Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 115

Chapter 112: Yuezhou Chaos [2 In 1]

These three words hit He Xiangming’s head like thunder.

Not to mention that the Five Lakes and Bright Moon factions cannot exchange eagles and falcons. Even if they are willing to hand them back, they will definitely not be able to hand them back to the sect. Once they are handed back, the qualities of the eagle and the falcon will not be exposed.

Moreover, both the top and bottom factions expressly demanded secrecy.

It’s probably a big trouble if you leak the news yourself.

After thinking about it in every possible way, He Xiangming replied stubbornly: Because the aptitude of the eagle and the falcon was too poor, and the physique was even weaker, it died halfway.

The Royal Beast Sect and the Falcon King Falcon who got this news have different thoughts, but they finally did not start the battle again. After all, most of the falcon cubs have returned, only the two eagle falcons with the worst qualifications and the weakest physique Zhe. It is a great fortune among the misfortunes of the Eagle and Falcon.

In the end, the Royal Beast Sect lost another fortune and sent the three ancestors of the Eagle King, the Falcon King and the Golden Winged Emperor away.

But this time, the Imperial Beast Sect not only hurt the vitality, but also lost face, which can be said to be infinitely annoyed.

“In the future, those cubs with king-level bloodline that can be passed on and inquired must be handled with care, and it is best not to act rashly; if it must happen, kill all the big ones in one go to avoid future troubles to the greatest extent.”


“And those bounty hunters, why do they dare to do anything? These king-level cubs should not be human-level, and they are the kind of cliffs where flocks of eagles gather? How can they steal it silently? Yes? It’s a miracle…”

“It was stolen from us, but it was taken by us… It’s really a disaster, a disaster from heaven!”

“And He Xiangming, such a monster will die for no reason? Now that the matter has passed, go to someone and see what happened.”

In the extremely distant million mountains, a man in black with only one faint eye left, but his face painted black, buried ninety percent of his body in the soil, and was staring at the other side tightly. Somewhere in a valley in the distance, as far as the eye can see, is the mouth of a dark cave.

Beside the man in black, there seemed to be something burning, gradually emitting milky white smoke, and the smoke scattered in the air, colorless and odorless, and drifted toward the valley along the wind direction.

Constantly burning, constantly floating, no trace, but endless.

This kind of action, that person has been doing for seven hours in a row.

Outside the cave at the other end of the valley, there are a lot of venomous snakes.

There are many kinds of poisonous snakes, big and small, the big ones are even hundreds of feet long, and the small ones are only the thickness of chopsticks, but they are colorful.

However, of all the poisonous snakes gathered here, most of them were paralyzed on the ground and slumbered, and a very few were also lethargic and listless.

“There is one more hour.” The man muttered to himself.

“Another hour, you can take a risk. The risk is not small, but as long as the time to enter and exit does not exceed two quarters of an hour, stay away from the Snake Valley within this time limit, and you should be safe.”

“Generally, snakes lay eggs in a nest of more than a hundred… Even if the snake king lays eggs, it should be no exception, right? Hundreds of young snakes are obtained at one time… As long as this vote is finished, you should be able to rest a few times. Years…”

“I have to say that this mysterious fog is really easy to use. The ancient secret recipe is the ancient secret recipe. It’s really mysterious.”

“The only downside is… a monster can only be used once, and it won’t work if you use it again.”

“Otherwise, this Snake Valley is enough for me to make a lot of money.”

Rainbow Sky Tsing Yi Department.

Kong Gaohan has occupied the largest office so strongly. During this period of time, he has been experimenting constantly, and he can’t even take care of eating and drinking. He is malnourished and fatigued day and night.

More importantly, none of his experiments were successful!

He Nei has persuaded him many times: “The secret recipe passed down by the ancestors, the ancestors have rarely succeeded a few times, and this generation has a genius, only to figure out a little bit of clues, and re-engraved the semi-finished elixir… You fart I don’t understand, you even dare to try to copy…you are too…”

“You don’t even know shit!”

Kong Gaohan was unceremonious and scolded: “You know shit… I’ve already studied it almost.”

“Ha ha……”

“You… hehe what?”

“It’s nothing, I just have a dry throat.”

“Hehe… You know what, I’ve almost researched it, mainly because when these medicines are together, they will fuse and mutate, and breed a special kind of energy, and it’s that medicine that really works. The special energy is not the medicinal effect of these medicinal materials themselves.”

“And that energy seems to be the power of the origin of life… It has nothing to do with the monarchs, ministers and envoys of ordinary medicines.”

“You must know that the power of the source of life, regardless of the flowers, plants and trees, all exist, but there is no way to extract and use it, and the medicinal herbs you gave me came with a variety of seemingly unreasonable medicinal materials. Fusion, and then give birth to or stimulate the source of life power from the medicinal materials!”

“What I’ve tested and researched is how to extract and how these medicines are fused together, and then influence each other to stimulate each other, extract that power, and even the final fusion, this is the key.”

“Everyone’s tricks can change, and they are different in their ingenuity. Even if you understand what’s in the mystery, can’t you study the key step?”

“Fuck you!”

Kong Gaohan was furious: “It took others hundreds of thousands of years to research, I’ve only been doing research for a few days now? You can’t wait to come here and sneer? I shouldn’t have saved you back then…”

Why go there and leave with his hands behind his back.

Old man, be **** yourself here.

The old man doesn’t care.

“You must be optimistic about Mr. Kong, you must let him eat, and if necessary, you can force it.”


Why go.

Today is the fifth meeting of the seven directors of Rainbow Tianyi in Tiannan Road.

The previous abortive operation should also be restarted.

Since this tumor has been identified, it is better to pull it out as soon as possible.

“Judging from the current signs, Yuezhou has basically been infiltrated by the other party, completely infiltrated.”

Why go to sit in the main seat, in front of all kinds of information distributed, and intelligence summary.

“It’s very likely that it’s already rotten from top to bottom.”

“The plans are all in place.”

“I decided to start the action immediately and not wait any longer.”

The heads of each department nodded solemnly.

Why did he say lightly: “I’ve been waiting for the past few days, one of the main reasons is that I’m waiting for the news of the peak, but it’s not there until now, it’s already obvious. There’s a game going on, and there’s no way to decide the winner. If you are negative, you cannot make a decision.”

The head of the purple-clothed department said lightly: “We have experienced less of such a situation; it is nothing more than a game between civil and military, their respective positions, and their own consideration of issues. Throughout the past dynasties, which country has civil and military disputes? There was a pause.”

“Although we warriors advocate using force to solve problems and cut chaos with a quick knife; and we are always in charge of the battlefield; but it is undeniable that fighting the world is easy, governing the world is difficult, governing the world, and governing the country cannot rely solely on warriors and warriors. It is indeed easy to act recklessly, and one force can reduce ten sessions, but when dealing with complicated and trivial matters, ten powers are not as good as one session, which is something we should understand and understand, which is hard to deny.”

“However, the current situation is that in order to seize power, the literati stretch their hands longer and longer. They claim to be knowledgeable, they know everything from the past and the present, and they take it with their hands, but they don’t know it’s just talk on paper. Having been through the battlefield, knowing how to fight, and not knowing how to be a general, but trying to get a hand in it, and now I want to remotely control everything on our secret front, which is whimsical and irrelevant.”

The supervisor of the purple-clothed department said with a bit of a headache: “Sometimes it’s really helpless. Everyone performs their own duties, isn’t it good to keep things simple?”

Everyone nodded.

This is the idea of all warriors.

Simple and pure, you do what you do, and I do what you do. Isn’t it good that they each perform their duties without interfering with each other?

How simple.

Why does it have to be so complicated?

Besides, even if you win over the matter here, do you know how to manage it?

Do you have the ability to command thousands of troops?

Otherwise, do you still use sub-civilian and martial arts?

The warriors have always had a headache for this kind of intrigue, but they are too tired to deal with it.

“You know shit!”

Why go and say rudely: “You think they are fighting for this? Not at all.”

“what is that?”

“Their intervening hand is aimed at fighting for the right to speak, not a simple proposition!”

“Even if they really fight over it, in the end, it will still be handed over to the warriors to preside over, understand?”

Why bother to say this, the others are even more confused: “If that’s the case, what are they fighting for?”

“The contention is who has the final say and who occupies the high position!” Why did he say: “It’s that simple.”

“In the beginning, it was still hosted by warriors? What’s the point of literati fighting for a name? Isn’t it meaningless?”

All the supervisors said in succession.

Why bother to cover his forehead, I deeply feel a feeling that “a scholar meets a soldier, and it’s not reasonable to explain it”.

It is no wonder that for so many years, although in a world dominated by force, no matter which country is in the upper-level game, it has always been the reason why the literati have the upper hand.

Because the thinking of warriors is too simple, or the world of warriors is too simple.

Victory and defeat, life and death, can be decided in a while.

The literati are different. Their thinking mode and attitude towards things are completely different from those of the warriors. In a lost battle, the literati can balance the interests of all aspects through various operations, so that the defeat can be greatly disguised, or even modified, so that the Both the country and the monarch can feel it.

This is the power of the literati.

The simplest example is that the generals in the front have fought in a series of battles, and they are defeated in every battle. If the battle situation is described in terms of repeated defeats, then this general will be guilty of a great crime, and it deserves ten thousand deaths, but if it is decorated with repeated defeats and repeated battles, the superiors behind It seems that the general will only feel that this general will be determined, courageous and will not fall, 100% of the guilt, at least 30% can be reduced!

This is the method of the literati. A simple modification and application can change the death sentence and turn the world upside down!

“It is also fortunate that today is a time of chaos, and the battles are constant, and the years are endless, and the warriors are indispensable; if it was in the era of peace… I am afraid that the warriors would have no place to stand in the court…”

Why should I remember the sigh of the head of the headquarters, I couldn’t help but sigh.

“The situation we are facing now is like this. We can’t wait for the order from the peak. We must move. If we don’t move, Yuezhou may really have a mutiny, and it will change.”

Why did he go and say: “In case Yuezhou falls, we will be the sinners of Daqin through the ages.”

The main channel of the Ziyi Department: “But if you make a gesture, you must be responsible; if you don’t get the command from the top, no matter what the final outcome is, it was a mess that was difficult to clean up at that time; and in addition to this mess, you must also have a back. pot man.”

Why did he go and said lightly: “Why was this old man sent here, just to take the blame!”

Valley wet

“The so-called imperial walk is just a talisman. This death-free gold medal should be used at this moment.”

Why did he go and say: “Everyone can do it with confidence, all the responsibilities will be shouldered by me.”

The head of the black-clothed department said with a solemn expression: “Sir, we naturally understand your intentions, but the implications of this matter are too great, and the turmoil after the incident will be difficult to stop. You alone cannot afford to carry it, and a gold medal to avoid death is not enough. Compensate for this accident.”

“What if it’s not enough.”

Why did he stand up and said: “This matter is imperative, as long as you really do your work well, do it meticulously, do it in place, and do it comprehensively; even if there are future problems, there is always room for manoeuvre. Take 10,000 steps back and say , is it because you are afraid of the consequences, afraid of taking responsibility, that you don’t do these things?”

“Then what is the use of our Rainbow Sky Clothes? What is the meaning of existence? Rainbow Sky Clothes, the idea is to hang the color of the rainbow on the coast of Daqin, so that everyone can enjoy the rainbow of life.”

“All colors of the rainbow, red is the first, why did the rainbow fear sacrifice, only the rainbow sacrificed itself and bloomed itself, so that people can see this magnificent and beautiful scenery!”

“Misters, don’t forget, the vocation of our Rainbow Tianyi is.”

Why go to stand up and solemnly say: “I order!”

Everyone stood up neatly and stood up straight: “Please instruct me, sir!”

“Ziyi is in charge of the Yuezhou Yamen. It must be done. Even if there is a war, it is necessary to ensure that the people’s livelihood order is quickly restored. Someone can stand up and take charge of the overall situation as soon as the chaos is decided.”

“Ziyi has been preparing for this for a year, and it can be done without any omissions!”

“Assassination of the leader of the rebel army, bloody!”

“Blood clothes will never quit, the mission is the first, and the death will never end!”

“People’s emotions also need to be appeased, especially to calm down the emotions of the students. Blue clothes, there may be problems.”

“It’s ready.”

“Official, household registration, finance…”

“Take orders!”

“The treatment of the wounded, as well as various mediations, are presided over by Bai Yi.”

“Let’s take orders!” The white-clothed department did not dare to neglect at all, and responded respectfully.

Kong Gaohan, the top boss of the White Clothes Department, is here now. If the White Clothes Department goes wrong again, it is estimated that this supervisor will be ripped off by Kong Gaohan on the spot.

So this is the most important one at the moment.

“As for the army…”

Finally, the head of the Yellow Clothes Department asked hesitantly, “Master He, when Wu Tiejun and Fei Xinyu came to Yuezhou, were they… preparing for today?”

Why did he frown and said lightly: “The matter has not yet reached that stage, so some words cannot be said in advance, let alone come to a conclusion in advance.”


“The manipulation of public opinion, do you know how to do it?”


I don’t know when, Yuezhou gradually fell into a state of turmoil; I don’t know when it started, there are more and more gossips in Yuezhou.

“You know, Daqin has already decided to give up Yuezhou; hey, this is also expected.”

“Yuezhou has been left alone for many years, and the military, material and financial resources consumed every year are huge; it is even more difficult to face the attack of the elite troops of Daqi and Dayan at the same time. This country has won a **** battle, and Da Qin will come back to clean up the mess and reap the benefits of the fisherman.”

“But what about the people of Yuezhou?”

“The common people… Hehe, in the face of a country’s politics, who would care about the mere commoners?”

“Yuezhou, if you take it apart, it’s a hill; if you turn it upside down, it’s a hill; it’s just a small hill, and it’s worth investing in constantly?”

“The hills and mountains are far away in the sunset, the sky is high and Yuezhou is difficult, Yan Fei is singing in the sky; the iron barrels set the country.”

“What, what do you mean… It’s very tall to say.”

“The meaning is not simple…Yuezhou is too far away, and Daqin can’t take care of it. The Emperor Tiangao is far away, and reluctance to maintain it will only drag down the entire Daqin more and more; and the state of Yan is eyeing the tiger, and once the army is advanced, Daqin is bound to be unable to take care of it. , will only be reduced to a part of the Yan Kingdom’s iron barrels.”

“Is that the explanation!?”

“How about an explanation?”

“When the battle rises, the troops are in chaos; the people of Yuezhou, tears are dry; the husband is on the front line, the father fights, the Qin is far away, and the air goes to disaster; every family suffers, every household flags; the flames rise, paper money burns; where are the people, Baigu Mountain… ”

Nursery rhymes are catchy; spread all over the streets.

As the atmosphere grew, the panic in Yuezhou quickly spread like a plague.

Countless people began to scramble for shopping supplies, moving rice, noodles, oil, salt and vegetables to their homes; countless businessmen began to drive up prices and increase prices; later, they simply put up a ‘sold out” sign.

When more and more ‘sold out” brands spread throughout Yuezhou, the panic of the people gradually rose to a peak.

Some emotional people began to storm the business and conduct zero panic buying…

Countless literati began to meditate, began to think, and then began to protest.

“This is Yuezhou of our Daqin. There are soldiers guarding it, why should you give up?”

Scholars took to the streets one after another and went to the yamen official office to protest.

The yamen clarified in every possible way that there was no such thing, but few people were willing to believe it.

“Being an official doesn’t make decisions for the people. What’s the use of such an official? Daqin casually abandons tens of millions of people in a state. Such a perverted act is simply unconscionable and outrageous.”

“The lives of more than 10 million people, my lord, why are more than 10,000 living beings?! How mourning, how pathetic!”

A state mansion.

Quiet little yard.

Bai Yiwen stood alone under the flower tree, with one hand behind his back, his face was full of worry, and his eyebrows were tightly together.

The overflowing feelings of worrying about the country and the people seem to be too strong to be dissolved.

During this period of time, his knowledge, talent and demeanor have deeply impressed the students of Yuezhou, and he has become a leader among young students in Yuezhou.

And even more in this prefecture, there is no one to hinder him from acting secretly, and the connection of various actions at night is even more like a duck in water.

Now, it’s time to close the network.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a group of scholars rushed in, everyone looked excited.

“Brother Bai, have you heard?”

“What did you hear?” Bai Yiwen was calm.

“The above intends to give up the matter of Yuezhou.”

“I heard that I heard about it, but I feel that this matter is not very likely… Is it?” Bai Yiwen took a deep breath: “Everyone, be patient, don’t be impatient, acting anxiously will only make the situation more chaotic.”

“Why don’t you rest easy? There’s chaos outside.”

“Yuezhou has a population of more than 12 million and is the largest city in the borderlands. How can you give up when you say you give up? Over the years, Yuezhou men have been serving the army to protect their family and the country. ?”

Bai Yiwen persuaded: “Impossible.”

“Why is it impossible? Even with a population of 10 million, compared to the billions of beings in Daqin, it’s nothing. As for the sacrifices made by the people of Yuezhou…hehe, it’s just a passing glance, but who is it?”

“I still think it’s impossible. Even if you don’t take into account the millions of souls in Yuezhou, just the geographical location of Yuezhou, you can’t give it up!”

Bai Yiwen took out a map, pointed to the long and narrow shape of Yuezhou with his finger, and said slowly:

“You see, Yuezhou is located at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, with a long and narrow terrain, straight into the hinterland of Yan and Qi, and 700 miles to the north, there is a natural danger of our Daqin Shuangshan facing each other – always known as the ‘first pass of Daqin’. War Pass; just over a hundred miles across the mountains to the east, is the Qianmo Plain, known as the ‘Dayan Granary’, and to the west, you can see the rich mountains of Daqi, which are rich in coal and iron…

Yuezhou has always been a battleground for strategists, so how could it be so easy to give up Yuezhou?

Furthermore, although Baizhan Pass is guarded inside, Yuezhou City is still a lonely place outside, but it also guards the territory of Daqin before Baizhan Pass, which is 700 miles away. Such a vast land, as well as many common people, will never give up easily! ”

Hearing what he said, the students present became even more emotional.

“Brother Bai, you are too naive!! Too wishful thinking!”

“Brother Bai, although what you said makes sense, but along the border of Daqin, only our Yuezhou city is isolated because of its geographical location. This is the case in Qin and other two countries. It should be said. It is a battleground for the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms, but how embarrassing our island is!”

“Hmph, Yuezhou is said to be the territory of the Qin State for 700 miles, but in fact there is no fertile land, and no aristocratic family resides there. Even many wealthy businessmen from Yuezhou have left us early because of the previous years’ ban. Yuezhou. In this day, when the emperor is far away, it will be abandoned. How can those nobles who are full of fat and fat know what it means to suffer from people’s livelihood!!”

“That’s right! The Hundred War Passes are easy to defend and difficult to attack, just like a door. As long as you defend there, Daqin South will be able to sit back and relax! And what about our Yuezhou? There are no obstacles to defend, that’s the real thing. The Land of Hundred Battles! It is the real first barrier to protect the country in Daqin!”

“Yes, yes yes yes! With Yuezhou in front, why is Baizhan Pass called the first pass in Daqin? Why?”

“…This, does this mean…the court has never paid attention to Yuezhou? Then, this time Yuezhou will not really be abandoned, right?!”

“The courtroom is indeed a bunch of unscrupulous bastards!”

For a time, everyone’s emotions became more and more uncontrollable, and the group sentiment was turbulent.

Bai Yiwen’s eyes flashed, he stood up suddenly, and shouted, “Everyone, please be quiet!”

Everyone was stunned by his words, and they turned their heads to follow the sound.

“Everyone, as far as I know, the name of the first pass of the Great Qin in Baizhan Pass was given by the people of the country of Yan; although the people of Great Qin are proud of this, but at the root of it, this statement has never been called that by us in Great Qin. Yes, just relying on this to be so arbitrary, it is too far-fetched to say that the Great Qin court has given up on us, and it is too arrogant?” Bai Yiwen said loudly.

His words are not bad at all, because the name of the first pass in Daqin was given by Bai Yiwen a few years ago.

And this seems to improve the enemy’s military and civilian morale of the enemy’s practice for today.

Years of planning, one day to make a contribution!

“What’s the difference? Did Yan State feel that he was incapable of conquering it? I don’t know that. I only know that Da Qin didn’t refute it, and the soldiers of Baizhan Pass were all proud of it.”

“That’s right! Yu Daqin has long been popular and thought it was a good story!”

Bai Yiwen’s face was eager: “Anyway, I don’t believe that Da Qin, whom I am loyal to, will give up on us! My roots, my people, my home, and my relatives are all on the land of Daqin, Yuezhou! I never believe that Daqin will Abandon us! It’s unreasonable!”

“We don’t want to believe it! But it’s the truth, so what?!”

“Everyone, maybe we can contribute a little of our strength and try to convince the court not to give up Yuezhou!”

“What way? How to persuade?”

Bai Yiwen sighed in the sky, his face was sad, and after a long while he sighed: “Come on!”

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