Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 154

Chapter 151: Fengying’S Talent Awakening

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So far, Fengyin has been out of missions for three consecutive days.

However, these three days were far busier and more tiring than usual.

It took less than six hours of rest in three days.

Sweaty every day becomes the norm, and fishing in dry water motivates oneself and becomes a habit.

He must match his martial skills with the suddenly improved cultivation as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you go out to perform tasks, your cultivation will be out of touch with martial arts, but you will really die.

And accompanied by his hard work is Feng Ying, the little guy is also tossing himself to death every day.

Xiao Fengying awakened two natural instincts at one time after experiencing the fifth enlightenment.

One is to chase the wind without shadows, and the other is to turn the wind into a blade.

The former is an instant burst of speed, while the latter is an attack mode.

These changes make Feng Yin envious. These second-generation demons with powerful bloodlines and many racial methods just awakened themselves after promotion, and they didn’t have to work hard. How can they not be envied by others?

If I can also automatically awaken powerful skills as I progress through cultivation… hey.

Feng Ying himself is also surprised by his own skill comprehension, often arrogantly walking around in front of Feng Ying.

He walks lightly, with a proud demeanor, his ears are erect, and he walks very gracefully.

That posture, like a proud princess, with her tail raised high and high, showing her own sense of existence.

Well, when it comes to the tail, I have to mention the current wind shadow, and I can already put away my newborn tail very skillfully and casually.

Just like Feng Yin’s judgment, Feng Ying’s new tail contains a lot of Feng Ying’s power. Once the second tail is put away, the strength will drop by 40%. Out, it is the state of full strength, and the strength is very tyrannical.

Well, Feng Ying’s current strength, in terms of pure speed, if she started Chasing the Wind and Wu Ying exploded at the moment, it would almost be comparable to Zhuang Weiran, a top-level expert.

In terms of attack power, the full-strength wind blade can cut and break the thick iron rod of the arm 30 meters away, without any obstruction.

This situation makes the little guy very excited.

The four little claws showed the commanding style of their teeth and claws, and quickly erected dozens of iron pillars for this princess in the yard.

for practice.

Swish swish… The wind blades are flying all over the sky, and the iron filings are flying all over the yard with white flowers shining with silver light.

The first exercise of strength, then turned to head training, and then to exercise skills, step by step.

However, in a few days, the little guy has made great progress, and the current wind blade attack has advanced to the point where he can cut off a thin layer of iron stakes on the ground like a radish. Well, this is the idea of Zhuang Weiran. .

For a time, the ground was full of thin iron sheets, bright and bright, one by one, thinner than leaves.

Controlling the cultivation skills of monsters does not need to be in line with human strength like humans.

Because ninety-nine percent of other people’s methods come from the gift of heaven, or the talent of the ethnic group.

This kind of method awakened by blood inheritance can become an instinctive method and talent skill with a little training.

Of course, coupled with Zhuang Weiran’s hidden weapon release skills taught by the old Jianghu, the power will only be even more powerful and higher.

However, in Fengyin’s view, instead of Fengying’s diligent practice, it is better to play the game of cutting iron stakes with wind blades.

Feng Yin witnessed it up close, the wind shadow turned the wind into a blade, but the wind slipped through her small paws, and when she grabbed it, it was a transparent and sharp wind blade.

Fengyin is undoubtedly envious of this, but more happy.

The spirit of the little guy is obviously not comparable to some time ago.

Excited, eager to try, and full of anticipation for the future.

Obviously, I felt a strong sense of accomplishment of “I’m useful”, which replaced the loss of staying at home all the time.

Later, with the cooperation of Zhuang Weiran, countless iron pieces flew in the air, the wind shadow jumped up and down, and the wind blade flew out, knocking down the iron pieces.

At the beginning, it was hit, then shot down; then it was smashed, and finally it was required that the iron piece was not damaged after the shot down, and exercised control.

Of course it’s just the first phase.

In fact, Fengying awakened three abilities, and Fengyin didn’t know about the third ability.

Because of that third ability, it cannot be manifested in an ordinary way.

In fact, this third ability is the true innate instinct of the seven-hole civet cat: seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

At the beginning, Feng Ying’s mother relied on this skill to hand Feng Ying into Feng Yin’s hands under the pursuit of Emperor Zi.

Facts have proved that her choice is completely correct!

Fengying’s strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, so naturally he wants to try everything.

In particular, Mo Silk, the last time he helped Feng Yin, was with Mo Silk, so Feng Ying’s interest in Mo Silk was even higher than his own talent.

Under the guidance of Zhuang Weiran, Fengying’s use of silk is not only handy, but also derives her own way of transporting the messenger.

Such as hanging on the little finger, when the little claw pinches the wind blade, the wind blade will fly out with ink silk.

At first, the wind blade could fly away with it, but it could not control the wind blade itself; later, with a wave of the little claw, the wind blade flew to the designated position with the ink silk, and the wind blade dissipated automatically…

This is not only a question of where to hit with a finger, but a taste of ecstasy.

The little guy is exercising his ability as if he is playing every day. Every day and every hour, he is sweating like Feng Yin.

When it was time to rest, he was lying on the windmark belly, panting for breath.

As soon as Feng Yin’s luck recovers, he benefits with the little guy, and as a result, Feng Yin recovers faster than he can…

This makes Feng Yin sigh from time to time, which is really unreasonable…

The talent is so strong, the opportunity is so abundant, and it is necessary to work so hard, how can other people live, can they still live? !

In my heart, I was already laughing so hard.

Well, the little guy is me!

Feng Yin can now predict that he will be on a mission in the future, and Feng Yin will be a powerful help to him.

Yuezhou is rectifying, Fengyin is cultivating.

Rainbow Tsing Yi is replenishing manpower, and the army is recruiting troops, and all aspects are progressing in a positive direction.

Naturally, all the high-level warriors in Yuezhou are chasing the matter of not stealing the sky, and they are also carrying out vigorously.

Wu Tiejun and Fei Xinyu, the two newly promoted commanders and deputy commanders, will of course not be idle. The rectification, the market, the people’s livelihood, and the pursuit have nothing to do with them.

They came to the major literati academies in Yuezhou to recruit troops.

The reason is: Daqin is the Daqin of civil and military, and Yuezhou is Yuezhou of civil and military!

The Army Needs Pens!

All kinds of hot-blooded propaganda, all kinds of slogans, all kinds of military prestige, and only one appearance, the scene was stunned.

Then Wu Tiejun began to speak, but after an enthusiastic and **** performance, there was a sign that countless children joined the army one after another.

Before the outbreak of the Yuezhou War, the hometown of his birth was endangered, and he could not guarantee it day and night.

In particular, he joined the prestigious “Invincible Army”, and all aspiring young people were willing to go there.

The main target Wu Tiejun paid attention to was the children of the previous demonstrations clamoring to save the country and protect Yuezhou.

Wu Tiejun’s calculus in his heart crackled: either these guys are really passionate, and they have considerable skills, at least they are sharp enough to be able to mobilize people.

In this way, he can already be regarded as a talent. When he joins the army, becomes a clerk, does propaganda before the battle, and can also teach the big-headed soldiers to read and write on weekdays.

What’s more, one of them is exceptional. Deliberately cultivate, even if a generation of military division cannot be cultivated, it is still a large reserve of military staff personnel.

Since this has cultivation value, it cannot be wasted.

And those who are just shouting, but in fact they don’t dare to go to the battlefield at all, are even better: such people are black sheep in their bones, in addition to inciting people to create riots, and using all kinds of big ideas to urge others to die. , of no other use.

Let these guys enter the one can imagine the disaster in the future.

And this kind of person’s ability to form a party for selfishness is branded in the bottom of his heart, he is strong, inciting people, and creating chaos is also very sharp…

Instead of letting you go out to make trouble, it’s better to be forcibly drafted into the army.

Put it under the watchful eyes of Lao Tzu, if you know how to make progress, Lao Tzu may not be able to let you go.

But if you are still the same as me, then we can’t be sorry. When you go to the battlefield next time, you will definitely have a share. After that, you will win the honor of a martyr for your family, even if it is worthy of you.

After you die, I will use you and your sacrifices to publicize the heroic deeds of the heroic deeds and set off another wave of national craze…

That’s the only thing you can do. It will also be your greatest contribution to Daqin.

This is not a conspiracy, but wisdom. With the premise of protecting the family and the country, even if it is a conspiracy, it is also wisdom!

Then again, this move is undoubtedly ruthless.

In the face of soldiers like Wu Tiejun, the masters of the courtyard have no resistance at all, especially at this time when the soldiers are approaching the city and the fall of Yuezhou’s life and death.

“In an hour, eight thousand soldiers died outside the city!”

“In the barracks, everyone was seriously injured!”

“Take off your clothes and let the masters see how our soldiers protect Yuezhou with their flesh and blood!”

The scars all over the body are everywhere, not only bothering to talk about one person, but it is shocking and moving.

Even when the masters saw it, there were tears in their eyes, and there was not a single word of obstruction.

For those sons who had previously participated in inciting riots but now refused to join the army, they were greedy for life and fear of death. They took the trouble to convene all the masters and sons to speak bluntly in public and torture their souls.


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