Blue and White Society

Chapter 982

Chapter 982 – The Fifth Thought Of Shan Hai Jing: Jedi Tiantong Science Fiction Edition

Chapter 982 The fifth idea of Shan Hai Jing: Jedi Tiantong Science Fiction Edition

The theory of the five emperors began with the theory of the five elements and five virtues, but it did not come out of nothing.

Inspired by ancient emperors, such as Yanhuang, these two emperors have been honored as Yandi and Huangdi since ancient times.

One represents fire, shining in all directions, and the other represents earth, carrying good virtue.

In the oracle bone inscriptions unearthed in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, an ancestor called “Huang” was sacrificed with a particularly grand and extremely high standard of treatment.

Some narrow historical schools are still trying to figure out who this “Huang” is, saying that he may not be the Yellow Emperor. I really have nothing to say.

Since ancient times, except for the Yellow Emperor, I believe that there is no ancestor who can be represented by only one word ‘Huang’.

In short, although the current five emperors were only delineated during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

But in ancient times, there were still titles such as Huangdi, Yandi, and Baidi, but the five emperors were not systematically created, because the theory of the five elements is still immature.

With the passage of time, the theory of the five elements became more and more mature, so the people of the Zhou Dynasty wanted to gather five emperors and select the top five with the highest popularity and merit, representing the five elements of water, wood, metal, fire, and earth.

Emperor was the ruler of the Chinese nation in ancient times.

But the number of emperors is by no means more than five.

In terms of quantity, there are at least ten emperors. The original text of Shan Hai Jing is called: Qundi, or Emperors

If you have to choose five, then Yanhuang must be listed among them, there is no doubt about it.

The other three must be listed together with Yanhuang. Then in my heart, the first one to pop up must be Emperor Zhuanxu!

There will be no one who doesn’t know these two words, right? Read it with me: Dedicated…

Zhuanxu was born in Ruoshui and stood in Kongsang. His name was Gaoyang, which represented winter. Later generations respected his name as the Black Emperor according to the theory of five virtues. He was tied with Yanhuang and belonged to Xuanshui in the north.

Yanhuang is the most respected, followed by Zhuanxu.

First of all, everything starts with “Shan Hai Jing”.

In the Book of Mountains and Seas, Zhuan Xu appeared many times, let me talk about his origin first.

”Hai Nei Jing”: To the east of the quicksand, to the west of the black water, there is the country of Chaoyun and the country of Sishu. The Yellow Emperor’s wife, Lei Zu, gave birth to prosperity. The place where Changyi falls is like water, and the Korean wave is born. Han Liu’s head, Jin’er, human face, pig’s beak, Lin’s body, Qu’s stock, and Dolphin’s end, Naozi was called A Nu, and gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu.

We can tell at a glance that Zhuanxu is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor.

However, the Yellow Emperor had many children, and Changyi was just one of them. He is a legitimate son because he was born to Lei Zu, the first wife of the Yellow Emperor.

Here we only talk about the lineage of Changyi, who was relegated to Ruoshui to stay in the fiefdom, gave birth to Han Liu, and then Han Liu gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu.

In the current version of Shan Hai Jing, Lei Zu is written as Lei Zu, and Gan Huang is written as Han Liu, which is probably a copy error. At least other classics are all about Qianhuang, and they are all about Lei Zu.

Here I want to mention that in the Shan Hai Jing, sometimes names such as Emperor Zhuanxu and Emperor Yao are written, and sometimes there is only one word “Di”, what happened, and who was ordered by “Di” to do what .

According to my understanding, part of this may be a problem of the era of the writer.

There are many authors in Shan Hai Jing, some of them were from the Yao and Shun period, some were from the Dayu period, and some were from the Xia Dynasty or even the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

If the narrator was in the era of Emperor Yao, then when he wrote Yao, he would not write the word Emperor Yao, but directly write the word “Emperor”.

Any paragraph with a specific emperor’s title means that the person who wrote this text lived in an era where that emperor was already dead…

When we look at the Classic of Mountains and Seas, we often see some words, and only write ‘Di’, which makes many scholars completely confused. Who is this referring to… so many emperors, which emperor are you writing about?

In addition, the Zhuanxu of Emperor Zhuanxu is not necessarily the name of Zhuanxu. In its ancient Chinese pictographic meaning, Zhuan refers to a decent and noble person, and Xu refers to wearing a jade crown.

So Zhuanxu means a noble person wearing a jade crown.

Mainstream academic circles believe that this is Zhuanxu’s posthumous title. Because the word Zhuanxu, in terms of posthumous title, means someone who is dedicated to the way of heaven, and it is a very commendatory title.

But, I wonder if it can’t be the name? My parents are educated, can’t they give me a better name? Even if I call Ritian, who can control me?

In addition, there is a third possibility that Zhuanxu is the totem of his own clan.

In “Shan Hai Jing”, sometimes a name is called, which does not necessarily refer to a person, but may be a title, or even the name of a country, or a totem!

For example, I wrote about Kuafu and Yinglong in my first article. I think that Kuafu refers to a clan, and so does Yinglong. Not a single person.

Kuafu means a giant, and Yinglong means a dragon with wings.

I think this is the totem of these two clans, the name of the country… Kuafu Kingdom holds high the snake-manipulating giant totem, and Yinglong Kingdom holds high the pterosaur totem.

There are many similar situations. Let me give you an example I mentioned earlier, “The Great Wilderness Southern Classic”: Huantou has a human face and a bird’s beak, has wings, eats fish in the sea, and walks with stick wings. Vegetarian lettuce is suitable for Weiyi, and poplar is food. There is a country of happy heads.

It’s been said here before that it feels like it’s depicting penguins. In the end, it was clearly written, “A country with happy heads”.

In other words, this is clearly describing the name of a ‘country’. The country at that time did not mean the current country, but more a region or clan tribe. This habit is still there in later generations.

For example, in the administrative division of Dahanzhou County, Yanzhou has Jibei Kingdom, Chenliu Kingdom, Rencheng Kingdom, and Dongping Kingdom. These four ‘countries’ are actually at the same level as the county. Jizhou also had the countries of Zhao and Zhongshan, and Yuzhou also had the countries of Liang and Pei… This situation did not completely disappear until the Song Dynasty.

The Yellow Emperor built the kingdom of Youxiong, because Youxiong is the name of that place, and there are many bears in that place…Houyi is the king of Youqiong, because “poor” is his totem. I wrote it in the text of Lanbaishe , Poor means bow.

There are countless examples like this, Youyu, Youxia, Youxin… There are too many similar names.

This was a cultural habit at the time, and I am more inclined to describe the mascots and specialties of the clan in that country or in that region, that is, totems.

There is a bear country, which also means that there are many bears in this clan tribe. The totem of some poor countries is a curved bow, because they are good at making bows.

Then the totem of the “Land of Happy Heads” is the penguin.

There is also ‘The Yellow Emperor gave birth to Luo Ming, Luo Ming gave birth to a white horse, and the white horse was Gun. ’ Here the white horse is Gun, which means that he is also called Gun and White Horse. I tend to think that Gun is his real name, and White Horse is his totem.

Therefore, Zhuanxu could also be the totem of the Heidi clan, or it could be said that the Heidi clan produced a noble jade crown here. Or he just named the power directly under him, or the family power directly under his command: the Kingdom of the Noble Jade Crown.

Someone may say: “What basis do you have?”

Because we are interpreting the Classic of Mountains and Seas, I can only come up with the original “Da Huang Nan Jing”: “There is a country called Zhuanxu, who gave birth to Bofu and ate millet.”

It is clearly written here that there is a country! There is a country! There is a country!

So Zhuanxu is the name of a country, not just a person’s name.

Although it is not a name, according to ancient customs, it can be used as a person’s name. For example, you can call any person of the Kuafu family Kuafu, call people by place names, or by their totems. This habit appears not only in Shan Hai Jing, but also in a large number of ancient books in the pre-Qin period. In fact, it is equivalent to calling someone now: Wanwan.

In short, Zhuanxu originally intended to refer to a country, but usually it also refers to an individual. It is normal for a chief to represent the entire tribe.

Three kinds of arguments, you wise men see their wisdom.

Back to the topic, I think the author of Shan Hai Jing who wrote the phrase “Emperor Zhuanxu” was probably a person in the era when Zhuanxu was dead.

The person who wrote down “Emperor” but didn’t write down which emperor, we can directly think that the narrator was a person in ancient times, before the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, in the era of the Five Emperors. He is in the period when a certain emperor is still alive and a certain emperor is still in power.

Although it is not much evidence, it can be emotionally believed that the passage written by such an ancient sage is extremely reliable, and it is the most original text in the Shan Hai Jing.

This logic is easy to understand.

Based on this logic, we can divide the other two situations.

That is to call the word “Zhuanxu” directly, and the respectful name “Di Zhuanxu”. Is it possible to describe two concepts.

For example, “Da Huang Bei Jing”: Zhuan Xu gave birth to Huantou, Huantou gave birth to Miao Min, and Miao Min common people eat meat.

The narrator here directly called the word ‘Zhuanxu’.

As for the original text of the Hainei Jing we published earlier, the narrator is respectfully called “Emperor Zhuanxu”.

The former directly called Zhuanxu. I can think that he was not referring to the Black Emperor, but Zhuanxu Kingdom.

sheng does not necessarily mean giving birth to a child. If these two nouns are clan, totem, or country names, then they should have the meaning of derivation.

That is to say, the country of Zhuanxu is derived from the country of Huantou. The Kingdom of Huantou gave birth to the Kingdom of Miao Min. The Miao people eat meat.

Note that the common people here do not refer to ordinary people, the meaning of the word has changed a long time ago.

The common people in the period of the Five Emperors refers to all the ‘people with surnames’. For example, those surnamed Ji, those surnamed Si, those surnamed Jiang… The Yellow Emperor broke the “Limin” system of the Jiuli tribe and established the common people system.

In the early days, there were about fourteen, collectively referred to as common people. Those who do not have these fourteen surnames are not counted as ordinary people, even if you have other surnames.

In the later period, there were more and more surnames, but they were all the sons of various emperors.

Actually, it is class reshuffle. Originally, the system under Chi You’s rule was that everyone was a ‘Limin’, which means ‘black-headed man’ or ‘the head of Guizhou’. It can be understood that everyone is surnamed Li, and there are only subtle differences between the clans, which can be seen from the tribe names: Li Tao, Li Ju, Li Lian, Li Po…

The Li greedy tribe is in charge of the Chiyou clan, and is also the co-owner of Jiuli (all Li).

After the Yellow Emperor defeated Chi You, this system became a common people system, from one family to countless families…Although most of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor are in charge, the society has also become complicated. Until five hundred years later, we are not a family anymore…

It was not Dayu who really opened up the private world and transformed the public society into a private society, but the Yellow Emperor. Of course, this is extremely advanced.

Enfeoffing the common people is actually enfeoffing the princes. The common people were dignitaries at that time, not the surnames granted by the Yellow Emperor or various emperors later, and if they were given surnames by themselves, they were not counted as surnames. A large number of non-‘people’ can only be called people.

The surname is just that, and people at that time could recite it fluently. If someone traveled to ancient times and said that he was a commoner, not only would he not neglect him, but the local nobles would also receive you and ask if you were from Xun or Ren, and you would just say your surname was Ma, and he would know as soon as he heard it. There is no such thing among the common people, thinking that you are humiliating him, maybe directly shouting: “Drag his horse out to sacrifice.”

Pulling away.

In short, it is not necessarily Heidi himself who calls Zhuanxu. Although Heidi can usually represent the entire tribe, the word itself refers to a collective.

But if the honorific title of ‘Emperor Zhuanxu’ is undoubtedly referring to Heidi himself, it refers to a single and specific individual.

Or simply called Emperor Gaoyang, Gao Yang is the clan of Heidi.

I will post it again, “Hai Nei Jing”: “To the east of the quicksand and to the west of the black water, there is the country of Chaoyun and the country of Sishu. The Yellow Emperor’s wife Leizu gave birth to the will of prosperity. The place where the will of prosperity descends is like water, and the Korean wave is born. Han Liu has the head, the ear, the face, the beak, the body, the butt, and the dolphin, and Naozi is called A Nu, who gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu.”

Regarding Zhuanxu’s life experience, Confucianism is very domineering.

I post a piece of Zhuanxu’s life experience in the historical records, and you will understand.

”Historical Records”: “Emperor Zhuanxu Gaoyang, the grandson of the Yellow Emperor and the son of Changyi.”

“The Yellow Emperor lived on the hill of Xuanyuan, and he married the daughter of the Xiling family. It was Leizu. Leizu was the concubine of the Yellow Emperor, and she gave birth to two sons. After that, they all had the world; one was Xuanxiao, who was Qingyang, and Qingyang descended Jiangshui, the second is called Changyi, which descends like water.”

There is also “Emperor Line”, which also writes: “The Yellow Emperor gave birth to Changyi, and Changyi gave birth to Zhuanxu.”

Before modern times, according to mainstream Confucianism, Zhuanxu was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor and the son of Changyi.

What about the Korean wave? Hallyu was eaten?

Some people may not have noticed it here, and think that in the Shan Hai Jing, the meaning may be: Changyi gave birth to Hallyu, and gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu. Because there is no word Hanliu in front of the four birth emperor Zhuanxu, maybe Hanliu is Zhuanxu’s elder brother.

No, this understanding is wrong. As long as you write who you will marry before who you will be born to. Then he must be married to that life.

That is to say, it was the woman named ‘A Nu’ who gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu. It means that Emperor Zhuanxu is the son of the legitimate son, the child of his wife. And the one who married a girl is Hallyu.

Han Liusheng Emperor Zhuanxu in “Hainei Jing” is by no means a nonsense, because he also described the characteristics of Han Liu in detail.

Such a key person, Zhuanxu’s biological father, why did he miss out?

In fact, there are many documents that record that Zhuanxu is the grandson of Changyi.

For example, “Road History Volume Fourteen”: “Yuan concubine Xiling’s Leizu, born Changyi, Xuanxiao, and Longmiao, Changyi was born in Ruoshui, and had three sons. They were called Ganhuang, Ci’an, and Ji悃. Zhuanxu, the emperor born in the wilderness, was the Gaoyang family.

The dry shortage here is the Korean wave. These two pictographs are the same. In terms of sound and meaning, it should be called Qianhuang, and writing Korean wave is a copy error.

However, in any case, the records of Qianhuang are relatively low-status works, and the records of Changyi’s birth of Zhuanxu are all official documents.

Whether Zhuanxu is the grandson or great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor is controversial. Now the mainstream historians accept the official statement of Confucianism in the past dynasties, that is, there is no such person as Qian Huang.

Does not admit that Emperor Zhuanxu had a father named Ganhuang.

And some encyclopedia fans who don’t know the situation even directly use ‘Qianhuang’ as Zhuanxu’s real name…

Baidu Encyclopedia’s complete statement is: Emperor Zhuanxu, Gaoyang’s family, surname Ji and name Ganhuang. The grandson of the Yellow Emperor, the son of Changyi.

I’m powerless to refute. Well, after all, starting from Sima Qian, the official historians of all dynasties did not recognize Ganhuang as Zhuanxu’s father.

However, since we are interpreting the “Shan Hai Jing” and regard it as a reliable history.

So under this premise, I will directly take the Shan Hai Jing as the most respected.

Shan Hai Jing said that Chang Yi gave birth to Hallyu, and Han Liu gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu, so this is our major premise.

When we fully stand on the standpoint of Shan Hai Jing, we will find that Shan Hai Jing is the oldest letter of history, so there is no need to compile such a person.

It’s not a very famous person, and the subsequent dynasties have been erased. Most people have never heard of it. What’s the point of making it up by such a person?

What is the picture? Just trying to find an ugly father for Zhuanxu, just to have fun?

First of all, I want to say that the appearance of Ganhuang in Shan Hai Jing is not ugly, but has a special meaning.

Secondly, Ganhuang must not be Zhuanxu’s real name.

In countless novels or articles, as well as Baidu Encyclopedia and other places, it is almost a conclusion that Zhuanxu’s surname is Ji and his name is Ganhuang.

But in fact, there is no evidence…

There is only one literature basis for thinking that Zhuanxu is called Qianhuang, one! only one!

That is the “Bamboo Book Chronicles”: “Changyi descends to Rushui, and the birth of the emperor is dry.”

We all know “Bamboo Book Chronicles”, the one that wrote about Shun’s imprisonment of Yao and refuted the theory of abdication.

However, this paragraph does not say at all that Di Ganhuang is Zhuanxu.

Changyi gave birth to Di Ganhuang, but it doesn’t mean that Di Ganhuang couldn’t give birth to Emperor Zhuanxu. The “Bamboo Book” originally refuted Shiji, and it recorded a lot of things that were different from Shiji, and it was very ‘rebellious’.

Just because the character ‘Di’ was added to Ganhuang, do you think he is Zhuanxu?

According to the passage in “Hainei Jing”, I can completely believe that Changyi gave birth to Emperor Qianhuang, and Emperor Qianhuang gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu.

You know, at that time, there was not only the Yellow Emperor.

At the same time as the Yellow Emperor, there is also Emperor Yan. Although Emperor Yan has been emptied, it is still the name of the emperor. In addition, there is Shaohao overseas.

In ancient times, emperors could be divided into two levels, Heavenly Emperor and False Emperor.

Needless to say, the Emperor of Heaven is the co-lord of the world, so the supreme leader of the clan. The pseudo-emperor is the kind of remote area where the Yanhuang forces in the Central Plains control relatively weak areas, and some of the more powerful clan and tribal leaders also proclaim themselves emperors in that one-acre three-point area.

And if the water is where? Ruoshui is now the Yalong River in Sichuan, that is to say, the field of Ruoshui refers to the Duguang Plain in Sichuan.

Yellow Emperor because of the prosperity of the “De Xun”, that is, the virtue is not good, the ability is not enough. Then he was sealed off to a relatively closed area to run Ruoshuizhiye.

Changyi married a local woman there and gave birth to Ganhuang. In the generation of Ganhuang, because of the technology introduced from the Central Plains and his outstanding ability, he may have developed very well. There are a small number of locals , call it Emperor.

So the “Bamboo Book” may be from the perspective of Shuchuan, recording the address in the tone of the local people.

After all, that paragraph of text will be gone by the time of “Chandi Qianhuang”. If there is a sentence later, “Chandi Qianhuang, named Gaoyang”, OK, I admit that this is Zhuanxu.

But there is no such thing. Just based on this isolated evidence, how can we forcibly ignore the records in various documents, “Zhuanxu was born in the wilderness”, and forcibly assign the title of Zhuanxu’s father’s generation to Zhuanxu…

This mistake is like Tang Taizong, surnamed Li Mingyuan…

I don’t know what Zhuanxu’s name is, I can just call him Zhuanxu, but Ganhuang is definitely not him.

Gan Huang is also an independent person, according to the Shan Hai Jing, it is Gan Huang who gave birth to Zhuan Xu.

Even, the word Ganhuang, probably like Zhuanxu, was originally a totem name, and of course it can also refer to its leader.

That’s why there are pictorial errors in “Shan Hai Jing”. Hallyu and Ganhuang are exactly the same in pictorial form. And this mistake was not made by any other documents, but the Shan Hai Jing made it, which is enough to show that the original Shan Hai Jing was written in some kind of ancient hieroglyphs.

Then why do I say that Ganhuang is a totem name, or a place name or a country name?

Evidence is the hardest. First of all, all the non-“Shan Hai Jing” documents I mentioned above are not considered as evidence.

Still the same sentence, since I define the major premise of Shan Hai Jing as correct, then on this basis, it is a hooligan to provide evidence casually.

So only the literature of Shan Hai Jing itself, as well as the things that exist in reality, plus the laws of natural science, and reasonable logic, can be used as arguments.

Go back to Shan Hai Jing and look at “Hainei Jing” again: “To the east of the quicksand, to the west of the black water, there is the country of Chaoyun and the country of Sishu. The Yellow Emperor’s wife Lei Zu gave birth to the will of prosperity. The place where the will of prosperity falls is like water, and the place where dryness is barren Ganhuang raised the head, sincere ears, human face, hog beak, lin body, quang, and dolphin, and took Naozi as a girl, who gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu.”

The author of The Classic of Mountains and Seas, and did not call Qianhuang an emperor, which shows that from a formal point of view, Qianhuang is not enough to rule the world, not qualified, and can only be regarded as a rural overlord tribe.

Belongs to the kind of little emperor who leads a clan with an independent culture and dominates in remote areas, such as Shaohao who was entrusted to Dongyi to establish his own country when the Yellow Emperor was still in power.

As I said earlier, it is not necessarily a person to be called Ganhuang, but it must be an individual to be called Diganhuang. “Bamboo Book” uses the word “production” in the first half of the sentence, so it must be a person born from production, not a country.

Conversely, the writing in “Bamboo Book” may just mean that Changyi gave birth to the leader Di Ganhuang, and there is no other meaning.

However, the author of Shan Hai Jing focuses on describing the dry barren here, and it is strange and weird.

Such a strange style, what kind of totem is it?

As I mentioned before, this image description of dry wasteland is not ugly. Why? Because looking at the text, I feel so ugly, and it has a hog beak and a pig’s trotter. At first glance, I think it is a monster.

But in fact, after translating it and relying on the premise that he is a human being first, you will find that it is okay.

Lifting the head, referring to the stiff and long head and neck. Jiner refers to small ears. Needless to say, he has a human face. Hog beak refers to the mouth protruding to both sides like a pig.

Lin body is a finger tattoo. His buttocks are tight, his legs are long together, and his feet are like pig’s trotters.

If you directly compare the various monster images you see in modern times when you make up your brain, you will mislead yourself, because it is obviously too much.

The vocabulary of ancient people’s descriptions is not enough, so you still have to think about it as a human being, and then get a little closer to these descriptions.

To sum up, are there any humanoid figures that look like human beings but are weirder than ordinary people and much exaggerated?

It really exists, and we dug it out…and it happened to be in Ruoshui, which is now Sanxingdui in Guangyang, Shuchuan.

The bronze upright figure unearthed in Sanxingdui is really strange, but it is indeed human, with a big nose, a wide open mouth, a straight head and neck, a narrow body, and scaly tattoos on the hands and feet.

Note that I did not say that the description in the Ganhuang Shanhaijing is the same as the Sanxingdui bronze Homo erectus.

First of all, the Shan Hai Jing does not mention Gan Huang’s eyes, but the bronze erectus unearthed in Sanxingdui all have big eyes, and there is even a perverted one with protruding eyes, like beams of light.

Secondly, one is a text description, and the other is a physical comparison. Whether it looks like it is really a subjective matter.

Everyone’s brain supplement habits are different, and the difference will be very large. Some people may feel that they are very similar, while others may not.

I personally only think that only 30% of them are similar.

But I don’t think it matters.

What is important is style, what is important is time, what is important is location, what is important is this coincidence.

The Book of Mountains and Seas describes Qianhuang, and the bronze statue of Sanxingdui does not necessarily have to be made according to him…

Qianhuang may refer to a certain person, or it may refer to a country. Then what is raised head and human face refers to the image of the totem.

The Zongmu people in Sanxingdui are not totems, but more like Cancong, the king of ancient Shu. The history of Cancong clearly records “Zongmu”.

What I want to say here is that, assuming that the Shan Hai Jing is true, then Changyi developed in the wilderness of Shu, and then his son, the false emperor, continued to develop and married the local Naozi, that is, the woman of the Shushan family. A woman named A Nu gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu.

If the above is true.

Then there should be a discovery in Ruoshui. But in reality, if the water is wild, there is Sanxingdui.

From the point of view of time, the Sanxingdui culture began 4,600 years ago, which coincides exactly with the time of the Yellow Emperor, Changyi, Ganhuang, and Zhuanxu.

The Book of Mountains and Seas describes strange people and strange faces in Qianhuang, and the bronze wares in Sanxingdui are also full of strange people and strange faces.

The time, location and even style are quite consistent. If Emperor Zhuanxu was not born in Sanxingdui, then I really can’t find other places.

We don’t need it, we have to associate the image of dry barren with any cultural relics.

According to the above analysis, it is enough to explain that Sanxingdui is the place where Ganhuang and the Black Emperor Zhuanxu were born.

Sanxingdui has indeed developed very well, not worse than the Central Plains in the same period, and even better in some aspects.

Only those who came out of this kind of place and received a good education can quickly be reused by Shaohao, and finally ascend to the throne step by step.

If Zhuanxu’s parents had stayed in a place where nothing **** happened, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to become an emperor.

Having said so much, it finally comes to Zhuanxu himself…

Relying on Sanxingdui’s national strength and culture not weaker than that of the Central Plains, Zhuanxu walked out of Shushan, entered the Yellow River Basin, and even went overseas.

The upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin are the Yanhuang Alliance, and the lower reaches are the Dongyi tribes. This is what historians say.

However, according to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it may also include a large number of overseas islands, or even another continent…Because the entire Dongshan Classic is not in our country, and the Hainei Classic has already described the farthest to North Korea, so where is the Overseas Classic written? Forget it, pull away.

In short, there is a Shaohao Group in the east, which has a large sphere of influence and has a strong bird culture and marine culture. This is no problem.

For the time being, let’s call it ‘Dongyi’. Among the many kingdoms of Dongyi at that time, there was one called Shaohao Kingdom.

The bird official and human emperor in the thousand-character text refers to Shaohao, and his subordinates are all ‘birds’.

Countries are also named after birds, and birds are used as totems. Totems include but are not limited to phoenix, phoenix, black bird… Jinwu…

In the Dongyi forces, there is also a country of Xihe. Ten Day Tales is there.

It’s hard to die, but in Sanxingdui, I discovered the phrase ‘There is Tanggu under the East’ in the “Overseas East Classic”. There is Fusang in Tanggu, which is bathed for ten days, in the north of Heizhi. Living in the water, there is a big tree, which lives in the lower branches for nine days and the upper branches for one day. ‘

The Sanxingdui Bronze Sacred Tree is exactly the same, with a total of nine birds on it.

Someone may ask, why are there only nine, and where is the other one?

God. The author of Shan Hai Jing is not a fool, do you really think he can’t tell the sun apart? Nine days are on the lower branch, and one day is on the upper branch. This description has already been expressed. There is a special one, which is the highest position, farther and higher than the other nine days.

We all know that the highest sun is the real star. The other nine days is a description of the narrator, who saw the sun set on the branches of giant trees, or the platforms extended from giant pillars.

This giant tree, or giant pillar, soaring straight to the sky, is inserted into the sea, on which nine suns moor and come in and out, and one sun is at the highest point, which is not in the atmosphere, that is, our sun.

About Fusang, there are too many things to say, and I will find time to talk about this separately in the future, which is too far away.

In short, let’s talk about Zhuanxu first. In fact, the appearance of the model of the Sun Tree in Sichuan is outrageous.

The mainstream academic circles believe that this is the myth of Sanxingdui. The ten days of Fusang recorded in Shanhaijing is actually the culture and legend of Sanxingdui.

I once suspected that our civilization originated from ancient Shu.

I am speechless, where did I dig things, where did they originate from? Isn’t this Korean logic? South Korea dug out the Jiuding in Chinese culture, so Jiuding was invented by South Korea?

Among other things, did the ancient Shu have a sea?

From the geographical point of view, Shu and Dongyi are far apart, one east and one west, one inland and one overseas.

Describing the sun **** tree in a certain Dongyi culture, why is there such a bronze model in Shu?

Was social communication so convenient at that time…

Maybe it’s really convenient.

”Da Huang Dong Jing”: “The great gully outside the East China Sea, the country of Shaohao, Shaohao Rudi Zhuanxu is here, abandoning his qin and se. Those who have sweet mountains will grow sweet deeps, and sweet water will flow out.”

Here it is said that Shaohao raised Emperor Zhuanxu for a period of time. According to historical records, Shaohao favored Zhuanxu and asked Zhuanxu to assist him in governing the country.

I don’t care about the historical records, what Emperor Zhuanxu can confirm for the time being is that he was first born in Shu, and then the boy went to the country of Shaohao in the East China Sea, where he was raised by Shaohao.

Historical records say that Shaohao is the eldest son of the Yellow Emperor, Zhuanxu’s uncle, and Changyi’s elder brother, so the two are relatives, and Shaohao takes good care of Zhuanxu.

Unfortunately, the “Shan Hai Jing” does not say that Shaohao is the son of the Yellow Emperor.

Their spheres of influence are not in the same area, unless the Yellow Emperor is really a super powerful Emperor of Heaven, even overseas.

What kind of existence is Shaohao? Perhaps Shaohao is not the son of the Yellow Emperor, but the ruler of another independent civilization. I can’t write here, so let’s ignore him and talk about it later.

All in all, Zhuanxu was born in Sanxingdui in the southwest of Shu, and somehow ran to Dahe outside the East China Sea. It can be said that he traveled the world when he was young, and he naturally has extensive knowledge and extraordinary mind.

In the mysterious kingdom of Shaohao, Zhuan Xu must have learned a lot, which laid an important foundation for him to become the Black Emperor later.

But why did he come here?

There are two mainstream theories. The mainstream Confucian theory is that Shaohao is the son of the Yellow Emperor, and Zhuanxu is his relative. He cultivated Zhuanxu here and hopes that Zhuanxu will assist him in the future. Because Zhuanxu likes the qin and sel music very much, Shaohao threw away Zhuanxu’s qin and sel…

This is to hope that Zhuanxu will study hard to govern the country and not indulge in the melody, tsk tsk, it has a strong Confucian style.

This kind of value was formed after the Han Dynasty, and in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, and even earlier in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, “music” was extremely important. The integration of ritual and music is something that leaders of any country must understand!

In ancient times, music was ritual, and only those who understand beautiful music are civilized people.

So this must be bullshit.

As for the modern mainstream theory, Zhuanxu was taken as a hostage, and as the direct blood of the Yellow Emperor, he was handed over to Shaohao of the Dongyi tribe.

At that time, the Yanhuang forces and the Dongyi forces agreed to stop the war, and Zhuanxu became the hostage under the contract.

Abandoning his qin and se, the contract was torn, and the instrument as a national gift was thrown away. The honeymoon period is over, the days of friendly exchanges are over, and the war continues.

The above is the mainstream view.

However, this is boring. And as a proton, wouldn’t he be killed after the war started?

Only looking at the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it does not say that Zhuanxu is the proton, nor does it say that Shaohao is the son of the Yellow Emperor.

So just looking at the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Zhuanxu may have just gone abroad to study…because Zhuanxu is the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor and a person of status, and he must have been very young at the time, otherwise he would not have written ‘ru’, which means nurturing and nurturing .

It can be seen that Shaohao treated him very well, as if he regarded the descendants of the Yellow Emperor as his own.

Zhuanxu has loved the Qin and Se since he was a child, and the Qin and Se is also a very important symbol in the Yanhuang system. And after arriving overseas in the Shaohao country, he may have suffered a cultural shock, or some kind of shock, which caused Zhuan Xu to take the initiative to throw Qin Se away…

This young man has come all the way overseas. What attracts him here? Let him throw away the Qinser?

Later, it is written, ‘Where there is a sweet mountain, there will be a sweet abyss, and sweet water will flow out. ‘

Overseas Dahe Guixu, the Land of Ganyuan, what exactly is this place? It actually made Zhuan Xu abandon his beloved Qin Se.

”Shan Hai Jing Da Huang Nan Jing”: “Beyond the southeast sea, between Gan and Shui, there is the country of Xihe. There is a woman called Xihe, the wife of Emperor Jun, who is born ten days old, and she bathes in Ganyuan.”

The Fusang Sun God Tree, the place where the lower branch of Nine Ridge is near Ganyuan.

Nine days not only go in and out of hibiscus trees, but also fly in the sky, and even go into the sea, always soaking in the big gully under the sea.

Here I have two interpretations. One is that Zhuanxu was impacted by the culture of Eastern Shaohao and Xihe Kingdom. Shaohao raised Zhuanxu because he wanted to use his own advanced culture to influence Zhuanxu from Sanxingdui. This is a kind of culture The invasion caused the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor to give up his own culture and fall in love with the Dongyi Kingdom.

Of course, it may be that Shaohao did it deliberately, or it may be Zhuanxu’s initiative… For example, Shaohao really has this cultural attraction.

There is another interpretation, which is outrageous.

First of all, it can be seen from the geographical location that Shaohao Kingdom and Xihe Kingdom are next to each other. Fusang God stands in the sea, located in Tanggu of Xihe Kingdom, and the sun that lives on the Fusang tree will always soak into it Gan Yuan within the territory of Shaohao Kingdom.

And all of this, if it happened for real.

Then Zhuanxu traveled thousands of miles from Sanxingdui to the Shaohao Kingdom in the East China Sea. In fact, he had heard about it a long time ago, and his strong desire drove him to take a look.

Maybe there are many people like him, but only he understands certain meanings and is deeply attracted.

In short, in that mysterious sea kingdom, he saw everything that he would never forget, and what he received was the real shock of reality.

After that, Zhuanxu didn’t go back…he stayed with Shaohao all the time, and maybe he was studying, or just observing every day. But at least, the things Zhuanxu got in those years made his beloved qin and violin boring… He is tirelessly practicing and learning other things.

Then Zhuan Xu, what did he see?

”Shan Hai Jing. Overseas Eastern Classics” said: “There are buttresses on the Tang Valley, which arrive in one day and leave in one day, all of which are recorded in Wu.”

All are contained in Wu!

If it’s just a cultural shock, then it’s easy to understand that Dongyi people worship bird totems, so they think that the sun is carried by the Golden Crow, or that the sun can fly because of the Golden Crow.

Zhuanxu was impacted by the legends and myths of the sunbird, and he even saw the extremely excellent bronze technology, such as the Xihe Kingdom, who used their technology to build a tall bronze giant tree, and the nine lights on it that would shine. Birds, but also run according to certain laws. At that time, this was already an ingenious workmanship, and it could be called a fetish.

Because of this influence, Zhuan Xu later learned the superior bronze technology from Shaohao, and brought the culture there back to Sanxingdui.

So Sanxingdui unearthed a bronze sacred tree that should have been located outside the East China Sea.

Zhuanxu is the medium of communication between Sanxingdui, the Xishu region, and the kingdom of Xihe in the East China Sea.

The above is a more reasonable situation.

However, if it is more outrageous, the bath in ten days, if it is a completely realistic record.

That is the advanced civilization version.

That is to say, on the Pacific Ocean, I really don’t know when, a giant pillar stood up, the giant pillar extended out of the platform, and nine bird-shaped aircraft with a shiny surface, but actually a black inside, came in and out here, parked on the giant pillar extension on the platform.

These are photospheres like the sun when they are shining, and they are like crow-like aircraft when they are not shining. They travel back and forth in the sky and can even go deep into the sea.

People at that time didn’t know what kind of aircraft it was, they just thought it was some kind of bird. Then he believed in “the sun is set in the sky” as the truth.

As a result, the people there, affected by this, worship birds extremely, and the totems of all tribes and clans are birds.

For example, Shaohao’s totem is the mysterious bird. A black bird with outstretched wings.

Including the phoenix and phoenix that appeared later, all have a characteristic, that is, the blade wings, that is, the wings are like knives.

Maybe what they worship are all kinds of aircraft flying around in the sky.

The Golden Crow is not the only flying machine in the sea. “The Eastern Classic of the Great Wilderness”: “The country of the white people. The emperor Jun gave birth to the emperor, and the emperor gave birth to the white people. brown bear.”

”There is a country of tolerance. Emperor Jun gave birth to Zhongrong, Zhongrong people eat animals and wood, and make four birds: leopards, tigers, bears, and 罴.”

“There is a country of Siyou. Emperor Jun gave birth to Yanlong, and Yanlong gave birth to Siyou. Siyou was born to miss the soil, but not to have a wife; to miss a daughter, not to be a husband. Eating millet and eating animals is to make four birds.”

Not to mention too much, Di Jun is really awesome, from the Shan Hai Jing, he has spawned countless kingdoms that can “make four birds”.

It doesn’t matter if the four birds are used. Later generations of Confucianism explained that the four birds are the four subordinate officials under Shaohao. The official positions under Shaohao are all named after birds. The four birds are: Xuanniao, Qingniao, Danniao and Bo Zhao.

But looking at the Classic of Mountains and Seas, how come the four birds are: leopard, tiger, bear, and 罴?

These four things are birds?

The content of “Shan Hai Jing” is always different from what the later Confucian historians said. If you think rationally, this is the result of the Confucian unified thinking. It is necessary to erase the influence of Dongyi culture and cut and transplant many inventions of Dongyi emperors. When it came to the emperors of the Yanhuang lineage, even Shaohao was said to be the son of the Yellow Emperor, and Emperor Jun said that Cheng was Di Ku. In the end, it is the purpose of Confucianism to integrate its culture into the Yanhuang system.

OK, I finished speaking rationally.

But I still don’t understand why the four birds are called the four inexplicable names of leopard, tiger, bear, and 罴?

Isn’t this the fighting force that the Yellow Emperor ordered when he fought against Chi You? Huang Di commanded four armies of leopards, tigers, bears, and 罴 to fight against Chi You.

However, in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, they are collectively referred to as “four birds”.

Could it be that when the Yellow Emperor fought against Chiyou, he sent flying leopards, tigers, bears, and 罴 to fight?

The classification of Shan Hai Jing is very simple. Anything that can fly is a bird. Everything in the water is fish. Even if there is an octopus in the water, it is classified as a fish.

So don’t care about the names of leopard, tiger, bear, and 罴, we only look at the previous classification to determine its nature.

And here in Shan Hai Jing, it is clearly written that there are four birds, not four beasts.

Exclude all the sayings in the later literature, only read the Shan Hai Jing, and think it is very true.

Then the so-called four-bird control means being able to control four flying things.

I don’t know what the function is, but it must be able to fly. So it can be called Flying Leopard, Flying Tiger, Flying Bear, and Flying Rooster.

In summary, Xi and Shaohao Kingdom are really awesome.

Zhuan Xu is very obsessed with the things of these mysterious kingdoms, and has been working here since then.

Until he went back later and became the Black Emperor.

Of course, there is no evidence. This interpretation of advanced civilization is just the science fiction material for my next book.

For example, if you continue this line of thought, Zhuan Xu’s mastery of the world is to drive away these civilizations that are always flying around and going up and down between the heaven and the earth.

These advanced civilizations, although they affected the people on Earth, they did not destroy the people on Earth. It’s more like research and indirect influence everywhere, meaning they are bound by a higher order.

And this order is something that even advanced civilizations dare not violate, such as the law.

The law allows them to guide and influence the development of lower civilizations, so these higher civilizations will select some people on earth to help them become emperors, and use them to spread their influence and rule indirectly.

But the premise is that this civilization is voluntary.

If the lower civilization does not allow it, then the higher civilization must evacuate and return freedom to the lower civilization.

Of course, it’s not just for anyone who doesn’t want to. The voluntary criterion may be determined by the percentage of people, or it may be directly determined by any leader.

As long as the low civilization government or emperor is voluntary, then the high civilization can interfere with them.

Conversely, if any leader of a low-level civilization explicitly rejects the help and influence of a high-level civilization, then that civilization cannot impose its influence on the low-level civilization in terms of ‘law’.

Under that order, the emperors of low civilizations have the right to expel high civilizations out of the country, prohibiting them from affecting their own people.

However, in fact, this is almost impossible.

No one can refuse the ignorant low civilization.

Higher civilizations have countless cultural and ideological means to fool human beings into voluntary. This then makes this behavior legal.

That kind of law is useless, allowing higher civilizations to take advantage of loopholes.

Until the appearance of Zhuanxu.

Zhuan Xu was born in Shu and studied in Donghai.

From them, gained insight, set foot on the throne.

He was selected as the next generation of emperor, and the higher civilization was confident in controlling him.

But in his later years, Zhuanxu made an incredible choice. He rejected the power that human beings could not refuse, and drove away this group of existences called gods.

Become the only human being in the world who has rejected immortality, wisdom, and power throughout the ages.

Only ask for man to man, and God to God.

Higher civilizations feel unbelievable about this, but they cannot physically destroy Zhuanxu, they can only obey the rules and evacuate from the earth.

At this point, the separation between humans and gods is eternal, and there are no more golden crows flying around in the sky.

In the human sky, there is only one sun left.

The age of mythology is over. All civilizations, all cultures, all peoples on earth have lost their gods.

The Sumerian civilization began a long wait, waiting for the next arrival of Nibiru. Ancient Egypt also began a long wait for the eternal life promised by the gods. The ancient Inca also began a long wait, waiting for the stars in the sky to take them away. The Dogon tribe in Africa also began a long wait, waiting for the return of the Sirius Nomothers.

More than 4,200 years ago, Zhuanxu died, and 50 years later, the last dynasty of the ancient kingdom of ancient Egypt perished. During this period, the ancient Egyptians were crazy about building pyramids for 500 years, which was called ” The Pyramid Period’.

Thirty years later, Gilgamesh, the last demigod king of Sumer, passed away. According to the epic, he failed to find the last elixir left by the gods and died in despair.

Since him no king has ever been holy.

p.s: Some are rigorous inferences, some are brainstorming, I think you should be able to tell the difference. Tsk, I accidentally wrote something about the content of my next book… woo woo woo. I’m cheap, I coded 12,000 characters, and the update hasn’t started yet… I want to ask for leave.

(end of this chapter)

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