Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 269

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Where Has The Tenderness Gone?

The other two chief instructors winked at each other.

This old thing has a lot of hearts and minds. I have to guard against him in the future, don’t be sold by him, and help him count the money.

Then the three chief instructors took out a huge sign, and pressed the three Jun Tianjian together on it.

With a swipe, the screen suddenly lit up.

The Crow Emperor next to him did not take it lightly, and also took out a big brand of his own, which was linked to the brand of the three chief instructors.

The same swipe sounded, and another large screen also lit up.

The pictures displayed on the two large screens are impressively the entire terrain of Wutong Mountain, including the places compressed and unfolded by space, which can be seen anywhere and have a panoramic view.

The screen can also be rotated, the scene can be switched, and the picture of a certain position can be enlarged to carefully observe the specific situation.

Needless to say, Wutong Mountain covers a huge area.

Even the size of the two large screens that can barely be seen together is only one-fifth of the total area of Wutong Mountain.

When it comes to supervising the overall situation, it is still necessary to constantly adjust the tracking.

The picture caught the eyes of everyone present.

What I saw was that as soon as the fire crow and the gold medal killers met, they fought each other.

Under the premise of such a difficult situation, whether it is a gold medal killer or a fire crow, after entering, it all depends on your personal strength and luck.

However, the regulations only require a single person to enter, but there is no restriction on temporary team formation after entering, not only on the Golden Killer side, but also on the Fire Crow side.

But a detailed analysis shows that this seemingly fair regulation is not so fair-

The Fire Crow itself has many advantages over the Gold Killer.

First of all, they are landlords, and they must be more familiar with the environment of Wutong Mountain than the gold-medal killers. More importantly, they can fly. The advantage of being familiar with the environment is that they can fly well with their eyes closed.

In this way, any fire crow can instantly gather a group of companions as long as it flies up and calls out.

Moreover, sincere cooperation can be formed in an instant, unlike the seven countries on the Golden Killer side, they are intriguing, fighting for power and profits, and there are many small groups. It is really too much to be strong.

The first wave of ** on the screen is the scene of three fire crows besieging a gold-medal killer.

The gold-medal killer’s personal strength is not bad. If he fights alone, he can kill the three fire crows one by one without paying too much price, but facing the alliance of the three fire crows at the same time, the outcome is not only The reversal is even more bruised and bruised, and the situation is in jeopardy.

“It seems that this time we have a good start here.”

The Crow Emperor was proud and confident in the combined combat power of the three Fire Crows.

But just before his laughter fell, two gold-medal killers suddenly appeared from one side, one knife and one sword, one left and one right, and they all killed together, and the two had a clear goal and joined forces to kill one. A fire crow.

This was too abrupt, and the Fire Crow among them was completely defenseless. With a shrill neigh, the targeted Fire Crow had already been knocked to the dust.

And the gold-medal killer who was still on the run also reacted very quickly. He turned around and rushed back. Immediately, three people turned to target a fire crow at the same time.

A crystal-clear fire essence the size of a peanut fell to the ground with the death of the fire crow, and was taken by one of the two sneak attackers.

In the sneak attack, one of them killed the fire crow and gained a record, and the other collected the fire essence and obtained benefits, and each got his own benefits.

And the third is the rescued party, where will there be any opinions.

Although the rabbits rose and falcons fell, they became between elbows and armpits, but the three of them had a clear division of labor and a clear division of spoils. Although they cooperated for the first time, their actions were full of tacit understanding.

It is better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure one of his fingers. The three gold-medal killers’ battle strategy is completely correct.

Then three people will deal with the remaining two fire crows, it is not too easy, if the two fire crows know that they are not invincible and escape on their own, it is very likely that they will be destroyed here.

Leaning slightly, the three killers also disappeared into the shadows.

The Crow Emperor’s face sank, and he said, “The first time I saw it was that the children of our tribe were defeated… It’s really unlucky, whose subordinate was that just now? Why is it so useless?”

No black crow master said a word.

It’s not that everyone doesn’t want to take responsibility, but they don’t recognize it.

Individual images are too common, or too common, to be distinctive.

“My face has been lost!”

The Crow Emperor’s face was full of anger. He didn’t care about the dead Fire Crow at all, but more about his own face.

The three Chief Instructors of Jun Tianshou remained silent, as if they were used to it and didn’t care, but in fact they had already made eye contact——

“This battle was brilliant in the front, and unsightly in the back, because of human nature, there is nothing more than this…”

“The killer being hunted down is quite strong. With his strength, he can easily entangle a fire crow and even defeat it. The other two can fight together, and they can maintain their advantage and even win. If any one of the three If you are willing to pay a little price, you can kill those two fire crows quickly, but unfortunately…”

“Everyone benefits from the front, and naturally cooperates tacitly. In the back, it is difficult to share the benefits. If you hurt yourself, but let others benefit, how to do it, naturally, you would rather let go of the victory you have than let other competitors benefit. ,Ugh……”

The focus of the three chief instructors is very different from that of the Crow Emperor, and from this, they see the hidden worries of the gold medal killer, and they are not happy with this small partial victory!

However, in the next few battles, the Fire Crow won, and the Crow Emperor’s face became much better, and he began to chat and laugh again.

But what makes the Crow Emperor uncomfortable is… these gold-medal killers are just too hard to kill, their toughness is too strong, and they should not be too slippery.

As long as you find that you are not an opponent, you will immediately run for your life with all your strength, and all of them have strange movements and quick movements, and there will be no shadow in a roll.

Even if they are injured, they can always use the terrain to escape. As for the help of other gold-medal killers they have encountered, it is not uncommon to cover their escape, and it is commonplace.

Except for the very few, who were blocked in a dead place as soon as they entered, there was no way to escape, and they had no choice but to fight to the death, and few people died. .

And even those people who are dead, can still fight a few fire crows, but in terms of quantity, not only is it not a loss, but it is profitable.

Another little bitch, what made the Crow Emperor stunned was that there was a guy who was obviously blocked in the Jedi, and was surrounded by many fire crows, but the final result was that he killed five fire crows and was only slightly injured. leave.

It can be said that it was a great victory and left with two sleeves of gold.

The blocked Jedi was like a trap he set up on purpose.

“Who is this man?”

the chief instructor asked.

“It’s the new gold-medal killer of the Yan Kingdom, Jing Wuke,” said one of the instructors.

“Jing Wuke?”

The chief instructor murmured and said, “This seedling is not bad, it will not be chaotic in the face of danger, it should be adapted to local conditions, there is evidence for advancement and retreat, and it will never be greedy for merit and rash, and have ideas.”

Including the Crow Emperor, all nodded in approval of this evaluation.

Everyone was paying attention to this battle just now, but Jing Wuke’s cultivation was far from the level where he could crush the anti-killing crows; it was also a fact that he was trapped in the Jedi.

But he remained calm in the face of danger, using his own wisdom, combining his own skills and many means to create opportunities again and again, and this completed the final counter-kill.

What is even more amazing is that he judged the situation. After he completed the counter-kill, he did not think about how to continue to expand the results. Instead, it was the wisest choice to escape and disappear completely and completely get rid of the pursuit.

This battle also proves that it is not terrible to be in a desperate situation.

Among the many successful people since ancient times, which one has never faced the bad situation of being stuck in a desperate situation, and then broke out and rose?

When you are in a desperate situation, you can complete the counter-kill, and even retreat completely, which is the best killer quality!

Looking at the scenes one by one, the instructors were pleasantly surprised to find that in this issue, there are really many good seedlings worthy of attention.

As long as these people survive the final trial, I am afraid they will become great things in the future.

But there is one weird thing that always haunts everyone’s heart… Since this training session, many people have generally been optimistic about the gentleness, where did it go?

This is just the beginning… why is it gone?

Where did it go?

The Daqin instructors who cared the most about him all seemed restless.

This guy is always unexpected, but this is the final test. If he is besieged by the crowd, it is not a joke!

So changing the scene is faster.

You can move and switch the screen one after another until you reach the area where no gold medal killers appear, but still no trace of gentleness can be found.

“It’s evil!”

The chief instructor was puzzled, touched his chin and said, “Could it be that this guy dug a hole to bury himself and escaped for ten days without any movement?”

“This… It’s hard to say. Some people have tried this method in the past. Although the final evaluation will drop sharply, the chance of survival after ten days of safety has indeed greatly improved.”

“Forget it, you can’t focus all your energy on one person. If you can’t find it, look at others first. What should appear will always appear.”

Another chief instructor also said: “It’s a total of ten days, and it’s only an hour of the first day, so what’s the hurry?”


No way, even if you have expectations for someone, you can’t always put all your attention on him, especially now that you can’t find it.

In the past, people often deliberately wanted to find someone, but they couldn’t find them. When you were looking at this area, he was blocked, or he hadn’t arrived yet, but when you looked at other areas, he Already appearing in the area you just looked at…

This kind of coincidence often happens many times in a row, and it makes no sense.

Luck, no explanation.

With Fengying in his pocket, he trotted all the way into the thick fog.

After confirming that he had entered the battle hunting area, Fengyin chose a relatively hidden place and stopped.

After some searching, there happened to be a small cave in Zuojin, and he drilled into it.

He took the big stone and sealed it outside, blocked the entrance of the hole, locked himself and Fengying inside, and blocked it from the outside world.

For ten days, why worry.

Feng Yin did his homework early, and in the final trial stage, all battles were under the supervision of Jun Tianshou’s top management.

If you act rashly, many of your trump cards will inevitably be exposed.

But Fengyin didn’t want his trump card to be exposed, at least not so early.

Since he doesn’t want to be exposed, the best choice is for him to hide and temporarily isolate himself from the outside world.

Seniors of Juntianshou, your attention must first follow the main force to monitor forward, I will hang at the back, and I will slowly walk in later. After you have advanced a thousand miles, I will go out another hundred or two hundred miles…

Well, as long as you keep that gap, you can avoid exposing yourself.

I have read too many novels in my previous life, and there are too many similar situations. The high-level people will only pay attention to the most cutting-edge part, and they will pay attention to the latter part.

Only when no one is paying attention can I be more calm.

Anyway, the target of the trial is the fire crow. There are so many fire crows in this realm that you can’t kill them all.

Another point, since I participated in the training camp, I haven’t eaten a good meal again, whether it’s myself or Fengying, I’m very greedy.

Now I have to be alone with one person and one cat, so I don’t have to worry about the exposure of the space ring…

Have a big meal first, and then talk about offering sacrifices to the temples of the five internal organs.

In the cave, Fengyin took out a pile of centipede meat, as well as many good dishes and meals, and began to feast on them

After eating Haisai all the time, Feng Yin and Feng Ying, one big and one small, are full of oily mouth and bloated belly.

What’s even more outrageous is that after eating, one big and one small actually played with each other for a long time, and Fengyin played for half an hour before it was enough addiction. Straight up, snoring, very comfortable.

Then Fengying also showed Fengyin his fourth tail.

The meaning is simple and rude, you have to touch the tail that has just grown, others don’t have this treatment, you must know what to do, don’t be ignorant of flattery!

“You have more and more tails. According to your strength, you are almost at the peak of human level, right? When will you be able to change shape?”

Feng Yin grabbed the four tails and stroked them one by one, while talking to himself in doubt.

Feng Ying was paralyzed in his arms, whispering opened her snow-white belly and rubbed it on Feng Yin’s body, holding Feng Yin’s hand with her small paws , put it on the side of your stomach, meaning: scratch.

Fengyin scratched so smoothly that the little guy squinted his eyes.

After scratching like this for a while, I felt that it was almost the same. Then I turned over and put the other side under the finger of the wind print.

Making a fuss, his body shrank, and his head was raised vigorously, exposing the part under his chin, meaning: scratching here too.

After scratching seventeen or eight parts in a row like this, the little guy was finally satisfied, lying limply in Fengyin’s arms and shaking his ears.

All of a sudden, fluttered and fluttered again, as if entering the moment of a sage, and even the two eyes are out of focus.

There must be no other action at this time, so I have to wait a little longer…

Finally, Feng Ying fluttered his ears, straightened up, and took two steps gracefully.

The little paw gently stepped on the windmark belly: let’s go to work, shall we?



[10,000 delivered today. I thought I couldn’t hold on for a few days, but it turned out to be three days… Everyone was forced out. The ancients said that sincerity did not deceive me: ask for a monthly pass! 】

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