Bonded Summoner

Book 3 - Interlude - ♥♥♥ - Snake Girls and Princess Knights

They had finished their work for the night, and headed home to clean up. Jake was about to clean himself up, when Bloodberri called him into their larger bath. Ophelia was taking some time to rest and get in the mood before he ‘made it up’ to her, so this worked out well enough for him.

Bloodberri was waiting for him, wearing nothing but soap suds in the middle of the large bath, that was more like a hot tub. It was Blood that spoke.

“I hope you don’t mind, my lord. We had already gotten ourselves clean, so we can better focus on cleaning you. Let us take care of you, as you always do for us.”

Her naked body sped for him, and immediately helped him disrobe. He watched her large breasts sway, as she deftly moved around his body, removing his shirt, shorts, and underclothes in single movements.

He found himself lifted and landing inside the hot tub in a mere instant, her able to carry him like a feather. Water was almost up to his knees, his upper body above the water. She covered herself with suds, and began to rub her body up against his. His body was enveloped in soft flesh, and she kissed him on the lips.

Her large lips were soft, and he could feel the love and desire for him over their bond. Her eyes conveyed the emotions they both had for him, and that lit his desire as much as her soft, yet very strong, body rubbing against his.

Some sponges floated from the tub, scrubbing his back, Blood using her telekinesis. She scrubbed his body as she kissed him, her large beautiful face taking up his entire vision. Their tongues danced, her taste sweet like baked cookies. Her large breasts rubbed up and down on his chest, and his cock had long since swelled. She wrapped her large hand around it gently, stroking him full of suds.

His body was cleaned in mere moments as the sponges moved around his body, and she washed a bucket over him and her slowly, the implement floating over to them. She then shampooed his hair quickly, her nails in his scalp feeling amazing.

She then kissed down his chest, one hand of hers still stroking his cock the entire time. Her eyes met his, as she stuck her tongue out, and the long length reached nearly a foot down to lick his tip. Jake shivered, knowing what was coming next.

Berri and Blood had taken to serving him before they had sex in earnest each night of theirs, and their blowjobs were becoming something else, as they learned his preferences.

Her eyes looked at him knowingly, as she moved her lips closer to his cock, and her tongue snaked around and towards the base. It tightened around his cock, the soft wetness not feeling very different from entering her willing pussy, as she pushed him back.

His butt landed on her tail that she had moved to make a seat for him above the water, his feet still inside. As her lips met his tip, her tongue had already reached his balls. He groaned as her tongue contorted up and down his length, her lips sinking to his base at the same time.

Her hands danced up and down his abs and chest, as she bobbed her head back and forth, a light suction as her tongue danced up and down his cock. He took her large, knife-like ears in his hands, causing her to shutter as her serpentine eyes stared into his. She moaned at his excitement and his touch, her ears sensitive.

He began pumping his hips as he pulled her face to the base, her mouth wet and welcoming. He could feel her desire for him inside her, begging for his come. Jake could tell Berri couldn’t wait for him to be inside her pussy, but the two of them both wanted to bring him pleasure before they began.

Her tongue danced over his length and his balls as he fucked her beautiful face, his pace increasing as his pleasure rose. Her body shook in anticipation of their mating, her body going into heat and releasing her pheromones. Jake came down her throat, him reaching his climax at last.

Bloodberri’s tongue uncoiled around his length, cleaning him off in the process and swallowing his spend. Bloodberri smiled at his lingering emotions and pleasure, enjoying how they made their lord feel.

Her snake body coiled around him slightly as she raised her body up, and the platform Jake was sitting on was raised to where he was now standing.

Her humanoid body spun around and lowered, her large ass being positioned in front of him, her bent over like she was facing down on a bed with her ass up. Jake stared at the large, heart shaped ass in front of him. It was massive, and plump from his perspective.

Even for her frame, it appeared large thanks to her waspish waist. It was plenty firm but with just the right amount of soft flesh, but because she was over fifty percent larger than Jake himself, she had a very meaty ass.

Bloodberri’s pink pussy peaked out in front of his still hard cock, the hole twitching in anticipation of his entry. The height and the angle of entry were perfect, she needed only a mental acceptance from him before she sunk herself down to his base.

Just like when she was blowing him, Jake hardly had to do anything. She moaned and shook at his entry, the anticipation of mating fulfilled.

It was Blood who spoke, “Mmm… milord, it feels so good with you inside us. Like a hunger finally being sated. We’re sorry, we both didn’t want to wait any longer…”

She held him there for a moment with him plunged balls deep into her pussy, her insides contorting and contracting on him, the shape of her pussy already matching his length.

She moved her large body back and forth, her pussy contracting on his cock all the while. She moaned in pleasure, Jake’s desire building along with hers.

He could feel a deep hunger for his come once more, like she couldn’t ever get enough. Her large ass met his stomach again and again, her moaning in pleasure each time.

It was Blood who spoke once again, slowing down to be able to speak coherently.

“Ohhh Jake, I was so proud of our lord’s arrival to this world. You did exactly as I dreamed a powerful husband would, showing me that you could be everything I wanted you to be. I want to serve you, and bring you great pleasure. It’s hard, though: your cock feels so good inside us, just how could we grant you more than we receive?”

He grabbed onto her wide ass and started to thrust, her body moving in synch with his efforts. He bottomed out in her welcoming cunt over and over again, her shouting and shaking in pleasure with every thrust. Her orgasms came quickly and repeatedly, her body ready to receive his seed immediately.

Her body shook harder as his thrusts became faster, her moaning louder. Bloodberri’s pussy convulsed on his length rapidly and tightened, him finally reaching his peak. When he finally sent ropes of cum into her waiting cunt, she moaned loudly and shook in orgasm, her body wracked with pleasure for finally receiving what it desired.

Her snake body coiled around him and brought him to her bosom, where they hugged each other. She kissed him on the lips with a smile before pulling away to look him better in the eyes.

“I know our deception was wrong, but we wither away without your touch, we need you. We lived without you for so long, but now I know that we can no longer live without you. We have the bond to always feel you, and it helps, but the feelings from you pairing with others cannot compare.”

Jake did feel a little bad for not being able to fulfill all her needs and desires. He felt both girls deserved his attention, their hard work and dedication worthy of all they demanded.

“Don’t feel bad, milord. It’s the crazy gods of chaos that made us this way, but also that you make us feel so amazing that we desire it so. We had long since gotten control over our urges, but knowing that your blissful embrace is but a moment away, takes some getting used to. That we can get a fraction of your time is more than enough.”

Berri added, “Yeah, what she said! You more than make us feel fulfilled in all the other ways, it’s just our body is a little needy! We’ll get used to it, in time. We do want to be the ones to serve you, too.”

Blood interjected, “Speaking of, as much as we’d like to serve you further in the bath, it would accomplish the opposite. Ophelia is waiting for you to fulfill her and her fantasy, after all.”

She performed the cleaning spell-form on his length, before helping cloth him rapidly. Only, instead of his previous tribal clothes, she put him in some odd medieval clothing. He wore a vest over a frilled, puffed long sleeve shirt. The pants were plain brown, and she even gave him a book that had a page marked.

Jake briefly looked at it, and wryly smiled at the scene she had chosen. He would go from being served, to the one serving, for a time.

He quickly picked a bouquet of white and blue roses he knew matched her eyes from the market in his [Menu], and thought of a way to incorporate his small gift into the scene without it breaking it. Jake added a few additions that helped with the scene, some bandages underneath his clothes.

Berri said, “Bye bye, Jakey! Ophelia looks forward to her night just as much as we do, but she’s just too shy to say so regularly. It took her a while to work up to letting you fulfil this fantasy of hers, you know!”

Jake did know that now, but it had been a surprise for her to say so. Of course, he felt the love Ophelia had for him each day and night they spent together, but he always felt that she was the least needy of his girls.

He realized that a large part of that was because compared to the other two, or three, depending on how you looked at it, she was quite mature for her age. She was young, and it was easy for him to overlook that in her mood and her demeanor, aside from her shyness about her affection.

Jake was more than happy to make any fantasy of hers come true. He learned that while she did enjoy some spicy romance titles, they were all rather tame, considering.

Jake was thoroughly both impressed and amused that her library of titles used his and her names for the primary love interests, and even changed the character descriptions to be more similar to themselves where applicable.

He thought it was cute, and he was happy to fulfil her desires. He knocked on her door with the flowers in his hand. When she opened the door, she was wearing full plate armor with her helmet off, and she had an icy cold expression.

“It’s about time you showed up, aren’t you supposed to be my squire? The event ended early, and– what are those?”

She frowned in confusion, and Jake did his best to give a bitter smile. “They are from a certain Count, in a hope to win your affection.”

She nodded coldly. “Put them in the vase, and help me with this armor. Just where were you that you were not waiting in my quarters?”

Jake hurriedly entered, her closing the door. He placed the flowers in the empty vase he knew she kept for gifts such as these, as he said, “I was out obtaining more armor oil, as we had run out. While I was out–”

“Spare me the details, and hurry up and help me out of this.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

She sat on a stool, her back facing him. He removed buckles and unstrapped the armaments, her sighing in relief as he did, her wings being much more free. He helped her out of her chain mail underneath as well, this process taking several minutes in total.

The armor was now placed on the waiting armor racks, the work complete. She now wore a thin blouse that you could see her skin through, and what amounted to a sports bra, her muscled yet feminine back with wings open and outward facing him.

She said, “Massage my shoulders.”

“Yes, my lady,” he replied.

He dug into her shoulders, using his enhanced strength and senses to give her a massage. His fingers dug and pulsed with energy transfer to send waves of pleasure and work her muscles, her moaning, breaking character for but a moment. She coughed as he continued, and he could sense her enjoyment.

He moved towards her lower back, when she said, “My feet ache, massage them.”

“At once.” He moved to in front of her to massage them with a smile. Once again, she moaned under his ministrations, her acted demeanor cracking.

She blushed. “Where were you the night before last? I had faced the baron’s goons, and when I returned, you were once again nowhere to be found…”

“I was taking your steed, Fhesiah, to the farrier. Her shoe–”

“And the week before that, when the bandit leader attacked me? I went immediately to your quarters, and you couldn’t be found.”

Jake started to reply, but she interrupted, “Spare me the excuses. You know, I’m starting to notice a pattern. It appears you’re never around when you’re needed. Shall I find a new squire?”

Jake looked up at her in shock, allowing his features to show surprise. “Of course not, milady. I was taking care of–”

“Spare me. Continue.” He continued his massage sadly. She looked furious at him, her features taking on a scowl, before becoming hurt.

She sighed. “Just why won’t you just tell me?”

“Tell you what, milady?”

“Do you take me for a fool, Jacob?” Jake had his hands tightly on her foot, but she pulled him slightly towards her, pulling him off balance from where he was crouched on the floor.

She reached down and grabbed his hand, twisting it and pulling back his sleeve, revealing a bandage.

“How curious, just how did you obtain this wound, I wonder? A masked man that helped me fight the bandit leader took on a similar one.”

Jake stammered to come up with a response, looking shocked, but she reached and pulled on his collar tearing away the top button, revealing another bandage, her rising him to his feet.

“Or this one, when I faced the Baron’s men. Why, you were wounded in the same place once more as the masked man. How strange.”

Jake said, “I–”

“Just who sent you? It was my father, wasn’t it? What did he pay you?”

Jake shook his head, his face serious. “No, I’m really just your squire. You hired me, nobody else.”

She scoffed. “You expect me to believe that? Why didn’t you tell me?”

He said, “I offered my help to you, but you denied me. It was the only option.”

“You’re telling me you’re so skilled with the sword as a mere squire, and that you risked your life for me, one that you could never be with? I know when you were hired, your skill was nothing to speak of. Was that a lie, you were faking your aptitude?”

“N-No, I trained hard after.”

“Whatever for? You told me you didn’t want to be a Knight.”

“I said I didn’t want to be a Knight of the kingdom.”

She was struck with surprise, and Jake, or Jacob, continued, “I wanted to be your knight, that was why I trained so hard. I knew with the Baron–”

“Remove your vest and shirt.”


“Did I stutter? I said remove it.”

“At once.” Jake removed the vest and shirt, several more bandages being presented. Ophelia ran her fingers over them.

“These are all wounds you took on, for me. While taking care of my needs, you still protected me without thanks. I was always rude to you, yet you still fought for me?”

“Of course. I know that you are a true lady, you fight for what is right. It is an honor to serve you.”

“Even though I may be forced to marry another? You knew that we could never be.”

Jake let a look of pain cross his features, before he sternly nodded, his gaze fixed on her. A smile curled on her lips.

She returned to her stool and sat down, crossing her leg.

“Help me out of these clothes. I grow weary.”

Jake was about to argue with her, but her frown and stern gaze was one that would brook no arguments. She lifted her leg, showing her socks. He removed them slowly, looking into her eyes. The pants came next, leaving a not-period accurate set of panties.

“Milady I–”


He unbuttoned her blouse. He removed the clothing, leaving her in just her bra and panties. Jake’s cock started to tent in his pants, letting some of his desire to be shown. Her eyes latched onto it.

“Oh? You like what you see, do you?”

“I–Of course. You are very beautiful.”

“Remove the rest of your clothes.”

“At once.” Jake once again removed his pants, leaving his cock springing free. She stood, and walked around, inspecting him with her eyes and her hands, her face impassive. Jake could tell that she was enjoying playing the cold beauty, drawing out every action.

“So big. So strong. This body was built to protect me.” She kissed him on the lips, the kiss full of affection, her face not matching her actions at all, still an impassive mask.

Jake could tell that Ophelia chose this story because of in how many ways it mirrored their own situation. How Jake made himself better for her, devoted himself to making her better. Jacob and Jake were similar, only Ophelia’s position was what made this situation very different.

She walked over to the bed meaningfully, bent over, removing her own panties and bra, before turning to him. “I have decided. I want you.”

“Milady, what–”

“I think it should be clear? Sure, this might ruin some of House Valkyrie’s future, not marrying the Count, but so what? I know that if I join him, I will be little more than a vacation bed warmer. My desires were to make my own way and receive my own lands, but without your help I’d already be dead, or perhaps already in that dick of a baron’s dungeons. I’d rather be your partner, we shall form a mercenary band together, and take our own land, and make our own House. Or would you not serve with me, if I’m no longer a Knight? Do I still have your blade?”

“You do. No matter what.”

“Good. Now come. It is time for your hero’s reward.” She laid on the bed, and spread her legs wide at the edge, her wings spilled out behind her.

Jake walked forward, his cock still at attention. Her pussy was already dripping wet, and Jake could feel her satisfaction over the bond. She enjoyed reliving this scene in her story, but now she couldn’t wait for Jake to be inside her once more. He rested his cock head on her labia, as if waiting for permission.

Ophelia said, “I have wanted you for a long time. Claim me. Today, it’s safe.”

How convenient, Jake thought. He pushed forward slowly, his cock entering her always tight pussy. They both groaned at the entry, Ophelia already pulsing her muscles inside.

Jake bottomed out inside her after moving painfully slow to reach it.

“Mmm, it’s like your cock is the perfect fit. We were meant to be. Pleasure me, my Knight.”

He started thrusting into her tight pussy slowly, and Jake grabbed onto her fit, bubbled ass with one hand, and began rubbing her clit with the other. Her face quickly changed from her impassive mask, to a more amorous smile.

Her pussy pulsed and convulsed, her enjoying Jake’s movements. He picked up his speed, him enjoying her tight wetness.

“Jake, thank you. It was fun. Maybe next time, I’ll pick a scene that’s a little more exciting. I just liked Lady Valkyrie and Jacob’s love a lot, one of the first romances I read.”

“As you wish, my love.”

She giggled, but she wrapped her legs around him and grabbed onto his shoulders, lifting herself off the bed. He supported her under her perfect ass, lifting her up and down as he thrust his hips. Her weight added to the tightness, and their lips dueled as their affections and desires built.

She moaned as his speed increased, him easily able to lift her rapidly on his cock. Her wings flapped, and she fluttered her pussy for him, their pleasure mounting. She hooked her ankles behind his back, allowing her to lift herself up and down for him.

His hands now free, he played with a nipple from her perfect breast and her clit at the same time. It wasn’t long after this, that her body shook like it was shocked.

“Fuck, Jake, I’m cumming!”

He was close as well, so when her pussy convulsed and tightened, he found himself emptying his balls into her willing cunt, as she stared at him full of love. She moaned at the sensation, her pussy milking him all the while.

Her body shook as they kissed, her blue eyes staring into his. She unhooked her legs from his shoulders and Jake walked her over to the bed and laid the two of them down, him still inside her. She wrapped her wings and legs around him.

“Think you can sleep like this? I feel so full, so…perfect. At least a while longer?”

Jake chuckled, he was still hard inside her.

“Maybe if I cancel my spells? I do feel like I’m about to pass out after all that, but at the same time not. Maybe you can put me to sleep?”

She frowned, and Jake knew she was thinking of if she could make a runic spell for causing sleep. Jake did think he could make a spell that could accomplish this, but hadn’t had a need for that type of control.

It took a lot of mana and thus runes to overwhelm the mind and body and put an even level or higher creature to sleep. It was just easier to control them in another way, such as pushing with force or locking them down with ice.

He helped her with the runes, and opened up his body and mind to her, allowing her to put him to sleep. She giggled as he fell asleep, but he didn’t catch what she said.

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