Blue and White Society

Chapter 984

Chapter 984 – No Break No Stand

Chapter 984 No Breaking No Standing

“How to do?”

“What else can we do? We are the only ones left, we can’t be extinct…we are… gods.”

In the past, they thought they were gods, so dignity was very important, but now they also think they are gods, but how can gods be extinct? So life matters…

Their thinking has changed dramatically.

No matter how the ancient gods figured it out, they felt that they could not grasp Mo Poor’s mind at all.

This human being is no longer something they can see clearly.

Mo Poor’s strength at the moment made them seem to be facing the sky.

It is also like the title of the Black Emperor, the black is black, and the black is the sky, which means it is deep and boundless.

It is better to say nothing than to say everything.

People who jump into the fire will be burned to death. This common sense must have been recognized at the earliest time when a person really fell into the fire.

When one person is burned to death, others have experience.

But who is going to make the test subjects? If you turn back into a **** body now, will you die? Don’t know, they just know, do nothing, still alive for the time being.

The invisible oppression and unknown fear made them unwilling to become companions.

It’s not hopeless, it’s reassuring.

Just like in the wilderness where lightning, thunder, and wild beasts raged, humans also knew when they huddled in caves that although it was cold and dark, it was their only safe place.

The ancient swordsmen looked at Gaia without being turned into a sword in this peace of mind.

In comparison, Gaia is really desperate.

“Hei Di! Hei Di!”

Gaia screamed, Mo Poor didn’t turn her into a sword, but this made her terrified.

However, Mo Poor ignored it. At this moment, he was overlooking the earth that had been transported from another world.

David drove the spaceship and came outside the atmosphere of the alien earth, looking at this land.

“I really want to give up on the earth…”

“Huh? This is… very old Earth.”

People saw that what Mo Poor moved to was a barren earth, so barren that there were no animals on the land.

Not to mention animals, there are no plants, it is almost a desert.

They also detected that there are only a large number of cyanobacteria and a small number of simple marine organisms in the sea, which seems to be the earth that has just experienced the mass extinction of oxidation.

Ultra Early Earth!

The land is also connected into one piece, which is a Pangu supercontinent.

“This won’t work! Mo Poor, the environment is too different. Even if we can change the composition of the atmosphere, it is impossible to create countless plants out of thin air.”

“For a Gaia, is it really necessary for countries to build from scratch?” David said.

Before there were many crises, it was okay to keep only human beings. For the continuation of human beings, humans can be migrated anywhere.

But now, the overall situation has been decided. Mo Poor is in charge of the sunset bow, and his power is unparalleled. The gods are like chickens and dogs, determined by the first battle.

They can actually tidy up the earth slowly and still live there.

Mo Poor said: “Gaia ate the golden apple.”

“…” David was speechless.

Gaia will die within seven days after eating the golden apple.

Shall I give her the fifth element?

Mo Poor said: “Gaia must die, the earth cannot stand without being broken.”

After finishing speaking, Mo Qiong slashed down with his sword.

The sword was resplendent, and it slammed into the Pangu Super Continent.

In an instant, the Pangea Continent split apart!

The earth splits in all directions, as if under some kind of constant force, the split plates drift around at an extremely fast speed.

The roaring sound continued, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and Mo Poor continued to modify it. The edges and corners of the six large land areas quickly formed a familiar appearance.

Can clearly distinguish Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica.

Mo Poor’s bowstring trembled slightly, and the Antarctic Ice Demon was shot directly from the earth.

It was then slowly exiled and settled in Antarctica.

This containment is bound to the magnetic field of the earth.

When it leaves the earth, the earth’s magnetic field is directly moved over, and superimposed with the new earth.

After all, on this early Earth, the poles were just opposite to modern times.

After the Antarctic Ice Demon was placed in the Antarctic, the South Pole of the early Earth was set where it should be in the 21st century.

After finishing all this, Mo Poor began to operate on the home planet again with the help of Nanmen’s God’s perspective.

From the perspective of the South Gate, Mo Poor doesn’t even need to go there, he puts the supergravity black ball on the sunset bow, and can shoot every plant and tree on the mother planet Earth from a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.


The members of the club can observe through the spacecraft that the most terrible plate drift in the history of the earth is happening on the earth.

The invisible gravitational force directly acts on the earth.

I saw the criss-crossing Mount Tai, which suddenly shattered, and the extra parts were directly decomposed.

The earth began to rise, plains, mountains, rivers, lakes… The whole land seemed to be peeled off and rise up.

For the earth, the crust is just a thin layer of skin.

And human beings, as well as all the buildings and activity areas in civilization, plus the ocean, are just a layer of membrane on this skin.

This layer of membrane is lifted, compared to the whole earth, it is just a layer of mud rubbed off from the skin.

The earth is still the earth, human beings have never explored her whole picture.

At this moment, the surface layer of the earth’s crust was lifted thousands of times by Mo Qiong. On the thousands of “lands” that rose slowly, there were more than 200 countries and countless buildings, many of which were already in ruins. , but many are still largely intact.

Countless flowers and trees are still growing tenaciously.

“You want to move the things on the surface of the earth to the new earth? Cover these living lands on the desert-like new earth?” Only then did everyone understand what Mo Poor meant.

Although giving up the earth, giving up the earth does not mean giving up the homeland of mankind.

Everything that human beings have experienced for thousands of years is only on this “thin” film.

Mo Poor said: “There is a precedent for the destructive effect of Gaia’s binding.”

“At the beginning, between the orbits of Mars and Saturn, there was a wise star, which exploded because of the death of Pallas, and became a circle of asteroid belts located there now.”

Everyone nodded, they already knew about this.

Mo Poor said: “Destruction is not annihilation. The mass of the planet has not actually decreased, but it has become countless fragments.”

“In this regard, Emperor Daughter Sang and the former rebels have studied and finally determined that if they want to kill Gaia, then in theory, humans can choose a continent as an ark and escape from the earth… If it can be done. This is in the In the judgment, the continent will not explode along with the earth.”

“Because a continent, in this self-destruct judgment, already belongs to ‘fragments’.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up. In this way, in theory, they can take the initiative to break all the things they cherish on the earth into ‘pieces’.

A continent may seem huge, but in fact, compared to the earth, it is too small!

In the asteroid belts of Mars and Saturn, there are countless meteorites and asteroids, and there are even asteroids with huge masses such as Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. They are all the wreckage of Zhixing’s destruction!

As for large asteroids such as Juno and Vesta, each of them has a mass much heavier than a layer of soil tens of thousands of meters thick on the earth’s land.

Even, in the asteroid belt as the wreckage, there are dwarf planets like Ceres.

Even such a large celestial body is regarded as a ‘fragment’. In theory, as long as you have the ability to divide the earth into parts and send away a small part, you can avoid the explosion judgment caused by Gaia’s death.

Frying is done as a whole. If every inch can be fried, wouldn’t everyone be able to fry it? Because all the substances in the human body are part of the earth’s substances. But in fact it is not. When Zhixing exploded, many survivors came to the earth.

Put a layer of ground on the new earth’s ground, and add some water.

It’s just that the bulge on the surface of one earth is a little shorter, and the other earth is a little higher.

Compared to the hugeness of the entire earth, it is nothing at all.


Gaia did not rise with the land, and Mo Poor pushed her down.

It fell on the soil and rock that was originally tens of thousands of meters deep in the earth’s crust, but now it has become the surface.

Not only her, but also the ghost of Tarzan, as well as many venue-type containments such as the bridge of the hidden gods, the land of bones, the pet yard, and the uncanny valley.

Since moving, there is no need to take all of these away. It is just a corner, and some others cannot be taken away. The entrance of Uncanny Valley is anchored to the earth, and it is hanging tens of thousands of meters above the ‘new surface’ at this moment.

If you don’t want these plots, you don’t need them. When human beings recover and rebuild their homes, it doesn’t matter if there are fewer mountains, one bridge, or one piece of land.

Without the Land of Bone Bone, the Bridge of the Hidden God, and the Ghost of Mount Tai, you can live as you want, but you don’t have to worry about someone breaking in.

Although the pet yard is useful, the earth explosion is not gone. With Moqiong’s power at the moment, these contained objects will not be lost, and the earth will not become an asteroid belt.

Compared to this, the most troublesome thing is precisely the beta-level containment, the multiplication wax figure.

This thing has now spread all over the earth, on thousands of suspended lands, everywhere.

Mo Poor was also very patient about this, constantly obliterating and cleaning from the perspective of God.

Trillions of wax figures, swept away by gravity, seem to be erased by an eraser, disappearing in pieces.

It is best to clean up the wax figures on the open ground, but it is more troublesome in the city.

The members of the club also dispatched one after another, each equipped with a force field cube, flying between the cities, breaking down the wax figures they saw into debris.

Gaia looked up at all this, desperate, at this moment she has no fighting ability, the Gaia’s Ark that manipulates the earth and rocks has long been confiscated, and now she is just waiting to die.


With the loss of tens of thousands of meters of land, the only change to the earth is its appearance, and it will no longer be as beautiful as it used to be.

It looks a bit riddled with holes and potholes. In addition, because the earth’s crust was lifted tens of thousands of meters thick, some volcanoes began to erupt directly, and the magma blew out gunpowder smoke, permeating this piece of soil that had never seen air, forming scarlet red rivers that were slowly solidifying into stone.

The tens of thousands of meters of land in the sky, some are like soil embryos, some are like slates, and some wrap the Pacific Ocean like clay pots.

Everything of human beings, all history, all the past buried in the land, are all in this thin land.

Ancient ruins, buried cultural relics, ancestor bones…all are here.

Even, there are all biological fossils of the Cenozoic, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic…

Everything about the rise and fall of dinosaurs in the 300 million years is also in this membrane, and will be taken away together.

p.s: Sorry. Yesterday, I forgot to adjust Shan Hai Jing Fan Wai. After it was put on the shelves, any chapters in the background will be VIP by default. As long as you send it quickly, you will automatically be a VIP. In addition, I am not qualified to change it. The author does not have permission to delete subscribed chapters. Even if I change it, I can’t. Less words, how many words others have subscribed to, the author can only modify more, not less…

(end of this chapter)

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