Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 253

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Snake! Snake! Snake! 【2 In 1! 】

Seeing Fengyin coming back, Wen Mo was the first to step forward; “Boss gentle, did the instructor treat you well? Did you have any evil intentions?”

Yue Kong also came up: “The instructor didn’t say anything?”

Xia You: “Boss, are you all right?”

other people:”……”

Fengyin laughed: “It’s nothing, what can happen? Just let me stare at you in the afternoon, mainly because he knew about the actions last night and was warned a few words, but it doesn’t hurt or hurts for me. It’s itchy, don’t worry.”

Many people apologized at the same time: “The boss has worked hard… It’s all for us, you are…”

Fengyin waved his hand generously: “Hey, who asked me to be the squad leader? The responsibility is on my shoulders, who can’t I resist this wave of thunder?”

Everyone: “…”

Thank you.

The instructor on the other side is so angry that his teeth hurt, this grand thief is really good at bribing people’s hearts…

The training in the afternoon passed quickly.

After the training in the afternoon, according to common sense, it is time to rest in the evening.

But the instructor suddenly shouted: “Gentle!”


The instructor was gloomy: “Last night, you acted very witty.”

Everyone’s heart tensed: Sure enough, the instructor’s reckoning has come.

Fengyin: “Reporting to the instructor is just a little clever, and it is difficult to get into the hall of elegance, but it is in the eyes of the instructor?”

The instructor sneered: “It is said that you had a great time in the cage last night. Since that’s the case… Then tonight, you should also spend your time in the cage.”

After he finished speaking, he didn’t open the lock for everyone and walked away.

The crowd was not angry but overjoyed, overjoyed!

Where is this punishment, it is simply the caring care of the instructor, everyone can use the needle cage for a whole night!

This night, it’s a free gift!

“Thank you Instructor Houde!”

Everyone spoke in unison.

In the early morning of the second day, the squad leader of Fengyin was responsible for the inventory, and then carefully cleaned the cages with water, and then put the cages away and sent them back to the instructor.

The instructor looked at Fengyin, his eyes were very meaningful, and said: “The next instructor is from the Chu country, and basically he will not specifically target you. What you really need to worry about is the people who belong to the Yan country, but… I don’t know which round he will be in. Another layer is that the instructor will definitely not introduce himself to you. You need to analyze and judge by yourself. This is related to your life and safety. Don’t be sloppy! Genus, a temporary choice, once the middle way dies, it is still just a dead person, and for a dead person, the so-called follow-up is all over.”

Fengyin nodded: “Thank you, instructor, for your guidance.”

“What about you?”

the instructor asked.

Feng Yin coughed and looked innocent.

I didn’t hear anything.

The instructor got angry and kicked someone’s buttocks with a kick: “Go away! Why would you be so embarrassed to call your name Gentle with your character? You should be called Steady!”

The wind seal is gone.

Fengyin focused on training and wandered in various types of **** training. Although his own cultivation base did not improve much, his real combat power was gradually improving.

Through practice again and again, Feng Yin really felt that many of his inherent habits, there are drawbacks that are enough to kill, and cause death countless times. Fortunately, these bad habits and drawbacks are being corrected little by little.

In Yuezhou City on the other side, round after round of auctions of cubs of spirit beasts are coming one after another, and the attention is in the ascendant, and it is getting higher and higher each time.

“Tiantian python, you can only train up to three at a time; you are born smart and have the appearance of a king.”

The advertisement of Qiankun Tower is very simple, even straightforward.

But it is such a straightforward advertisement that has attracted countless warrior families.

Hu Weiran was once again incarnated as a poisonous tongue auctioneer, with a stooped figure and a poisonous tongue as cold as a knife.

In the first auction hosted by him, a brand new sky-high price was sold, a snake of 10 million taels of silver, a thousand spirit crystals, and two spirit medicines.

However, after this auction ended, Yu Weiran released the best news with a high profile.

“Master Ling didn’t expect the future and opportunity he gave to be so cheap. For the sake of honesty, we accept the auction results this time, but the subsequent auction dates will be postponed, depending on the master’s mood. The master has already planned to leave… Yuezhou It is difficult to carry this source of blessing in a small place, so what is the benefit of keeping it.”

“At present, several big families in the capital have sincerely invited each other, and the headquarters of the Imperial Beast Sect has prepared a place for the master in the capital. How can Shengyi Quan live up to it?”

“Yuezhou is destined to not be able to keep Master Ling for a long time. As for how long he can keep Master Ling, it depends on everyone’s good fortune.”

“God bestows blessings, I don’t know how to cherish it, I only know how to calculate petty profits. It’s a pity!”

“As we all know, what is the price of the capital in the capital, if Master Ling arrives in the capital, the starting price alone will be unimaginably high! But everyone should have an idea.”

In the end, Yu Weiran smiled and said, “In the end, I would like to advise you all, if you don’t have a lot of money, don’t come to bid for this round of high-level cubs. They are all things that can only be played by high-level clans, even if you don’t have money. Come join in the fun, hurt others and hurt yourself, why bother? I’m telling the truth, I believe everyone won’t take offense, right?”

“The world is so realistic. To be honest, if you can’t afford to pay, what kind of spirit animals do you play? Everyone says, right. It’s not scary to be poor. What’s scary is that you are poor and want good things!”

What a **** of a truth.

This is really ugly.

Many people’s faces turned green.

What’s the difference between you and pointing at our noses and scolding the poor?

But those who haven’t been photographed don’t think so. They are still eager to shoot; what if Master Ling is gone? Just as the little old man said, the source of blessings from God, I don’t know how to cherish it, it’s really sad and deplorable, what a petty profit!

“A bunch of poor people! Get the **** out of me!”

“What to play with no money? Don’t be ashamed!”

“Shut up, at this price, you still want to raise spirit beasts, can you afford them?”

“Master Ling, don’t worry, next time, I will double the bid! I have reserved the blessing source given by the master!”

“What have you booked, it’s me, it must be me!”


In the auction hall, a man in black who didn’t speak from the beginning to the end, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, staring at Yu Weiran on the stage, and then he glanced at the person who belonged to the Qiankun Building, feeling the strangeness of the surrounding. Breath, there is a bit of hatred in his eyes.

After finishing the work, the crowd dissipated, and the man in black walked out of the door following the crowd, subconsciously sticking out his tongue and licking his lips. If he had noticed, he would have found that the man’s tongue was actually forked, and it was also very thin and dexterous. , you can lick your ears without a lot of deliberate touch, and grow out of size…

The man in black walked away with the crowd, and as he walked, his body disappeared like a fog.


The small pine tree bathes in the night moonlight on the hillside and concentrates on cultivation. This is its daily state, and it is the same every day.

But tonight, it seems that I feel a little different from usual.

In addition to its thoughts, it couldn’t help but rustling its branches and leaves, and began to investigate. After all, the five hundred miles of land was all its domain.

Um, what’s wrong with this?

It was an unusually powerful demonic aura that kept rising and surging, and was accompanied by a very strong fishy smell, which seemed to be very unusual!

This… what’s going on?

When the little pine tree moved, a small tree root on the top of the mountain appeared, and it climbed up a big tree on the top of the mountain with extraordinary agility.

I saw farther on the other side, a thick black gas in the mountain forest was slowly rising from the sky, and it was faintly overwhelming.

The little pine tree was startled when he saw this. Although his way of doing things is very deep, his life time is short, and his character is not yet honed…

“What’s the situation!?”

The little pine tree stiffened: “Could it be…is it the legendary…the demon tide??”

The monster tide is by no means the same as the monster tide!

Monsters are monsters, monsters are monsters, there are essential differences between the two, and the results are naturally very different.

The rich black air moved slowly, and the closer it got closer, the little pine tree was about to be uprooted and run away.

But when the black cloud was close to the small hillside, it stopped and seemed to be waiting for something.

After a while, there was more black energy farther away, surging like before, and it was still rising from three sides at the same time, like rolling waves, endlessly eloquent, and more and more unfinished, more like brewing, gathering, in wait, at…

The little pine tree will be completely numb.

At this moment, it has seen what the gathering is, and the whole tree can’t help shaking… Scared!

Its next first reaction is to hurriedly retract the capillary roots, and then pass this super-explosive information to the nearest fellow who has been enlightened: “Yuezhou is about to break out a demon wave, I see it, I see it arrive.”

The ancient tree on the other side is not far from the hillside. This person has already felt something. When he was apprehensive, he was naturally shocked and couldn’t believe it when he got this explosive information.

“What’s going on? What demon tide? The legendary demon tide?”

“It’s the demon tide! Snakes! Lots of snakes!”

The capillary roots of the small pine tree are shaking: “There are big ones, as big as a mountain, and there are also humanoids… There are many, many! It’s terrifying!”

“How much is a lot?”

“As far as I can see… There are definitely tens of millions! And it’s still gathering! According to this trend, when it comes to Yuezhou… There will definitely be more than 10 billion, which is still the most conservative estimate. …”

If the little pine tree was a human, his face would definitely be as pale as a dead person: “This number is by no means exaggerated, I haven’t counted those little snakes that are as thick as human thighs… If you count those smaller ones, go up. There are a billion…”

The ancient tree in the distance was startled: “Then what should we do? Snake, snakes don’t eat trees, right?”

“I heard that you don’t eat it, but if you keep crawling over it like this, we are afraid that we will still be spared, and it is destined to be damaged…”

After passing through the initial fear, the little pine tree gradually became relieved. After all, it has been favored by the wind seal many times, and its path is far better than its peers. As long as the foundation is not damaged, the rest are nothing but foreign objects. The roots dive deep into the ground, and the tree trunks above are completely abandoned, and there is no harm.

This is the benefit of opening up the spiritual consciousness, the spiritual wisdom is immortal, the essence of the body is not lost, and the rest are all the last part.

The little pine tree that wants to understand this section seems to have taken a reassurance… What if it is the legendary monster, it should be fine for me!

After this thought for a lifetime, Xiao Songshu immediately became calm and relaxed, not panic at all.

You are all rolling in the red dust, but mine is in the atmosphere!

It’s just a demon wave, not worth mentioning.

However, the ancient tree on the other side, who has confirmed this information, is still very panicked. It is only a matter of wind, rain and dew, giving birth to a superficial intelligence. How can there be a means like a small pine tree, how can it cope with the disaster of the pond fish?

In desperation, he subconsciously imitated the small pine tree to spread the news.

“Oops, the tens of billions of snake demons have come to Yuezhou!”

Then the adjacent ancient tree: “???”

Inquire now.

So the ancient tree began to barbara…

Then he began to work hard to transport the essence of life energy to the root of the tree. I hope that after this wave of wild python disasters, I can still retain a little vitality, and I don’t dare to ask for too much, just leave a stump.

The ancient trees, who had no more intelligence, spread the news crazily, progressing layer by layer, and it didn’t take a while to reach the ancient tree circle in Yuezhou city.

“There is news from outside the city… something big is going to happen!”

The ancient tree at the gate of the city was the first to receive the news, and was also instantly stunned.

“One million demon kings lead hundreds of billions of snake demons to eat Yuezhou City?!”

“My mother…”

“Hurry up and deliver the news… I don’t know if the master is here, it’s terrible, we need to find a backbone to rely on!”

“Hey, do you know, something big is going to happen, no, something big has already happened!”

In such a short period of time, all the ancient trees in the entire Yuezhou City that had been enchanted by the wind seal received the news, and all the trees were in turmoil, which was difficult to restrain.

Then, countless news was gathered through the tangled roots and stems in the ground, towards Tie Xintang in the small yard.

“Boss, two bosses!”

“Have you heard?”

“The current situation has suddenly become serious, and it is extremely serious.”

“Something happened!”

“There are tens of billions of snakes and demons attacking, and the little Yuezhou City can’t stop it no matter what!”

“Two bosses, is the master there? Only his old man can turn the tide… How? How do I know!”

“When will the master come back? We are still waiting for his old man to save his life!”

“The two bosses, now that the master is away, what are we going to do? You must have an idea!”

“Yes, yes, we are all counting on you!”


The two Tie Xintangs were bewildered by the tsunami-like flow of information.

What’s going on?

snake demon?

What basilisk?

These two days, but the snake cubs are being auctioned!

How did the snake demon appear?

what’s the situation?

How come there are trillions of snake demons, where does this come from!

Also, you can say that our brothers are old enough. Master, his old man, can you say this casually?

Don’t you know that the master loves beautiful people so much that he dares to say that he is old, do you still think about it, do you still want to be contaminated with rain and dew?

The two Tie Xintangs did not neglect, they turned their minds into vitality, manipulated the capillary roots, and followed the directions provided by so many brothers and sisters to go out of the city, spreading all the way out…

The situation is now out of control with panic, and we have to go and see what is going on.

But even if the two Tie Xintangs have the most exposure and are still above the small pine tree, they still can’t extend the roots directly for hundreds of miles to reach the position of the small pine tree, but they are basically unable to extend just to the direction of the city gate. Well, of course I didn’t see anything.

And this limited information further caused all the ancient trees in the city to become more and more anxious.

As a result, a strange and strange phenomenon appeared in the entire Yuezhou City.

It was clearly the midsummer season, when the trees were growing the most vigorous and full of vitality, but the countless big trees in the city, as if they had negotiated, began to drop their leaves piece by piece, and more and more…

Just as people lose their hair when they are worried, trees lose their leaves when they are worried.

Even if there is no wind, the leaves will fall. If there is wind, the leaves will fall even more severely, and there will be a random squeak… just a large leaf of a leaf will fall.

It is far more powerful than the fall in autumn, and it is more efficient and more frequent.

This makes many people feel strange and stunned: It’s not even the season, isn’t it? what happened?

But I don’t know if these big trees are really dying of sorrow.

Yuezhou City Ding Zhai, Bu Tian had just returned to his own nest, and he began to live in seclusion again, occasionally shopping and strolling in jewels, everything was as usual.

And Ding’s daily thoughts or aspirations are-waiting for the master to come back…will you accept me?

I must practice hard, strive to go further, and show my aptitude and value!

Dao Ke Dao is very Dao… Really, the Supreme Dao!

Watching this passage, under my daily comprehension, I feel that my state of mind, verve, spiritual consciousness, and spiritual perception have all become different from before.

This is the avenue!

The cliff-top avenue to the sky is too wonderful!

The previous practice is unbearable to look back on!

And there are other people in this world who are cultivating, hehehe…what the heck?

It’s not that I look down on you, it’s really, that’s the situation.

Or in terms of force, I’m not invincible.

However, even if it is the Supreme Being of the Nine Colors, what you cultivate is garbage, and it is not related to the Dao!

Not sticky at all!

This alone, I can compare you to nothing, this is the most typical, people are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away!

In the Qiankun Building.

An old man wearing a speckled robe sat on the main seat in peace, with spots all over his face, very similar to the age spots on the face of an ordinary old man with depleted lifespan.

It is not difficult to judge from these spots that the old man’s body has reached a bleak point where it is about to run out of oil.

A hand is exposed outside the sleeve, and it can be faintly found that there are sparse yellow hairs, looming.

The old man was listening to the report of the person in charge at the moment.

“Old Leopard, the Fengshen doctor you mentioned has disappeared since he entered Yuezhou City, and there is no trace to be found… Really since the beginning of his entry into the city, there has been no news. Only Rainbow Tianyi has contacted with This genius doctor has something to do with it. Originally, our people tried our best to get into the sky, and we started to search for clues related to the genius doctor. We encountered the Yuezhou rebellion, which made the lurking people dare not act rashly, but also because of This matter proves that the divine doctor’s means are truly extraordinary and holy, and what a capable person can’t do!”

“It has been lurking for a long time, and after several twists and turns, I finally found out that it was Wu Tiejun who contacted the genius doctor on a single line, but Wu Tiejun has already gone to the garrison… Although we have opened up the relationship with the garrison now, but Wu Tiejun has all the people around him. It’s the guard who came from the capital, and what’s more troublesome is that he didn’t even mention all the clues about the genius doctor, even his closest guard.”

“In other words, the only way to get clues from the genius doctor is to contact Wu Tiejun himself, but Wu Tiejun’s identity is too sensitive…”

“We… have nowhere to start for a while.”

“It’s that short-lived Nan Tianyan…”

Old Leopard on the Grand Master’s chair rolled his eyelids: “What Nan Tianyan? You **** have no brains, right? That’s that Feng Langzhong!”

Speaking of which, Lao Leopard couldn’t help but sigh.


It was so… so unlucky.

By chance, I inquired about the existence of rebirth grass in a certain mountain in the southern border. I originally planned to take a chance and take a look to save my few vitality.

Passing through the small town of Jianghu, I met Zidi and Cat Emperor in a desperate encounter. His state caused all his qi to leak out, and the qi between the advanced practitioners caused him to be implicated for a while. , was hit hard.

The main reason is that the incident between the two of them happened too suddenly, so that he, who was wandering high in the sky, was instantly engaged, inexplicable, and completely defenseless.

Although he finally escaped, the impact still made his already old body even worse, and his vitality was destroyed.

He had to land in a small town to recuperate for a few days, and finally made an unexpected For a high-level cultivator like him, it is natural to make a small setting, so that he can prepare multiple equipment. hand.

If there is really no way out, go to him and try your luck.

Then he still went all the way to the southern border according to the original plan, went deep into the mountains, and looked for the rebirth grass.

In the deep mountains, I joined the strong people of my own clan, and I searched all the way to find it. Finally, I found the legendary ghost land, and also found the thousand poison peaks that are most suitable for the growth of rejuvenation grass, and I touched it with joy!

But in the end, the reborn grass that I finally found was only in its infancy!

According to the surrounding environmental conditions, it is inferred that there were indeed adult rejuvenating grasses here, but they were harvested many years ago.

What a shock this result is!

According to the state of the reborn grass in its infancy, if you want it to grow into an adult and mature, there is no need to count on it for three thousand years!

This old leopard was stupid on the spot, and almost beat the juvenile rejuvenation grass into a paste with a palm.

Because this thing is of no use to him at all!

What’s more, the growth environment of the rejuvenation grass is unique, and there is no place for it to grow except here!

But three thousand years of long time…

Whether I can live another thirty years is up in the air, let alone three thousand years! ?

Old Leopard returned in despair, only feeling that the speed of life was passing faster and faster; but the previous preparations came from the ray of hope of the young genius doctor, and it was always the last straw that could be looked forward to.

If so, is there a way?


. . 】

------off topic-----

Today is the birthday of our great beauty, Feng Xiaorui, the leader of the alliance. I wish her a young and happy forever.

The beauty Xiao Rui is at a young age, and she has a beautiful appearance and has not yet found a partner…cough…I didn’t say anything.

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