Bonded Summoner

Book 4. Chapter 19: Jake's Path

Jake put down the fourth book on paths or Daos with a sigh. The choices were limitless, and he had a hard time understanding how anyone could pick something that could embody themselves so well.

He remembered how Fhesiah had explained that her Daos followed the essence of things, rather than the properties of them. Jake’s definition of fire through scientific means weren’t the same as how flames could bring life by keeping a family warm in the winter, or cauterize a wound allowing it to heal. With so many choices for his path, he had a hard time deciding what his Path would be, what the essence of Jake would be?

Fhesiah was in the room with him, quietly reading and re-transcribing the [Yin-Yang Body Tempering] technique. With cultivation techniques or manuals, there is often a spiritual aspect. They were not merely just words written on a page.

She was wanting to make sure she grasped enough of the knowledge contained within to move on and use the array on it, by transcribing it a second time and comparing the results.

While Jake wasn’t a cultivator yet, he could see the power of demonic runes even when used within his own technique, and saw how coming up with a cohesive whole was much better than what he had cobbled together. Transitioning into the Wrath state was possible by finding some kind of synchronicity or resonance with it. If he could take advantage of that, it would be much easier for him to switch between states.

On top of that, Wrath, Juggernaut, Aegis, listing these was like making a list of tools, they were so disparate. But tools were effective, they got the job done for the least amount of effort. They were efficient and effective.

But with magic and covenants, a lot could be gained by tieing them all together. If he did become a Cultivator later, combining the technique with his Path, his Dao, would do him a lot of good, he was sure of it. Just how could he do that?

Jake had some examples of how the Gods and their people drew power, which were similar to a path. The Nords did it with rules, strength, and wisdom. The Celts appeared to use the cycle of life and death, aspects of nature, and the seasons themselves. Hestia appeared to gain power through sanctification and sacrifice.

Fhesiah smiled at Jake. “It’s good for you to spend some time thinking about your Path. Among cultivators, there are many ways to think about this. There are those that incorporate their Path into their being merely for utility. They would focus on how they fight, and because they do it so often, their Path would be reinforced by their struggle.”

“You mean by using it often, it would eventually become a part of them?”

“That’s right. For example, you could choose to incorporate the essence of the spear into your Path. But I don’t think this in general resonates well with you. You are not much like a spear, even if you and Ophelia like them so much. Still, you could incorporate how a spear is sharp, and can pierce enemies, and how it moves swiftly. You could pierce so many enemies, that eventually, you would be like the spear that is a part of your Path. Your thoughts and actions would become swift and sharp. This would make cultivator Jake more powerful in battle, even if it is not who you are.”

“What’s the other method?”

“Instead, you could incorporate the spear into your path in how it resonates with you. How you picked up the spear to protect me and Ophelia. That you picked up the shield to protect yourself, and through using these two in tandem, you would protect others. These things are much closer to who you are, and they could still result in a powerful spear thrust as they align with your conviction in both yourself and your Path.”

She continued, “Of course, you can also combine the two approaches. Often, nobody takes a completely pure approach, taking the pieces of the Heavens that fit them at that time, like when I experienced Hestia’s flame. Her Heavenly flames were definitely agreeable and resonated with me. Flames meant to protect, create, and live. It was like her flames contained everything, an endless number of possibilities.”

Jake was far from collecting truths for his Path and deciding which ones in particular he would allow becoming a part of him, as he didn’t have a Dantian. Still, he certainly thought the second approach fit him much better, although the utilitarian aspect of the first did on some levels as well.

He thought about how he fought, and how he was at his strongest. The fight against the enemy Champion showed his versatility was strong, him able to best the enemy summoner in nearly every aspect.

But Jake wasn’t just fighting one champion that day, his family fought four. If he was just focused on a powerful spear thrust or shield, his girls would not have received the buffs that allowed them to edge out their opponents.

If he was focused on a powerful flame or magic spell, maybe they could have won, but there was no question it would have been with significant injury. They were victorious because of their bond and his focus on support, and they were triumphant because they had made each other better.

Jake’s Path had always been to support, and what always resonated with him was family. His hearth core pulsed and burned brighter in his chest, as he felt the bonds to his girls. Three hearth bonds to four girls, with a fourth bond to a fifth to come soon.

Fhesiah chuckled from where she floated. “I guess I should have expected that. Cultivation is usually a personal journey. While one might walk it with others, your Path is your own. That you would tie it with ours is so like you.”

He looked over his hearth in detail, along with his Runebound Technique. Jake wasn’t ready to enchant his hearth yet, but he thought he could form a cohesive whole with his Technique for now, and later, he would be able to link it into his Hearth enchantment.

Jake tried to think of each of his girl’s paths instead, to tie them into his Technique. In an area within his mind, resided a space or aperture for his Runebound technique. Dozens of runes floated within the space, a list of restrictions and enhancements to establish a balance, creating his different covenants. With a thought, he scrubbed it all away.

This time, he imagined a set of hexagonal tiles, laid out in the flower shape of seven hexagons: six on the outside, one on the inside. On the outside of that, a circle, or ring. This was [Unbound]. It connected all the outside hexagons, and it had no restrictions.

Taking the first hexagon aside, he imagined tiling the hexagon in the same way as the original hexagons, smaller and mostly contained within the larger one–once again, seven hexagons with six in the outside and one on the inside.

Jake then thought of Fhesiah, who smiled at him fondly. His lover was full of passion, in equal parts her desires for him and his family, as she was in her pursuit of the truth. Her wisdom came both from her age, but also her lifelong pursuit of knowledge, her drive to understand everything about her flames, her Path.

While she loved to play hard, she worked hard too. She worked tirelessly to use her alchemy to create something new, using the power of creation, the power of dragons to find a solution for the beastkin. Her desires for the truth and for pleasure and enjoyment were nearly equal. To Jake, Fhesiah embodied that of a [Sage]. She might be an eccentric or horny one, but she was one nonetheless.

He inscribed the demonic rune for Sage in the center of that first hexagon, and it lit up, and his powerful Hearth Bond connected. Next to the demonic rune for sage, Fhesiah’s own name was written in the same, making the state represent Fhesiah the Sage.

When he activated this state, Jake would embody that of the sage, of someone seeking knowledge and the truth. He would increase his resonance with her, and take on the advantages of a creative and cunning combatant.

What that would functionally mean in combat would be up in the air, but he would reinforce this with his covenant later. For now, he thought this state would even be helpful when he was working on enchantments in his workshop, or attempting to create new spells.

He would value this state very much, even if much of the advantage was outside of combat. Certainly, Fhesiah was like his fire, and he knew when he found resonance with her, his ability to use flames would be increased.

“Oh my. When I feel all that respect, understanding, and love from you, even a girl like me will blush, you know. Why don’t you let me show you how I feel for you, as well?”

Jake wasn’t aware Fhesiah could teleport, but she practically did. Jake found himself with a dragon demoness with her legs wrapped around his waist and her lips on his, as she floated him into the air with her out of his seat.

He felt the love she had for him pouring over their bond, their hearths flickering together like two hearts beating in sync as they kissed. Their bonds strengthened between them, Fhesiah’s Hearth bond reaching the third level.

They spent some time enjoying each other’s warmth, but she eventually pulled away with a tsk, as she heard his thoughts. As much as he enjoyed the break, he was in fact doing something important.

She hmphed. “You’re just gonna parade all the other girls in here too, aren’t you? I suppose I should get back to work then, too. It’ll make it all the more exciting when I finish this, and we can level up again and again!”

Jake chuckled at her working on her ‘breeding move’ as Berri would call it, and moved back to his seat and his thoughts to his next family member as she went back to her lab and cultivation room.

His weakest bond currently was Tanda, and through her bond he could hardly feel on a spiritual level, deep into the essence of who she was. Still, he had gotten to know her quite well over these last few weeks.

She treasured the arts and her people. Her heart beat for the world, being one with nature. She was its protector, and she pushed herself to the utter limits to be as strong as was necessary. At the same time, she was full of love and affection, sharing it among Clan Hart with much enthusiasm.

But like an angry mother bear going after those who harmed her cubs, Tanda bore her claws to deal righteous retribution against those that hurt her clan or her people. She would run herself ragged if required, fighting with dogged determination until her people were safe.

For fighting, Jake thought Tanda would be like his spear. Her ability to deal damage was able to even exceed her own Tier, and her specialization was to deal burst damage. But what appeared to resonate with her when it came to fighting, was that she pushed herself to fight and punish evil, to defeat the invaders and both protect and restore the balance to her home.

Tanda was an avenger, bringing retribution to their enemies. If Jake embodied this, he could punish enemies for attacking what he loved and protected.

Within the center of the next set of hexagons, he placed the demonic rune for [Avenger]. He put in all the feelings and understanding he had for Tanda in it. His feelings for this tough yet joyful woman were strong, even if they were new. However, it felt like the connection had little to latch onto, that it didn’t quite link up to her like he had hoped. Lacking the hearth bond, it just couldn’t connect to her in the same way as Fhesiah.

He couldn’t get a feel for what the complete result would be, at the moment. He guessed that it wouldn’t be all that different from the Wrath state when he was done, but for now, it likely would focus on doing damage, and would do especially more when his allies took damage. Jake would have to tie in what that meant for Ophelia’s half of the technique as well.

Because he was thinking of her, Tanda burst into the room. The girl bolted at Jake like an arrow flapping her wings, nearly bowling Jake over in his seat. She snuggled up against him, hugging him tightly as he hugged her back.

She was a little worked up from training, having just been sparring with Ophelia. He used his cleaning spell and pampered her for a bit scratching her ears as she cuddled into him, wrapping her wings around him, her tail wagging. Her smile was infectious, as she returned his feelings for her right back to him.

They kissed for a time, but Tanda eventually knew he needed to go back to work on his technique once more.

She said, “That was a nice break, but I’ll get back to it. Did you know Blood and Berri are both working very hard on getting ready to cast those runic spells? I wish I could join everyone, but for now I can only focus on my auril.”

“That’s alright. When we get auril of our own, you’ll have to help us all practice. I’m sure Ophelia can gain a lot from working with you.”

Of course, Jake did know the snake girls were working hard. He had come up with some Tier 2 group spells finally with Ophelia and Fhesiah’s help, and it required everyone to pitch in to do the various combinations. With Blood and Berri’s help, they would be able to cast some powerful spells, and without completely destroying an individual’s mana pool.

Tanda left, and Bloodberri arrived as he was thinking about each of their paths. The two were both completely different. Berri, was talented and instinctual, creative and artistic. Blood was methodical and learned, driven and cunning.

They were two distinct individuals, in every way except for their body, and that they shared a hearth core. Even their souls now shared a single construct to go along with their separated minds.

Still, Jake thought they were too different, and resonated with different things. About the only things that coincided with the two were that they both deeply desired Jake and motherhood.

Berri had grown to be compassionate and selfless, devoting herself to Jake and to aiding others, especially children. She had now built a faith in Hestia, and even Echidna to an extent. She had a deep hope and optimism for the future, and Jake thought her virtues were embodied by a Saint.

Jake knew that she would perform many miracles in her life, and he was amazed by her capabilities every day. Her boundless enthusiasm brought joy to countless people within Hearthtribe and within the beastkin, and he knew many saw her with certain levels of reverence and respect, as she resurrected the fallen warriors.

He placed the demonic runes for the Saint within the next hexagon, adding on Berri’s name. He wasn’t sure how this would be implemented in combat, but he knew when he found resonance with her, she would be his light, and he would be able to perform a miracle.

Jake found himself engulfed in a lovely hug, Berri with a tearful smile on her. “Fhesiah is right, it feels really good, your love for us! Thank you so much, for being so patient with me. We’re going to go on lots of adventures, beat lots of bad guys, and make lots of babies! I know it!”

Jake chuckled as he kissed his beautiful snake girl, and pushed all the feelings he had for her over their bond, receiving her love for him in kind. They enjoyed being close for a time, until Jake looked in Blood’s eyes.

Power was always something that Blood sought. It was a means to an end, something Blood would have done anything for in order to protect herself and her sister. She revered it and desired it in equal measure, and joining Jake’s family had only changed it slightly.

She now understood that true strength was tempered with duty and responsibility. Protecting and leading others, she could find fulfillment, and she had taken to this heavily on Highlands. Her drive to become stronger and serve Jake, aiding him with leading the beastkin and Hearthtribe exemplified that of a queen.

He filled in his technique with the demonic rune for [Monarch]. Jake added the runes to spell out Blood, their bond blazing as it established their connection. He had planned on making this particular state’s covenant for debuffs and crowd control allowing Blood to be Jake’s darkness, though he wasn’t sure exactly how he would accomplish this at the moment.

The beastkin were all thankful for Blood’s efforts, and so was Jake. She might have written it off that Berri was busy driving their body anyway, but he valued her efforts just the same. She did an excellent job, holding down the fort until Valtor and his people could take over, and up to now she did well in aiding them.

Jake was overwhelmed at how far she’d come, her feelings of devotion, and her service to her lord were already filled with affection besides.

“Thanks for everything you do, Blood. We all appreciate you. I am glad to have you as my queen.”

Blood was moved, feeling Jake’s appreciation and value he had for her. She felt the love and affection Jake had for her, which was blurred with the love he had for Berri as well.

“You’re welcome, Milord. I feel so fulfilled, serving you and our people. Seeing the beastkin working hard and talking, even singing of you and what we’ve all accomplished is a gift of its own.”

They once again enjoyed each other for a time, their hearths flickering together to the same beat of their hearts as their bond increased to the third level, their hearts more in sync than ever.

The snake girls hugged and kissed Jake with giggles and gasps of happiness, but eventually, he sent Bloodberri back to her training.

He called for Ophelia, who arrived with a proud smile on her face. Of course, she knew exactly how Jake felt about her. Jake’s connection to her was already great, her death by sacrificing herself drawing her even closer to him. She wrapped her body around him, meeting him in a kiss.

“Thanks for always looking out for me, Ophelia. Feeling that attack coming for me, it felt like certain death, that there would be no coming back from it even with the Framework’s help. I don’t know if I could have done the same for you…”

She gave Jake a confident smile. “I know you could have, but you’d better not! It’s my job to protect you. I didn’t really think, I just moved.”

Ophelia was his shield, his protector. She trained, she fought, she bled with courage and bravery to protect Jake and others. She loved heroes, fighting, and love stories, and Jake was her Chosen. Ophelia was always his Guardian.

In Jake’s mind, this was Ophelia. He imagined the virtues of a Guardian: vigilance, courage, loyalty, selflessness, compassion, responsibility, and determination, and they all matched this woman perfectly.

Ophelia embodied all of these things, and on a level greater than his other wives and himself. When Jake would take on the covenant of Guardian, he would embody her Path, and so would she. He wrote out the restrictions and enhancements for the both of them, taking on the what would make him a buffing, healing, and protecting caster as he added the demonic rune for Guardian and Ophelia to his aperture in his mind.

She would be restricted to only using her Valkyrie spells, and her offense with her spear would be somewhat weakened. Instead, she would become a bulwark, the vanguard that stood in between their allies and the enemy. She would protect her allies with both her body and the divine flames of Hestia, becoming an opponent that couldn’t be ignored.

Ophelia would protect Jake and their allies, becoming the guardian they needed. Jake sent his love he had for her over their bond as they kissed, and once again their hearths flickered and beat together, finding synchronicity.

Their hearth bond increased to level 4, the two being the most in sync–the two’s Path the most focused on one another. Jake took their feelings of togetherness, and tried pushing it into his Fusion spell. He felt the spell start taking form, but then it sputtered, and Jake was once again disappointed that he couldn’t achieve it. Just what level of synchronicity did they require?

He thought it plausible that they might achieve higher when he took her state in combat, or that he finished their hearth enchantments. There was a lot to gain from their potential body tempering technique as well. While Jake and Ophelia had hit level 4, he knew it would be a very long time before their bond could hit 5, unless the hearth enchantment increased it further.

Jake noticed that his Runebound Technique had finally reached 4 as a result of all his changes. The experience during the final battle and reordering it, had caused his skill to jump up. He still had two slots for him to finish his technique, but he wasn’t entirely sure what he’d fill them with.

But all thoughts about his new techniques were washed away, as Ophelia’s lips met his in a scorching kiss. He could feel all the love she had for him, and he returned it in kind as he wrapped his arms around her, and she brought herself more tightly against him.

She gave Jake a warm smile. “As always, our bond feels truly special. Why don’t we celebrate you becoming stronger once more? I got you all to myself tonight, after all.”

Jake was more than ready for that. They would soon assault Nature’s Crossroads, so it was good to spend some time with his amorous valkyrie.

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