Bonded Summoner

Book 4. Chapter 26: Victory Feast

Jake reviewed the notifications he received, as Bloodberri moved to resurrect the dead. There weren’t overly many compared to other times, but it would still take her some time.

[Conquest Complete! Secondary Alliance HQ recaptured. Conquest Points gained, split among all involved: 200,000 Party Share: 85,000]

[Party Reward: Advanced Energy Manipulation Skillbook]

He was happy to receive this amazing skillbook. While it was a Tier 1 skill, its value exceeded Tier 2 credits due to its rarity and value. The ability to control nearly any energy type was a special ability that was accomplished using rare, unique methods.

For Fhesiah, she could not teach Jake this skill. Her Dantians along with her meridians altered and changed her organs with heavenly energy, enhancing her body in ways that they could not duplicate. Her ability to use [Divine Sense] and use her powerful soul combined with Qi, allowed her to sort of force energies to do her bidding–even if she might not fully understand them.

He knew Ophelia, Berri and Blood needed this skill. Jake’s Hearth Control already covered this to an extent, but he figured he could still gain a lot of knowledge from reading the book. It would help him understand where he needed to go with Hearth Control to improve.

But Tanda would value the skill perhaps the most. It would take her time to master mana, and this skill would help slingshot her forward into controlling mana, perhaps even though it was disrupted by her heart. The same might be said about Jake and the rest.

Tanda’s seed had finally awakened, and her hearth still appeared to be growing. What appeared to be a flower bud attached to her heart was working on blooming.

She closed her eyes to try to get a feel for it. “It’s small right now, but I can feel it taking in all the energy in the area and growing rapidly. I’ll have one of Fhesiah’s pills, I’m sure that’ll help.”

Jake was then presented an option similar to last time, and he immediately selected the first option, which was to obtain a new Headquarters Node and 25,000 CP this time.

A much larger obelisk than the Alliance Nodes appeared, the building shrinking until it became the item, the Headquarters Node. Jake frowned in thought as he looked at it. It looked a bit large to carry or transport. It did look like something a beast of burden could carry, but he questioned Ophelia or Fhesiah being able to fly it North with them.

Ophelia said, “Remember, you got that pterodactyl? We can probably fly it together up North.”

Jake looked at Berri in worry, but he received some calm acceptance from her. As fast as she was, she now accepted that transporting this device was just too important to be needy here. She would need to wait in Kenwodi or Life’s Haven, as Jake and Ophelia, and maybe Tanda flew North.

Still, he thought that he could make some kind of special glider that might be even better for a more enjoyable trip.

The elites of Hearthtribe all approached, along with Yiming and Longwei.

Jake addressed his forces, “Excellent work, everyone. Morwen, I was really impressed with what your people can accomplish. Your experience really shined here. Warrior Brotherhood, thanks for your help. Your strength and bravery is commendable. Of course, Hearthtribe and the beastkin of Highlands showed their strength here as well. Thanks to today, I’m confident of our future victory.”

Yiming smiled. “And Clan Hart showed their strength too. Despite the encounter being increased in difficulty to counter that you could call on your Goddess, you still won without using it.”

Longwei laughed. “That’s right! I am proud of my strength and courage, but Ophelia’s capability in taking on the powerful boss was something else. Normally, we would alternate valor users against it.”

Bedwyr asked, “What is the plan now? We can get in the blimps here and head back to Kenwodi. Our people are not much for parties with the living. We may be better served beginning our trek to the coasts. The sooner we leave, the better.”

Jake had planned for a victory feast once the conquest was completed. It was to take place in Kenwodi, the many people to enjoy the second major victory they had over Tartarus. They hoped to drive recruitment, before taking off and heading toward the coasts and fighting the war there.

Of course, defense of this region would still continue. There were likely monster dens to clear and smaller rifts, and plenty of ways to impact the war effort even from Kenwodi using Incursions and crafting. Walls and other defenses needed to be built to help protect the uninitiated, as well.

Jake said to Bedwyr, “We’d like it if you could come, but we understand. The Eternum are also undead, so you’d not be without those like yourselves. Still, the sooner we find victory, the sooner until we can rest and celebrate in truth. We appreciate your dedication.”

Morwen nodded, her smile taking on a hopeful one underneath her veil. “We value your sentiments, Chief Jake. However, my people are still hoping to find our new home here. While some might enjoy living in the city and sharing with the living, we still want a place to call our own. We plan on visiting the desert to the West, as well as a swamp on the way. Tanda said there was even a frozen tundra up North that had the arid feelings of death, which had us interested, but we’ll stay focused on our task for now.”

Jake knew that Morwen had many of her own people hoping to come to Highlands with [Mass Migration], which she had already saved up and planned on paying for. The problem was that those without the necklaces protecting them from the life energies could not survive for very long unless they were of a higher level. Only by living in a location filled with deathly energies could they survive and thrive.

The Emberborn boarded their improved blimps after removing them from storage bracelets and filling them with the tanks of fantasy gas, and Hearthtribe began preparing all others. Warrior Brotherhood were definitely excited about the party back at Kenwodi, and all the Auril Heroes were too.

He went over to the HQ Node, and touched it to claim it. Once again, a wave of light went out, and hundreds of figures appeared. Jake was surprised at the number of adventurers.

While many had respawned back at Kenwodi or Life’s Haven over the last week, it appeared a fair percentage of the higher-leveled one's death timers still remained thanks to where they died and Conquest Progress.

But this was far from the least surprising thing, to Jake. Deep, loud hums and odd bleats came from all over, hundreds of beasts appearing along with the hundreds of beastkin. In the front, five leading figures were clearly auril heroes.

All five were men, and Jake was impressed with their strength. They were all at the level of Vesuvius, but once again, that was not the most surprising thing. Next to three of the five stood large dinosaurs, but there were dozens interspersed among the rest of the beastkin, and many adventurers.

At the same time, they felt smaller than they should be, based on what Jake had seen. He had seen the mighty brontosaurus and brachiosaurus at Harmony Peaks, but these were clearly smaller and yet did not seem like an adolescent for their species.

There were other animals too, though herbivorous dinosaurs appeared to be the dominant choice. The five auril heroes were an alligator parentage with heavy beast blood, a bear, a lion, a panther, and finally in the lead was what appeared to be some sort of rodent beastkin. But he was as large as the bear beastkin, sending a calming aura with his presence alone.

He looked around, a sad smile on his face. The brachiosaurus lowered its head, nudging into his side in what looked like a calming gesture. “Haha, thanks, Missy. I’m happy this many lived, but so many died…we really failed.”

He then met eyes with Jake, who was at the front with Fhesiah, Tanda, Ophelia and Bloodberri at his sides, an entourage of the auril heroes of Hearthtribe near. Tanda said in his mind, [I can’t believe Sunmane is here! We thought his song was gone forever. Isadora thought her husband was dead.]

“Greetings, everyone, I’m Champion Jake of Hestia, and we are Hearthtribe. We managed to recapture Nature’s Crossing, but I’m sorry to say your home is destroyed. The fight continues, but there is room for anyone at Life’s Haven.”

Sunmane interjected, “What of Kenwodi? Does it still stand?”

Tanda smiled at Sunmane. “It does! Clan Hart managed to arrive in time to save it. Isadora will be so happy to know your song is still with us!”

The man broke down into tears of relief, and Tanda helpfully supplied the name and parentage of the capybara man, Takoda. Takoda offered his shoulder by grasping Sunmane’s pulling him into him.

“I told you this was the right choice, my friend. I thank you for coming to my aid, but I couldn’t let you pay the ultimate price for me. I’m glad you listened.”

Takoda turned to Jake once more. “Well met, Champion Jake! I’m Takoda, chief of Nature’s Crossing. Many of us integrated at the last minute, in hopes that we could continue the fight to protect the balance against this vicious enemy. It really pained us that they used our own friends against us… Just what is happening now?”

Jake and Tanda got Takoda mostly caught up when it came to what transpired in the war so far.

He chuckled. “You mean we’re actually winning now? That’s amazing!” He looked around, the forest more or less completely destroyed. “But…there’s nothing left here. What are those strange things floating?”

Tanda said, “Those are our blimps! We use those to get around. Still, it looks like your beasts won’t be able to get on. Despite them being smaller, they still won’t really fit!”

Takoda smiled. “Yeah, the Framework was able to add our tamed beasts as recognized companions. As part of it layering its protection over them, they shrunk. I guess Incursions wouldn’t really work well, or we’d gain too much of an advantage if our pets were too large, or too far above our strength? They were reduced as a result, but their capacity for growth should be much higher. Then, we can do this.”

He flashed his bracer, and the creature became motes of light, entering the bracer and surprising Jake.

He continued, “Those that don’t have this capability can probably ride their mounts to Kenwodi, if they can’t fit on those things.”

Jake nodded, and understood why the creatures would be shrunk under the Framework. While a tamed pet or companion likely counted somewhat to party size when considering their ability to take on Incursions or Rifts, something like a brachiosaurus could probably be worth more than an entire party worth of people.

It would be challenging to balance a dungeon around the premise of such a massive creature to even be able to traverse such a dungeon fairly, though he knew it was possible.

While the brontosaurus in front of Jake was large, it was not much more massive than Jake’s summoned stegosaurus. Still, he wagered it was worth more than a single party member.

Thankfully, the issue of transportation was solved. It turned out anyone over Tier 1 could store their beast companions, and this was one of the advantages to joining their tamed beasts to the Framework.

Jake looked over the Adventurers and beastkin, who also tamed various beasts, taking advantage of the special creature’s existence. This force would be highly effective when added to his own, especially for the purpose of closing Rifts.

Thinking back to the Orc Commander they killed on Ariminum, the brontosaurus could likely kill it nearly as easily as Berri did. At the very least, they would have made the challenge nearly as trivial. These large creatures were powerful allies, and Jake wondered what would happen when they raised themselves in Tier.

“Let’s get moving? We have a celebration that now will double as a welcoming party. Welcome back to the fight, Takoda.”


It took more than one trip, but they were able to get everyone back to Kenwodi before nightfall, with many of those riding their mounts. Preparations for the party were underway, and Jake marveled at the setup this time. Previously, people were run ragged in their escapes against the forces of Tartarus, and the city had been falling apart filled with refugees.

Now, food was abundant, and the people were even more festive. The area separated for the play still had a sort of orchestra playing music there, but was largely being shared with more stalls for food, and a special segment that was set for a large banquet.

The wall around the city was mostly completed, the many beastkin working together with the various tools provided by the Multiverse Market. Crafters were taking on the path of stone working, finding the Framework aiding their work significantly. Jake was surprised to see a few large trees taking the place of watchtowers, apparently the spriggons already working their magic growth on them.

The Hart family minus Berri now walked around the grounds, greeting the new arrivals and the many people of Kenwodi. Hearthtribe members gave their salutes, and Jake caught more than one elder walking around. Berri was already forming up her squad of children, trying to play her games.

Jake saw quite a few Fauns and Satyrs now, the lowest levels having arrived with more spriggons. They took on the festivity with interest, being welcomed into the community. Many beastkin families were shattered with the devastation of Tartarus, so the new people were kindred spirits.

The dueling sands were larger as well, Jake noticing many people were busy there. There was some sort of matchmaking event being run, where fauns could instead have the males fight over them, rather than being the ones to fight.

Ophelia laughed. “That’s just like deer, isn’t it? Maybe they’ll really be at home with the beastkin here than I imagined.”

Fhesiah sighed. “It’s too bad about your scruples, husband. Those little fauns are too cute. Would it be better if they were flipped, the human part on the bottom and a deer on the top?”

Now Tanda laughed. “What, you can’t be attracted to the Faun, Jake? Why not? Fhesiah also told me you aren’t interested in Nadessa! I think the beastkin men will have no problem with this at all. Their hearts still sing the song of an adult, even if it’s different from ours.”

Jake shrugged. Even the many faun’s body and facial features were on the younger side like the nymphs, even if not for their lower body completely being that of a deer–making him not attracted to them at all.

If anything, this appeared to make the beastkin males more attracted to the faun, perhaps seeing them as quite exotic. Their hearts were aged from the beastkin’s perspective, and that’s all they needed to be attracted to them.

On top of that, Jake still hadn’t finished his courtship with Tanda. Soon, they would fly North with the HQ Node to Harmony Peaks. He guessed he’d be in for a fight with her father, probably not long after their arrival.

Some Satyrs did join the fights looking for a mate, but they were at a huge disadvantage against the beastkin, not having access to auril. But Jake did see that even that often worked out for them sometimes, a different faun approaching them instead afterward.

Fhesiah said, “That’s interesting, them getting along so quickly. I do wonder how the dryads and treants will make out. I’m guessing when it comes to finding a family, there won’t be problems at all here.”

Jake saw Sunmane with his wife, Isadora. Sway was actually nearby, and Jake just wryly smiled that he was with a faun now.

Fhesiah chuckled. “Sway really dodged the bullet with that one, huh? Imagine if she said yes. I don’t know what recourse you can have to kill someone under the Framework, but I wouldn’t blame Sunmane for trying.”

Blood helpfully chimed in, [There is in fact a sort of ‘Blood Debt’ system where someone can pay heavily to enact one. From there, it requires witnesses and more to go through with it. Village and City Leaders have various means to deal with criminals within the Framework, as well. Even within our Guild, we have means against those that would cause theft and general abuse. But they can enact what laws they choose within their Village or City for the Alliance Node.]

It was reassuring to know that Antonius likely had a means to deal with Alisara, had he known about her. Though it was likely the Champion would have escaped, the special spider having various methods.

If someone with Alisara’s capabilities was in Hearthtribe, they’d have been able to do something, most likely. Jake had already staged the fixture or enhancement to his Guild, after Blood picked it out for them.

Jake spotted Grayson along with many of the beastkin auril heroes. Yiming was there, but Longwei was missing.

Fhesiah said, “Why don’t you join the boys, Jake, and we’ll find our ways to distract ourselves. I did have something special planned for an alchemy and herbalism display to show later.”

Ophelia nodded. “I definitely want to fight on the dueling sands!”

Tanda looked conflicted, “I do want to go with you Ophelia, but I did spot Avina a little bit ago. I’ll go with Fhesiah, and catch up to you later? I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t been able to meet with my friends…”

Ophelia gave Tanda a quick hug. “Go see your friend. I’ll be there for a while, just join me later?” Tanda nodded at this with a smile.

Jake said, “I’ll come find you girls in a bit. You have fun.”

He received some kisses on the cheek, each of the girls filing out to have their own fun in the celebration. Jake smiled at the fact that they were joining the community in truth, each having their places to go. He loved being accompanied by his girls, but was happy they had their own desires within the community.

Jake approached the circle of auril heroes and tribal elders, Seamus being the first one to spot him. All other Hearthtribe elites were there, aside from Morwen and Bedwyr who were off to the West Coast. The table was quite big, with nearly fifteen people sitting at it already, with room for much more.

There was a low table where drinks and their odd firefly lighting sat, with seats that almost resembled beanbags to Jake. There was a secondary ring of seats, that many were filled with women, presumably their mates.

Then, a third ring that was even larger went around, and Jake saw a handful of children of various ages. He knew that a majority of them were out playing or dueling, but some sat eating and talking amongst themselves.

Seamus motioned for an empty seat across from him, next to Yiming. “Chief Jake! Join us for a drink, my friend! So many songs have been lost, to be reborn in the cycle of death and rebirth. But new beats join our choir, and many songs have been regained. We must celebrate!”

Jake sat down, Yiming nodding at him as he drank from a mug of his own.

Rookard chuckled. “That’s right. Things were looking bad for our people, but Hestia sent her Champion. We’ll be forever grateful, to both her and to you, Jake. You and your girls are truly strong.”

“Thanks Rookard. You and your people fought well. I don’t think we could have done it without all your help. You’ve all reduced the burden on my family, and I know there are many beastkin saved from your efforts.”

Vesuvius’ voice came out rumbling, “You saved us from our foolishness, while providing my people a home. Then, we know how hard you’ve labored to empower our people. Yiming was just telling us how special your enchanted weaponry is.”

Jake looked over at Yiming. He chuckled. “While Runic Enchantment is different, many of the crafts show similarities. Our talismancers have worked with various energies to create formations, and using new ones requires significant research and experimentation, leaving many to just continue using mana. That you succeeded on your own is a major accomplishment.”

Jake rubbed the back of his head. “It kind of just worked out? Auril was just minutely compatible with mana and the runic ink.”

Yiming laughed and shook his head. “It’s really not, not exactly. I’m guessing you never had a normal mana user try it out, at least not until you had already formulated a special ink for this purpose. Take a look here.”

He pulled out an amberwood spear, and Jake recognized it right away. The designs were of his enchantment, and it was one of the first that he had made. Then Yiming pulled out a second one. This one didn’t look like his.

“Now, I’ve only been at it for around a week now, but I was interested in enchanting after seeing what your weaponry could accomplish. As you can see, I copied your runes, after much practice. See if you can tell the difference.”

Jake looked it over with his [Arcane Eye], while also feeling it over with his mana. He could tell that the runes themselves, the mana within them and the ink were lest uniform than his. Something about the mana Jake used was thicker, and his mana from the ink was dispersed completely evenly, the energy much more pervasive within the item.

He guessed that, like his manaweave reinforcement, the pockets of mana reaching a certain threshold that it allowed the normally incompatible material, auril, to blend with it. It did disrupt the mana within their bodies, after all. He’d have to look further into this.

Jake was frowning in thought, and Yiming smiled. “I see you have an inkling now, don’t you? Now, I might be more of a fighter, but I am quite proud of my mana control. Even still, my runes come out like the scribbles of a child when compared to your near perfection. It is only because of this that it can work at all. Can you do the honors for me, Takoda?”

He handed Takoda Yiming’s crafted spear, and he filled it with auril. When it got to the runes, they would not light up, but Jake could see his auril enhancement going through the weapon, an edge extending out of the physical weapon.

Yiming then handed him Jake’s spear, and the runes lit up, the auril edges of the spear becoming noticeably sharper and larger.

Takoda chuckled. “Wow, that’s really something. I can tell this would make a major difference. Jake made this for us beastkin?”

Yiming smiled. “And that’s just the early one! Look at what he made next, just a few days later.”

He withdrew another spear, and Jake was almost a little bothered at how Yiming had gathered his crafts. Jake had been mostly doing his enchanting in his own little world, hardly having much room to compare himself to others, until the Eternum arrived.

Yiming gave Jake a proud look and a wink, before looking back at Takoda pushing his auril through the spear. Jake had used the auril inks, with the help of Fhesiah, on this spear.

The edge became even larger and sharper now, and those at the table began to clap and cheer.

Rookard shouted, “We have fought long and hard for our brethren, true. But Jake and Clan Hart are the ones that empowered us to do so. Raise your mugs! Let’s give three cheers for Chief Jake, and Clan Hart!”

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