Blue and White Society

Chapter 989

Chapter 989 – Earth’S Core

Chapter 989 Earth’s Core

“The entropy beast is no less than the queen. We don’t have much time. We need to climb up the technology tree as soon as possible, and try our best to reach the level of apocalypse in a short period of time. We don’t need to think about potential or social impact. The level of technology has been raised! At least… there must be a fully unified force field!”

“Of course, you can mention Zerg to the outside world, but still don’t spread the concept of containment. It’s too unsolvable. Secondly, I don’t want everyone to be a member of the Blue and White Society.”

”All kinds of contained objects such as entropy beasts are explained by biochemical monsters and technological items of the Apocalypse civilization.”

“Only true geniuses can tell them the truth and be absorbed into the Blue and White Society.”

“If you have a particularly time-consuming experiment or research, let me know, and I will arrange to do it in Chuangjie Mountain!”

“In short, gather the strength of all human beings, and try every means to improve our overall strength within a hundred days.”

After Mo Poor finished speaking, David nodded and said, “Leave these matters to us.”

Within a hundred days, or even within a month, according to the mechanical wreckage of the Apocalypse and the data stored in it, technologies that may not be able to develop normally for tens of thousands of years will be exploded in one go.

It is really too difficult, technical information, there is, follow the gourd, it can be done. But realizing them will take time.

Among them, the “quantum event” is undoubtedly the most advanced technology. Before the Apocalypse was killed by the ghost of the white cloth, a quantum event was placed on all Omega-level containment objects.

He said that’s what he said, and the Blue and White Society didn’t believe that the Apocalypse was also played by the Zerg Queen.

But there must be some entropy beasts. Once this thing wakes up, it will be a disaster.

If human science and technology can reach that level before the quantum event erupts, and it can be canceled in advance, then the Blue and White Club can still have nearly five years.

But it is too difficult, I want to have a completely unified force field.

First of all, there must be top materials of level 5 civilization. And if you want to make this kind of material, you need another instrument, and if you want to have that kind of instrument, you must have another top-level material… Repeatedly, going back down, human beings must first reach the fourth level before it is possible Impact level five.

As for human beings, they are only below the second level, and the Lanbai Society is only at the third level.

Even if there are technical materials, the industrial base must be improved step by step.

This is not something that can be achieved in an instant, with a swipe, a golden light emerges from the body, and the theory is understood in the mind.

If it weren’t for the Chuangjie Mountain, it would be impossible for the technology to explode to level five within a month or two.

“Leave this to you, and I’ll deal with Gaia.” After Mo Poor said that, he disappeared.

Among the world’s population, people aged 30 to 60 account for 65 percent.

And they are all people who remember the Zerg war back then, and are still capable of fighting at this moment.

The number is about 5.2 billion people!

Of course, not everyone is the kind of person with lofty beliefs. Many people belonged to the protected group in 1999 and survived. After all, some people in their 30s and 40s were only a few years old to ten how old.

Among the 5.2 billion people, at least half do not have the will to fight. It can only be said that these people will be very cooperative, understand order, adapt to troubled times, and obey the collective.

The remaining half of the people are those who have a strong sense of collective belief in mankind, who dare to fight and sacrifice.

The number is about 2.6 billion people.

Of the 2.6 billion people, at least 40% have never joined the army, and they only do what they can, but they have no establishment.

So in the end, there are about 1.5 billion people left, who are the original members of various human volunteers.

Among these 1.5 billion people, only a small number of them really know about the contained objects. Although the vast majority have seen it, they don’t know the concept of the contained objects.

But in any case, human beings now suddenly have 1.5 billion regular combatants who are no less than peripheral personnel.

These 1.5 billion people will be like seeds, leading social change.

Extravagant, chaotic, and cannibalistic human beings will transform into a united, progressive, pragmatic, and orderly racial collective in a short period of time.

Perhaps in the long run, this weakens human development potential and suppresses a future where a hundred flowers can flourish.

But at least for now, such a human being can face all difficulties without being decadent, depraved, and dragging the Lanbai Society back.

The premise of the future is the continuation of today.

Humanity must face the next catastrophe together, and it is no longer something that the Blue and White Society can support independently.

“Are the Zerg coming back?”

“There is also the ‘Apocalypse’. Although there are orderly beings blocking it, human beings have to become stronger themselves, otherwise they will crush us to death if they show something casually.”

“It’s a chaotic world again, so many disasters. The Global Council said that the Orderer will provide technical assistance. I didn’t expect that I would still be able to drive a spaceship in my lifetime.”

“Haha, you should train your fat first.”

5.2 billion people have a strong ability to accept after transformation.

After all, even Zerg has done it before, so there is nothing to be afraid of. They all know how to face reality and adapt to the times.

There is no resistance to the next social transformation, military control, and scientific research focus.

After listening to the Global Council, talking about the future planning for more than an hour, they feel that the conditions are much better than they were back then.

In the end, eight billion people around the world will collectively bid farewell to their former home planet.

Earth in the night sky, reflecting the light of the sun.

She no longer has the charm of the past, but is as ugly as Mars.

Suddenly, under the blow without any force.

The earth was torn apart, like a firecracker exploded, and magma, shock waves, dust and flames bloomed, quickly filling the dark sky.

Watching the destruction of the earth, human beings collectively kept quiet. The scene of 8 billion people was completely silent, and it has never been as dead as this moment.

It is also to gaze at the destruction of the earth in space.

It has changed the mentality of many people.

Humiliation, anger, and sadness, let them never forget the day when human beings lost their home planet because of their weakness.

The remaining young people finally understand what kind of era they are in.

The good life at the beginning of the 21st century has been completely broken.

Mankind can only move forward unremittingly.

In space, the exploding remains of the earth would have been continuously sputtered in all directions, some would have been flying down and out of the solar system, and some would have continued to revolve in this orbit, forming an asteroid belt.

And in the exploding star fireworks, Mo Poor used gravity to restrain the exploding fragments of the earth.

Bring them back together!

Of course, the reunited earth is another planet that is completely unrecognizable.

Mo Poor is not yet so powerful that he can reunite the earth like it was rewinding.

But just because we can’t do it today, doesn’t mean we can’t do it in the future.

At this time, Mo Poor’s only purpose is to collect the earth’s matter and preserve the “corpse” of the earth.

There is still a lot of storage on this corpse.

God’s Hidden Bridge, Tarzan’s Ghost, Uncanny Valley Entrance, Bone Land, etc.

“What exactly do you want me to do, can I do it?” The big snake Gaia was entangled in front of Mo Poor at this moment, and he was already terrified to the bone.

Rock Gaia was dead, Mo Poor took off her solid lightning nanosuit and instantly killed her.

But the big snake Gaia, although the memory is similar, is already another individual and will not die together.

Although she is still a god, she is too weak. Even though she has a dodecahedral immortal soul, if Mo Poor kills her, she can make her fall into endless pain.

After Mo Poor found her, he first killed the body of the big snake Gaia, and then sent it to Chuangjie Mountain, where she endured 57,000 years of torment before saving her and sending her back to the mountain for repair. in the body.

In this regard, the snake Gaia almost collapsed, and the death under the fifth element, which is the cruelest criminal law in the world.

She knew that just now was just a small experience, and to the mother universe, it was only ten minutes.

Mo Poor didn’t say anything, but she already understood that she was trapped in eternal torment in Chuangjie Mountain, and only Mo Poor could save her.

“What are you going to do, reincarnation? Don’t worry, I really only have this one algorithm left, and the rest are all with Rock Gaia. I really have nothing else to do.”

“That’s right! The inner core of the earth is a containment object, and those who touch it can go to a certain universe at random. After I was reincarnated, I planned to teleport from the center of the earth, transfer to another universe for development, and come back later for revenge.”

“After being caught by you, I was implanted with fear. I was reincarnated and wanted to run, but I was trapped in a dream by you. Really, I really have nothing else.”

“Oh and also, the teleportation array to the center of the earth is also the birthplace of Shenzhen Iron.”

Gaia the Serpent is already willing to do anything.

It’s just that Mo Poor didn’t ask for anything, so he let her experience it first without saying a word.

She has no ability to resist this, and she has no idea when Mo Poor will banish her without saying a word.

Regarding this, she didn’t dare to reincarnate Mo Poor forcibly. First of all, this trick couldn’t kill Mo Poor, and once she did this, what if Mo Poor sent her to Chuangjie Mountain and ignored her?

So say what comes to mind.

“What do you want me to do, you say, I will do it.” Said the big snake Gaia.

Mo Poor said: “You mean the birthplace of Best Metal?”

The serpent Gaia quickly said: “Yes! The core of the earth is a container, and all the gods… Best metals were born from there.”

“It’s a pity that the time is uncertain. Throughout the ages, a total of 107 yuan was born. The time of appearance is irregular.”

“Sometimes, several pieces will be generated within a thousand years, and sometimes, no one will be generated in millions of years.”

After the Rebellion, no one knew that the core of the earth was the birthplace of best metal.

All the best metals found by the Blue and White Society are actually left over from the gods and rebels in ancient times.

So if a new one has been produced in the past 10,000 years, it must still be in the heart of the earth.

Mo Qiong thought to himself, it turns out that Best Metal is really just a derivative.

In the past, Lanbai Club suspected that something could make Best Metal. After all, there are so many Best Metals, and they are all independent of each other. This usually means that it is actually a derivative of a certain characteristic.

Derivatives mean that the properties derived from its contents are more absolute!

Best metal, but even the Zerg queen can’t be damaged, how unresolved is the depth of its information?

(end of this chapter)

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