Blue and White Society

Chapter 972

Chapter 972 – Last Sunspot

Chapter 972 The Last Sunspot

No matter who it is, if they want to kill a chess player, they must pass Xia Ji’s body!

Xia Ji is the younger brother of the enforcer Xia Heng. A name represents eternity, and a name represents the ultimate.

His elder brother is willing to be trapped in darkness forever, sealing the entropy beast for life.

And he is also willing to maintain his responsibilities until death.

However, Kelong didn’t need to kill Xia Ji, because his attack was invisible and qualityless.

Kelong waved his hand violently, and Xia Ji was blown away by the powerful air wall.

Then he glanced at the chess player at a close distance, and at the same time, everyone heard the more painful cry of the chess player.


There is a red line between Xia Ji and the chess player, which is pulling him back now.

He embraced the chess player, not knowing what happened.

The chess player said in pain: “It’s hot! It’s burning! I’m burning!”

He didn’t burn. The Holy Shield should have blocked some kind of attack for him, but the pain corresponding to the attack was applied.

Another experience of Mortal Strike? So, three more times left.

“What did you do!” Adams asked.

Emperor Sang didn’t bother to talk nonsense to Kelong, she quickly flew over with Chisong in her arms, and smashed Chisong up like a weapon. Chisong physically blocked Kelong and hugged him tightly.

At the same time, Concubine Mi released streamers, one wrapped around Kelong, and the other wrapped around the steel fortress in the distance, trying to grab him.

The rebel Bingyi took the opportunity to pierce Kelong’s heart with a sword.

Everyone cooperated tacitly, but Kelong quickly became smaller, and after breaking away from the entanglement, he quickly became bigger again.

Then he actually began to shed his skin. After a layer of skin peeled off, the pierced wound on his heart also shed his skin, and it healed in an instant.

“Die! Die! Die!” The rebel kept hacking, trying to kill Kelong.

Kelong didn’t fight back, it seemed that it would be useless to chop him into meat paste unless he was wiped out.

“Destroy!” Empress Sang was about to use force field cubes to disintegrate Kelong.

Adams stopped him suddenly, and said anxiously: “Don’t kill him, the chess player has some kind of effect!”

Kelong said: “Adams, it’s too late, everything is over, killing me now is the same.”

“We all deserve to die.”

Adams saw that something was wrong, and immediately took out the pain crystal, shared the injury with the chess player, and even transferred 100% of the injury to himself.

Because he discovered that the Holy Shield was not immune to Kelong’s attack.

After all, the Holy Shield only blocks frontal damage, and under a certain effect, the chess player is receiving damage from all directions at this moment, and he is almost burned to death!

Adams’ seventh sense can clearly sense that the chess player is getting hotter and hotter, and the heat around him is rushing towards him crazily.

“What the **** did you do! President! Kelon!” Adams said while feeling himself.

He felt that he was like a heat absorber, and the temperature of the surrounding environment was dropping sharply.

“Is this absolute heat absorption?” Adams said.

Suddenly, he remembered that among the characteristics reported by Kelong, there was an item of ‘tampering specific heat’.

This is something that Kelong comprehended when he was in Chuangjieshan, and even the ancient gods knew about it. It can be known through Taifeng, so Kelong didn’t hide it.

Like the ten-step movement limit, it is a root algorithm that everyone has known for a long time.

Kelon has always said that this feature is useless, it is to make objects conduct heat more easily.

“If it’s just to conduct heat better, it’s impossible for all the heat to be concentrated on the chess player, but to pass quickly from his body.”

“If the efficiency is reduced, the heat is even less likely to be transmitted to the chess player…”

Adams thought quickly, and suddenly he thought.

If the specific heat of the tampering creature is negative…then the person becomes a black hole in the thermodynamic system.

Originally, the heat will spontaneously change from high temperature to low temperature, from high energy to low energy, which is a natural principle.

But absolute properties, higher than nature.

Once the specific heat is negative, it means that the cold object will transfer heat to the hot object!

And the hotter you are, the colder the external environment is, the more heat you will absorb.

It’s like a fire, it doesn’t release heat, but absorbs heat continuously, turning the surroundings into a world of ice and snow!

Kelong can force any creature to have a negative specific heat.

At this moment, the chess player is like this. His body temperature is higher than the ambient temperature, which in turn makes the surrounding environment temperature continue to drop, and the heat is continuously transferred to him. He himself is getting hotter and hotter, and the environment is getting colder.

And this transmission speed is faster when the temperature difference is larger, and it increases exponentially!

So the hotter the chess player, the hotter it will be, and the colder the environment, the colder it will be. He will absorb heat infinitely like a black hole.

The people who didn’t feel anything just now suddenly felt extremely cold around them.

By the time they reacted, they were already in a space-like low-temperature environment.

Not only that, but more distant heat energy is coming here.

It is conceivable that the heat absorbed by a chess player is enough to burn him to death.

Thanks to Adams sharing the damage, otherwise the chess player would die immediately.

But there is another contradiction here, that is, he shares the damage of the chess player, which is equivalent to allowing the chess player to count the limit again, adding another fatal blow experience.

“If I don’t save him with the crystal, he will die immediately.”

“But using the crystal to save him is just one step closer to being wiped out by the black book…”

Adams found that no matter what he did, it was impossible to keep the chess player alive once and for all.

The effect is still going on, it seems impossible to get rid of,

Either die now, or die later.

The only solution is to make the ambient temperature consistent with the player’s body temperature.

“The Kitchen God!”

Adams quickly manipulated the best metal, and the Vesta statue emerged, and sprayed high-temperature flames, burning the chess players.

“What are you doing!” Empress Sang was shocked.

Seeing that this exuberant flame, not only did not burn the chess player, but was completely absorbed by him, and quickly extinguished.

This temperature is enough to instantly kill a chess player.

But the one who almost died was not the chess player, but Adams.

He almost melted all over his body, Adams lay on the ground like mud, his body almost turned into coke.

“The temperature…is not enough…” Adams said weakly. He used the crystal to share the damage of the chess player again.

Although the chess player is still shouting about the heat, he will not really be burned to death, because Adams has borne all the damage.

That is, the body is full of heat, but it is not injured. This is the damage transfer of the crystal.

Judging from the phenomenon just now, the ordinary flame is no longer enough, and a higher temperature is needed.

Emperor Sang heard it, and reacted, and directly used the force field block to create an ion light spear with millions of degrees!

This time, the chess player finally did not absorb the heat of the light spear, and the surroundings suddenly became hot.

However, the chess player trembled: “Cold! Cold!”

Adams’ heart is cold, and the temperature is too high… The external temperature is high, which means that he is infinitely exothermic.

Negative specific heat, as long as there is a temperature difference between the environment and the player, heat will be transferred in one direction without restraint.

Either the chess player transfers heat to the environment, or absorbs heat from the environment.

It is almost impossible to have no temperature difference.

Either death from cold or death from heat!

Even cold to death, a little faster! Adams had no choice but to endure this wave of cryogenic damage again.

There is one more time left in the deadline.

“It doesn’t matter whether you die from the cold, the heat, or the black book, it’s all the same…” Kelong said.

Even if he dies, this effect is still there.

Because this is tampering specific heat, once it is tampered with, unless it is changed back, it will not become normal because of Kelong’s death.

Under tampering, there is no normality, and the result after tampering is normal, as it should be.

His move has no solution.

“Unless I forcibly shoot away the heat rushing towards him…” Suddenly a voice said.

Mo Poor suddenly appeared.

He also has a seventh sense, and even because of this seventh sense, he can shoot energy.

As soon as it appears at this moment, it directly shoots the heat transferred to the chess player to the sun.

“You can’t guard him forever, death will happen sooner or later.” Ke Long was not surprised by Mo Poor’s appearance.

Enough is enough, he uses the rice cooker to seal Mo Poor, he only needs to fight for these few minutes.

People or gods who are sealed by the rice cooker will have a period of turmoil, almost equivalent to a coma state.

It can be as short as a few minutes, or as long as a few days!

Mo Poor felt the continuous pain of the price of the Holy Shield, so he woke up in the shortest time, but it was still equivalent to being controlled by Kelong for a few minutes.

Rao is that no matter how strong Mo Poor’s absolute characteristics are, if he doesn’t have the consciousness to take the initiative to shoot, he can’t come out automatically.

“At least as long as I’m still alive, I won’t let you destroy this universe.” Mo Poor said.

Kelong said: “If you are still alive, it is absolutely impossible to end the containment era. As long as there is a blue and white member in the world, the contained objects will not stop appearing.”

“On the contrary, if all the members of the blue and white club die, and it is determined that they cannot be resurrected, then the existing absolute characteristics will also disappear.”

Mo Poor shook his head, how is this possible?

“You once said that when the Blue and White Society disappears, the contained objects will no longer appear, but you didn’t say that the existing ones will also disappear.”

Kelong said: “Now I tell you, this is the answer. I bear the price you can’t even imagine, and I got the answer.”

“And this answer…is exactly the same as what the old ‘omniscient’ said!”

Speaking of this, Kelong tears unconsciously.

Mo Poor’s pupils shrank. Of course he knew that the former second-generation president had a particularly powerful containment item. It was a containment item that the second-generation president knew almost everything about, and he knew all the characteristics like the back of his hand, which made the Blue and White Society only have a dozen people left, and they all came back.

Afterwards, only successive presidents can use it, and it cannot be abused. Unless it is extremely critical, try not to communicate with that thing.

There is such a containment object. Of course, every generation of presidents will ask a question: how to completely solve all the containment objects, and what is the method of the ultimate containment era?

As a result, the containment object gave an answer, but the second, third, and fourth presidents did not say the ultimate answer.

Even defined the contained object as a demonic object, saying that it is not truly omniscient, but half-truthful, mixed with deception and some kind of evil purpose.

Four generations later, it was rumored that the containment was destroyed in a disaster.

Because it was placed in the president’s office, and the president’s office was indeed bombed into ruins in a certain crisis.

So the fifth-generation president has never used that container.

Kelong said: “Although Polo has never used it, Polo and I both know the answer. The fourth-generation president told Polo and me before he died.”

“As long as there are Lanbai Clubs in the world, there will be storage objects. Where there are storage objects, there will be Lanbai Clubs.”

“And, the two are bound by a certain existence, rooted in information, living and dying together.”

“This is the ultimate containment measure. If one day, the Blue and White Society fails and the contained objects are completely wiped out, then all the contained objects will also be deleted by this feature at the same time… The existence of this measure is designed to leave the Blue and White Society with the worst plan. A road to the same end.”

Mo Poor frowned slightly, this is indeed the bottom line design.

If the Lanbai Society is strong enough, it will take care of the contents by itself. If it is not strong enough and the contents are destroyed, then all the contents will be taken away by the way.

It can be said that no matter what, the goal of the Blue and White Society will be achieved in the end.

“But what if it’s a situation like yours? You’ll never die!” Mo Poor said.

“So there will be things like the doomsday chessboard. The contained objects will continue to appear, and time will roll forward. Even if all the blue and white members are half-dead by the contained objects, time will eventually kill them all. There will always be A containment object like the Destruction Chessboard is born, everything is deleted, and then Nirvana is reborn.” Kelong said.

“Enough!” Mo Qiong said angrily, “You just want to free yourself! Why make up such an excuse! I don’t blame you, Kelong.”

Kelong burst into tears, but he said with a smile: “You are right, I really only want to be relieved, but I am not lying to you now.”

“There is a huge loophole in your words…” Mo Poor said.

“Actually not, forget it…it’s over.” Kelong shook his head and looked at the chessboard at the same time.

At the same time, Mo Poor looked back.

The chess player’s eyes were wide open, but there was no life left.

In an instant, everyone’s breathing was stagnant, and their hearts stopped beating!

The chess player is dead! It hurts? But anyway, he was dead.

The Destruction Chessboard finally waited for the opponent’s death, and today should be the end of the universe.

Everyone watched this scene in despair, waiting for the end of everything.

But Mo Poor moved, he didn’t give up, because before the chess player died, the black piece actually fell out of his palm.

Why hasn’t the world ended yet? Everyone looked at the fallen chess piece and found that they could still think.

In fact, the moment Mo Poor appeared, he moved the chessboard and pushed it under the chess player’s palm.

The purpose of doing this is to tell the chess players that if they can’t persist and want to die, then please make the last move before dying.

When the chess player dies, the sunspots fall, and the world does not end immediately.

Because of the death of the chess player, the complete statement of the world will be destroyed. If the chess player dies, no one will be able to finish the game, and the black side will lose.

Only the chess player designated by it can play the chess pieces on the world-destroying chessboard.

This is why the chess player always holds the chess piece. If he lets go, the chess piece will even automatically fall to the board node he wanted to play last time. And this judgment will not be triggered by anyone else, so he can only play against the chessboard.

And the chess player, at the last moment of his death, actually played the last sunspot.

When the sunspot is settled, the loss is immediately judged. However, at this moment, the sunspot has not been settled, so everything is not over yet.

The world-destroying chessboard is in the process of completing the last move.

And this last sunspot, under the characteristics of the chessboard, will definitely fall on the chessboard, a node that a chess player once thought about.

This sunspot must be settled, unless it encounters a feature that is eligible to queue it.

p.s: Sorry. There are a lot of words in this chapter, so I changed it again, and it was timed out. There are still three chapters tomorrow, I’m really sorry. I originally thought that today is the end of the universe. Think about it or forget it…

(end of this chapter)

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