Bonded Summoner

Book 4. Chapter 17: Date with a Ravenwolf Girl

Jake glided in his armored wing suit, trailing after Tanda. She danced through the air as her tail wagged, them crossing the jungle within the valley. The canopy of trees above limited the sunlight within, but various creatures survived off of the bioluminescence the larger trees gave off instead.

Many colors of light were given off by the plants within, from violet to gold, and green again. He was excited to have some time to look at and better see the jungle when it wasn’t whipping by him like he was being driven in a car.

The jungle was full of colorful foliage, the many plants and creatures like a meadow full of flowers. Jake leaped over much of this, his feet only touching the ground once nearly every quarter-mile. While he was not at the speed of Bloodberri, he was not very far off.

Periodically, Tanda would stop, and show him various plants and fauna. Jake was noticing an interesting theme among the things she would show him.

She snatched a beetle out of the air, its body a swirling mixture of purples and greens. It was larger than the size of her paw, and she pointed over to the base of a tree.

“This beetle collects the dung of larger animals and rolls it up, then–”

“We got those on Earth, too. It lays its eggs inside and lets its larva grow from there, right?”

She frowned in thought, but then smiled. “Not quite. The beetles almost work like ants as a hive, for one thing. They roll dung up to the base of that tree, and spread it out, laying their eggs there. Moles love to eat both the roots of the tree and the beetles, even if they are covered in dung. The tree uses the extra nutrients and produces vines that ensnare the moles and other creatures the beetles attract with their larvae, and they help break the corpses down with their larvae as well. The beetles will even dig down to a mole, exposing it to the vines.”

She pointed out the vines, and he could see that they swayed and moved, almost as if alive. Perhaps they were.

Jake had noticed that many of the creatures formed symbiotic relationships with others, in a much deeper way than most on Earth. While one would have to search far and wide on Earth to find cooperation like this, nearly every species on Highlands had some sort of mutualism to protect them against predators, or even become predators themselves.

Jake was filled with excitement, learning about various creatures and plants, and Tanda collected some seeds and planted them in other areas. He had even seen her grab some insect eggs, and bring them to another area.

“What are you doing with planting those seeds, or bringing the insect eggs over to somewhere else?”

Tanda smiled, looking a little proud with her chin up. “I’m improving the balance of the area! While those beetles and vines of that tree worked together against moles, there are the true kings of the jungle: auril beasts. Most creatures once they survive long enough will become powerful enough to overcome even a relationship like that, and eat to its heart’s content. They will strip an area, and break up several of these relationships. Perhaps it would come and eat the beetles and leave the tree to weaken, only for the moles to come in and plunder the roots, as an example.”

Jake asked, “How’s that a problem? Isn’t that the law of the jungle at play?”

Tanda nodded. “It is. But the relationship goes even deeper than that. There are various species that live higher in the trees from birds to different insects, so when it dies and those creatures get displaced, the balance gets further off from the optimal levels. You can even have geography change as a result, rivers bending as a result of areas becoming overgrown or overeaten. My people seek the balance to maximize life, as over time this results in more auril beasts and more auril in the world, healing it. This is how we protect the cycle of nature.”

Jake’s eyebrows rose in surprise. Their stewardship of the jungle both required a lot of knowledge, and a lot of patience and effort. He had heard that various animals performed similar roles on Earth, such as wolves. They would hunt and change the behavior of herbivores, maintaining the balance of life in an area.

Tanda smile was beaming, as she enveloped Jake’s gauntleted hand with her fluffy ones. “I’m so glad you’re impressed! I can feel it, through our bond. You respect nature very much, and what we do. Here, let me show you how we, who are in tune with our hearts and song of the world, do it.”

She gave Jake a saucy smile, as she pulled on his arm, causing him to stumble toward her. She kissed him on the lips, before wrapping her wings and arms around him for leverage, and bringing his face up to her chest.

Jake would enjoy this a lot more if he wasn’t covered in armor along with her, but he could still feel her chest through her tight beast leather on his face.

She giggled. “Take off your helmet, and listen to my heart.”

Jake stowed his helm and wrapped his arms around her waist, helping hold her up. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She slowly exhaled, and he listened.

He could feel and hear her heart beat, as it was playing its song. Compared to a human’s, the beat was quite irregular. It had a beat as if playing two different drums, and if anything, it reminded him of her courtship dance.

She smiled. “Noticed that? My dance was to the beat of my heart, and that was my usual song– That song and dance was me, in every sense. Now, I will try to find the song of the world.”

She took another deep breath, and he could feel her auril stir. Her soul connected to the world, reaching out to the surrounding area. Her beat took on a new song, changing its cadence.

Jake could only hear her heart thumping, and the sounds of the jungle. Leaves rustling in the breeze, birds singing, insects chirping, and far away he could even hear running water from a creek.

Tanda’s heartbeat began to accompany that of the surrounding area, a life of the jungle song. She became one with it, like she belonged. Auril rushed toward them from the world, and he could feel her emotions over their bond, the feeling of pride of being one with the world like she was at this moment.

“It’s so much faster to find the song now that I’m an auril hero. It would take me minutes before, but now I can do it with a single breath. Now listen some more.”

Jake took a deep breath and exhaled, doing his best to listen, and feel Tanda over their bond. He tried to match her rhythm with his breaths, and her state of mind. He followed his bond’s connection, and thought he could probe her connection to the world, through her.

His hearth flickered, and started to follow her heart’s beat. He just luxuriated in the feeling, and after a moment, he felt something change. Just as Tanda was connected to the world, his spirit was connected through her.

The world’s spirit itself embraced him, welcoming him. Jake felt a special connection, like he was part of the world he was standing on, with Tanda next to him. He was now home, and the world was happy to have him there.

Of course, in Jake’s Refuge, he always felt home. His wives were there, and he was happy and at peace in his heart. But the Refuge was an extension of himself– a strange, magical spaceship that was also a home. This was an entire world, and it was opening its arms up wide and welcoming him.

He felt one with Highlands, like he was a part of the cycle of life and death. Like he truly belonged for once in his life, and he was home. He found he loved the feeling, that it was something he had been searching for most of his life.

Jake could tell Tanda felt great joy over their bond, but she urged him to follow the feeling, rather than focus on her. To not lose this feeling, this moment. He did his best to just breathe, as his hearth beat in tune with her heart, to join the song of the world around him.

Eventually, the feeling of oneness or feeling at home was replaced with a feel for the surrounding area. The creatures of all shapes and sizes, plants and trees and their health, their balance of predation and prey, and mutual cooperation within the valley itself.

That feeling stretched for thousands of feet, until, like ripples on the lake, Jake knew Tanda was feeling nature’s songs from several miles away as their beats came in. Everything felt as if it was right or good, though some areas certainly felt weak; that they could be improved, perhaps by what Tanda was doing.

Then, he felt an area where there was something wrong. Jake couldn’t understand what he was feeling, but he could feel in that direction that the balance of the world had been sent off-kilter. Like an ominous cancer or plague that needed to be cured. As a result, it would shift and reduce the balance in dozens, perhaps hundreds of other areas, if something wasn’t done.

Jake could feel Tanda opened her eyes, so he opened his, to see tears rolling down her cheeks.

He said, “Wha–”

She smiled and interrupted him, “I’m just so happy! I had worried about you being able to feel this with me, before you started courting me. It was one of my concerns that had my mind at odds with my heart.”

Jake wiped the tears off her cheeks, and they kissed, her all but molded to his body in his arms already. He could feel her happiness, and it was infectious.

She continued, “A year or two ago, I had come to the realization that I may need to compromise on what I wanted for a mate. My dad had mercilessly defeated all the Chieftains and the older men that were close to being auril heroes, and none of my peers around my age could beat me.”

Jake just chuckled at this. Fhesiah would say she box-blocked herself.

“I always wanted a mate that was in tune with the world, just like my family. To protect the balance, I thought it was required. But eventually, I realized I would either be alone, or I would have to accept the strongest mate, even thought my heart felt that it was wrong. To think, when my heart felt it was right, I ignored it. I’m so glad that with you, I really don’t have to compromise. You’re everything I ever wanted, Jake.”

He could feel her happiness and pride, and her feelings were matched with his own.

Jake held her tightly, kissing her and enjoying the feelings they shared for one another.

He pulled back and said. “I’m glad that we met you, Tanda. You’re truly finding harmony with our family, and enhancing what we already have, just like what you do with the world. You’re already one of us. You bring me much joy.”

Tanda nuzzled her head up against Jake’s neck, and Jake scratched her ears that popped out of the top of her tribal helm for a minute. He felt contentment coming from both of them, the happiness of being together.

He felt like such a moment could have been a perfect time to give her the mated necklace, but he knew this was not the right time.

She had held hope that her father would be respawning soon, and Jake could do the courtship duel. Jake’s age and hers were close enough that often it wouldn’t be required to face her father, but it was also close enough that her people would play it by ear.

Of course, they were sort of doing things out of order. Jake had already shown his potential in various ways, along with his ‘magic dance’ with her. The duel was meant for that purpose.

This was an odd situation created by the fact that her parents were dead–hopefully temporarily. But normally, her family would be there to witness these happenings, almost as an Earth family may witness a wedding of their child. She’d prefer they be a part of it, one way or another.

“Did Aisling say anything about your father?”

She smiled. “She finally relented, and said she may have seen a flash of him fighting a man in red and gold armor a time ago. But that I should focus on facing our enemy, for now. Let’s head to the disturbance in the balance, and finish our hunt.”

Jake put his helm back on, and followed Tanda toward the disturbance. It was several miles out, the jungle vast. Tanda was filled with happiness as he trailed after her, them joining together for to accomplish her purpose.

They eventually reached near the area, and she had him leaping higher onto the branches instead of near the jungle floor. She pointed out the raptors that were currently tearing up everything in sight.

There were some dead corpses, the raptors ignoring them in favor of destroying everything. Their claws shredded plants and trees, leaving their marks on everything.

“They are claiming this area. Something has pushed them out of their nest, so they are making a new one. This is a large clan of raptors, and they will hunt far and wide near here. In addition, they will slay much of their competition.”

Jake saw how this could severely impact the surrounding area. However, he wasn’t really sure what they could do about it, aside from culling their numbers. Perhaps, they could look into what displaced them, instead?

Tanda smiled, while she didn’t hear his thoughts, she felt his questioning emotions rather than an immediate rally to fight.

“Right. Something displaced them, so we need to find out what. With Rifts in the area, it seems obvious to me what might have done it. Let’s go.”

They traveled further, until they found an area that was blighted. Ira helped guide them toward some ghouls spreading the blight. Jake looked, and found that there wasn’t even a Rift nearby. It was entirely possible they hadn’t caught all enemies in their own Rift clears, or they had come from an area even further away from the areas they were clearing.

They slayed several, and continued on the trail through the blighted jungle. Eventually, the blight became more pervasive, and the enemies more numerous. Now that he saw it, he realized that this activity likely started before Jake and his party even arrived, likely before the adventurers had even left.

In addition to Rifts spawning enemies and assaulting predefined locations, the smaller Rifts could eventually build into a [Monster Nest]. There was not much functionally different from the monster nest to the smaller rifts, only that once it was formed, Tartarus could then move that same small rift across the conquest map for a smaller cost. This increased its overall rate of capturing the terrain.

This was why it was important to have many scouts surveying the terrain. Tartarus’s conquest took many forms, and so it was essential to be forever vigilant. The Monster Nests were an excellent training mechanism for smaller parties and were a way for them to contribute.

They arrived at a massive cave, and Jake thought they were going to enter. Instead, Tanda shrieked like that of a hawk, and he thought it felt like a sort of challenge. Jake looked at her in question.

Just how did she make that sound? He knew she could howl like a wolf, in addition to chirping or singing like a bird, or shrieking like the hawk.

She blushed, seeming to understand what he was inquisitive about.

Their musings were interrupted by a loud roar, along with the ground shaking. Tanda switched to her bow, and Jake readied his shield and spear.

Out from the darkness of the cave came two blighted Tyrannosaurus Rexes. Jake sent Tanda his sentiments, that he would face one, and she could face the other.

She immediately shot a few arrows at one of the Rexes, drawing its attention as she flew in the air at an angle. It followed her, allowing Jake to have his single target.

Jake had been trying to reproduce the spell that he had created while under the influence of the rage of his [Wrath]. Ophelia was just traveling at this moment, so he had no problems with activating his state.

He was still working on his Runebound states, but so far hadn’t finished his decisions. For now, he was using the same [Wrath] state.

Jake gathered the flames of his hearth, and compressed them in his champion staff, similar to how he had done during his magic dance for Tanda. The flames built inside, enhanced by his covenant.

The T-Rex stomped toward him, moving with ferocious blighted green auril. Each step carried it a dozen meters, but Jake was prepared with a [Runic Magic: Cone of Cold] using his runic bubbles.

The powerful frost magic slammed into the creature’s legs, forming a large coat of ice on them. This caused the creature to stumble, but it was able to right itself easily with its auril-coated tail. It leaped at Jake a little unexpectedly, but his protector was more than ready.

Ira shifted Jake to the side a few meters, the creature sailing past and missing him. He pushed more flames into his staff as he turned toward the creature, and released a blast of the divine flames from his hearth.

The creature roared as the scorching ray cut across its chest, the flames both combusting and purifying the creature’s flesh. The T-rex was knocked back by the explosive flames, but still stood.

The beam of flames cut deep into the creature, but blighted auril replaced the creature’s lost tissue. While the attack was strong, Jake felt like he hadn’t gotten it quite right, the flames not compressed enough. He would try again.

Tanda had her creature wrapped up in vines, as she shot it from every angle. Powerful auril arrows pierced its joints, the creature unable to mount a decent defense. The creature had leaped after her in the air, but she was able to move out of the way with ease.

Jake thought her way of fighting was not all that dissimilar from his. She had many seeds, and they were powerful when used against the right targets. She would prepare seeds of various kinds, then use their special natures to create openings, or support her allies in unpredictable ways.

He pushed even more flames in this time, being much more aggressive with gathering and compressing them. He even pushed a tiny amount of his [Divine Energy] this time, less than 5% of his total.

The creature roared, then did something unexpected: it leaped toward the downed T-rex. It cut through several vines holding down the other, and they roared as the downed one leaped toward Tanda. Jake’s enemy then charged auril of its own, and leaped toward him once more.

But Tanda was ready, her champion’s weapon forming back into a crescent moon spear. The creature sailed toward her in a straight line, but she was able to alter her angle and dive in with her spear, her auril charged, and Jake’s aura pushed into her own attack.

She dodged the creature’s bite and speared the creature where its auril heart was, and a manifestation of her spirit, a large wolf’s head, bit a large chunk out of the creature with an explosion of flames.

The creature’s momentum was lost, and it tumbled toward the ground. She shifted back to her bow, and started adding more attacks to finish off the creature, its undead auril already trying to cover what should be a grievous wound, the heart having pieces of it left.

Jake’s T-rex was still charging him, and he had compressed nearly twenty percent of his hearth flames into his champion’s staff. The spellform was starting to become unstable, so he pointed it at the creature and released his scorching ray.

The beam blasted into the creature, the force, and heat of it immense. It carved a deep hole into the creature’s chest and head, the creature’s body catching flame and combusting from the purifying flames.The flames were hungry, spreading and quickly consuming the undead creature.

The creature’s body lost cohesion other than the bones, the body melting away as it was engulfed in the powerful flames. All that remained of the creature was its bones.

After Tanda’s had landed on the ground, the vines had bound the T-rex once more. Tanda dove with her crescent moon spear extended once she built up enough auril, and dug deep into the creature’s skull. The light of undeath left the creature’s eye, and it was defeated.

Jake received a prompt that the [Monster Den] was cleared, receiving a tiny amount of both credits and CP. It would no longer spawn ghouls, but the area was still blighted. It could still convert the creatures, like the raptors.

He realized that the beastkin will need to comb through the jungles to find all the monster dens and rifts besides, if they were going to clear the world of them. While there wasn’t many nearby Kenwodi and Life’s Haven, most likely the dots that Valtor showed them in the distant areas were full of these types of smaller Rifts turning into them.

Jake knew that Tanda’s flock were in fact reaching near the coasts, and nodes had been delivered to a large percentage of the continent. Conquest progress was in fact on the uptick, nearing 45%, a 4% increase for the Alliance in the last week alone. A significant improvement without them capturing a major point.

They would have Bloodberri clear the blight here, when they get picked up. Jake looted the two sets of T-rex bones, after purifying Tanda’s with his flames. The larger spines were excellent for the largest of bone spears, and the rib cages good for the large reptile beastkin.

Jake asked, “Now what? It’s not like we can get the raptors to come back here once it’s cleansed, can we?”

Tanda sighed. “Normally, we could. But with the blight…even if cleansed, this area has been ruined. The tribe of raptors won’t be interested in living here anymore, at least not right away. Once the plant life regrows and attracts herbivores to return, that will change. Sometimes, it’s not about putting things back the way they once were, but finding a new balance.”

Tanda and Jake spent a couple of hours once again moving various eggs and planting various plants all over the area. She even used bait and destroyed dens of a few families of creatures, causing them to move toward the raptor’s new nest.

Each time she had to shift the balance of another area slightly, but the end result was both more prey and more danger for the raptors. Instead of them being the top of the food chain in the area, they had many challenges to both their territory and their prey.

They would keep each other’s numbers and aggression under control, the balance once again restored. When they were done, Tanda and Jake stood in the branches of a large tree, full of large leaves, for cover. The branches were so wide they could lay down and still have plenty of space.

Tanda’s chest was pressed up into Jake’s face once more, her more than happy to let him listen to her heart beat. Jake followed her connection again, finding the song of the world. He could feel the area that they just restored, and while it was muted, he could tell that it was no longer a problem area. It was healing again, and would be just as strong as it was before damaged, eventually.

Tanda smiled, her tail wagging in happiness. “We did it! I know it was a lot of work, but the area is now restored. It probably wasn’t worth a Champion or two’s time, but it meant a lot to me. I’m so happy you can take part in this, even if we won’t do it often. It’s what I dreamed of doing with my mate!”

Jake said, “I enjoyed it. I learned a lot about this world that makes me feel so welcome. Soon, those spriggons will make it out here, and probably improve things even further. They should help your people with maintaining the balance.”

“Oh yeah! Those little guys should be a lot of help. I’m excited to see what they do!”

They only had a few minutes before Bloodberri picked them up, her having already cleansed the monster den.

Tanda lowered herself, and her face took on a more amorous look. She was looking at Jake in a way that made him feel truly special, her eyes lidded and her breaths deep. Jake grabbed her waist, pulling her into him more tightly, as she wrapped herself around him, and he kissed her on the lips.

Tanda’s lips were warm and her taste fresh and full of life, like the jungle she lived in and loved so much. Jake explored her wet mouth with his tongue, and hers met his as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

Tanda’s golden eyes glimmered in their secluded spot, and they were both wishing they both had a lot less clothing.

But they luxuriated in each other’s armored embrace, focusing their senses on just enjoying each other’s kiss. Jake could feel all the affection she had for him, and how his actions on this world had won him a large amount of respect and devotion from her.

She would fight just as hard for him as she had done for this world and her people, running herself ragged if that’s what she had to do. Tanda was ecstatic she had finally found her mate, and would do anything for Jake.

Jake too was happy Tanda had entered his life and joined his family. She always had her bright smile and was full of energy, joining them in everything they did. She spent time with all his wives, getting along with them well.

Tanda was easy to get along with, seemingly happy with merely accompanying people with whatever it was they wanted to do. She asked for little, finding enjoyment in the little things. If you were happy, then she was, and if you were a little down, she sought to pick you up.

She even played baseball once with Berri until she was content she had enough. Jake didn’t think it was possible for Berri to get bored with that first.

He respected her values and her focus, her drive to save her people. He wanted to make her happy, even if it was seemingly easy.

They continued kissing, and their desires to make each other happy and content caused the bond to expand once more, reaching the fourth stage. They could now hear each other’s thoughts, and Jake was quite surprised at what he was hearing, the pace of her words much more rapid than her speech.

[I’m really going to need to drink some milkthistle tea if I’m ever going to make it till next week. I’m wetter than a dewlilly! I hope he can’t smell that. I wonder what we’re going to have for lunch? I hope Ophelia is having fun, she’s probably enjoying fighting and compensating for Jake not being there, a unique challenge. Fhesiah is probably complaining at doing work rather than being on her back as she always says, so maybe I should cheer her up later by helping her in her lab, as she seems to really enjoy that for some reason. Berri is probably a little envious of the time I’m getting alone with Jake, so I should play with her later–]

She was really thinking of all of that while they made out?

Tanda frowned, probably starting to feel the difference in their bond, and that turned into a bush at hearing some of Jake’s thoughts, and noticing the notification. Jake knew the girls were getting near, almost about to show up.

“I–I didn’t say that out loud, did I?”

Fhesiah responded, [You might as well have, new sister. Congratulations on joining us! I couldn’t help but notice that you are quite considerate of us. I had almost thought your visits and considerations nearly random or due to lack of entertainment, but to think it was just you being thoughtful about us. We are happy for it.]

Ophelia chuckled over their bond. [I did have fun, we cleared three Rifts, and one of them wasn’t even undead! The hill trolls were huge, and liked to throw large rocks at us! Welcome to our mental talk, Tanda.]

Berri added, [Yeah, Welcome to our talks! What do you want to play later, Tanda? You did like playing catch, I thought. Also, what is milkthistle tea, is it good? And what is a dewlilly? Just have Jake clean you off if you’re wet, that’s what I always do!]

Jake just knew Berri was nodding at her own advice like she had delivered sagely knowledge. Bloodberri rose herself up the tree, as the girls had now arrived. Jake untangled himself from Tanda’s embrace with one more kiss on her still-blushing cheek.

Fhesiah said, “I hope you had fun on your date, Tanda.” She sniffed, then smirked. “Oh! You really did,” she teased. “I can help you with that tea later.”

Tanda nodded, and took to the air. Jake hopped into Berri’s basket, and they headed for the next rift. Ophelia and Tanda chattered about her fights at each Rift, Jake’s mind becoming even noisier than ever.

Just a few more to go for the day, and they would make some of their final preparations back in their Refuge.

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