BNHA: Spiritual Aura

Chapter 60: The key to changing your future

In an office that seemed like a physical metaphor of its owner’s personality—precise, orderly, and meticulously organized—there sat a thin man with sharp and rather elongated features. He was seated in his chair with his back as straight as a ruler. His eyes, behind rectangular-framed glasses, moved from one report to another at a speed that defied human capabilities.

Despite the office having a simple and minimalist decor in serious gray tones, the place stood out due to a curious fact: all kinds of All Might merchandise—from posters to books—decorated the space, reflecting the great fanaticism of the owner of this curious place for the number one hero.

The man at the desk dressed elegantly, wearing a white business suit with golden buttons, which greatly contrasted with his red tie with white polka dots and his dark green hair with three golden lines. His hair was perfectly combed, making him appear more like a dedicated office worker than a hero.

With terrifying efficiency, the man at the desk organized all the reports he had, almost as if he were preparing for an important conference. Among all the documents, three stood out in particular: one with the profile of a recently captured villain, another with the profile of the only active member of the former hero duo Water Horse, and the last one about a famous heroine known as Mandalay.

"This could be the key to changing your future, All Might."

Upon seeing his work, the man couldn't help but comment with a certain hint of emotion in his typically serious and cold voice. He then gave everything one last review, including his own personal presentation, after which he took his phone to make a call.

[Yes, hello?]

Shortly after, the intermittent ringing was cut off, giving way to a somewhat hoarse and calm voice—very different from the powerful and energetic voice the man was accustomed to—which caused a bitter smile on his face. But he quickly composed himself and spoke.

[All Might, this is Sir Nighteye speaking. There's something important I want to discuss with you. Is there a possibility we could meet?]

[Nighteye? Old friend, of course! Give me a few moments; I'll arrive at your agency quickly.]

Upon hearing the voice of his old sidekick, All Might couldn't help but respond with joy. Although things between them had been a bit tense after a certain event, they were partners for several years and great friends.

[Alright, I'll be waiting for you.]

After hanging up, Sir Nighteye reviewed his personal presentation one last time, even polished his shoes, and then sat at his desk with a serious expression. A few minutes later, a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in."

At Sir Nighteye's word, the door opened, revealing All Might, wearing a simple white T-shirt and brown pants. Unusually, he didn't say his iconic phrase upon arriving and instead sat across from Nighteye with a serious expression.

"It's been a while, old friend. How have you been?" All Might greeted in a somewhat unusual tone, much more restrained and soft, to which Nighteye responded seriously.

"It certainly has been a while, All Might, and things have been relatively well—nothing out of the ordinary."

"It's a joy to hear that…" All Might replied, then fell silent, not quite sure what to say. Nighteye quickly explained in a serious and solemn tone.

"All Might, actually, the reason I called you here is because I found a lead to change your future—even cure you."

Upon hearing Nighteye's words, All Might couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, then asked incredulously.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember I told you there was no precedent for my future visions to change? Well, that's no longer the case. One of my visions changed, and after investigating the event, I concluded that there's a possibility to cure you."

While All Might still looked at him in surprise, Nighteye quickly showed him the documents he had meticulously organized, then continued explaining seriously.

"Several months ago, a strange event occurred. While investigating a case of arms trafficking, I reviewed the future of one of the suspects to confirm the location of their base of operations, only to discover that the person was involved in a terrorist attack. But since he died in it, I couldn't obtain much information about it.

For that reason, I initiated an exhaustive investigation to stop the attack, but when I was close to getting a lead on the villains behind it, they were repeatedly captured and the attack never occurred—something that surprised me so much that I even refused to believe it for a while."

Nighteye showed All Might the profile of the hero Water Horse, who had taken the name of the old group he formed with his wife before she decided to retire, along with the profile of the captured villain. Then, he continued speaking.

"After investigating what happened with the capture of the group of villains, I inevitably arrived at the hero Water Horse, who used to form a team with his wife. But after a confrontation with a Class A villain, the wife retired, and they moved to another city, where the hero by chance discovered an arms transaction during one of his patrols and reported it to the authorities, which ended with the capture of the entire group."

Upon hearing the story, All Might widened his eyes in surprise, then carefully reviewed the profiles Nighteye was showing him, who continued explaining.

"Knowing that he was the key to discovering what had happened with the change in my future vision, I investigated the event of his battle against the Class A villain. Although the official report only mentioned that they had been injured and healed by an unknown vigilante with a healing quirk, the reality was quite different.

At first, I tried to interview Hero Water Horse and his wife, but I didn't get much from them, as they only mentioned what was in the official report. But by investigating their therapist, I discovered that the event had been much more complex.

The couple were not just 'injured'; they were literally on the brink of death, and it was truly a miracle that they survived—to the point that both were left with serious psychological traumas that forced the wife to retire and the whole family to move to an area with a low crime rate."

"Do you mean that the future changed because of that unknown vigilante? Is he the key you mention who can cure me?" All Might asked, absolutely shocked, as the implications of what Nighteye was talking about were too impactful for him.

"Certainly, I am convinced that this vigilante not only has an extremely powerful healing quirk but also that he is somehow capable of changing my visions, since that event ended up changing the future I had seen. If the Water Horse couple had died that day, my vision of the terrorist attack would have been fulfilled."

With a serious expression, Nighteye commented while looking directly into All Might's eyes, who couldn't help but notice a slight light of hope and optimism in his friend—something that pleased him greatly, as he was fully aware of the psychological torture it had been for him to see the future and not be able to change it in any way.

"Did you find the vigilante?"

After a moment, All Might asked in a tone that contained an infinity of emotions, at the same time, smoke was coming out of his body. He then appeared as a skinny weakling on the verge of death—nothing like his glorious hero form—which greatly affected Nighteye. After shaking his head to dispel his insecurities, he quickly explained.

"Not yet. The truth is, I've been looking for him for a while but haven't managed to find him anywhere. Moreover, since that specific event, there hasn't been another case that leads me to suspect his involvement, which led me to conclude that he's not a vigilante at all and his intervention is due to something else."

With a quick movement, Nighteye showed All Might the profile of the heroine Mandalay, belonging to the famous hero group Wild Wild Pussycats. Who have had an almost perfect streak of case resolutions in recent years, then explained in a serious tone.

"After a small investigation, I realized that the Wild Wild Pussycats were also involved in the event, where one of their members, better known as Mandalay, is actually a cousin of the wife of Hero Water Horse. This, along with the strange concealment they carried out about the event, led me to think that she is the key to finding that 'vigilante.'"

"…This is quite unusual; normally you'd have all the information ready before calling me." Upon hearing his old companion and friend, All Might couldn't help but comment, a little surprised, to which Nighteye nodded and then explained solemnly.

"In fact, I've already arranged an appointment with the heroine Mandalay, but the implications of the 'case' are too big, and it could involve an unknown person with the possible power to break my visions. So I don't know what could happen, and I decided to inform you first before attending the meeting, since if something happens to me, this information could be buried, and with it, the only hope to change your future."

"…Do you really think there is something else behind all this?" All Might asked with a serious expression while looking intently at Nighteye, who could only respond uncertainly.

"The truth is, I don't know. The fact that they're hiding the information is quite suspicious in itself, and honestly, this is the first time I've faced the possibility that my visions of the future might not be accurate, so I'd rather play it safe this time."

"I'll accompany you to that meeting," All Might commented seriously as he transformed back into his hero form, causing his voice to change midway, becoming much deeper and more powerful.

For his part, Nighteye looked into the eyes of the now gigantic All Might with an infinity of feelings. On one hand, he felt truly happy to be able to act once again alongside his idol, but at the same time, he felt insecure about the possible disappointment that this meeting might bring.

"I suppose there's nothing I can say to change your mind," somewhat resigned yet secretly happy, Nighteye commented, which elicited a powerful laugh from All Might, who quickly added.

"Hahaha, that's right, and there's nothing to worry about because I WILL BE THERE!"

"Then I'll count on you," Nighteye said with a small smile on his usually serious face, to which All Might confidently replied.

"Of course, partner."

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