Blue and White Society

Chapter 970

Chapter 970 – Runaway Blue And White Concubine

Chapter 970 Runaway Lan Bai Ji

“By the order of the Black Emperor, I will protect you well.”

In the Sirius base, Chisong, whose muscles have gone berserk, is using force field blocks to protect the players.

Emperor Sang opened two shields at the same time to protect herself and Chisong.

It was also their group of rebels who dispelled the impact of the nuclear explosion just now.

The fool-like operation of the force field test is the reaction and concentration, and the rebels who are not weaker than the members are also handy to use.

The rebels only obey Mo Poor, even if they are asked to kill President Lanbai, they will not hesitate.

So after realizing that Kelong had changed, Mo Poor arranged for them to protect the chess players.

In addition to this, there is Lan Bai Ji.

She is the only existence other than Mo Poor who can teleport others.

“He seems to be in pain.” Concubine Mi, the rebel, looked at the chess player rolling on the ground in pain.

The chess player has a holy shield on his body, which certainly saved his life, but it also caused him to suffer great pain.

“If you don’t save your life, if he suffers six fatal attacks, he will definitely die.” Lan Baiji said.

“Isn’t the rice cooker in your hands? Why did that guy take it out! The ancient **** has revived!” Empress Sang said angrily.

Lan Baiji took out the rice cooker from under her skirt and turned it on.

However, this is an ordinary rice cooker without any anomalous properties.

“Fake…” Lan Baiji held her breath, she was actually cheated.

Although Lan Baiji has the knowledge of all Chinese people, she cannot know the thoughts of all Chinese people.

Knowledge keeps pace with the times and is established by convention.

Lan Baiji only knew about the description of the rice cooker at the moment of her birth, and at that time, Kelong had already completed the bag swap and sealed her memory.

To fight against the Apocalypse, Kelong mainly did two things, delegate power to Mo Poor, and arrange the rice cooker to deal with the Apocalypse’s lore.

Once the Apocalypse is found, use the rice cooker to seal him.

Because this could theoretically deal with the Apocalypse, Chimu didn’t stop it.

However, subsequent developments have proved that this idea did not come in handy at all, and it was completely done by Mo Poor with other methods.

Even, shortly after Lan Baiji was born, Lan Bai Ji exchanged places with the member who ‘guarded the rice cooker’ and ‘used the rice cooker to seal the Apocalypse if there is an order’ based on her own knowledge, and then got the so-called rice cooker .

There is no difference between the rice cooker and the ordinary rice cooker without opening the lid.

That member, he didn’t even know that what he got was a fake rice cooker.

Mo Poor didn’t know either, and he had comforted Lan Baiji at that time.

But in fact, if Lan Baiji was allowed to run away violently and seal Mo Poor, it would be better, and he would be able to see through this immediately.

But it turned out that because Lan Baiji stole the rice cooker, Mo Qiong was even less vigilant about the rice cooker.

Kelong took it out suddenly, and instantly sealed Mo Poor.

“I…” Lan Baiji was very annoyed that she was unintentionally used as a pawn.

Perhaps Kelong was also unintentional, but this once again provoked Lan Baiji’s dignity.

“I want to fly him!” Lan Baiji said seriously.

“Get out of here now!” Empress Sang immediately stared at Lan Baiji and said.

Lan Baiji frowned and said, “Are you driving me away?”

Emperor Sang said indifferently: “I don’t need your help anymore, Hei Di told me that you should exchange places with Adams immediately! Then, don’t come near here!”

She didn’t know who Adams was, she was just faithfully conveying Hei Di’s instructions.

This annoyed Lan Baiji, she was kind enough to help, but Hei Di despised her!

“Sang doesn’t mean that, Lan Baiji, what Hei Di wants to say is that Kelong has the files of the members, and will use this to change the nationality of the chess player. When you see the chess player using the holy shield, he will attack Him.” Chi Song smoothed things over.

Lan Baiji would not see anyone other than her own people use the containment.

Although the chess player is from the blue and white country, he will not be anymore soon.

All the information of the blue and white nationalities are in the hands of several secret personnel of the General Affairs Department. Apart from the arbitration Musk, the only one who knows these confidential personnel is the president Kelong.

Even before Mo Qiong changed Wu Yunmo’s nationality, he contacted Musk to do it.

Now, there is no doubt that Kelon has bypassed Musk and directly commanded the confidential personnel who hold the files. In theory, the authority of the president can command anyone, so when it is not clear what Kelong is doing, the vast majority of members will obey the president’s order without hesitation.

“Tch!” Lan Baiji disappeared in an instant, replaced by Adams.

Lan Baiji appeared above the earth.

She looked into the outer space, and saw an unbelievably large Kelong, just like a giant, overlooking the little blue button of the earth.

Kelong ignored Lan Baiji and was rapidly moving away from the earth.

“Bastard, come back to me!” Lan Baiji wanted to stop, but found that Kelong was no longer a member of her country.

Kelong secretly left the blue and white nationality at this moment and joined a newly established country.

This made it impossible for Lan Baiji to exchange positions with Kelong as before.

Ke Kelong is not from the Lanbai country and uses the containment, which happens to anger Lanbai Ji even more.

This is her spiritual shackles. Lan Baiji, who was originally not willing to be executed with this kind of character, was being used. At this moment, she completely complied with the spiritual setting and rushed to Kelong in space.

“You bastard!”

Lan Baiji is like a bolide, going up against the sky, colliding with Kelong in a shocking manner.


This punch directly pierced Kelong, who was bigger than a star. Lan Baiji broke through Kelong’s vest, passed through his body all the way, and pierced through his chest.

Kelong ignored him, and suddenly lost his sense of existence in front of Lan Baiji.

It is nothing more than the simplest assassin’s pace, as long as there is an eagle eye or a camera, he can see him.

But Lan Baiji doesn’t know how to be eagle-eyed. As Guoji, she doesn’t control the special vibration of muscles at all.

When Kelong disappeared from her vision, Lan Baiji’s spiritual shackles immediately drove her to strongly want to attack the happy ancient gods in the outer atmosphere.

Especially the sun **** who is holding a bow and a real rice cooker.

This is also a guy who is not from the blue and white country and uses the containment!

“Damn it!”

Lan Baiji wanted to kill Kelong very much, but the shackles of her mind prevented her from going to Kelong slowly, but immediately changed to a new target and rushed towards the ancient god.

This is the saddest thing about Lan Baiji, she is the only national princess who clearly realizes that her personality is imposed.

This is what makes her special, but also what makes her sad.

Among the many targets, she can choose an enemy that she really wants to kill, but if that enemy is not in front of her, she can only be forced to attack other priority targets.

“I’m a machine…”

Lan Baiji thought desperately, as if running wild, she punched the bow-wielding sun god.


Originally planned to follow Gaia’s suggestion to kill Kelong’s ancient god, but was directly blasted into the sea by this swift and violent punch.

The sea was instantly heated by the sun god’s intense heat, evaporating diffuse water vapor.

Another beast-shaped ancient **** flew into a rage and flew to Lan Baiji’s side, trying to break her neck.

Lan Baiji punched hard, but got stuck in the middle of the swing, as if the punching movement was forcibly interrupted.

“No one can punch in front of me!” the animal-shaped ancient **** said aggressively.


However, in the next moment, Lan Baiji’s hair floated on him, and she blew it into powder!

This ancient god, without the invincible golden body, was killed in seconds.

“What! Who is this?” The ancient gods were shocked, why is this little girl so fierce.

Gaia was also confused, she didn’t know this girl.


The Sun God, who was hammered to the bottom of the sea, broke out of the water and changed from a luminous sphere to a human-shaped energy body, with horns on his head, which looked like a dragon head and a human body.

This is the Sun God Hao. Hao is the strongest ancient god, but he was punched flying by a little girl. Although he didn’t get hurt at all, he lost face.

“You are fine, human, say your name.” Hao said in a majestic voice.

“Boom!” Lan Baiji rushed in front of him like a stream of light, and blasted him away with a punch, completely ignoring him.

But this time, when the opponent was flying upside down, Lan Baiji caught Hao ahead of time along the trajectory at a faster speed.

She actually passed the strongest ancient **** to herself a second later.

Seeing that Hao was not damaged at all, Lan Baiji grabbed his dragon head horn with one hand, and with the other hand, squeezed into an iron fist, and bombarded like a storm.

After beating for a while, Hao was not injured at all, Lan Baiji reached out to grab the rice cooker.

But the rice cooker was in Hao’s hands, as if it was welded to death, it was anchored in his palm, and he couldn’t shake it at all.

“You shouldn’t touch me.” Hao said indifferently.

I saw a tadpole-like tattoo on Lan Baiji’s body suddenly.

Lan Baiji froze for a moment, then stopped.

Hao smiled and said, “You kill yourself.”

All the ancient gods watched leisurely, and it was over, not to mention human beings branded by Hao, even gods would obey him unconditionally for forty-two seconds.

However, Lan Baiji blinked, and directly held Hao’s horn, using it as a weapon, and smashed it at other ancient gods.

Among the three thousand ancient gods, only about five hundred have invincible golden bodies, and the rest can be killed.

I saw Lan Baiji, brandishing the sun god, among the many ancient gods, sprinting and turning back like a laser. Many weaker ancient gods were blasted to pieces by her terrifying and concentrated strange power on the spot.

All the gods were shocked, Hao’s mandatory order failed.

Guo Ji’s character design, the forced spiritual shackles, has become a benefit at this moment, which can protect Lan Bai Ji’s consciousness.

Mental distortion is often also spiritual resistance. The earliest spiritual resistance is actually using one mind distortion to resist another mind distortion.

For example, if a person is infected with the trait, all the anger will be stored, and after accumulating to a certain value, he will be violent like a madman and lose his mind.

Correspondingly, before the outbreak, this person is equivalent to immune to anger.

Some mental distortions with low absoluteness can’t shake Guo Ji’s will at all.

Lan Baiji was forced to attack the ancient **** at this moment, and the mind distortion that the ancient **** had comprehended could not stop her.

Lan Baiji ran away among the three thousand ancient gods, her speed reached the limit, and many ancient gods couldn’t see her clearly.

p.s: Sorry, there are two more chapters.

(end of this chapter)

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