a daze.

“The Apocalypse has fallen.”

“The successor is unbelievably good.”

“You are right, Polo, the future generations must be stronger than the predecessors. If one generation is not as good as the previous generation, and everything in the past is better, then there is no hope in the world.”

Kelong’s expression is incomparably complicated, perhaps no one in the world can describe his expression at this moment.

He silently browsed through Vientiane that can simulate everything including the Omega containment.

Doomed to pull everything into fear, unable to resist, and spread without solution. Although it is still very safe now, according to its exponential expansion and irreversible trend, one day everyone will be afraid of the black ball.

And the code-named Sleeping Baby, when the sound wave above the critical level is transmitted to him, the sound source will be wiped out, and once he is awakened, the entire universe will turn into the state when it was just born, that is, an explosion at the creation level, and the universe will start again .

There is also a void server, and the hidden evaluation is also Omega level. Because once David, who can ignore the distorted world view, dies, the universe will gradually transform into the universe of evil gods, and all the products of evil gods in the game will seem to exist naturally in the universe.

Finally, there are silent films of the universe and chessboard of annihilation.

A cosmic silent film is just a photo, which captures a map of the cosmic background radiation and is updated in real time…

Everyone who sees this picture will disappear into a quantum spark, unless they have a partner. That is to say, the person who looks directly must first be willing to spend a lifetime with at least one object, and that object is also willing to spend a lifetime with him.

And this is just the role it was discovered in the first place. Polo used it to deal with the queen, but the result was undoubtedly a failure. After the queen was annihilated, she was directly restored by quantum spark recombination. Now it can’t be triggered even more, because Polo has become her partner.

Due to the insect bite during the Zerg War, a part of the photo was destroyed, and the owner felt on the spot that the galaxy represented by that part of the photo suffered a devastating blow.

All the planets without satellites, the single-star system, the isolated galaxy system without companion star, are all annihilated into quantum sparks.

That is to say, if the entire photo is destroyed, all the stars within the light cone that are judged to have no partner will be destroyed, such as the solar system.

As for the World Destruction Chessboard, against invisible chess players, this game has been played for decades, and the sunspots are bound to lose, and the selected players are just stalling for time. Once the player dies, or the game is lost, the universe is deleted.

Kelong finally stared at the elderly chess player sitting in front of the chessboard and reading a book in the monitor.

This chessboard is the only containment known to allow Kelong to die completely. There may be more, but this is the most convenient one, as long as you lose, the universe will be deleted from the information.

Kelong stared at the old man in the picture. Although the old man was not a member of the club, he was already a peripheral member.

He is one of the peripheral personnel who paid the most, starting from the age of twenty-three, and now he is eighty-five years old.

For most of his life, he sat and lay in front of this chessboard, without going anywhere.

In his hand, he holds a black stone that determines the outcome. He has been ‘thinking’ about this black stone for too long… because no matter where the black stone lands, it will lead to a complete loss of the game.

For more than sixty years, he has guarded this game of chess like this. He was about to die of illness, but because of the technological explosion of the Blue and White Society, he was able to continue his life. At this moment, he is in good spirits.

Now that the black book has been tampered with, he will never die of old age again.

It can be said that the threat of the doomsday chessboard is greatly reduced because of the existence of the black book.

“I’m here.” Kelong sent a command that had already been entered.

This command will cause the automatic defense system in the containment room of the Destruction Chessboard to fire high-energy lasers at the chess players.

Everything seems to be ready.


The old chess player felt strange. He raised his head and found that the laser emitter that was supposed to protect him was aiming at himself.

The chess player’s eyes showed bewilderment and sadness, and before he had time to react, the laser was fired.


The laser burst out instantly, hitting the face directly, this shot was enough to dissolve his head and vaporize it!

And the consequences are not just the death of the old man who dedicated his life to the world-destroying chessboard.

When the chess player dies, the World Extinct Chessboard will determine that black can no longer play, and the black side will lose.

However, the light suddenly folded in half!

It automatically hit the old chess player’s chest, where a shield was revealed.

At the same time, the chess player was crying, as if he was in pain. He not only felt the pain that seemed to be melting, but also the pain from his heart.

In an instant, the siren base’s alarm went off!

Many members of the club were alarmed. This was an alarm that would only come to mind when there was a problem with the containment room of the Destruction Chessboard.

Soon, something even more terrifying happened.

“Boom!” The entire containment room exploded immediately, and the terrifying fusion energy directly impacted from the nearby room to the place where the world-destruction chessboard was located. Many members of the club were wiped out before they could get there.

And at this moment, on the earth, where Gaia is begging.

Mo Poor stared at the sky contemplatively and hollowly, his lips moved slightly.

Lan Baiji next to him glanced at Mo Qiong, and instantly turned into Kelong.

Exchanging positions, Lan Bai Ji can exchange positions with any citizen of Lan Bai Country.

Kelon looked at the suddenly changed environment and Mo Poor beside him, and smiled with relief and bitterness.

“You… did a good job.” Kelong said in a very complicated tone.

p.s: Sorry. I’ve sped up the pace so this chapter is a bit more condensed. It wasn’t originally the top ten, so I deleted one. Except that the silent film is only mentioned in the author’s words, the others are vaguely mentioned above. In fact, don’t blame Kelong, it’s all my fault.

(end of this chapter)

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