Bonded Summoner

Book 4. Chapter 15: Wild Children of the Forest

The spriggons appeared to be quite interested in Bloodberri. Berri took this interest as an invitation to greet them, and the creatures gathered around, jabbering in a strange language.

It didn’t count as one to be translated by the Framework, but they repeated many syllables in their excitement.

Berri welcomed them to their new home, and explained to them how things would be in Kenwodi and Life’s Haven. The creatures nodded along at her speech, jabbering quietly to themselves.

Nadessa said, “I’ve never seen them like this. They are a mild and playful creature, but attention span is not one of their traits. My people can still mostly convey what we want them to know or do, but she’s on another level.”

Berri continued her instructions to the crowd of creatures, “They can use your help, finding food, herbs, and helping their trees grow strong! Can you help us? I’d be really happy if you did.”

They all jabbered and nodded, jumping up and down in excitement.

Jake asked, “How quickly do they…reproduce, or increase their numbers, anyway? While ten thousand, or thirty-five thousand in total, is a lot, it will take quite a while for them to repopulate this world.”

Nadessa smiled. “They are kind of like plants in that. They grow their magic and life energies as they live, and eventually a seed will be created. I feel like living here will allow that to happen quite rapidly. They should form one seed each in a year, and it doesn’t take more than a year or two for those seeds to grow into an adult spriggon.”

Jake was impressed. That meant there would be several generations worth of spriggons in just a handful of years. He thought it strange, though.

Jake asked, “You’re making it sound like they have no predators, and they will proliferate like crazy. What will…keep them from their numbers exploding and overwhelming the area instead?”

Nadessa chuckled. “Most of them will still only make a few seeds in a lifetime, no matter how full of life the area is. They are in tune with the forest or jungle, and would stop creating seeds if the forest was so populous.”

Ophelia said to Nadessa, “It looks like Bloodberri can guide them quite well. Perhaps their nature is closer to that of a monster, than just a being of nature? She is a Champion of Echidna, so that would make some sense?”

Nadessa frowned. “I suppose? They are a little different from the rest of us. I can trigger about half of them to arrive, now that we understand how things will work?”

Jake nodded, and they got the migration underway. Berri helped bring hundreds of the little people down into the valley, and this went much quicker than Jake could have hoped. When the hundreds of them arrived at the gondola, there was a secondary means he had created for heading down into the valley: a zip line.

He had added these to most locations that included a gondola, allowing those wearing the appropriate harness to zip down to the valley rapidly. They would still need to climb up, but it was hard to beat the speed and how deep they could get into the valley quickly.

The strange creatures merely grew vines out of their hands, and slid down the zip line, jabbering and laughing at the same time. Jake was worried about auril beasts getting a snack, but Nadessa convinced him this wouldn’t be a problem at all.

Their mild illusions and other magics were perfect deterrents, along with being able to meld with the trees. The carnivores would find little tasty about eating a bark-filled plant-person anyway, and the herbivores could be sated using their plant growth abilities, becoming instantly the best of friends.

Jake thought there sounded like a possibility of them aiding in taming the beasts, as Tanda had told him that many herbivore auril beasts could be.

The wild children were more than happy to show what they could do for Bloodberri, and Jake was impressed. For low level creatures, they likely could not kill much. But they could keep themselves safe. Berri was now playing with them, as they were showing off their skills. A strange game of tag and hide and seek was now being played between her and the spriggons.

They had moved down to the valley, Nadessa having no difficulty floating down with her magic. Jake had been willing to aid her using runic magic, but she had no need, having some mastery over wind, water, and nature magic.

Tanda smiled at the little wild children. “They really seem happy here, like they belong.”

Nadessa smiled as she looked over the forest. “This forest is full of vitality. Other than near the World Tree on our home world, I don’t think there’s any place they could feel more at home. The noncombatant satyrs and fauns will be interested in living here as well, but the ones that fight are used to living in the city to progress themselves at the Nodes. The hamadryads will be happy to find trees to meld and become one with here.”

Ophelia asked, “How does that work, anyway? If they are already melded with a tree, how are they able to head here? They couldn’t uproot themselves to come here, right?”

Nadessa nodded, a little sadness coming to her eyes. “Unfortunately, it is only the youngest, the seedlings that hadn’t melded, that were able to come. We have many seeds to arrive, for both the hamadryads and treants. They cannot survive without our aid for long, so that will be my people’s task over the coming weeks. While this area is quite good, we definitely want the place with the highest vitality when the seedlings arrive. Is there a better place?”

Tanda nodded. “Harmony Peaks is going to be the best location for those, then. The heart of the world is located there, and that should be where the vitality is the highest. The four seasons are strong there, though, the winters cold and the summers mild.”

Nadessa was still watching the spriggons playing with Bloodberri in the forest.

She said, “That should be perfect. Is there an Alliance HQ near there, for us to be able to get them there? You have only mentioned Kenwodi and Life’s Haven, thus far.”

Jake said, “There isn’t, but that was our planned location for another HQ. We were going to disassemble the next we recapture and use it up North, instead. We’d feel a lot better if we had more forces up there to defend, along with a teleporter to arrive up there, when we head east and west. This works out well, assuming we take Nature’s Crossroads.”

Nadessa sighed. “I wish I could help, but I’m not allowed to leave Alliance Territory until all arrivals are here. Still, I’m quite limited no longer being a druid.”

Fhesiah said, “I noticed your control of the elements was quite good. Are you not similar to a wizard?”

Nadessa smirked, and for the first time, her expression was more like a child. “I was focused on controlling the elements as a druid. My power over nature at the moment is quite weak, but I can still manage wind and water quite well. Alliance wizards can’t compete with me!”

Ophelia laughed at her excitement. “Well, there is a possibility of you becoming a druid again here, I think. We have altars in the shrine to several gods and goddesses.”

She listed out all the gods and goddesses Nadessa had to choose from, and she was shocked.

“T-There’s more? I’ll definitely take a look. If one resonates well with me, it’s no problem for me to give my oath, living here on Highlands? Will…they accept me, my oath cancelled?”

Jake shook his head. “We wouldn’t allow their Shrine on our world otherwise, I suppose. But Hestia is teaming up with a group of gods and goddesses from various pantheons, and they seem intent on sharing their conquest and worship. My wives and potential mate are certainly proof, each allowing their oaths. What they will do about your previous oath, I can’t say, but I feel like they wouldn’t hold it against you.”

Nadessa nodded, and she gave a resolute look. Her Mana flared, and Jake heard a voice whispering in his ear. “When there’s time, I need a private discussion with you. Within the arrivals are something important, and it must be handled with utmost secrecy to ensure safety. We will work out a time and place within our [Menu].”

Jake nodded that he understood. He wondered what it was about, but he had a guess.

Fhesiah said in his mind, [I agree. Likely related to some of these seedlings, I wager.]

They worked to get all the spriggons settled in at Kenwodi as well, the satyrs and fauns also joining in the forests. In addition to the zip lines and gondolas, elevators had been added at both Life’s Haven and Kenwodi, allowing for easy trips up and down to the valleys and even for carrying large loads of things up and down.

Life’s Haven was especially busy, the hunters from Hunter’s Terrace having moved there as a central location. The valleys they had access to with the gondolas made them able to easily rotate among them, to not over hunt any one area.

Back in Kenwodi, the number of blimps in the air was starting to be significant. The Hearthtribe air force was practicing flights and off to a good start, though for now their speed and size was not significant. Each could only hold about a dozen or two beastkin, and they only moved at a ponderous ten to fifteen miles an hour or so.

They were practicing their capabilities, getting ready to fly in formation both for travel and for offense. Jake didn’t think he would risk the blimps in a siege, but he could try creating some meant to be more durable for battle.

He hoped to boost the speed up to thirty or more, and allow them to travel across the continent in less than a week. The magical motors could not really compete with gas-powered motors of earth, and were quite small.

As it was now, the blimps were half powered by the beastkin themselves. They were only allowed two small motors powered by magic per blimp, so they had two more that were powered by pedaling, like on a bike.

The Framework would not allow larger or more magical motors per construction, and this was what prevented Jake from making a giant wing monstrosity with dozens of small motors.

All because if they cheated, some tentacled alien ships would show up and destroy everything. Jake was certainly disincentivized from even trying to cheat, and would have to stick to the rules. The motors allowed were around the size and effectiveness of a 100cc motor, and Jake hoped to upgrade that using his enhancements.

For now, there were no civilian blimps. The danger of Tartarus using some pterodactyls or some dungeon-spawned creatures was too significant, and so each blimp would not only have beastkin capable of ranged attacks, but armed with a powerful ballista.

Such an armament was heavy and lowered the overall speed, but when blimps traveled in formation, this should allow the beastkin to mount a respectable defense to being attacked in the air.

They repeated the process of moving the spriggons into Kenwodi’s jungles, the many people looking on in interest as Berri marched her new little friends to the zip lines.

Fhesiah was talking with Nadessa, and Ophelia and Tanda were talking with various clan heads along with Grayson.

Jake saw a familiar face as they did so. “Hey, Brock, and Mindy. How’s it going?”

Brock and Mindy were watching the many spriggons being marched over to the zip lines, their mouths agape at the little creatures. They had an unsure stride like that of toddlers, outside the forest.

Jake hadn’t seen Brock much this last week, busy on crafting and other preparations. He was aware that Brock’s party were focused on Incursions. Being a small party, his group was influencing things much more heavily than a single higher level. At the same time, they had to be doubly careful.

All it took was one major weakness, and the dungeon would capitalize heavily, and they would die inside the dungeon. This meant they would need to prepare heavily, like Jake’s party had, and make sure they were well rested before each encounter.

Often, this meant heading back to the portal rather than pushing to attempt completing the dungeon, or backing off and making additional preparations at any sign of difficulty. It made things slower for them to complete. Jake noticed that Mindy did have her mated necklace now.

Brock gave his salute. “Chief! What are…these creatures?”

Jake returned it. “They’re your new neighbors. These little guys will live in the jungles, and act as stewards or custodians of the forest. They needed a home as the blight overwhelmed their last one.”

Mindy said, “That’s terrible! The blight is really awful.”

A few peeled off from following Bloodberri, taking a look at Jake, Brock, and Mindy standing off to the side.

One pointed at Mindy, and spoke in its gibberish language.

“Oh, uh, hi, little one.” She looked at Brock with a smile. “They’re cute, like little kids.”

Brock rubbed the back of his armadillo armored neck and head as he looked at them. “I guess?”

The spriggon got a little closer, and pointed and jabbered more incessantly at Mindy.

“Um, you want something? Let me see.” She opened up her pack at her waist, where she had some kind of rosary or bracelet. Brock looked at it, and she blushed.

“Um, I was working on your adornment… By feeding it auril I have kept it alive, but… I’m not great at it yet.”

Jake could see it was made of some sort of braided vines. While they looked alive, they looked a little dull, and falling apart.

The spriggon jabbered and pointed at it, looking excited.

Mindy looked conflicted. “Oh! You want this? I suppose… I can just make another?”

The spriggon shook its head, then pointed at Brock. Mindy seemed to understand somehow, and put it on Brock’s wrist next to his other adornments with a blush. It then waved its hand, and magic was sent into it. The vines then writhed and tightened to fit better, changed, and small flowers bloomed on it.

Mindy gasped. “That’s pretty! That’s just what I wanted. Thanks, little one!”

The creature nodded, more than pleased with itself, with a wide smile that Jake thought looked a little creepy with its strange bark-like lips and flat green teeth. It trotted to catch up with its brethren.

Brock looked at his new adornment curiously. “I wonder how it knew it was for me? Strange creatures.” He looked over at Mindy with a smile. “Thanks, Mindy.”

He gave her a side hug and kissed her on the cheek, causing her to blush even more furiously than she already was.

Jake could tell Brock was much stronger than when he first met him. His armored scales or carapace that wrapped around his back and shoulders was thicker, and Jake thought he had gained a couple inches in height. Looking at him in his [Guild Menu], he was now already level six, and Bria and Mindy weren’t that far behind at level five. Serena was actually behind the rest, having awakened last at level 4.

Jake said to Brock, “I see you’ve been working hard! It looks like Clan Brock will be ready for joining us for our assault on Nature’s Crossroads in the next couple of days.”

Brock grimaced. “Bria was really broken up about not being strong enough to come along for the first one, but she understood it. It lit a fire in her to improve, and naturally… That meant we did too.”

Mindy said, “We’ve been working hard on all areas! Nearly all our equipment is enchanted, and Serena has made some healing droughts that aid me in healing. And Brock’s grilled steaks are making us all stronger! Plus, they’re really good!”

Brock chuckled. “Serena’s herbs help, and Bria did go out in that hunting party to snag us some extra auril beast meat. Because of the war, they have removed most restrictions for now on hunting them. We do have a rotational board that marks areas hunted, so we don’t over hunt, but it’s a different time now.”

Jake said, “It’s good to see that there are many paths forward. You also have the branch HQ that is underpopulated, so hunting there could be quite good in a while. After we removed the blight, the creatures were quick to come back. Did you take a ride in one of the blimps?”

Brock nodded. “What’s left of our families are mostly here, but we can always visit with the portal, so we’ll think about moving there. We’ve all been up on the blimps at least once. It was really different being up in the air.”

Mindy looked a little distressed. “Uh, yeah! I… don’t think I like the blimps! I prefer to be on the ground with my own two hooves, thank you very much!”

Jake chuckled. “You just have to get used to it, but there are people that never do, whether it be boats on the ocean or flying. Keep at it, and I’m sure you’ll be fine. Well, I must be going. It was good to see you two, congratulations on your courtship Mindy, Brock.

Mindy and Brock gave him a smile and a wave, and Jake went to rejoin the others.

Jake was surprised to find Sway, the fox beastkin council member of Kenwodi talking with Nadessa. Fhesiah had an amused smile on her face, and Nadessa was blushing and looked troubled.

Sway said, “Are you sure you don’t have more time, beautiful? I’d love to show you around your new home, you will be staying in Kenwodi from time to time, won’t you? Our people welcome your spirited song, joining our chorus. I would love to hear more of your song, telling me more about the High Druid Nadessa.”

“I… Maybe later? I have many important things I must handle, to prepare for my people’s arrival.”

“Of course, of course! Being on the council of Kenwodi, my Clan–”

“Don’t you have something better to do, Sway? Can’t you see she looks troubled?”

Isadora, the lioness council member, approached and wrapped an arm around Nadessa protectively.

“Nadessa, isn’t it? Why don’t I show you around, and have you meet the important clan heads? They will aid you in accomplishing your goals of ensuring we are ready to welcome your people. How’s that sound?”

Nadessa nodded. “I’d like that! Thank you. It was nice meeting you, Sway. I’ll think about your tour some other time.”

Sway said, “Yes, yes, of course. It was a pleasure, Nadessa.”

After the two walked away, Sway looked pained. “Bad enough she had to turn me down, but to get in the way, too.”

Fhesiah chuckled. “What’s the matter, Sway? Nadessa is interesting, but there will be thousands of new prey coming soon. You shouldn’t be distracted by the first eligible one to appear. I’m sure there will be tons of cute fauns and dryads seeking a mate.”

Sway brightened. “You’re right! Sway’s back in the game!”

He went to go talk to some other clan heads, and Jake looked at Fhesiah in question.

“He might seem like a little sleaze, but I heard he’s having trouble getting back in the game. He’s older, and he lost all of his mates to old age– he was awakened, and they were not. Now he’s rusty from lack of fighting for all those years, and all the younger girls are looking for younger males, their potentials to awaken and surpass him much more desirable. That strong front of his is actually desperation.”

Jake asked, “What about the women that likely lost their mates? And where’d you learn that?”

She snorted. “The apothecary and our Guild have all sorts of juicy gossip, husband. Of course, a council member is a hot topic. It’s a little backward for him to go after them thanks to his age, given their culture somewhat– remember, the courtship duels are all about potential. He will have to set himself apart for those women to approach him instead. Anyway, Sway is getting back into fighting form, but it’s taking him time with what the Framework is doing to improve his body, like many of the other elderly. In time, we may see a lot of the not-so-elderly-anymore with their claws sharp and ready for battle. The council members of Kenwodi and many of the villages are not far off from being auril heroes themselves.”

They spent some time discussing and planning for the arrivals over the course of the next three weeks with the council members and clan heads, then somewhat stealthily brought Nadessa back to their refuge. It was the safest place for them to hear her secretive request.

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